Believe In Love (12 page)

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Authors: Janet A. Mota

BOOK: Believe In Love
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Chapter 26






The past week has been so much fun.  Dylan has opened my eyes to what fun is and I’m soaking it up like a sponge.  I found out that I love water sports, especially jet skis.  They are so much fun.  Dylan and I raced them and I won.  We have tried every excursion that the resort offers.  Dylan hasn’t let me pay for anything and I’m feeling terrible about that.  I have told him so but he tells me that he brought me on vacation and not the other way around.  I’ve let it go but I’ll pay him back eventually. 


Right now, we are walking back to our bungalow from the restaurant where we had my birthday dinner.  I chose Italian tonight and it was really good.  The food has been phenomenal and I have been able to try new types of food. 


Dylan and I have gotten closer in the last couple of days.  It’s getting harder to resist him and his kisses.  I have to admit that he’s extremely respectful and sometimes it pisses me off but I’m too shy to tell him that he can go further.  I want him to go further.  I shake the anger away later when I think about what he said. 
You will need to make the first move
.  He told me that from the moment we started dating so I can’t be mad at him.


We reach our bungalow.  Dylan takes out the key card and unlocks the door.  He opens the door for me and I walk him.  My jaw nearly hit the ground when I see all the candles lit around the room.  I turn the corner and on the kitchenette table is a small birthday cake.  There is a single lit candle on the top.  I turn to see him standing behind me with a smile on his face. 


“Happy Birthday, baby.”  He says and I nearly turn into a pile of goo.


“Thank you for everything.  I will never forget this birthday.” 


“I intend to make every birthday you have as special as possible.  You deserve it all and so much more.”  He leans down and places his lips to mine.  “I love you.”


“I love you too.”


“Now, close your eyes and make a wish.”  He picks up the cake and brings it to me.  I do what he says and blow out the candle.  He sets the cake down and walks to the small fridge.  He pulls out a small bottle of champagne and opens it.  He pours two glasses and hands me one.


“A toast.”  I smile and raise my glass to his.  “You are the most amazing woman I know and I am blessed to call you mine.  I hope you’ve had a happy birthday and many more to come.”


“Thank you.”


I cut the cake and we enjoy it and the champagne.  We talk about what we want to do on our last day here and we decide to make it a relaxing day of enjoying the bungalow and our own private pool.


“I’m going to get ready for bed.”  I say and get up to head into the bedroom.


“Just a second.”  He says and reaches into his pocket.  “Your present.”


He hands me a small box.  I’m seriously shocked.  He didn’t need to get me a gift especially since he’s given me the best birthday gift ever-this amazing trip.


“Dylan, you’ve given me so much already.  I feel terrible.”  He places his hand on mine.


“Get used to it love.”  He kisses my temple.  “Open it.”


I take the lid off the box and gasp.  Sitting there are diamond stud earrings.  I’m not one for flash so these earrings are perfect.  “They’re beautiful.”  I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest.  “You are too good to be true.  Thank you.  I love them.”


“I’m glad you like them.”  He says as he hugs me right back and places a kiss to the top of my head.  We break apart after a minute and I go to the hall mirror.  I remove the cubic zirconia studs I always wear and replace them with Dylan’s.  I love them.  “They’re perfect on you.”


I kiss him.  “Thank you so much.”  I whisper against his lips.


“My pleasure.”  He whispers back.  I giggle and head into the bedroom to get ready for bed.




I walk into the bedroom and close the door as Dylan watches me with a grin on his face.  I lean against the closed the door.  Tonight is going to be the night.  I have no reason to wait any longer.  He has proven over and over again how good of a man he is and that he’s not going anywhere.  I love him.  I can see and feel the love he has for me.  He wouldn’t have spent all this time and money on me to just walk away after sleeping with me.  It’s time for us.


I walk to my suitcase and pull out the black nightgown I bought during one of my shopping excursions.  I had gone to a lingerie store to buy new panties and bras when I came across this little number.  It’s black and flows down to my ankles.  It has spaghetti straps and lace around the breasts.  It came with a black lacy thong.  I tried it on along with the bras and fell in love with it.  I bought it for this occasion. 


I open the bedroom door and peek out.  Dylan is sitting on the couch watching television.  I sneak into the bathroom and get myself ready for this special night.


A few minutes later, I walk out of the bathroom wearing the nightgown.  I walk up to him and he looks up at me.  His mouth falls open and he looks me up and down.  “Wow.”  He says.  I hold out my hand and he takes it.  I help him stand and grab the remote.  I turn off the remote and start toward the bedroom.  Still holding my hand, he follows behind me.  When we get to the bed, I turn to him.  “You are so sexy.”


I wrap my arms around his neck and push him towards me.  I kiss him hard and passionately.  “I want you.”  I say.


He looks at me for a moment.  “I want you too, so badly.  Are you sure?”


“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.  I love you and I’m ready for us.” 


He captures my mouth and our kiss is hot.  One of his hands goes into my hair at the back of my head and the other sits on my hip.  My hands are cupping his gorgeous face.  Our kiss gets hotter and more intense.  His tongue explores my mouth and meets mine.  We can’t get enough of each other.  My hands move down to the buttons of his shirt and I start to unbutton it.  I feel the hand at my waist move down to cup my ass and I moan.  He pulls away from me and starts to kiss my cheek and then down to my neck.  I wrap my arms around his neck as he makes his way further down to my breasts.  I push him away from me and take a step back.  He watches me intently.


I reach up and push the straps off my shoulders.  I continue to push the nightgown off until it is a black puddle at my feet.  I stand before him in nothing but the black thong.  I watch him as he looks at me.  He looks at my body from head to toe slowly.  When his eyes reach mine, he shakes his head.


“I’ve never seen anything more gorgeous in my life.  You’re stunning.”


I give him a shy smile and walk toward him.  I push his shirt off his shoulders and kiss every part of his chest that I can before he grabs my face and brings it to his for another kiss.  His hands are roaming all over my body and it’s exhilarating.  I’ve never felt this way.  It feels so right.  His hands are warm and strong and I love the way they feel all over my body.


We move to the bed and I climb on.  He watches me with a grin while he removes his shoes, socks and pants.  He has the most amazing body.  I could stare at him all day.  He joins me on the bed but doesn’t kiss me.  He takes hold of one of my breasts and lightly sucks it.  I gasp and moan.  My hands go into his hair.  I’ve never been this aroused and I’m starting to squirm under his touch.  Every place he touches, goosebumps are what he leaves in is path.  He moves his way down to kiss my stomach and my stomach quivers.  It’s a movement only he can bring out of me.  The anticipation is overwhelming.  When he reaches my thong, he looks up at me and smiles.  I watch him.  I have no idea what he’s going to do next but I have a feeling he’s going to blow my mind.


              He pushes my thong down and off in one swift motion.  He adjusts himself so that he is now in between my legs with his hands on my knees.  All I want to do is close my legs but I fight the urge.  He slowly spreads my knees and now I am in full view for him.  He licks his lips and smiles at me.  He lowers his head and before I know what’s happening next, his head is between my legs.


              “What are you…oh my god!”  My words fall away with my surprise and crazy sensations are running through my body.


              His tongue is working magic in my most intimate place and I can feel the tightness in my belly.  I can’t think and can barely breathe.  The orgasm hits me so hard that I see stars.  I swear I left my body for a few minutes there.  When I open my eyes, Dylan is lying next to me.  He is watching me with the sexiest smile on his face.


              “I love to watch you fall apart.”  He whispers and kisses me.  I can feel myself ready to explode again just from that kiss.  He pulls away from me and removes his boxers.  He’s now naked and I can’t take my eyes off of him.  “Are you okay?”


              I clear my throat.  “Yes.”


              “We can stop if you have changed…”


              I place my finger over his lips.  “I want you now.”


              I reach over and open the night table drawer.  There is a small box of condoms in there.  I put them in there when we first got here, just in case.  He reaches in and rips open the box.  He pulls one out and rips open the packet.  He slips it on and joins me back on the bed.  He assumes his position in between my legs and captures my mouth.  I can feel his hardness and it turns me on even more, if that’s possible.  He reaches between us and strokes me.


              “Dylan, please.  I need to feel you.”  I can’t believe that’s me talking.


              He positions himself and slowly enters me as he captures my mouth for another mind-blowing kiss.  I flinch a little at the sudden intrusion but it feels amazing.  He stops moving.  “Am I hurting you?”


              “No.  Not at all.”  I say and bring his mouth to mine.  My hands are on his ass and I’m feeling all the muscle and curve to it.  I move my hands up his back as my legs wrap around his waist.


              His body mimics his tongue and soon I am crying out in ecstasy.  He stops abruptly.


              “You are so beautiful.  Do you have any idea how amazing it feels to be inside you?”  He asks.


              “If it’s anything like how you feel, then I do.”  I say and he kisses me.  He continues to move and soon I am shattering again and this time he comes with me.  Our breathing is erratic and his body weight on me is the most wanted feeling.  He always makes me feel safe, but like this, I feel like no harm can ever reach me.  After a moment, he shifts and kisses me.


              “I’ll be right back.”  He kisses my nose and heads to the bathroom.


              When he gets back, he spoons me to him and we both doze off to dreamland.  I am in Dylan’s arms and we just made love.  Nothing in the world is better than being right here with him.

Chapter 27






              There are no words to describe the feelings running through my body right now.  I just made love to the woman of my dreams yet I cannot put into words to describe it.  She’s perfect, amazing, unbelievable, mind-altering, earth-shattering and I love her with all of my heart and soul. I never questioned my love for her.  I knew it the day I had dinner at her house and she told me all about her life.  I knew she was and is the one for me. 


              I am spooning her and I can hear her slow steady breaths.  She’s sleeping.  I raise my head up on and prop it up on my hand.  She looks relaxed and sated.  I hope she really is.  I hope I made tonight special for her.  I’m exhausted but I want her again and I am giddy with excitement for round two.  My thoughts wander while I watch her sleep. 


              A few minutes later, I feel her stir.  She turns her head and looks at me.


              “What are you doing?”  She asks.


              “Watching you sleep and thinking.”  She turns completely so that we’re face to face. 


              “What are you thinking about?”


              I chuckle.  “You and all the wicked things I want to do to you.”


              “Oh really.”  She says and giggles.  “Is that why you were poking me in the ass?”


Oh shit! 
I can’t help it and start laughing.  She starts laughing with me.  “I’m so sorry love.  I didn’t mean to wake you up like that?”


              “Do I look bothered by it?”  She asks as she pushes me down flat on my back.


              “No.”  I respond as she starts kissing my chest.


              All chatting is done when she continues to kiss down my chest and my stomach.   She shifts and puts her leg over me.  She is now straddling me and every single one of my dreams has just come true.  Looking at her sitting on me like that is the most erotic thing I have ever seen.  I place my hands on her hips as she bends down to kiss me. 


              When the kiss breaks, she reaches beneath her and positions me at her entrance.  She sinks down slowly and I dig my fingers into her hips.  Everything in me is dying to thrust into her but I can’t contain myself.  I am determined to let her control it.  Once she has taken me completely, I take a deep breath.  I reach up and cup her breasts.  The most perfect breasts ever.  I knead the nipples and she starts moving.  I nearly lose it right then.


              “Baby, you feel amazing.”  She moans.


              I watch her move and I am so close to losing control.  Her hair is falling down around her face, her hips moving up and down, and her breasts bouncing.  For as long as I live, this will be the image I carry with me.  I have never seen her look more beautiful.  Nothing or no one exists but her.  The intense feelings running through my body has me almost convulsing and I know I won’t last much longer.  I am just about to tell her when she starts to scream my name.  She continues to move and starts to scream again.  I lose all control and we both explode together this time.  It is powerful and intense.  She falls limply on top of me and I wrap my arms around her.  We fall asleep just like this.




              Last night was the best night of my life.  Every few hours, we made love and Amber is so alive like that.  She’s not inhibited in the bedroom.  It’s so different from how she is all the time.  I love that’s she like that.  I love everything about this woman.  I am making coffee and feel her come behind me and wrap her arms around my waist.  She leans her face on my back.  I turn on the coffee maker.


              “Good morning gorgeous.”  I say and I feel her smile.


              “Good morning sexy.”  I laugh and she releases me enough so I can turn around.


              I kiss her soft and slow.  I hear the moan from the back on her throat and can feel my body respond to it. 
Down boy!
  Poor thing must be very sore.  I pull away slowly and she still has her eyes closed.  She opens them and smiles at me.


              “Last night was the best of my life.”  She says.  “I never knew that I could be like that and that I enjoy sex.”


              “I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed being with you.  I loved seeing you free and loose.  Nothing was on your mind and you completely let go.  I love knowing that I can help you forget is all and just feel.”


              She puts her hands on either side of my face and looks me in the eyes, like she is speaking to my soul.  “You made me do that.  Nothing in the world matters but us when we are together.  You showed me that and I always want to be that way with you.  Your love is so exhilarating.  I never knew an orgasm until I felt one with you.  I love you so much.”


              I pull her to me and kiss her hard.  I want her right here, right now.  Hearing those words come from her lips ignited a fire in me that cannot be ignored.  She is completely in tune with my needs.  I rip open the robe she put on and take hold of a nipple in between my teeth.  I lightly bite, suck and kiss each one.  At this point, she writhing and I push her up against the couch.  Her hands are in my hair and her mouth on my neck.  Her touch is killing me and I need her now. 


              I turn her around and bend her over the couch’s arm.  Her ass is in the air and I run my hands all over it.  She is looking behind her, watching me.  I pull down my shorts and enter her from behind.  She cries out and I continue pumping into her.  It’s hard and fast.  I feel her tighten around me and she cries out.  I continue to thrust into her.


              “One more time for me, love.”  I say in between pants. 


              My hand comes around and I stroke her.  Her body tightens again and this time I come with her.  My release is hard, intense and loud.  Every release I have experienced with this beautiful one is like that.  There is nothing in this world better than this.


              We spend the rest of the day swimming, relaxing and making love.  I couldn’t have asked for a better ending for the best vacation ever.

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