Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)
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No, Bella Moretti.
ll never let you go

My heart sank. What did he want to keep me around for? H
d already told me h
d never love me
But I though

You thought wrong

I was in big trouble and I knew it.

Chapter 9

Leaving Papa was one of the hardest things
d ever had to do. H
d assured me it was for the best.
d find out why.
d hit rock bottom but
d climb my way back. I did
t know how, but I would.

Where do you live

We live in the Samson Tower. The most upscale and elite building in Chicago. Yo
ll approve

I stared out of the window of the private jet
Do you only fly private
” I asked. It seemed like a waste, all this for a few people.

t you

This is the first time that've
ve ever flown
” I never met his eyes.

Really? Are you okay
” He reached for my hand.

My head turned to him seeing how close our bodies had become
No, Jax.
m not okay
” I snapped turning my gaze back to the window.

Would you like a drink to calm your nerves

d like to be sober for our fall from the sky
” I said sardonically.

Okay then

I was being sarcastic Jax
” I turned to him. I could
t help the smile that lifted at my lips. His eyes lightened in that moment. They were the same eyes that had sat in the safe house on the fireplace.

White wine

ll take a bourbon if you have it. I need something stronger than wine at this point
” I admitted. I was a nervous wreck. I hated heights and any sort of suspension. Did
t anyone see the news reports about plane crashes?

Your wish is my command
” He snapped his fingers and called to the woman that was supposed to serve us. She brought his requested drinks then winked at him. I did
t care. I just wanted to go home to take care of Papa. He could fuck her if he wanted too. As a matter of fact, that would be perfect and then
d slip out the back. Oh, I mean if I was
t on a plane.

The flight was bumpy and I cringed most of the way. I had four drinks and passed out at some point.
d woke to Jax carrying me off of the plane. My head was tucked into his chest. I jerked from his hold only to be squeezed closer.

” He growled.

He slipped us both into the back of a limo. He did
t set me down into the seat. My body remained tucked against his. I did
t want it too but his aroma swirled around me. His smell was spicy and unique. I loved it. I rested against him taking breath after breath. He chuckled to himself quietly, but I could feel his chest rise and fall.

We continued our drive for a while before w
d reached his apartment. When the driver asked Jax a question, I pushed into a sitting position. I slid to the seat next to him. My eyes searched out the windows.

re home
” He whispered.

The car pulled into an underground parking garage and stopped in front of an elevator door. Two men waited outside the elevator door. They appeared very serious in stature. Scary almost.
ve seen that look many times. They were made men.

Who are they
” I whispered as we approached them from the car.

This is Dominic and Tommy. They are in charge of your protection. They will be with you at all times.

When will they sleep
” I asked.  Everyone laughed like I was an idiot
m sorry was that not a good question

They will take twelve hour shifts, Bella

Yes, of course
” My face heated. I
an idiot
m Bella Sagatori
” I extended my hand. Both Dominic and Tomm
s eyes dated to Jax. I followed their gaze to see Jax nod his head in approval.

You may shake Mrs. Morett
s hand
” Oh, I keep forgetting I was forced to marry him and now I had to take his name.

” I asked annoyed. So now
d have to have permission to shake a ma
s hand? I was never treated this fragile. Of course I was very rarely allowed to be around the men in the famiglia. Only a few men were allowed to be around at all. I guess I had
t realized how secluded I had been until now.

Stop being difficult, Bella
” We stepped onto the elevator.

I watched the two men that did
t even come close to Ja
s stature. They were shorter and stockier, but nowhere near his size. I jumped when his hand took mine
You okay
” I was okay, the elevator was smooth. I smiled. That was the first time I did
t have to close my eyes. Jax looked down at me and I looked up to him. I took a deep breath feeling like
d just conquered the world and did
t even know it. A soft smile reached his lips and my heart skipped a beat. He had the most beautiful smile.

We stepped out when the elevator opened, revealing the penthouse apartment. I awed at the amazing apartment. Dark walls surrounded us with lighting shining down against paintings I was certain were originals. Beautiful flowers in porcelain vases sat atop several metal tables throughout the room. Dark red furniture with light pillows sat neatly across them. The outer part of the apartment held bare floor to ceiling windows
” I said as I walked through the open space. I missed a step down not paying attention and Jax caught me before I fell
” I offered.

It got me too
” He said flatly. Oh did this guy not have any emotion at all?

I continued walking through the palace, taking in the amazing artwork. I was very curious about a few of the pieces that I was sure were originals, but I was pretty sure they were supposed to be in a museum somewhere.

Jax spoke with Dominic and Tommy as I continued through. There was a wide stair case leading upstairs, but I did
t want to go there just yet. I walked down an even wider hallway seeing several closed doors. The first door was dark. I twisted the handle slowly opening it. I stepped in seeing red walls with the same kind of artwork and lighting on the walls. A large statue sat atop of a round table in the far corner. He had amazing taste that I was certain. A desk took up the middle of the room with a computer. Nothing else littered it. I traced my hands along the smooth wooden surface. It was masculine. There were no pictures or flowers in this room.

Do you approve
” Ja
s hands landed on my shoulders squeezing. I jumped closing my eyes from the contact.

I suppose
” I smiled to myself. I would
t give him the satisfaction just yet. Although I did approve. This place was extremely nice.

” He growled.

Without another word I turned and sidestepped around him to continue with my tour.  I heard him close the door to his office as I stepped down the hall opening each door one by one. The other rooms were bare. There was an elegant bathroom with his and her sinks, a stand in shower, and a toilet separated by a door in a separate room.

He continued following me and as we entered a large kitchen on the other side of the apartment he reached into the refrigerator
Are you hungry

” I shook my head.

He handed me a bottled water after opening it
Would you prefer a glass

” I shook my head gently.

A woman of many words
” He smiled again
Are you tired
” It was at least midnight. I was exhausted and a yawn creeped up making it very clear
I take that as a yes
” He nodded
Come on
ll show you to your room
” My room?

Where will you sleep
” I asked confused.

In my room
” He said flatly.

t we share a room
” Isn't that what married people do?

Do you want to share a room with me

I did
t know
I just assumed
” We climbed the long stair case to an open hallway with two doors across from each other. He stepped to the door on the right opening it
Is that your room
” I pointed to the door on our left. H
d have full access to my comings and goings and I did
t like that.


We stepped into my room. My luggage had been set on the floor inside of an incredible walk in closet. It was all white with lights everywhere. It was as big as the room itself. I did
t have enough clothing to fill it but I loved it none the less.

Do you approve

Yes, I really do
” I did. Oh my God I did.

Good. This will be your room. You may decorate it anyway yo
d like
” It was beautiful just how it was
I had fresh flowers placed in here for you

There were White Orchids on the table next to the bed
Thank you

ll let you get settled.
ll see you tomorrow
” He said and then closed the door behind him.

I padded across the room to the bathroom. There was a large shower and Jacuzzi bathtub at my disposal. After gabbing a few things from my suitcase I showered and slipped into a silk kami and panties. I turned the lights off, plugged my cell phone into the wall next to the bed and sent a text to Emily.

m here.

I drifted off to sleep knowing she was
t going to respond right away. Sh
d probably been asleep for a while already.


The next morning I woke to a bright light shining through the windows.
d need to get drapes for the window first thing. I was never a morning person but I did have to pee so I crawled out from the amazing quality of the blankets and stepped into the bathroom to take care of business. I jumped back into the shower when I saw my hair was completely matted to the side of my head and dressed in a long sweater and black leggings. After
d dried my hair and placed my make-up in the right places I stepped out of the room. I stopped in front of my door seeing Ja
s door.
d wondered if he was awake yet but let the thought pass. I continued towards the stairs and descended.

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