Best Friends for Never (11 page)

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Authors: Lisi Harrison

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Dylan slipped her cell phone back in its Louis Vuitton case and then leaned in to Derrington and Cam and said, “I'm not so sure it's a good idea to play spin the bottle with someone who's been out for half a semester with a mysterious, face-altering sickness.”

“Ehmagod,” Massie said. “Ah-mazing point.”

“Yeah, but her sickness made her look better than she did before,” Vader said.

“For now,” Massie said. “Who knows what kind of long-term effects this thing may have?” Massie watched Olivia swipe an empty Perrier bottle off the treats table and knew time was running out.

“I vote for health,” Dylan said to Derrington. She lifted her palm in the air.

“Me too,” Massie said. “I say we make a run for the out-of-order bathroom and hide there. It's way more private.” She raised her eyebrows like a sexy seductress from the movies when she said “private.” Massie had no idea how she'd keep kissing off the agenda, but she had another minute or so to figure it out.

“I'm game,” Cam said with a devious smile. Massie could smell the grape Big League Chew he was chomping on and leaned in closer to get another whiff.

“What about you?” Dylan asked Derrington.

“Sure,” he mumbled. “Let's go.”

Derrington always mumbled, so it was hard for Massie to figure out if he was bored or excited. Either way, he went.

“Oh, so you're just going to leave me here to inhale Olivia's germs?” Vader shouted after them. “That's great. Thanks.”

“Do you think Vader's really mad?” Dylan whispered to Derrington.

“Nah, he has Alicia and Olivia all to himself now,” Derrington said. “He'll probably thank us.”

Dylan, unhappy with Derrington's response, ate three Chunky chocolate squares on their short walk across the lawn. It was the first time Massie had seen her break her raw food diet all week.

“Where do you think
going, gorgeous?”

Massie stopped walking and looked over her shoulder. Two boys in dresses were standing behind her. The one wearing the black wig was so tiny and frail he reminded Massie of the porcelain dolls she used to collect.

“We heard there was a spin-the-bottle game over at the pit,” Todd said. “Care for an escort?” He offered Massie his elbow.

His tiny friend giggled. But it sounded more like a squeak.

“Shouldn't you nice ladies be looking for some
to kiss?” Massie said.

Cam and Derrington cracked up.

“Excuse us, miss,” Dylan said. She pulled Massie away and they made a run for the cabana.

They slipped into the bathroom and Cam shut the door behind them. His Drakkar Noir cologne hung in the air and Massie fought the urge to hug him. She casually waved her wrist around, hoping he'd find her Chanel No.19 just as enchanting.

“I wonder how dark it gets in here with the lights off?” Cam said. His soft, sweet voice made him sound curious instead of perverted.

He flicked the switch and the tiny bathroom turned pitch black. Massie could feel herself starting to panic. Her heart raced and her hands got clammy.

OMG! What if he makes a move?

“Check this out,” Massie said. She turned a dial on the wall. A bulb in the ceiling lit up and the whole room glowed red. “Isn't that cool? It's a heat lamp. Now it really looks like hell in here.”

There was a chorus of “ooh's” and “whoa's” followed by an awkward moment of silence. Dylan decided to make it worse.

“Is it true you have a crush on someone in our grade?” Dylan asked Derrington. She nervously turned the faucet on and off while she waited for his answer.


“I heard you've had a crush on Kristen ever since the OCD benefit last month,” she asked. “Is it true?”

Dylan's strategy was risqué. Massie was impressed.

“Well, I—,” Derrington started to say. But he was interrupted.

“DIE, MORTALS! DIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!” Alicia and Olivia burst through the bathroom door, making scary faces.

Dylan, Derrington, Massie, and Cam grabbed on to each other and screamed louder than any of them ever thought they could.

“Get 'em!” Cam shouted. He pushed his way past Massie and ran after Alicia and Olivia, who took off screaming and laughing. Derrington followed.

Dylan was speechless. She watched Olivia sprint across the lawn in her super-tight wet suit, turning heads with every stride she took.

likes getting chased by boys,” Massie said to Dylan as they watched the sultry brunette and her new blond sidekick make off with their crushes.

does she remind me of?” Dylan asked.

“I know,” Massie said. “One of those Steve Madden models. You know, with the big heads and the skinny bodies.”

“That's it!”

“Oh, and something else.”


“Dead meat.”



October 31st

Claire stood at the edge of the ice rink, watching Layne skate and flirt with a guy dressed as a rock. She was so over standing on the sidelines, watching other people have fun.

It wasn't until Layne skated over a Reese's peanut butter cup and went flying through the air that Claire actually cracked a smile. She felt guilty right away for finding mild pleasure in her friend's accident, but she couldn't help it. Layne didn't even
to meet a boy,
did, and it wasn't fair! Somehow Layne's embarrassing wipeout made everything feel right again. Besides, the cushions around her neck broke the fall, so she wasn't hurt, just humiliated.

Eli tried helping Layne up. But their costumes kept colliding, so he couldn't get a strong grip on her arm. After several failed attempts Layne crawled toward land.

“Hey there, Blossom.”

Claire heard the tiny voice and turned to find Nathan looking up at her, his green dress covered in chocolate stains.

“Hi, Buttercup,” she said softly. There was something about being around such a petite guy that made everyone use their small voice when they spoke to him. “Where's Bubbles?”

“He's hiding in the bushes, throwing Smarties at Massie.”

Claire slowly shook her head.

“Wanna go get drawn by the caricature guy?” Nathan asked.

“Sure. Why not?”

Claire knew her social life had reached an all-time low as she strolled across the lawn with her brother's midgety friend.

They found the artist on the stone porch beside the side entrance of the house.

When he saw Blossom and Buttercup approach, he slapped his hand against his heart and smiled.

“Now, aren't you two precious,” he said. “Come. Sit, sit, sit.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she mumbled to Nathan.

“Yes,” he squeaked.

“Howdy,” the artist said. “I'm Jules Denver.”

Claire noticed his dry, chalky hands as he extended his arm to greet her. She shook it politely, then wiped her palm on the side of her dress when he wasn't looking.

Jules had gray feathered hair that Claire assumed had been blown dry by a professional. His nose was big and bulbous and his deep set eyes were tiny slits. Claire thought Jules's extreme features looked like one of the sample caricatures wrapped in plastic, tacked to the side of his easel.

“I think it would be darling if your little friend sat on your lap for the portrait,” he said to Claire.

“Do you think that will make me look like a ventriloquist?” Claire asked in her kindest voice. “Maybe I should just stand behind him.”

Jules's smile faded. “Please look over there.” He pointed his red Magic Marker at the big oak tree with the dangling mannequin. “And don't move.”

Five girls dressed as mice stood under the tree in a tight cluster, talking to each other with their hands over their mouths. Claire was trying to read their lips when she saw a cute guy with messy black hair, dressed as a soccer goalie, run past them. He was looking over his shoulder as if he was being chased. But no one was behind him.

“Maybe he's had too much sugar,” Claire said to Nathan. But Nathan didn't respond.

“No talking,” Jules snapped.

Claire wished Layne was around because she would have found that funny.

“Look straight at the tree, dear,” Jules said.

Every time Jules looked down at his paper, Claire tried to spot Cute Running Guy without moving her face. Finally she found him. He was heading her way.

“Look out,” Claire said to Jules.

But it was too late. Cute Running Guy slammed straight into Jules, sending him face-first onto his easel.

“Medic,” Jules said. He lay flat on the ground, surrounded by Magic Markers.

“Sorry, man,” Cute Running Guy said as he lifted himself off Jules. “I didn't see you there.”

Claire and Nathan fought the urge to laugh for as long as they possibly could.

“Very funny,” Jules said to Claire with a snarl. “I think I broke my hip.”

“We should probably go,” Claire said as she backed away. “Feel better.”

Blossom, Buttercup, and the soccer player broke into a fit of hysteria as soon as Jules was out of earshot.

“Sorry I ruined your picture,” the soccer player said.

“Are you kidding?” Claire said. “You saved my life.”

“Good.” He smiled. Claire liked his soft voice and had the sudden urge to hear him say her name the same way he just said “good.”

“I'm Claire,” she said. “And this is my brother's friend Nathan.” She pointed to the ground, but no one was there. “Oh, well, that
Nathan. Funny, I didn't see him leave.”

“I'm Cam,” he said. His black hair and red lips made Claire think of Snow White but in a total guy way.

“Who were you running from?” Claire asked.

“These two girls, Alicia and Olivia. But I think I lost them.”

“Is that a good thing?” Claire asked.

Please say yes please say yes.

“Yes.” He sighed. “I mean, they're cool and everything, but they're a little hyper for me, you know?”

“They are a lot of things. All of which are worth running from.”

Cam chuckled. His eyes laughed.

“Are you having fun at my party?” Claire asked.

“This is
party? I thought it was Massie's.”

Claire fought the urge to sound bitter. “We threw it together,” she said. “I live right over there.” She pointed to the small stone house with the cutout cardboard ghosts taped to the door.

“Oh, no way.” He sounded surprised. “So
the new girl.”

“Yyyy-eah.” She couldn't tell what he was going to do next.

But he didn't do anything except stare at her with his different color eyes.

“What?” Claire tugged at the hair elastic around her wrist until it pinched her skin.

“I heard about you, that's all,” he said. “Don't worry, it was all good.”

Claire was dying to ask him
he had heard,
he'd heard it from, and
he'd heard it. But she didn't want to seem desperate.

“Nice,” was all she said.

After an awkward silence Cam spoke.

“Massie seems fun. I hung out with her at the benefit and I thought she was pretty cool—you know, for an OCD girl.” He gently punched her arm.

Claire giggled.

“I was at that party,” she said. “But you must have been too busy flirting with Massie to notice.”

Cam stuffed his hands in the pockets of his shorts and smiled shyly.

“Looks like someone has a bit of a crush on Massie Block.” Claire hoped he wouldn't pick up on her disappointment.

But she'd never know because he wiped a wavy mass of hair out of his eyes and changed the subject immediately. He looked toward the dance floor, where everyone was clapping and cheering for a half-naked chubby guy who was twirling his shirt above his head to the beat of the music.

“Wanna see what's going on over there?”

“Sure,” Claire said. “But I can't promise I'll like it.”

Cam laughed and Claire smiled. She was glad he shared her sense of humor and she wanted him to know it. In fact, she wanted him to know a lot of things about her, but if he liked Massie, he probably liked girls who played hard to get. Claire decided to act slightly bored while they danced.

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