Beneath The Lies (15 page)

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Authors: Riann C. Miller

BOOK: Beneath The Lies
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I start taking the stairs as fast as I can then make it to my car. Honestly, I’m not sure how I got here, but I’m startled out of my funk when I see Gavin’s Mustang pull in ahead of me and get out of his car.

“What the hell, babe? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he says as his eyes start to narrow in my direction. I shake my head, trying my hardest to clear my thoughts. I look back toward the main door of Gavin’s building then back to him, confused.

“Where have you been?” I softly ask.

“I’ve been working at The Hill. Why? What’s wrong?” I pause. Do I tell him that he has a woman in his apartment? “Kate? What. Is. Wrong?”

Gavin is losing his patience with me. I clear my throat but when I find my voice it’s soft, almost a whisper. “There’s a woman in your apartment waiting on you.”

Gavin’s eyes widen as he glances toward the main door himself. “There’s a woman in my apartment?” he repeats.

“Yes,” I whisper back, not sure what else—if anything—I should say.

“Argh, you have got to be fucking kidding me. I’ve told Kiran to stop bringing chicks to my place. Come on.” My breath catches when I understand what he said. That woman was with Kiran, not Gavin?

Gavin all but drags me up the steps to his second floor apartment, unlocks the door and sure enough, there’s the woman I saw earlier talking to Kiran, but she’s dressed now.

They both stop and look at us as Gavin storms through the door, his anger apparent. “Kiran, you didn’t mention you were bringing a friend when you asked if you could come over.” A threatening smile crosses over Gavin’s face while I watch Kiran’s guest go from happy to horrified.

“You don’t live here?” The woman is staring at Kiran with questions in her eyes. “And your name is Kiran? You told me your name was Zach,” she says in a hateful tone.

Gavin shakes his head, trying to fight back laughter. However, my heart is hurting for her. For a lot of people, sex is just sex and hook ups are sometimes nothing more than a one night stand, but clearly Kiran lied to this woman and, well...that sucks.

“I um...” Kiran at least looks remorseful, but it does nothing to make this woman feel better. With a sad smile, she grabs her purse and walks to the door, opens it, then walks out without looking back.

She barely had the door shut when Gavin starts in. “I told you to stop bringing chicks here. If you don’t want them to know where you live then rent a fucking hotel room.”

Gavin hastily walks off toward the kitchen. I’m trying my best to avoid looking at Kiran because at the moment I find him disgusting.

Gavin walks back in with a beer in his hand. “Why the fuck do you look upset? I should kick your ass. Kate came up here earlier and that chick opened my fucking door. I found her about to leave and it was clear she thought I had fucked that woman.” Gavin turns and gives me a sharp look. “We’ll discuss that later.”
Oh crap.

He gives me no time to react before he starts in on Kiran again. “I told you before to cut that shit out. To you it’s no big deal but then a week later these chicks knock on my fucking door looking for your ass, and I’m stuck dealing with it.”

Through all of this Kiran remains quiet. His eyes are fixed on the floor but I see the tension in his shoulders.

“Sorry, it won’t happen again.” With that he gets up, grabs his keys and leaves. I look back at Gavin and I swallow loudly. His jaw is tense and his eyes are wild.

“You thought that woman was here with me?” He growls out his question.

Of course I thought that, but I’m not about to say that to him. At least not right now. “I. Um.” Gavin’s eyes narrow as he repeats his question. “Did you think that woman was here with me?”

My hands start to shake as I think of something to say to get me out of this mess. “No. Yes. I—I mean...I came here to talk to you about something. When I knocked and she opened the door. She looked like she had know, and then my brain went crazy. Under the circumstances you can’t totally fault me. I mean, if the roles were reversed and you showed up at my place and a half-naked man opened the door what would you think?”

Gavin’s head jerks before he replies, “I wouldn’t think anything. I would beat the shit out of him and if he’s lucky I’d stop before I killed him.”

My mouth drops open at his claim. “I wasn’t fucking around when I said that you belong to me and I’m not a damn cheater, Kate. Whether you want it or not, I’m yours and you sure as fuck belong to me.”

Gavin sounds irritated, but regardless he walks over, picks me up bridal style, and walks me back to his room where he tosses me on his bed.

My body instantly heats up at the idea of what’s to come. Gavin’s eyes stay focused on mine. “Take your shirt and bra off.” Without pause, I quickly remove both and toss them on the floor. “Now your shorts and panties.” I lift my waist up long enough to push both of them down my legs and then I toss them aside with the others.

Gavin’s gaze slowly traces my whole body. His teeth are clenched but I think he’s fighting off his hunger for me more than he’s struggling with his anger.

“I don’t want you to doubt me again. I’m not the kind of guy who’ll stray, but...fuck, even if I was you’d be the woman that would change me.” His eyes drift shut for a moment and when he opens them he’s unable to hide his appetite for me. “I don’t care if a naked woman answers my door. You do not assume I was fucking her. If given the chance, Carly will attempt to fill your head with garbage. The same thing goes for Leeta. And I wasn’t kidding before about woman showing up here looking for Kiran. I haven’t so much as touched another woman since the night I first saw you at The Hill. Now are we clear?”

I swallow and nod my head in agreement but Gavin doesn’t budge. I clear my throat and softly answer him. “Yes.”

“Good. Now flip over and put your head on the pillow and your ass in the air.” I didn’t ask why, but I also didn’t hesitate in doing exactly what he asked. This is unlike anything I’ve ever done before. And with my ass up and on display, I feel indecent and dirty, but at the same time...I love it.

Gavin walks over to his bedside table and removes a condom then walks back to the end of the bed. “Kate.” He all but growls my name. “This is a fucking spectacular view.” Without meaning to, I let out a groan. “Does that turn you on? Me looking at your sexy pink pussy? Because let me tell you it’s making me hard as fuck staring at it.” I’m panting now with need. I feel the bed move then I feel heat coming from Gavin’s body behind mine.

I’m expecting him to push a finger, maybe even his dick inside of me. Therefore I’m caught completely off guard when he slaps my ass, rather hard. “Ah,” I cry out.

“Shh. Quiet.” Gavin doesn’t say anything more before he slaps me again. I’m about to tell him to go screw himself when a third slap hits my other ass cheek. After each slap, he softly rubs the area he just spanked. On his fifth slap he moves a little lower and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that felt strange...a good strange, but still strange. I’m aching with need, need for Gavin. I start to whimper as Gavin slams into me from behind.

The jolt to my system triggers a muffled scream that passes my lips, but Gavin doesn’t slow down or wait for me to mentally catch up. Instead, he starts pounding in and out of me. My mind is still in a haze from everything Gavin has said and done, but I’ve never felt more alive than I do this exact minute.

“You belong to me, Kate. And I belong to you.” Gavin’s tone is still harsh, almost punishing, but right now all I care about is how he’s making me feel. “You’re never to run away from me again.” I moan some type of agreement but remain focused on the ecstasy my body is feeling.

The last couple of days I’ve been wound tight with tension and this is exactly what I need. Gavin keeps up his fast, almost punishing thrusts and before long my vision blurs and I start coming on his dick. My release seems to go on and on, but when Gavin feels me relax he tightens his hold on my hips and continues to pound in and out of me until he finds his own release moments later.

Never once did I see his face or even kiss him the whole time we had sex. I never thought I’d be with a man who would treat me this rough and more importantly, I never expected to enjoy it, but I did probably more than I’m willing to admit.

When I peer over my shoulder to see what happened to Gavin, I spot him removing the condom. Seconds later the bed dips and I can feel his hand gliding up and down my back. I wait patiently for him to say something, but he waits several minutes before he finally does.

“I get why your mind would think that girl was here with me. But what I need you to understand is that will never happen. If you think I have a chick here then you come in and bust my balls. You do not leave. God, Kate.” I immediately roll over when I hear the pain in his voice. I give his hand a light squeeze. “If I hadn’t shown up when I did then there’s a good chance you wouldn’t have believed me when I told you that girl wasn’t here with me. That thought scares the shit out of me. More than it should. Kate...”

I can see Gavin’s throat move as he swallows. He seems nervous. “I’ve waited a long time to find you and now that I know what it’s like to have you in my life, I’ll do everything humanly possible to keep you. Forever.”

This is a moment I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. As ridiculous as we might look lying naked on the top of his bed, I know this is the moment I was truly found. The funny thing is, until Gavin came into my life...I didn’t know how lost I truly was.



Last night, Gavin got up and put a frozen pizza in the oven that the two of us ended up sharing for dinner. Afterwards we went back to his bed and had sex several times where I could see him, touch him, and most importantly...kiss him. What we did not do was talk about why I came over or about what happened afterwards.

I understand where his anger came from last night. I saw that woman in his apartment and without sticking around to see what was really going on, I assumed the worst, naturally so. Gavin also had a point that had he not came home when he did, I never would have believed Kiran when he claimed the woman was here with him. Those two are extremely close, and I’m sure lying for each other isn’t beneath them.

I’m not insecure and I don’t have trust issues. I guess what it comes down to is I simply don’t know Gavin as well as I would like to. If I had known him longer, then I probably would have the knowledge that Kiran occasionally brings woman here and I might not have jumped to conclusions. At the same time, we won’t learn everything about each other overnight, which means I need to give him the benefit of the doubt until I have a solid reason not to.

When I woke moments ago, I was once again alone in Gavin’s bed. When I get up to look for him, I find him working at his computer. “Hey.” Gavin stops whatever he was doing and turns in his chair.

“Hey yourself. Did you sleep okay?” he asks while his greedy eyes take me in from head to toe.

“Absolutely. Your bed is amazing.” Without thinking I walk over and climb into his lap. I love the feel of his big, hard body wrapped around me. Gavin brushes his fingers through my hair as I rest my head against his chest. “Last were mad. Is that why you...”

At my words, he immediately stops his movements. I start to get up, but he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me in place. “Kate, before you act like a victim, I’d like to say I never planned on spanking you until I saw your beautiful ass up in the air. I thought I would give you a quick pop as a reminder never to run from me, but I saw how wet it made you. Fuck, babe, you were soaking wet after that last one.” I can hear Gavin’s heart racing inside his chest as he brings his arm back up and starts playing with my hair.

“Are you going to argue with me that you didn’t fucking love it?” I’m not sure how to answer him. I did enjoy it, more than I would have guessed possible, but I’m not positive I’m ready to admit that yet.

“Maybe it wasn’t all that bad,” I say through a frustrated sigh, causing Gavin to laugh. I hop out of his lap and lean against his desk so I can see his face. I might not like the idea of being spanked, but I enjoyed the idea of Gavin letting go and being himself.

I shake off thoughts about last night. “I actually came over here yesterday to run something by you.”

“Oh, what’s that?” he casually asks while his eyes go back to raking up and down my body.

“My father set up an account to pay for my school and living expenses until I graduate. It’s actually the only money I have access to at the moment. I was always under the impression my dad kept the entire amount I would need to graduate, but he didn’t. My dad’s lawyer contacted me to tell me I would be short on money but also gave me a solution.”

“Okay...what did he say?” I turn up my nose, already hating the idea. “I own ten percent of the stock in my dad’s company. I could sell some or all of it and I would have more than enough to pay my tuition.”

Gavin’s brows bunch. “You have access to stock but not money?”

I sigh in frustration, not at Gavin, but from the situation. “Yes. My dad has told me since I was old enough to remember that one day Simple Global Solutions would be my company, however he wanted me to graduate first. His will states that all his assets become mine after I graduate or when I turn twenty-five. But he signed over ten percent of SGS’s stock to me twenty years ago when my parents adopted me. That stock legally became mine when I turned eighteen.”

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