Besieged (25 page)

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Authors: L.P. Lovell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #L.P lovell, #Besieged, #Theodore Ellis, #Romance, #Lilly Parker, #New adult

BOOK: Besieged
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"Pft, if I were living with Mr Fine, there's no way I’d bother with you fuckers!" George laughs. Molly throws a cushion at him. "Do you need a lift over there Lill's?" George calls as I head toward my room.

"No, I’ve got Theo's car. Thanks though." I don't miss the look they both exchange.




When Theo came to the studio last week it had completely thrown me. He totally challenged my convictions, made me doubt my judgement of him. I realised that I had affected him in a way that I hadn't thought possible. I was surprised and relieved that he wants to be with me in a way that he never has with anyone else, it enabled me to justify my affections for him which I had tried so hard to deny even to myself. However, no matter how hard I try I’m still scared, I'm all too aware of how easily I could fall under the spell of Theodore Ellis.

I remember the conversation I had with Molly that morning. I realise now that she was right, and despite all my efforts, wanting to think the worst of him, I had developed a regard for him that I could no longer deny myself. I had only caused both Theo and myself misery with my denial. I knew though that if I did this I needed to be all in. If I’m going to try this then I need to give it my all and try to ignore my fears, otherwise it’s doomed before it’s even begun. This is the very reason I’ve never been in a relationship, I can’t go all in. I can’t put that much faith in one person, and yet now I’ve put that faith in Theodore Ellis of all people...and so I’ve ended up in my current situation - Day five living with Theo.

The last few days at Theo's house have actually been amazing much to my surprise. I had my reservations that we would be totally incompatible outside of sex, so it's been a shock to realise that aside from his obvious charms I genuinely enjoy his company, even fully clothed. He's trying really hard, always asking what I want to do when I know he'd usually spend his evenings working or with friends. Every day he asks relentless questions about me, from my favourite colour to my favourite food, the names of my childhood pets and everything in between. At first I found it exasperating, but he told me that he wanted to know every trivial detail about me. We're slowly becoming more natural and relaxed in each other’s company. I think this is helped by removing sex from the situation.

I have to admit though the lack of sex is starting to slowly affect me. The spare room went out the window after only one night. That moment when we've just gone to bed and I curl against his side and run my hand over his beautiful chiselled that moment I would do anything to have him just take me. I've never wanted anyone so much. I don't know how much longer I can sleep next to him without throwing myself at him, but the whole reason he's doing this is to prove a point to me. If I show my own weakness now I’ll just be a hypocrite, unless I tempt him to the point where he physically cannot resist....


I finish work and step into the back of the rolls as has become a custom since living with Theo.

"Good afternoon Miss Parker." James greets me as I slide across the smooth leather seat.

"Hello James." I reply chirpily. I can't deny that since being with Theo I've been in a very good mood, despite my lack of uh…release.

I tried so hard to initially deny my need for Theo and later deny any sort of attraction other than sexual. It's almost a relief to just admit it...that I want to be with him. I like it. Who’d have thought?

Ten minutes later we pull up outside my flat. I need to stop and pick up a dress. Theo has a business dinner tonight and has asked me to join him, but I didn't bring anything to wear.

I hurry to my wardrobe and search through the garment bags, looking for my Oyster Donner Karen dress. It's perfect, classy and sophisticated. I spot it and hurry back out of the flat almost colliding into Molly as I do.

"Oh, sorry. Hi Moll's."

"Hey babes. How's it going over on the wealthy side?" She teases.

"Good actually. I think I actually like him."

She rolls her eyes at me. "How does it take you weeks to see what I could have told you that first day..." She shakes her head.

"Yeah yeah, babes I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you tonight. Love you." I shout as I head down the corridor.

"You too." She shouts after me.


I pin my hair up in a loose up do and apply natural make up before slipping on my dress. The material dances and shimmers under the bright lights of Theo’s bathroom. The strapless garment sits just above my knee, the material hangs in artfully placed drapes, emphasizing my hour glass shape. I slip on the matching peep toe heels and with one last look in the mirror I step out of the bathroom

Theo makes a low whistle from his place sat on the bed. "You" He shakes his head.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." He's wearing a simple black suit with light grey shirt and a black tie. It hugs him in all the right places hinting at that beautiful physique underneath. Images of his naked body burst unbidden into my mind and I find myself clamping my thighs together at the onslaught. I hear his quiet chuckle and glare at him.

"I'm glad it's not just me." He raises a suggestive eyebrow.

My eyes automatically survey his body and I note the subtle bulge at his fly. I look up and meet his amused gaze.

He stands and strolls towards me, placing a gentle hand against my neck. "I can't help it." He whispers against my neck "... you look seriously hot right now." His eyes flicker down my body and I can see the burning hunger in his gaze.

He traces one finger down my neck and along the line of my collar bone, his touch sets my skin ablaze. His sapphire gaze meets mine, the longer he stares at me the more intense the atmosphere becomes as though the air is charged with static electricity crackling between our bodies.

"Lilly." He whispers as his lips brush mine. I can't help the low moan that escapes me at the sheer pleasure of his touch. I throw my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his and deepening the kiss. He kisses me back, tracing my lower lip with the tip of his tongue. One arm wrapped around my waist pulling me to him, while the other holds my neck still.

All too soon he pulls away from me and presses his forehead against mine. Damn it.

"I'm sorry." He smirks.

"Theo, you can kiss me..." I sigh in frustration.

He shakes his head. "Sugar, when it comes to you and me, it’s never just a kiss." He smiles lazily.

I scowl at him. "Let's go." I turn on my heel and stalk out of the room.

Theo drives us to the restaurant which is about twenty minutes outside of London. It's an old country house which is now used as a hotel. The restaurant is lovely with all the classical features from the original house. It’s all very cosy but upmarket.

We're seated at a large table next to one of the huge floor to ceiling windows. We appear to be the first ones here.

"So who are we meeting again?" I ask when we're seated. Theo didn't really tell me who we were meeting, only a business associate.

"Steve Hillford. He's the director of Media Inc. at the moment. I intend to keep him on in the business. He seems to be good at his job, but I like to get to know the people who work for me. His wife is also coming and my uncle Mike who you've met. Mike and Steve are old business acquaintances." He states matter of factly. It surprises me that Theo would take the time to get to know an employee.

“You and your uncle seem close.” I ponder.

He nods. “Yeah, he was pretty much the closest thing to a parent Cat and I had growing up.” This information surprises me. I sort of assumed that Theo was from a super stable background. I feel bad that I’ve never asked him about this. In fact I haven’t really asked him about much. I am curious, but I don’t want to ask about his parents in case he asks about mine. I really should know more about him though.

“I’m curious about something.” I muse.

“What’s that?” He smiles.

“Well, you run all these businesses and would by anyone’s standards be considered a businessman, yet you don’t actually do all that much.” I smile. “I always thought businessman worked twenty hours a day and died of heart attacks at the age of forty.” I raise an eyebrow at him.

He laughs. “Ah well you see sugar, business and pleasure can easily be mixed.” He flicks his gaze down to my chest. I roll my eyes. “It’s all about delegation. I make sure that the people who work for me are the very best, that way they do the work and make me money whilst I play millionaire. It suits me very well.”

“But surely if they can run your business they could run their own?” I ask.

“I pay them so well that the stress of finding funding and setting up an entirely new business just doesn’t appeal. If someone is vital to your business then you treat them as such. I value my staff, and so they stay loyal to me.” He shrugs.

“Huh, and I thought you were just a pretty face with a trust fund.” I smirk.

“I do have a pretty face don’t I?” He smiles and winks. I roll my eyes at him. “Anyway, you’re not entirely wrong. William and I did start the business with our trust funds.” He shrugs.

“So William runs it with you?”

“He runs the offices in Paris. Went out there for a business trip, met a woman, next thing I know he’s moving out there. Crazy bastard.” He shrugs clearly baffled by his brother’s behaviour.

"What would you like to drink?" He asks changing the subject.

"White Wine please." As he speaks to the waitress I notice that the soft lighting and the glow from the fire give his skin a rustic tone making his eyes glow brightly. He looks too beautiful, almost inhuman. The waitress blushes and stutters as he speaks to her. He doesn't even seem to notice her tripping over herself. She glances nervously in my direction before scurrying off.

"Wow. That was just embarrassing." I murmur under my breath. Theo smiles wryly at me.

"Yeah, he gets that a lot. I keep telling him, he's a taken man now. Send them my way. I thought there was something going on with you two at The Ivy. I knew I was right." I look up and into the infectiously smiley face of Theo's uncle Mike. We met briefly at the poker table.

"You wouldn't know what to do with them if I did, and please, you thought for years that I was shagging my over-weight maths tutor." Theo rolls his eyes.

"Don't listen to him, I taught him everything he knows. As for Lola, there is something to be said for a larger lady, they try harder." Mike winks at me. I can't help but smile at the two of them. I get the impression that Theo isn't close to many people and it's truly heart-warming to see him so at ease with his uncle, even if they do talk about shagging fat girls.

"Lilly, may I say you look stunning." Mike takes my hand and kisses it. Theo just rolls his eyes.

"Maybe he did teach you..." I tease Theo.

"Oh, please." He scoffs.

Steve and his wife are shown to our table and seated. Theo sits to one side of me and Steve's wife on the other. Steve introduces his wife as Sarah, who seems nice if not a little quiet.

"Steve, you know Mike." Mike shakes his hand. "And this is Lilly Parker, my girlfriend." Theo says with a little too much enthusiasm. I glance up at him, but can't bring myself to correct him, despite the panic that crawls in my stomach. The look on his face is so proud and full of joy. I shake Steve’s hand. His lingering eyes do not escape my notice as they rake over my frame. I sense Theo stiffen slightly beside me and place my hand on his thigh in a calming gesture.

The waitress takes our food orders and the conversation is very quickly business. I chat to Sarah politely about her life, she tells me that she is a full time mother of three boys who sound like a handful.

"What do you do for a living Lilly?" She asks in her quiet soothing voice.

"I'm a solicitor, specialising in business law." I reply brightly. I notice her eyes flick to Theo and then back to me with a confused expression.

"That sounds very challenging." She nods enthusiastically.

I shrug. "I enjoy it."

The food arrives and the conversation turns to business which let’s be honest isn’t exactly thrilling.They're discussing possible options for Media Inc. as a company.

"I think scrap anything to do with the old company and rebrand it entirely." Mike says.

"But the company is a trusted brand, you should stick with it." Steve counters. Theo leans back in his chair looking totally controlled and self-possessed. He's removed his jacket and his muscular shoulders strain at the fabric of his shirt making me suddenly overheated. Once again images of his naked form burst through my mind. What is wrong with me? I have no control over my own thoughts! My chest feels tight and my pulse starts thundering in my ears. Theo places his hand gently on my thigh as he chats away, seemingly unaware of me hyperventilating next to him. Jesus, this is ridiculous.

The guys carry on their conversation as I fairly innocently place my hand on Theo’s thy. I drag my hand up until my fingers just brush the edge of his package. His hand settles over mine stilling me. He tilts his face to me and narrows his eyes, a smirk fixed on those beautiful lips. He leans over as if placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

“Don’t play games you can’t win sugar.” He whispers.

I smile innocently. “I don’t know what you mean.” I say, before taking a bite of food.

He removes his hand and picks up his glass of wine. He swills the glass as he appears to listen to the conversation, but I’m the one with my hand on his crotch, and I know better. I drift my fingers very carefully over the material of his trousers, which becomes increasingly more taught with each passing second.

Once again his hand clamps over mine. He carries on his conversation whilst lifting my hand and placing it on my thigh. He guides my fingers up the inside of my thigh ever so slowly, taking my skirt with him. Okay, so perhaps I am playing with fire here.

“Lilly?” Steve and Mike are both staring at me. Theo has a smug grin on his face.

“Oh, sorry. What was that?” I try to compose myself.

“What do you do?” Steve asks, his eyes drifting far too far south of my face.

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