Best Friend’s Brother: Best Friend's Brother Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Best Friend’s Brother: Best Friend's Brother Romance
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They talked about their time apart.  She told him about doing Journalism in college, but not really feeling fulfilled once she got her degree.  She was thinking about getting into music, like her mom.  She wanted to be a producer, and maybe do jazz vocals over interesting beats.  She’d made a few, but she was only ever brave enough to share with Lauryn; who of course loved all of her work.


Jakob had majored in creative writing when he had started college, of course.  It was his engineering skills and Thomas Hardy’s “Drummer Hodge” that were the deciding factors for him to join the army.  "Drummer Hodge" was also the poem he recited at Nathaniel’s funeral.  He admitted, during their hike, that poetry was pretty much responsible for all of the major decisions he had made in his life.


“When did you realize that?”


“I think it was from the first time I recited some Hardy to you,” the memory made him smile.  Zooey knew that memory well.  She remembered that it was “How Great My Grief”, and she was confused at first as to what he was saying, but when she read it again for herself, she knew that it was meant from her.  Jakob didn’t know what was happening in her life, and the persona was asking for him to.  Jakob understood her in a way that required poetry to decipher what it was that he really felt, or what he thought she may have truly felt.


“Jake,” Zooey said after a pause, “can I ask what we’re doing?”


Bemused, Jakob took hold of Zooey’s hand and moved her farther away from the edge.  The trail was getting more and more narrow as they ascended.  He wasn’t sure what to say.


“I don’t know right now.  There are so many things I’ve been trying to figure out and piece together since I’ve been back.  Like where to work, or what to do in general actually.  Do I go back to school later on?”


Zooey nodded when he didn't continue.  She didn’t want to be selfish.  He had been through so much in the last few years.  If she asked him where her place was in his life, it would be like she was dismissing all of his experiences.  She didn’t want that.


The sun had almost set, and they had finally reached the peak.  There were a few stars twinkling beyond the horizon, inviting the moon to come and join them.  It was breathtaking.


“I wasn’t expecting you Zooey,” Jakob said.  “You were always there...I just wasn’t expecting you.”


Chapter Five



The next few days went on like this.  Zooey spent a lot of time at home with her brother.  She was working on her music.  Newly inspired, she started creating jazz and ethereal beats that reminded her of what it was like for her being a kid, and how much life had changed now that she knew who it was that she loved the most.


Isaiah was good company, and wise beyond his years.  He would take Zooey’s House of Marley headphones and turn up the volume to listen to her progress.  She was newly inspired by music from Gregory Porter and Nouvelle Vague.  The music she created soothed Isaiah, but also kept him on his toes.  Finding anything that didn’t bore a three year old was a gift.  Finding anything that didn’t bore a three year old, but also had the ability to make one go to sleep, was miraculous.


Zooey didn’t call Jakob.  She didn’t send him any texts or message him on Facebook or anything.  It wasn’t a game.  She didn’t want to see if he was thinking of her, or if he would call first.  She wanted to give him time.  She wanted to give herself time.  If she could avoid going down that waterfall in a barrel she would.  She would only give in if she knew that it was completely worth it, because she already knew that he was.


Good morning


She was in her room working on a new drum and base beat she had created when she got a text from Jakob.  It came just a little over a week after the hike.  They didn’t kiss again, or talk about what came next with them.  They hiked down from the point just talking.  It was nice.  There was no pressure there.


Good morning.  How are you


I’m great.  Wanna run errands with me today


Sure.  When


I hope u took a shower cuz I’m already in front of ur house


Zooey laughed out loud when she got the text.  She had in headphones so she couldn’t hear what was going on around her, or outside her bedroom.


She took off her headphones and peered out the window.  Jakob was sitting in his car.  He was bobbing his head up and down, listening to something with a good beat.  He didn’t know she was watching him.  That made her smile.  He was just being a silly mess in the car.  Zooey watched as he gripped the steering wheel, closed his eyes and belted out lyrics in the car.  He was singing “Living On A Prayer”, she was going to bet.


Zooey opened her bedroom window and started flailing her arms.  It took a while for Jakob to see her.  He turned down the volume and wound his window down.  He was all smiles.  She melted when she looked at him.  He’d never looked so happy to see her before.


“Bon Jovi!” she screamed.


“Huh?” he shut off the music in his car.  She repeated what she said.  He laughed at her and shook his head.  “Home.  Framing Hanley, but nice try.  I think Bon Jovi’s on this playlist.  You ready?”


“Gotta shower and breakfast,” she called out.


“Go ahead and shower.  I’ve got my music,” he said patiently.  Zooey went back inside, and Jakob went back to his music.


Zooey raced to her closet and pulled out a shirt and pants.  No pressure she kept thinking to herself.  She moved as quickly as she could as she got ready.


"Mom, can you watch ZyZy?  Going out!" she called out when she was finally ready.


"Sure, going out with Laur?" Kady was already with Isaiah.   He was watching cartoons, and she was reading and drinking tea on the couch.


"With Jake actually," Zooey said as she put on her shoes.


"Jakob Savage?" Kady's eyes widened, and her mouth curled up into a surprised smile.


"Yeah...why?" Zooey avoided her mother's look, but that made it all the more obvious.


"Nothing.  Nothing at all," Kady said.   Isaiah looked up from the TV for a second.  "But you and Jake huh?  Since when?"


"Not long.  I mean...well, since never actually.  He’s sort of figuring things out.  We're just hanging out today," Zooey said.


Kady's eyes went back to her paper, but her attention was still on Zooey and her movements.


"Ok.  Have fun.  But..." Kady stopped herself.


"But what?"


"Be careful of a man who hasn't decided what you are to him."


Kady said nothing more.  She was back to being fully engaged in what she was reading now.  Isaiah was back to watching TV.  Zooey knew her mother was looking out for her, but she didn't want to pressure or confuse herself more than she already had.


Jakob opened the door for Zooey when she was outside.  He thought it was only fair since she had held the door open for him.


They laughed and listened to music.  Jakob was doing some things for his father, which also meant he was doing some things for himself.  He had to see a few people on his dad's behalf.  It was giving him something to do before he got a stable enough job.


Zooey helped when she could.  She was mostly there to boost morale.  Whenever she offered to help, Jakob always declined.  He appreciated the company, and that was all he needed.  They had spent most of the afternoon together.  They didn’t even keep track of the time until they noticed the sun starting to set.


“Just need to make one more stop,” Jakob said as he turned onto a familiar dirt path.  He was heading toward Carla Mennez’ house.




“Aren’t we trespassing?” when they got to Carla’s house, Zooey and Jakob got out of the car and started moving toward the barn.  Zooey’s eyes darted around and she crouched just a bit while she walked, getting ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.


“I doubt it.”


“What are we doing here?” Zooey squeaked.  It was bad enough that they were there, but she didn’t even know why it was they needed to be there.


“Just checking in on the horses and feeding her dogs.”


The barn looked so different in the day.  It seemed bigger now that there was light seeping through all of the cracks.  The stable looked like it had been recently cleaned.  The four horses looked up and exhaled sharply at the intruders.  They grew bored quickly and settled down.  Jakob was satisfied enough with the horses, and started heading out to feed the dogs.


Carla had a large dog that was mixed with too many things for it to have a definite breed, and a small labradoodle by the name of Moxie.  The big dog was Bruce, and he roamed around the property mostly.  Moxie was a housedog, but now that Jakob was here, she could spend some time playing with Bruce outside.  Jakob opened the door to Carla’s large home.  Zooey didn’t feel comfortable walking in, so she stayed on the porch and watched Bruce.


Bruce’s ears were perked up, and he shimmied to the left and right of her, making sure not to get too close.  Jakob came out of the house with a small curly haired dog in tow.  Moxie wriggled in his arms.  She moved her head around wildly in search of a face she could recognize.


“Hey Zoo, can you get me their bowls?  They’re in the kitchen by the archway,” Jakob was too busy inspecting the puppy’s paws, and looking for ticks and fleas to notice the look of horror flash on Zooey’s face.  How could it be after so many years that she was still so uncomfortable she couldn’t even go into Carla’s home to help feed her dogs?  It was silly.  Zooey moved past Jakob and stepped inside.


Carla’s house was just as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside.  The interior looked like a cottage straight out of an HGTV magazine.  Zooey moved into the kitchen and found their bowls.  She was going to have to make two trips.  She took the food and water bowl of Bruce, whose bowls were bigger and silver, and went back out onto the porch.  That excited Bruce enough that he hopped from side to side and spun around.  Zooey went back inside and got Moxie’s bowls.


By this time, Moxie was calmly lying in one of Jakob’s hands and slowly pedaling all four of her legs, as if to swim away slowly.  She sniffed the air and yawned.  Jakob walked over to Zooey, and put the puppy in her hands.  Moxie started wiggling again.  She had just gotten used to Jakob.  Zooey rubbed the puppy all over her fur and snuggled with her.


“She’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” Zooey squeaked happily.  She nuzzled her face into the curly fur.


“Yeah she comes close.  Her curls have nothing on yours though,” Jakob smiled at them both.  Zooey loved that he was romantic in a silly way.  He made her heart laugh and flutter at the same time.  She smiled back up at him, Moxie lying sleepily in her arms.


They left food and water for the dogs, and put Moxie back inside after playing with her for a little while.  They left Bruce’s water and food bowl out on the porch for him to have some food during the night.  Jakob was supposed to check up on them every day while the Mennezes were away.  They trusted him enough to even give him a spare key.


“When we were younger, Carl and I would try to race across the lake.  There was only ever one time we both made it all the way across without chickening out,” Jakob was walking on the edge of the lake on his way back to his car.  He could talk about his ex with such ease.  Like he was unaware that that could shake or upset anyone, especially with the history Carla and Zooey had.


Zooey looked out into the water and at the other side of the bank.  She remembered the fireworks that were there only a few nights before.  Jakob had a way of putting things behind him the way that she did with things as well.  She wanted to talk to him about things like that, but she didn’t know how.  She had never been able to find the words.


“What’s on your mind, precious?” he took her hand, kissing it softly, then running his thumb along her knuckles.  Zooey sighed.  She didn’t know where to start.  And even if she did start, where would it end?  He would still be confused about her, and she would still always wonder.

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