Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine (52 page)

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Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

BOOK: Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine
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I think Nate and Willy put Mr. Maggee in mind of his own boys,

Vivianna explained.

He wanders over every once in a while to visit with them…or Miss Savannah.

Johnny looked to her
one handsome brow arched.

Do you think he

s sweet on their mama?

Vivianna shrugged.

Well, his wife died over two years back…and

s awful pretty.
Goodness knows she could use a hand with her boys
especially now with
I don

t think it would be too awful if she liked him and he liked her…do you?

I suppose not,

he admitted.

Only he might talk her to death.

Vivianna giggled.

He might
. B
ut the funny thing is…when she

s the one talkin

to him
he listens like she was heaven

s angel.


d make a pair, wouldn

t they?

They would at that.

Vivianna felt his hand tighten as it held hers—as he led her toward the meadow a ways before leaving the path and heading into a grove of dogwoods.

Where we goin


she asked
delighted that he was leading her to a more secluded space.

I found somethin

the other day.
I think you

ll like it,

he said.

Vivianna followed Johnny
blissful in his company—delighted by the fact he still held her hand.

Look here,

he said once they

d gone a ways among the dogwoods.

Vivianna gasped

Wild honeysuckle!

she exclaimed.

Sure enough
a massive honeysuckle vine had overgrown the remains of two dead oak trees.
Lovely green leaves and bright pink blossoms climbed up one old tree trunk and all around and over its limbs to create a beautiful canopy overhead as it clung to the second old tree.

Vivianna looked through the dogwoods and bushes separating the Turner place from the dead trees and wild honeysuckle.
She could see the vine-covered arbor a ways beyond.

All these years, I just thought it was the old arbor honeysuckle smellin

so sweet,

she said.

But I

m sure this one was helpin

it along.

Do you wanna taste it?

he asked.
He was smiling
and Vivianna

s heart melted.
He was so handsome—so kind and brave!

d unlocked her heart—her feelings—her very life!

Of course!

she told him.
She watched as he reached up and rather roughly plucked a blossom.

I get about one outta every five right,

he said, frowning as he struggled to gently remove the styles from the flower.

Vivianna giggled as she watched his sad attempt.


she said, plucking another flower.

Toss that poor thing to its grave, Johnny, and let me help ya.

Johnny sighed
shook his head, and tossed the crushed honeysuckle blossom to the ground.

Carefully, Vivianna separated the parts of the tender flower until the honeysuckle nectar clung in one large, glistening droplet to a style.

Hurry quick!

she told him
giggling as he bent down and caught the style in his mouth.


he mumbled.

You try it.
I think it

s sweeter than what

s growin

over by the arbor.

Smiling, Vivianna plucked another blossom and tasted the nectar for herself.


she giggled.

It makes a body feel sort of sorry for the old arbor honeysuckle…makes its sugar seem almost plain.

She watched him pick another blossom—bit her lip to keep from laughing as he struggled to reveal the nectar within.
Still, after a time—and a fair amount of concentration—he did manage it.


s an awful lot of work for such a small pleasure,

he said as he let the droplet of honeysuckle sugar drip from the style to his tongue.

I suppose,

she said.
Vivianna stripped the flower from another blossom and savored the tiny flavor.

Johnny licked the nectar off two more styles
and Vivianna laughed.

Oh, you

re gettin

quite good at harvestin

honeysuckle sugar, Mr. Tabor,

she teased.

He nodded.


he said
plucking three flowers and moving close to her.

Let me try somethin


Carefully he held all three blossoms between his thumb and forefinger
simultaneously stripping them of their nectar-laden styles with his other hand.

Now hold still,

he told her.
He frowned
concentrating as he directed the three droplets of nectar to set softly on Vivianna

s lower lip.

Yet honeysuckle nectar was not to be resisted
and Vivianna could not keep from letting her tongue moisten her lip in tasting

s sweet pleasure.

No, no, no!

Johnny chuckled.

You have to leave it there.

I can


Vivianna said.


s too temptin


And it was true!

d never tasted three droplets of nectar at once before!
The concentration was delicious.

Let me try that again,

he said.

Four this time.
A real treat for ya.

Vivianna watched him pluck four blossoms
rather awed that he would be so intrigued with a
thing as
simple as harvesting honeysuckle nectar.

Now…hold still this time,

he instructed as he stripped the flowers of their styles.

Just…just hold very still,

he mumbled.
he placed the droplets of sugar on her lower lip again.
He arched one daring eyebrow and said,

Let it stay there a minute
. D

t you go lickin

that off, Vivi…

cause there

s enough for two.

t ya think?

Vivianna gasped—instantly melted as Johnny

s soft kiss pressed her lower lip—as the light touch of his tongue tasted the honeysuckle nectar waiting there!
He pressed his mouth to hers, sharing the sweet flavor with her a moment before it disappeared.

He kissed her cheek—her neck—the heat of his mouth pressing the warmth of her flesh just below her ear.

I swear, Johnny,

she breathed, pulling away from him slightly.

You swear what, Vivi?

he asked.
His eyes were purely alluring as he gazed at her—as his arms went around her body
drawing her to him.

I swear you could lead me astray if I had the mind to let ya,

she confessed.

He grinned.

Why don

t you just let me, Vivi

he said.

Let me lead ya just a little astray.

His voice was low and tempting—rich and dark like molasses.

I promise I won

t lead ya off too far.

He bent
placing his mouth against the hollow of her throat.


she breathed.

I do,

he whispered.

Vivianna opened her eyes—tried to keep at bay the blissful dizziness overtaking her.
Overhead she saw the wild honeysuckle vine
the canopy of green leaves and sweet pink flowers.

She took his face between her hands—gazed into his smoldering brown eyes.

Then lead me astray, Johnny Tabor,

she whispered.
He moved to kiss her
but she placed an index finger to his lips and said,

Just a ways
mind you.

Johnny grinned.

All right…just a ways.

He took her chin in one hand
slowly caress
her lower lip with his thumb.
Gazing into her eyes, he mumbled,


t nothin

in this whole world as sweet as your kiss, Vivi.

Vivianna smiled
chanted by his words
as they passed from his lips.

Not even honeysuckle sugar?

she asked in a whisper.

Not a whole barrelful of honeysuckle sugar,

he told her a moment before his mouth crushed to hers.

There was no soft first kiss meant to build to a passionate exchange.
Rather the passion was ripe and instant between them!
Vivianna sighed as Johnny

s arms tightened around her—as the moist heat of his mouth bathed her in delicious bliss!
She felt his hand weave into her hair at the back of her head as he endeavored to press his mouth more firmly to hers.
The rough whiskers of his face prickled the tender flesh of hers
but she only reveled in the sense—further proof she was alive and knowing pleasure.
For a moment, his kisses grew to such a ravenous state she was nearly unable to draw breath—but she didn

t care.
Her arms were around him
her hands woven through his soft hair
as she met his thirsting demands.

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