Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine (55 page)

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Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

BOOK: Beneath the Honeysuckle Vine
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paused and looked up to Vivianna with a rather frightened, pleading expression.

I think Mr. Johnny loves me…don

t you, Miss Vivianna?

he asked.


s heart nearly broke with
mpathy and love for the boy.

I know he does,

she said, dropping to her knees and gathering him into her arms.

And he loves you too,

sniffled against her cheek.

I can tell.

He pulled away from her then, brushing a tear from his cheek.

He just needs a little more skill with his kissin


He smiled at her then.

Vivianna giggled.


if Johnny gets any better at kissin

…I swear he

ll lead me

Straight down the path to



s eyes widened.

What a thing to say!



s what ya meant

t it?

m not rightly certain how kissin

on Johnny could lead down to
I just heard a nurse woman say that once
when she was visitin

the camp.
I hea
d her say,

That Johnny Tabor!
He could lead me straight down the path to
and I wouldn

t mind a bit!


s what she said.


Of course
I never could figure it…bein

that Johnny never would say a word to her.

shook his head and sighed.

Sometimes grown
up folks don

t make no sense at all.

Vivianna watched as
then placed half the bouquet of mashed flowers on her mother

s grave and half on her father

She stifled a giggle when he kneeled down and began pinching the already mutilated blossoms with his small fingers.

There now,

he said, wiping his violet scented hands on his shirt.

Mama used to pinch mint or sage leaves when she was cookin

She said it released the flavors.
I figure the same thing goes on with flower perfume.

I suppose it does,

Vivianna said.

was quiet for a moment—thoughtful.

Would it be all right with you if I come out here every once in a while and visited your folks, Miss Vivianna?

he asked.

I don

t know where my own were buried over…or even if they were.

d make me feel a whole lot better if I could come visitin

yours here and there.

Of course, darlin


Vivianna said, fighting back another flood of tears.

And besides
I know my mama and daddy are watchin

over me from heaven.
Maybe…maybe since you

re here too now…maybe your mama and daddy are to
gether with my own.
Maybe they

just sittin

up in heaven together



he asked, smiling hopefully.


Vivianna said, smoothing his hair from his forehead.


lemonade…with lots of extra sugar.

and crushed a few more violet petals.

told me today
that you found him…not Justin,

Vivianna said.
She let the droplet of honeysuckle nectar drip to Johnny

s lip
then kissed it away.

Johnny smiled as he lay on his back, hands tucked behind his head, beneath the wild honeysuckle vine in the woods.

Oh, I

ll take me some more of that, Miss Vivianna Bartholomew,

he said.

Vivianna smiled.

Did you find him?
Did you find
…or did Justin?

Johnny shrugged.

Does it matter?
He got found
. T

s what

s important.

But I wanna know the truth,

Vivianna prodded.


s smile faded.

The truth,

he mumbled.

All right
I did find

he confessed.

I was out scoutin

and Justin was a ways behind me…and I found the poor boy.
When we got back to camp, Justin marched in and announced he

d found a lost orphan boy.
Everyone went on and on, slatherin

him with praise and compliments.
I don

t know why he done that
I just wanted to make sure the boy was safe.

He paused, his eyes narrowing as he added,

And I ain

t tellin

ya that to try and make myself shine in anybody

s eyes. I just wanna make sure you know that

t a liar.

His anger disappeared almost instantly, however, and he chuckled.

That boy!
He does lighten a heart…don

t he?

Vivianna nodded.

Yes, he does.

s a little darlin


Johnny sat up
and Vivianna leaned back against the old vine-covered oak as he cupped her chin in one hand and kissed her.
Oh, his kiss was divine!
His mouth was sweet like sugar
and the feel of it to hers caused goose pimples to ripple over her body.

He mumbled something against her mouth
yet her ears were ringing so loudly with bathing in bliss that she didn

t understand him.


she breathed.

His mouth left hers, and he kissed her neck just below her right ear.

I love you, Vivi,

he whispered then.

Instantly, tears sprang to Vivianna

s eyes
Instantly, her heart began to hammer even more madly than it had a moment before!


ve loved you for so long,

he breathed.

Vivianna captured his face between her hands—kissed him ravenously on the mouth.
He loved her!

d said it—confessed his love
She was wild with rapture!

Throwing her arms around his neck
she wept and whispered against his cheek,

I love you, J

ve loved you from the
moment I first saw you!
The day you and Justin returned…I…I tried not to look at you.
I thought it was because you were lookin

so near to death.
But…but now I realize…I realize my soul was drawn to you!

He released her, taking her face in his hands and studying her expression.

Remember…remember that day…when all of us thought you would die…that you wouldn

t live until mornin

I kissed you, Johnny!
I kissed you!
Oh, it probably seemed like nothin

to you
but I

d never done such a thing in my life, Johnny!
To kiss a strange man?
Even then my soul was drawn to you.
My mind and heart were tryin

their best to love Justin…but my soul knew I loved you.


s eyes were moist—bright with joy but also sadness.

Do you…do you love me enough to forgive me anything, Vivi?

he asked.

Johnny, I know you
. T

s nothin

you could

ve done that would change my love for you.

He looked doubtful.
His brow puckered with pain.

Johnny Tabor…have you murdered anyone?

she asked.

Of course not,

he grumbled.

Do you have a wife and children tucked away in


Then there

s nothin


re hidin



you that would keep me from you.

Let me taste you now, Vivi,

he mumbled.
His eyes began to smolder with desire as he gazed at her.

Let me kiss you for an hour here…beneath the honeysuckle vine.
Let me have one more day of ownin

your heart…and the
n…then I

ll tell ya.
Give me
time to build up my courage…and then I

ll tell you about the devil in me.
Then you can decide whether or not you can still love me…whether or not you can tolerate lookin

at me.
All right?

Vivianna pressed her palm to his whiskery cheek.
She was not afraid.
She knew Johnny
she knew his soul.
There was nothing he could

ve done to make him unworthy of her love—to cause her to abandon him.

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