Behind Closed Doors (21 page)

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Authors: Tamara Lee

BOOK: Behind Closed Doors
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When I emerged from the bath forty-five minutes later, I felt incredibly relaxed and rejuvenated. Jayce hadn’t returned to the bathroom, which meant I bathed alone, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

I made my way into the bedroom and dressed in a black strapless maxi dress, cinching it in with a belt around my waist. I knew we wouldn’t be leaving the hotel room, but I still wanted to look nice for Jayce. I let my hair fall onto my shoulders and touched up my makeup before walking into the living room. The room was dark, lit only by two tea light candles sitting in the center of the dining room table. The table was set with a single rose over one of the plates. There was a room service cart sitting next to the table and the plates of food were covered by a cloche each.

“What’s going on here?” I asked.

Jayce looked up at me and smiled.

“Well, I was going to join you in the bath, but the restaurant brought up dinner earlier than I expected.”

He studied me shyly, looking from me, to the table and back to me again.

He cleared his throat. “You look beautiful.”

“As do you.”

Jayce had changed clothes also. He was now dressed in black jeans and a dark blue shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“Starved,” I answered. I was truly famished.


I walked over to the table and sat down.

“I’m supposed to pull the chair out for you,” he said, rushing to my side.

“You were too slow,” I teased.

He put one of the plates in front of me and removed the cloche.

“For your appetizer we have salmon with parmesan and pistachio chips.”

I smiled, “you spoil me.”

“You deserve it.”

Jayce sat across from me with his matching plate of food.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t take you out to a nice restaurant, so I thought I’d bring the restaurant to us.”

“It’s perfect. Much better than dining out.”

“And it’s conveniently close to the bedroom.” Jayce’s mouth quirked up into a smile. The vulnerable, insecure Jayce from earlier had disappeared and the flirtatious, confident Jayce was back. I was relieved.

“I’ve never been to Miami before,” I told him. “Thank you for inviting me.”

He swallowed his mouthful before responding. “I had an ulterior motive for bringing you here.”

“Oh, really?” I said, raising my eyebrows in question.

“I wanted us to meet on a level playing field. We’ve always been at your house or my condo. Here we’re totally removed from our home lives.”

“So, you didn’t just fly me here to sleep with you?”

He cleared his throat and took a gulp of wine. “Well, there was that too,” he grinned.

Once I devoured the appetizer, Jayce served our entrée of chicken with prawn crisp and potato & leek sauce. I was absolutely stuffed by the end of it.

“I had them make chocolate soufflé especially for you,” he baited, placing the plate in front of me.

“I seriously couldn’t eat another thing.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty full too,” Jayce said, patting his belly. “I ate a lot at the event this morning too.”

“How was it?” The main reason for Jayce’s trip and I hadn’t even asked him how it went.

“It was fine, a lot of autographing and photo taking. I must have posed for over five hundred photos. My cheeks hurt from fake smiling so much.”

“Well, I’m sure you made a lot of girls’ days.”

Jayce laughed lightly.

“Are the other band members staying here?”

“Frankie is staying at his parents house. The other guys are booked into another hotel down the beach.”

“How did you explain that you were staying in a different hotel?” I questioned.

A remorseful look crossed Jayce’s face. I could tell straight away that I wasn’t going to like his explanation.

“Promise you wont be mad?”

I nodded my head, but didn’t verbally promise anything. Deep down, I already knew what he was going to say.

“They think I’m here...” he stopped to clear his throat, “they think I’m here with Sam.”

I didn’t react. My eyes fell to the table. It hurt me, it really did, but I was the one in Miami with Jayce. Not Sam. That was all that mattered. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin our perfect evening by getting upset about something that was out of my control.

“It’s fine. I understand you couldn’t tell them the truth.”

Jayce’s shoulders noticeably relaxed. He smiled as he moved his seat closer to me. “So, what would you like to do now?”

I turned my head and looked toward the bedroom. Jayce immediately followed my gaze.

“Yes please,” he said as a wicked grin spread across his lips.


Chapter 20


The next morning, I woke up in bed. Alone. I rolled over to look out the window. The rain had cleared and it was a gorgeous, sunny morning. I could hear music playing in the next room, it wasn’t loud enough to wake me, but just loud enough for me to make out the words. I sat up and a familiar pain throbbed between my legs, a reminder from the night before. I smiled to myself as I combed my fingers through my mass of knotted sex hair. I needed to run a brush through my hair (and my teeth) before Jayce came back and saw me in such a state.

I made my way to the bathroom and quietly used the amenities. I studied my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were pink and my eyes were slightly cloudy, but other than that, I looked… well, happy! I heard footsteps in the other room and I quickly made my way back to the bed, shooting under the covers.

“You’re finally awake,” he kissed me and smiled when he tasted the mint on my lips.

“Good morning,” I said as I cocked my eyebrow. “What’s this, you made breakfast?”

He placed a tray on my lap filled with fruit, toast, croissants, fresh juice and coffee. 

“I ordered in, but it’s the thought that counts right?” Jayce gave me a nervous smile and I swear my heart melted a little.

“It’s perfect, thank you.” I said as I popped a strawberry into my mouth. “Where’s yours?”

He smirked at me. “You don’t like sharing, do you?”

I pursed my lips together and watched him sprawl out on his side of the bed. He took some pineapple from the plate and slowly ate it. The juice from the pineapple coated his bottom lip, causing me to lick my own as I watched him eat.

I placed the tray on the bed between us and drank some of the freshly squeezed orange juice. The hum of Matchbox Twenty entered the room and Jayce tapped his foot on the bed in time with the beat.

“Your playlist?” I asked.

“I put my iPod on shuffle. Hopefully you’ll recognize some of the songs, but I imagine most of the bands are before your time.”

I kicked him playfully from under the sheets and he laughed at how easily he could wind me up.

“I’m only six years younger than you. I’m sure we both grew up listening to Nirvana and watching Beverly Hills 90210.”

He chuckled to himself as he grabbed a croissant from the plate and took a bite.

“I never watched 90210,” he stated between chews.

“Don’t lie to me. You watched it and I bet you were a David fan!”

Jayce almost choked on his mouthful.

“I was not a David fan. I liked Dylan, I have a thing for bad boys,” he winked at me and I laughed at his confession.

Fall for You
 started playing in the other room and Jayce was humming the tune for a moment before he started singing the words. He laced his fingers with mine and I wasn’t sure whether to smile or cringe as he sang the words to me. If it were anyone else singing those lyrics, the moment would have seemed corny, but when Jayce was singing to me, it was different.

I crawled over to him and kissed his lips with such force that he was taken aback at first. He recovered almost instantly and kissed me back with the same intensity. I spread tiny kisses across his cheek and then along his jawline, the tiny hairs pricking my lips ever so slightly. I pulled back and picked up the breakfast tray, placing it safely on the bedside table before returning to his side. I could see the hunger in his eyes and it wasn’t for the food. I made him sing the lyrics to me one more time before we made love. Breakfast would have to wait.




The Miami day was gorgeous. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I dressed in an emerald green beach dress with an understated black bikini underneath and went to meet Jayce on the deck.

I found him sprawled out on a beach chair with sunglasses shielding his eyes. I thought he was asleep, but when he let out a low wolf whistle, I realized he was well and truly awake.

“Why don’t you dress like that for rehearsals?” he teased.

I looked down at what I was wearing. Maybe it did show a little too much cleavage, but it was nothing Jayce hadn’t seen before.

“If you held rehearsals next to a pool maybe I would,” I countered.

I dropped my towel onto one of the poolside chairs and slid the straps of my dress over my arms and let it fall to the ground.

“Jeez Kyla. I can never take you to the beach. Every guy would be mind fucking you.”

I threw a smile over my shoulder as I walked to the side of the pool and tested the water with my toes. It was cool, but not too cold. I sat down at the waters edge and eased myself into the water. Initially the chill made me shiver, but after a few moments, my body adjusted to the temperature.

“How’s the water?” Jayce called from behind me.

“Cold at first,” I answered. “Coming in?”

“I’m enjoying the view too much.” He raised his glasses and gave me a wink.

He pulled the glasses back down to cover his eyes and stretched his arms out, reclining back and resting his head in his hands.

I glided to the far side of the pool, resting my arms on the edge. The view of Miami Beach was breathtaking. The beach was busy, filled with people enjoying the sun after enduring gloomy weather the day before.

“The view is amazing,” I called back to Jayce without taking my eyes off the blue ocean before me. I gasped when I felt two hands grab at my waist.

“Did I scare you?” He breathed into my ear.

“Never.” I murmured.

He pulled me back against his hard torso, our bodies fusing together perfectly. His mouth made its way to my neck, his soft lips tracing a line up to my jaw. I rocked my ass from side to side against his crotch, satisfied when he hardened instantly.

“You’re such a tease,” he uttered against my neck.

“I know.”

He chuckled before kissing my neck again, while his hand made its way between my legs

“Don’t start with me,” I said playfully as I pressed myself into his hand.

“You want me to stop?” his breath tickled the sensitive skin behind my ear.

I turned in his arms. We were now face to face and his lips instantly found mine. His kisses were eager, desperate almost. His hands grabbed my ass and held me tight against his body as he walked backwards in the pool. He reached around to the nape of my neck, undoing the knot that was holding my bikini top in place. The thin material fell into the water revealing my breasts. One of his hands grabbed at them hungrily, rolling his thumb and forefinger over my nipple. I let out a moan as I gently nibbled on his lip.

“I need to get you out of this pool,” he breathed against my mouth.

I knew the neighbors couldn’t see us through the screens between each suite, but I assumed Jayce was concerned about the upper levels getting an eyeful. He eased himself out of the water and then bent forward, taking my hands and pulling me out of the pool.

Not bothering to grab our towels, he guided me inside. As we rushed through the meals area, my wet feet slipped on the polished granite floors. I grabbed onto Jayce’s arm to steady myself. 

“Whoa! Careful, babe.” Jayce turned to face me. “I want you to make it to the bedroom in one piece.”

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up effortlessly. I wrapped my legs around his waist, while my hands locked around his neck. Leaving wet footprints in his wake, Jayce carried me to the bedroom. He carefully let my body drop to the bed, before taking a step back and removing his damp shorts. Without hesitation, he pulled off my bikini bottom and added it to the soggy pile.

He bowed his head and kissed my shoulder. I propped my head to the side and he took advantage, kissing from my neck up to my ear. A low moan came from deep in my throat as he sucked my earlobe into his mouth, fondling it with his tongue. He looked into my eyes before kissing my lips hungrily. I pressed my hands against his chest, gently scratching my nails down the length of his torso. Pulling him onto the bed, I pivoted my body to straddle him, grazing against his erection. He let out a throaty groan as his hands gripped me at the base of my hips, his nails digging into my skin.

“Let me fuck you,” I said as I watched a smile spread across his lips.

“Give me your best shot,” he challenged.

I felt his head flex against my sex and I gently guided him inside, inhaling sharply as he inched in deeper, filling me completely. I bit the corner of my lip as his nails dug deeper into my hips, urging me to rock on top of him. I slowly moved my hips back and forth, as his hands crept up my body to cup my breasts, gently massaging my nipples. He brought one hand to his mouth and seductively licked his fingertip before bringing it back to my breast and rubbing the wet tip on my bud.

With my arm behind me, I gripped the flesh of his inner thigh, using his strong form to guide me up and down on top of his hardness.

“You keep that up you are going to make me come real quick,” he warned in a deep, throaty tone.

As I sat on top of him, in the daylight filled room, I didn’t care that I was exposed. I didn’t care that he could see every inch of my body. All I knew was that I wanted to please the man beneath me. I wanted his body to succumb to mine and for his pleasure to be the only thing he could comprehend.

I tilted back and bounced on top of him, my breathing ragged. Jayce inclined beneath me, propped up by one elbow as he reached for me and started rubbing my clit. His eyes were glued to my body as his thumb worked me. I felt the tension build before my whole body surrendered to the throes of a paralyzing orgasm. I collapsed on top of him as I held on to the orgasm for as long as possible. His deep, gentle breaths hit my shoulder as I felt his warm release inside me. I settled on his chest, resting my head over his rapidly beating heart.

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