Bethany's Rite (20 page)

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Authors: Eve Jameson

BOOK: Bethany's Rite
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She looked around for her panties, gave up and reached for
her jeans. “My newest set of foster parents was taking their kids to Disney
World and said they couldn’t afford to take me as well. So they dumped me at
this low-budget nature camp in the middle of nowhere and—oh my God!” She
dropped the jeans and spun around to look at Wyc.

“I remember something!”

Wyc’s gaze snapped up from the, as of yet, still unclothed
lower part of her body.

“It was at the camp. One of the counselors I met was young.
Had just graduated high school. Her name was Elle…Ellen…Ella…something like
that. She basically took me under her wing for the week I was there. Asked me a
lot of questions and kept telling me how special I was. At the time, I just
thought she was being nice.”

She paused to catch her breath. Wyc waited, still reclining
back on his elbows with one knee pulled up, but his rising tension was
evidenced in the grooves of concentration etched between his eyes.

“The point is, once, when she leaned over to give me a hug,
a ring she was wearing on a chain around her neck fell out of her shirt. It
looked so similar to the one I had lost the year before, I grabbed it to take a
closer look.

“When I asked her about it, she just shrugged it off, said
it was a souvenir from a place she had been. The next time I saw her, she had
taken it off. I’d forgotten all about it until now.”

Wyc leaned up and tucked a curl behind her ear. “Do you
remember what she looked like?”

Bethany nodded. “Short, spiky hair. Dark like mine, but she
had put purple streaks in it. And her eyes were deep green and always seemed so
serious. She had this way of looking at me when I talked to her that made me
feel like everything I said was really important to her.” She shrugged. “A
novel experience for me at the time.”

“Do you remember her last name?”

“We didn’t call the counselors by their last names. But it
was on their nametags.” Bethany closed her eyes in an effort to remember. She
could picture the teenager in her mind and tried to concentrate on the badge
the workers were required to wear. A hazy memory was the best she could do. She
opened her eyes and sighed.

“It began with a ‘B’. Baily maybe? Brady? I’m pretty sure it
ended with a “Y” because I remember thinking it looked a little like my first

Embarrassed, she turned her face back to the beauty outside
the cabin. “It sounds silly now, but then, I took it as a sign we were supposed
to meet. Helped with the whole not-good-enough-for-Disney-World incident.”

Wyc brought her face around to his and the expression in his
eyes would have melted her heart, if it wasn’t already a puddle of mush from
last night. He placed a soft kiss on her lips.

“I promise, I’ll take you to Disney World as soon as it’s
safe enough to do so.”

His hand slid around to the back of her neck and drew her
back down to the rug with him.

“Do you think she could be one of my missing sisters? We did
sort of look alike.”

“Don’t get your hopes up, Bethany. The age fits for your
oldest sister, Ellyna, but we’ve run into a lot of coincidences in the two and
a half decades of this search. We won’t know for sure until we find her.
we find her.”

Silent for a moment, she traced the outline of his Guardian
tattoo. When she was finished, she looked up at him. “What was my name in


Her nose wrinkled. “I think I’ll stick with Bethany.”

“Okay.” He picked up her hand and started twisting the ring
around her finger. “You can call yourself anything you want as long as you
remember that you’re mine.”

It was too early to argue, so she ignored his last comment
and watched him play with her ring. “You never told me how you got this,” she
said, wiggling the finger with the ring on it.

He brought her hand up to kiss her fingers. “A couple of
years ago, we had tracked you to that little town outside of Denver where you
had been living with the foster parents whose house burned down. Rordyc
actually got your ring back.”

“Where was it? I had always kept it with me, but I don’t
remember much about that night. I was in the hospital for days and when I got
out, the state shipped me off to another family in a different city. It wasn’t
in the stuff they returned to me.”

“A stripper was wearing it when Rordyc found it.”

Bethany rolled her eyes. Wyc grinned.

“I’d be willing to bet you still had it on you when you were
checked into the hospital. The stripper said she had gotten it from one of her
mom’s boyfriends who had worked there. Rordyc talked her into selling it.”

“I bet he did.”

Wyc laughed and reached for her shirt. She stopped him.
“Don’t we need to tell someone about what I remembered?”

“Yes,” he said. Her shirt came off. “Later.”

He pulled her down on top of him. She wasn’t ready to let
the subject drop. Was about to voice another protest when he took her mouth in
a scorching kiss.

Leaning over on one arm enough to lift herself slightly up,
she skimmed a hand down his chest to his erection. Hard, hot and ready. Just
like the man. It had been over twelve years since she’d been at that camp.
Waiting another hour or so to relay the information wasn’t going to hurt

Wrapping her hand around the base of his cock, she squeezed
gently. Slowly, she slid her hand up to the top, squeezed again and circled the
sensitive head with her thumb.

Wyc broke from the kiss, dropped his head back and groaned.
“Make that much later.”

Bethany smiled at Wyc’s uninhibited response to the pleasure
she gave him and determined to press her lead.

Keeping the leisurely sliding up, squeezing, sliding down,
squeezing, rhythm on his cock with her hand, she kissed the underside of his
chin. He grabbed her butt and began kneading, one ass cheek in each hand. His
unshaven skin pricked her lips and she switched to scraping nips with her teeth
over his jawline up to the sharp angle where it connected just under his ear.
She bit his earlobe hard enough to sting, and his retort was a playful slap on
her ass.

“So,” she purred in his ear, “you don’t appreciate my mouth
up here.” With a quick, soothing flick over the teeth marks she had made, she
scooted backwards, dusting light kisses down the center of his body. “Maybe,”
she said, lightly circling the flared ridge of his cock with the tip of her
tongue, “you’ll appreciate what it does down here.”

Wyc’s cock jerked in response. Bethany grinned. “That’s

“I agree.” His words were tight, strained.

Suddenly Bethany dipped her head and took the entire head of
his cock into her mouth, sucking hard and rubbing the flat of her tongue over
the tip. Wyc bucked underneath her.

“Shit, woman! You need to warn a man before you do something
like that.”

Swirling her tongue over the hot head, she tasted the
pre-cum beading out of the little slit. She glanced up, caught his narrowed
gaze. Forcefully sucked on him. Wrapped both hands firmly around his thickness
and slid them up from the base of his shaft to her lips.

She smacked her lips and released him. “Is that a complaint?”
she asked, giving his erection a harder squeeze with her hands. Wyc’s
remarkable chest expanded on a deeply indrawn breath. Bethany suppressed a grin
at the struggle working across his features. She laved the top of his cock.
“Well?” She couldn’t keep the teasing, singsong smugness out of her voice.

His head fell back as his breath rushed out. “Hell, no.”

“I thought not.”

* * * * *

He was a dead man.

The unrestrained exploration of her mouth and tongue was
truly paradise. She kept testing out different strokes with her tongue that
made it a struggle of pure agonizing delight to hold back his orgasm just to
see what she’d try next. He almost lost the fight when she flattened her tongue
near his base and dragged it all the way up in one long, firm lick, and then
finished it off with quick, darting licks around his slit like a greedy kitten
with its milk. Another time, he’d tell her which techniques he preferred, but
right now he was more than content to let her experiment and learn him in her
own way.

Once he was sure he had a modicum of control again, he
lifted himself on his elbows to watch Bethany work his cock. Seeing his dick
disappear into his mate’s mouth was the most erotic thing he had ever
witnessed. Pink lips stretched in a perfect “O” around his width. Her dark hair
brushing his thighs. Her tongue lapping at him eagerly as she sucked him into a
hot, wet heaven. And the look on her face. Dear God.

She was enjoying going down on him.

Definitely a dead man.

She released one hand and used it to cup his balls. Her
fingers so gentle as they stroked his soft sacs. He bent his knees, drew them
up and widened the space between his thighs to give her more room to work.

Bethany licked her way down his cock and over the seam that
separated his balls. He groaned low in his throat when she traced that
sensitive line down and around, nearly coming out of his skin when she flicked
at his perineum.

Her head popped up, a concerned look on her face. “Did that

He shook his head. Leaned forward and ran his fingers
through her hair. “No. Oh no. It feels fantastic. Totally, completely,

She smiled and took him back into her mouth.

Propping himself back on his elbows, he hissed through his
teeth. “That is so good, so good.”

Turning her head to the side, she took more of him into her
mouth. And then even more. A shallow thrust of his hips and he went in even

“That’s it, babydoll. Take me in. As much as you can handle.
Eat me up.”

He tried to not move, to let Bethany take him in at her own
pace, but the fantasy fuck she was giving him made it impossible. He wanted to
see her swallow all of him. He started to thrust into her mouth. Shallow, slow

She glanced up at him, a wicked gleam in her eyes. Wyc

That look made him nervous as hell. Especially with his dick
in such a vulnerable position. It wasn’t the first time he wished he knew what
was going through her head, but it damn sure was the strongest.

Bethany closed her eyes. Shifted to sit up on her knees. Her
tongue and mouth relaxed. Slowly, goddamn fucking slowly, she lowered her head.
When her lips reached the hand she still had wrapped around him, she took a
deep breath, moved her hand and continued swallowing him.

Her teeth scraped the sides of his cock as she took him
Her tongue massaged the underside of his cock as she
convulsively swallowed around him.
Goddamn fuck.
The restriction of her
mouth eased around the head of his cock as it passed into the space behind her
Fuck. Goddamn fuck.
Tightened almost painfully around his
sensitive head as she kept sliding down, pushing him deep into the narrow
channel of her throat until she had all of him in her mouth.
Fuck! Goddamn
fucking fuck!

A dark, dangerous lust rose inside him. Primitive in its
ferocity. Unheeding of civilized restraints. Simply needing. Demanding. A harsh
sound tore its way out of his chest and Bethany’s eyes opened to dart a quick
look up at him. For a startling second, her stunned gaze froze on his face, on
the primal being she had released reflected there.

“Hmmm…” she hummed while she raised her head, the sound
reverberating like a shockwave through his cock as her lips dragged up his
entire throbbing length. “I’m starting to feel more appreciated.”

Without a word, he jerked up. Grabbed her by the hips.
Twisting, he lay back on the rug with her knees on either side of his head, her
thighs spread and her pussy open and ready over his face.

Bethany yelped in surprise, but quickly regained her
balance. The soft press of her breasts into his stomach as she shifted more
comfortably in place had him growling in pleasure. Her inner thighs were slick
where her pussy juice had dripped, and her cunt had darkened to a beautiful
deep pink. He reached around her back with both hands, grabbed her ass and
pressed her down to his mouth.

Refusing to dampen the wildness she had unchained, he took
her cunt without any preliminaries. Just hot mouth to hotter cunt, working her
ruthlessly. Once he had her securely in place, his tongue swirling between her
folds and over her clit, he reached for the little black bag from last night.
Pulled the small metal object out and held it tightly in his fist to warm as he
tongue-fucked his woman.

Bethany had wrapped her lips around his cock again. The
harder he ate at her pussy, the faster she sucked and licked. Every time he
squeezed her ass with his free hand, she pushed backwards and purred in
enjoyment, her whimpers and moans of ecstasy vibrating from his cock through
his entire body like an electrical current.

Gently, he skimmed his fingers into her crevice and over her
anus. The shudder that skated down her spine let him know she was aware of what
he was doing. But he only brushed the puckered opening. He wouldn’t probe or
stretch it this morning. It was probably still tender from last night. Pulling
his fingers away, he gave her buttock another hard squeeze.

Her cream smeared his face as he ground his mouth against
her. Its earthy, womanly scent unique to his mate. He loved the smell and taste
of her arousal. Loved the proof of what he did to her.

Her thighs shook against the sides of his head as she built
toward climax. He thrust his tongue deep inside her and her cunt pulsed with
the early tremors of release.

Quickly, he turned the little vibrating egg he held in his
hand on high and shoved it deep into her cunt. Then he fastened his opened
mouth over her pussy, sucking hard and rubbing her swollen clit with his

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