Best Friend Emma

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Authors: Sally Warner

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Kry will be
Friend, not yours!

“Hey,” I say, surprised, as I fling my book bag onto the picnic-table bench.

“Hey yourself,” Cynthia Harbison says. “What are you doing here so early?” she asks me, scowling with suspicion. “Waiting for Kry Rodriguez to show up?”

“I’m just waiting for my friend.”

Cynthia shakes her head in a pitying way. “Kry is not going to be your friend,” Cynthia says, jumping down off the table.

“But you already have two friends,” I point out, trying to reason with her as I back away a little. “And I only have one. If I get Kry, though, it’ll make us even.”

“I don’t
to be even,” Cynthia says, nar-rowing her eyes. “I want to win! So, tough. It’s not gonna happen, Emma.”

Other books about Emma

Only Emma

Not-So-Weird Emma

Super Emma

Sally Warner

Illustrated by

Jamie Harper



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Text copyright © Sally Warner, 2007

Illustrations copyright © Jamie Harper, 2007

All rights reserved


Warner, Sally.

Best friend Emma / by Sally Warner; illustrated by Jamie Harper.

p. cm.

Summary: When a new girl joins her third-grade class just before Thanksgiving,

Emma thinks only about gaining her friendship before the popular Cynthia

can, and hurts her best friend Annie Pat’s feelings in the process.

EISBN: 9781101567449

[1. Best friends—Fiction. 2. Friendship—Fiction. 3. Schools—Fiction.

4. Thanksgiving Day—Fiction.] I. Harper, Jamie, ill. II. Title

PZ7.W24644Bes 2007     [E]—dc22     2006027629

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For little Lucy Parsons, who will meet

her first best friend any day now! — S. W.

For my pal, Al—J.H.


That Empty Feeling

Who’s That?

A New Kid in Class!

Round One

My Big Chance

Round Two?

A Fight with the Wrong Person

Round Three

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

The Most Terrible Saturday in History?

Really, Really, Very, Very Sorry

Turkeys Drool, Best Friends Rule!

That Empty Feeling

“I’m stuffed!” I say, almost gasping.

It is a Monday in November, and Annie Pat Masterson and I are eating lunch at school. We are outside, my favorite place in the world to be.

Annie Pat and I are getting ready for Thanksgiving—ten days away, Mom says—by stretching our stomachs. You have to do this from the inside, with food, because outside stretching doesn’t work. We already tried that.

“I know you’re stuffed. But want another apple anyway?” Annie Pat asks—gloomily, because she is stuffed, too. She holds one out on the flat of her hand, as if I were a horse. Her
red pigtails are usually bouncy, but today they droop.

“Sure,” I lie. “We’re in training for Thanksgiving, aren’t we?”

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