Bella's Choice (36 page)

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Authors: Lynelle Clark

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She stopped him with her fingers, gently touching his lips, her eyes shining with love for him, forcing Aldrich to gulp away his own thoughts. Ever so softly, she said, “I want this just as much as you, Aldi. I love you.”

“Oh, sweetheart, I love you so much.” And with a gentle kiss on her soft lips, he helped her up from the couch and they walked together to the kitchen where they prepared a midday feast.

Sitting at the table, she told him about her practices, and he listened intently to everything she had to say, his eyes fixed mostly on her lips and chest; the picture of her naked breasts lingered in his mind, the taste of her skin lingering on his tongue, and he wanted her. He knew that the moment he had her he wouldn’t be satisfied with only a little pleasure. He wanted it all. Her passionate reaction told him she felt the exact same way.

The reason he’d kept his distance all this time was because he knew that once he gave in to his own desires, there would be no turning back. But now, after experiencing her desire as he had these last few times, he vowed that before this week was over she would be his, convinced, more than ever, that this was the right time and that this was the right place.

Clearing his head, he looked around as memories rushed back, good memories of the past with Pauline in this same room, and for a few moments he relived them, enjoying the history they’d shared. It had been good while it lasted, but now there was no reason not to start over. He never thought it possible to love again, but the moment Anabella stepped into his life, he knew she was perfect for him. Pauline had been different in many ways and he’d loved her, but with Bella his life had turned around. She brought him new hope, life, and made him feel young again.



Anabella watched from the counter as his thoughts turned away from her. For a few moments, she gave him this opportunity in order to collect himself as different emotions played over his face, while she busied herself in the kitchen, but when he noticed her again that gorgeous face came alive with a beautiful smile. How she loved him, her heart constantly reminded her of this fact. She had never experienced what they’d just shared on the couch. His touch had been so gentle and tender as he explored her body. She craved him, wishing they could return to that place where they almost became one, because the promise of more was waiting for them. Her body ached for him. How she longed for that day to come. He had awakened desires within her that only he could quench, and she wanted it. Much more than the brief seconds spent on the couch.

Sensing that he was thinking about this Pauline he’d mentioned before, she wished he would share. Although she wasn’t jealous about this ghost, she still wanted to know who sh
e was. Where did this woman fit into his life? Anabella knew that he loved her―he wouldn’t be there with her otherwise―his intentions were a matter of honor.


“Yes, Bella?”

“I made dessert, come.” She beckoned him while holding two bowls in her han

“Great, that would be excellent.” The playfulness was back in his voice. He stood and walked toward her, cupping her face in his much larger hands. “Have I told you that I love you?”

“It is a distant memory,” she revealed smiling, lifting herself up on tiptoes to be nearer to him.

“Well, then, I will tell you again. I love you, Bella.”

“And I love you, Aldi.”

For a few moments they just stood in an embrace before she stepped back, the bowls held awkwardly between them.

“Come. I thought of sitting outside, it is a lovely day.”

He followed her, appreciating her backside as she walked away, the gentle sway of those beautiful hips his hands had explored a short while ago. He could already envision his hands on those hips, doing what he wanted to do as he gripped them with his strength.
I really have it bad.
Putting the thought aside, he said, “Just give me a sec, I need to make a quick visit to the bathroom.”

“Okay, don’t be too long.”

While she waited for him, she set the table on the patio where they could enjoy the view of the late sun bathing the ocean in its radiance while eating the dessert she had prepared. The man loved his sweet decadent desserts, but strawberries were his favorite. A tub of vanilla ice cream had been left after the wild weekend they’d had, and she filled two bowls with the creaminess. She’d found a can of strawberries and poured them over the ice cream, which formed a delicious sweetness that he would love. Wafers were stuck into the sweetness, inviting them to enjoy its tasty treat.

After dessert, he complimented her with a kiss, and they went for a walk along the beach, enjoying the view and each other’s company. When they returned, the sun was already gone for the night, leaving the sky shadowed in black streaks interspersed with amber, embedding its peacefulness into them.

The light breeze stirred Anabella’s hair and it flowed behind her as she walked beside him. Mesmerized, he watched her, her picture ingrained in his memory.


Chapter Fifteen


ounging on patio chairs, they enjoyed the lazy afternoon; their drinks on the table, while staring at each other in a more secluded spot with an unhindered view of the sea and the hills. Both explored each other’s bodies, hands traveled over surfaces with deliberate slowness, their thoughts honed in on each other. Now and then he would leisurely kiss her fingers with a slow, seductive kiss, and she would chuckle or moan from his warm breath on her skin, anticipating his next touch. His crooked smile the only evidence that he knew what he was doing to her.

Ever so often, Anabella would speculate about the woman, unsure if she should even go there now that Aldrich was relaxed, his mind occupied with only her, but she had to know. Clearing her voice and sitting up
―which suddenly broke the soothing contact―she plunged into the unknown after careful consideration.

“Tell me about Pauline. Who was she?”

“She was my wife.”

Anabella gasped in surprise. His reply stunned her, and after a brief moment spent in awkward sil
ence, he shifted. He sat up, his attention now on the restless dark liquid that reached far and beyond. When he spoke, it was obvious that he had anticipated this question, because the words had already formed on his tongue.

“We met at varsity. I studied l
aw and she studied medicine―specializing in pediatrics because she loved children. We met by accident in the cafeteria; I knocked her over in my haste to sit at a table, not seeing her behind the books I was carrying. We had a connection from the start and from that moment on we were always together, except during classes, of course. We were both in our fourth year of studies, driven and dedicated toward our chosen fields. Our relationship grew quickly and we decided on a wedding date when we received our degrees. It was to have taken place within three years.”

Aldrich paused a moment and inhaling deeply, continued, “Meanwhile, my mom passed away. I received this piece of land handed down by her mother, and I decided to build this house as a wedding gift for Pauline.” He moved forward, arms resting on his legs as he glanced back at the house with a pensive look. “Every time I took a break from my studies, I’d come here without her knowing, planning and building this house from the ground up.” He looked at his hands, still calloused, but yet softer due to the office work. His thoughts were far away, and the sadness she’d seen earlier was again visible. He made no move to cover it as tears slipped down his rugged face.

“On the 20
of December―the year we finished our studies―we got married in this house. She had complained almost all year about the wedding’s location, but I told her that it was sorted, and that she must continue with the preparations as normal.” He chuckled at the memory, and Anabella smiled.

She could only imagine how frantic Pauline must have been in not knowing the location.

“She was furious, of course, but I refused to ruin the surprise. A week before the wedding, I brought her here; she was in awe over the house and loved this place from the moment she stepped in the door.” He swallowed as the thoughts washed over him. His playful banter had been replaced by melancholy.

Anabella clasped her hands together, leaving him alone―difficult as it was for her not to reach out and console the man she loved. He would talk about it in his own time. When he continued his voice broke.

He’d really cared for her,
she thought with a fair amount of jealousy, and knowing him, the journey must have been incredibly challenging.

“She was a beautiful bride, radiant in the wedding gown her sister made for her. The thought of spending my life with her overwhelmed me the moment she walked down the stairs.” He pinched his eyes and sighed, lost in memories once more. “We stayed for a month and enjoyed each other’s company, the house and resort, and relaxed after the hectic years of studies. Exactly a month later, we were back in the city; I had just started at the firm I’m still at, and Pauline would have started on the 1
of February at the local city hospital. That day she’d had a few errands to run and when she crossed the street, a drunk driver crashed into her; every bone in her body broke. She was killed instantly.”

Patiently, she waited for him to compose himself, his eyes veiled with sadness.

“It was a traumatic time for both her family and me,” he said, meeting her gaze for the first time, his eyes misted with tears. “I was talking to her on the cell phone when the accident happened; I heard bones break as she fell to the ground, sounds that have replayed in my dreams for a long time.”

Anabella listened, shocked at the pain he’d had to endure. His shoulders were still solid and straight, showing his strength and endurance on the traumatic road he had traveled. She found herself brushing away the tears that wet her cheeks.

“It was so quick, it was literally seconds, and then a deafening quiet came over the phone. I called out her name, but all I could hear were people running and shouting. Finally, an unfamiliar woman answered the phone and spoke to me. I identified myself, while going out of my mind with worry. I shouted into the phone and after a brief pause the woman said, “Honey, I’m sorry… it’s too late, she is gone.” I was crushed, literally, and I felt like the world had come to an end. The woman then gave me the address, and like a mad man I rushed to the scene. When I got there, an older woman approached me immediately, stopping my rapid advance toward Pauline who was lying in the middle of the road with only a jacket covering her. She didn’t want me to see her body. Later, I learned that she was unrecognizable due to the horrific impact. This lady stood by me for the longest time, and even after Dad arrived, she stayed. That is how I met Mrs. Smit.”

Leaning forward to be closer to him, she touched his face for the first time, tender and delicate in her approach, smoothing away the lines on his face.

He kissed the palm of her hand softly and keeping it imprisoned in his, he held it to his lips. “Other than my family, this is the first time I’ve spoken to anyone about Pauline in three years.”

When their eyes met, tears streamed down his face, and without a second thought Anabella scooted over to his chair, bringing his head down to rest over her heart in one quick movement. She felt her top become drenched with his tears, but she didn’t mind, he was hurting and her heart was aching for him. Her young heart was overwhelmed with his story as more tears dripped from her face. Stroking the dark hair, she felt him relax against her, his heaviness a comfort that knitted them closer together.

The moonlight filled the earth around them in a soft blanket, the night sky flickering with stars. Nightlife was chirping as the wind picked up speed, the sea adding its rolling sounds; they came together much like a chorus and soft as a lullaby, bathing them in peace. They sat like that for a very long time.

Aldrich’s tears eventually stopped. He felt relieved that he’d finally told Bella about his own sorrow. He had loved Pauline, and she would always remain in his heart. Bella was here now, giving him so much more, and he was ready to start a new life with her. He felt at peace, snug in the softness under his cheek, and the calming breaths she inhaled and exhaled beneath his head assured him that life did indeed go on. For a few minutes longer, he continued to rest against her, eyes closed. And then slowly, he moved his head and placed his lips on the swell of her breast.



“I’m the one he’s supposed to nestle against,” she seethed in disgust as she watched the developing scene before her. “How dare she lay her hands on him!” Her voice rose in the night, but was drowned by the waves pounding onto the sand. The breeze that had picked up was just enough to carry her words away from the couple. “She better not sleep with him, because then I will kill her!” The view she had of the house was especially good. She’d observed them since he’d arrived and kept herself out of sight. It had been touch and go for a few seconds when they’d gone for a walk, passing her hiding place inches from where she hid in the thick bushes. So occupied had they been with each other that they’d hardly noticed. The whole sweet display of her draped over him was nauseating, and she had almost given herself away when she released “Bitch!” on a growl.

She was satisfied that she’d held her tongue, because if she’d lost it, Aldrich would have gotten hurt. She didn’t want to hurt him. She loved him. But her anger boiled in her stomach like acid. Cold hatred toward the younger woman nestled itself within her, the hussy that was hell bent on stealing Aldrich away from her.

“Just keep a cool head, it’s almost time to go to bed, and then I’ll go to her room,” she reprimanded herself once again, unclenching her fist. She’d checked the house out when they’d gone for their walk and knew the layout well. She had also established which room the bitch used; her clothes adorned every cupboard in the beautiful room made for her. The bitch would pay she vowed to herself bitterly, because she’d taken her place in the main bedroom. “Who the hell does this bitch think she is!” she fumed when she’d stood in the room, noticing how blatantly she’d made herself comfortable, as if she belonged there. It had taken her some time to calm down, hugging one of Aldrich’s shirts she’d found in his room, giving her the peace she needed to complete this mission. His smell still lingered on her clothes and hands, reminding her of the long term goal; she was determined to make this work.

Again she checked the syringe with the colorless fluid, a drug she concocted with ethanol and ammonia, and cooked to the perfect temperature, creating a deadly drug. All thanks to her science nut brother. “Enough to put her to sleep permanently.” She giggled with pure pleasure as she placed the syringe back in the small box she’d bought at the pharmacy.

“Soon, my love,” she whispered a promise into the night, still focused on the couple.

She watched as they got up from the chairs and walked into the house, sliding the door closed. It was another two hours passed before the lights went out, and the woman stretched to her full length only now allowing herself the luxury to relax, knowing the end was near. An end that would finally bring them together, forever.

“Wonderful,” she muttered, her body stiff from lying in an awkward position between the bushes all day. Checking to see that no one was in the vicinity, she strolled cautiously to the house―making sure she stayed in the dark the whole time―and stepped onto the porch in front of Anabella’s room. The patio door was slightly open and the curtains danced lazily in the breeze. Pushing the material aside, she leaned in to see if Anabella was in her bed. She almost giggled with glee when she saw her outline, her soft, slow breaths telltale signs that she was fast asleep.

Silently, she sneaked in, the furniture dark silhouettes in the large room, and on tiptoes she crept slowly to the foot of the bed, the thick carpet muffling her footsteps. She studied the object of her frustration and anger, the woman who was giving her endless problems, not the least bit receptive to the hints she’d placed in her room on previous occasions. The things she’d done to get in that house. O
kay, not all was bad,
she snickered, remembering the girl’s father.
If only you knew what I did with your daddy, and he with me. It was pure heaven.
She snorted with excitement and immediately slapped a hand over her mouth when the sound came out just a tad too loud, quickly looking in the direction of the door. She waited a few seconds before she looked at Anabella again. Serene calmness filled her being as she watched her breathing. She was curled in a fetus position, her arm hanging over the side.
she thought.
I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity.
Another dose of excitement bubbled through her.

When no movement was detected in the house, she proceeded to the side of the bed and leaned forward just as Anabella rolled, receiving an unexpected punch in the face. With a soft growl, she landed on the floor; angry that she’d been so careless. The thud thundered throughout the quiet room, making her look to the bed anxiously for any signs of movement, but Anabella’s continued roll ended with her comfortably on her back, her arm still hanging off the side.

“What the fuck?” she muttered and touched her cheek where the blow had landed. Before she could react in rage, the door opened, and a dark silhouette filled its frame. Aldrich! She stopped the groan that wanted to burst from her lips and rolled away into a dark corner, watching as he approached the bed from the other side and leaned over its occupant. The bed dipped and creaked under his weight. She lifted her head just enough to see him plant a kiss on her forehead. She almost screamed in disgust at his gentle touch, at his betrayal. Surely, he didn’t have to act so well?
The bitch is sleeping
, she wanted to yell, aggravated with his tenderness toward her.

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