Read Betrayal Online

Authors: Aleatha Romig

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #dark romance

Betrayal (13 page)

BOOK: Betrayal
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He’d caressed my breasts and even sucked my nipples. The mere thought of his lips against my skin caused them to harden. I’d unashamedly arched my back and allowed him access. More than that, I’d wanted more.

I wasn’t sure how to explain it, to Chelsea or to me. I was different here in Del Mar than I’d ever been. The way Nox’s body reacted to mine didn’t scare me. For the first time I could remember, despite our obvious difference in size and strength, his hunger empowered me. He made me see that it was me who affected him. I had the ability to arouse this powerful man with the deep velvet voice. When my small hand rubbed against him, I was the cause of the guttural growl. The way it rumbled from the back of his throat sent shivers down my spine. With his chin in the nape of my neck, it sounded like a predatory lion.

When I wasn’t with him, I wondered what it would be like to have someone like Nox in my life—my real life.

Could Alex do it? I didn’t know the answer.

Nox and I had both made a conscious effort to limit the information we shared. We worked to stay away from our backstories and agreed to live in the here and now. I’m not sure which one of us laid down that rule, but we were both following it.

That didn’t mean I hadn’t gleaned a little personal information here and there. From what I’d picked up, Nox hadn’t been with one singular person for a while. He’d dated. He had beautiful women who adorned his elbow to functions for both pleasure and work. But that was all they’d been—accessories. He didn’t mention his no longer wife, and I didn’t ask. Were they divorced or had she passed? I didn’t know.

It would break our rule.

I also didn’t know what he did, other than ran businesses.

Often he’d spend the morning in his suite working long distance. Noon in California was already three in the afternoon in New York and the close of the day in London. He could have almost a full day’s worth of phone calls and web conferences complete before I was ready for lunch. A few times he’d left the resort, but never for long.

“His balls aren’t blue,” I responded matter-of-factly.

“And you know this because…” She paused, but when I only looked at her with wide eyes, she continued, “…you’ve seen them and you… Oh! I know. You’ve at least given him a—”

“Chelsea, stop! I’m not giving you the gory details.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Gory? So he’s a looker but doesn’t have the equipment?”

“Stop. He has the equipment. I believe. I mean from what I’ve observed.”

She shook her head. “If you leave Del Mar without getting laid it’s totally your fault. And if you ask me, that man will be the best you’ve ever had. Stop letting Alex get into your head. You have three more days and two nights as Charli.” She straightened her shoulders and looked at me over the rim of her sunglasses. “Don’t come home tonight.”

“Hey, it’s my suite. I can come home,” I responded playfully.

“It’s in my name.”

She had me there. “Even if we, you know…”

“Have wild-ape-crazed sex?” Chelsea offered.

“Do it,” I corrected. “I’m not spending the night. He gets up at some ungodly hour to do whatever it is he does. Besides, I’m not taking the walk of shame down that private hallway.” I visibly shivered. “The doormen who work that desk and private elevator already know my name.”

“No, they know
name. And I bet they already think you’ve had crazy-gorilla sex every time you leave the suite.”

“Gorilla? I thought it was ape?”

She laughed. “Well, they both can do it hanging upside down.” She kissed my cheek as we stepped into the hallway. “Give that some thought and I bet you don’t come home tonight.”



I winked at Chelsea as I smoothed the black silk material of my dress. “I can’t believe I’m really doing this.”

“Who are you doing it for?”

I turned toward her and gained strength from the sparkle in her hazel eyes. “Me.”

Her smile broadened. “Right answer!”

“I’m not sure I’ll even tell him.”

“Where did you say he’s taking you? I mean he took you to that rooftop place last night, Pacifica?”

I nodded like a giddy teenager. “The resort had a driver for us and oh

the place was gorgeous. The view was amazing. Tonight he said he has a car and we’re going up Highway 101 to Oceanside.”

Her eyes were wide. “Charli may not be getting laid, but she’s doing some fine eating.”

“Tonight’s 333 Pacific.” I lowered my voice. “I Googled it. That’s why I bought this new dress.”

Chelsea crossed her arms and inspected me from head to toe. “And you’re rocking it, too. You look beautiful. Remember what I said. Charli has come a long way, but you’re still not Chelsea. Wasn’t that the plan?”

I inhaled deeply and the tightly fitted bodice of my dress pulled against my breasts. With only thin spaghetti straps, the way the dress accentuated my curves and held tight to my breasts was what kept it from falling. The lightweight material flowed to just above my knees.

The week of relaxing by the pool had left my normally pale complexion a nice golden brown. Even though my hair had red, the deep brown from my mother’s side prevailed, giving me the bonus of vibrant hair without the disposition to freckles and sunburns. As long as I was faithful with my hat and sunscreen, the sun and I played nicely together.

“I’d say there’s more Chelsea in Charli than Alex, but it’s not that easy…”

She hugged me. “Do what you want. This is your vacation. I’m just happy seeing that perpetual smile on your face. Go

don’t be late for Mr. Handsome.”

“We know his name—it’s Nox.”

“Yes, but not his last name. I’ve dubbed him Nox Tall-Dark-and-Handsome, Mr. Handsome for short.”

I laughed. That was a lot of names, but for someone who had four names herself, six if I included Alex and Charli,
Nox Tall-Dark-and-Handsome
wasn’t outside the realm of possibility.

A few minutes later I stepped into the front lobby of the resort and walked toward the large glass entrance. My breathing hitched when Mr. Handsome came into view. Without thinking, I scanned him up and down. Each time I looked at Nox from afar, I wondered what it was that he’d seen in me and why he hadn’t been dating anyone. The man was sex on a stick, and for a few more days he was all mine. The way his gray suit fit perfectly in all the right places tightened parts of my insides while melting others. He was talking to one of the hotel employees. As I approached, I concentrated on my steps across the shiny floor, but from the corner of my eye, I saw the employee nod my direction and Nox turn.

Any semblance of composure I’d been holding floated away with the breaking of the proverbial thread. From nearly fifty feet away, his blue gaze drank me in and devoured me whole. I was the prey to the lion I envisioned when he growled. Instantaneously, one of his cheeks rose, pulling his lips into a lopsided grin. His approving expression filled me with the confidence I needed to move forward.

The Del Mar employee disappeared into a haze, as did everyone else. Nox and I were the only two people on earth. I’d seen this happen in special effects during a film. Everyone except the main characters was out of focus. As I came to a stop in front of the only person in the lobby, I begged my heart to slow its stampede.

Lifting my hand, Nox brushed his full lips over my knuckles. “You are stunning.”

Before I could respond, he turned toward the employee who had reappeared.

“Don’t you agree, Ferguson? My date is the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.”

“Sir, you’re a lucky man.”

Taking my hand into the crook of his elbow, Nox turned us toward the doors. “Luck,” he responded to Ferguson, just before we walked away, “has nothing to do with it. It’s all about knowing what you want.”

“Yes, sir. Have a good evening and you too, Miss Moore.”

“Thank you,” I managed to say.

Nox’s closed-lip grin widened, revealing his white teeth and a bright smile. Though he was still talking to Ferguson, his eyes were only on me. “Oh, we shall. We shall.”

I was about to ask about our plans, if we were going to do more than the restaurant in Oceanside when Nox stopped in front of a black Porsche Boxster convertible.

“Your carriage for the evening, m’lady.”

“Really? You’re going to drive? I guess I thought when you said a car—”

“Are you disappointed?”

“No,” I answered honestly. “Not at all. This is a great car.”

Opening the passenger door and helping me in, he replied, “It’s a rental, but I like to drive.” Once he was in the driver’s seat, he said, “I could arrange to have a driver tomorrow night, if you’d prefer.”

“I like this better.”

“Good.” He put his hand on my knee. “I want you all to myself.”

I couldn’t hold back my smile as I fastened my seatbelt. As he pulled out from under the awning, the evening sun washed over us. We made our way down the winding road off the resort. Since I’d decided to leave my hair down for the night, I searched through my handbag and found a hair tie and fastened the auburn waves into a low ponytail.

I wasn’t making Nox feel better when I’d said I preferred his driving. I detested limousines. They reminded me of Alton. Savannah wasn’t that large. There was no reason for Alton Fitzgerald to be driven to his job each day or for he and my mother to be driven to dinner. It was simply him being ostentatious.

As we headed north, I scoured the breathtaking scenery along Highway 101. With the roof open, I could scan every direction. Out Nox’s side of the car, the Pacific Ocean glistened with prisms of light as the sun sunk lower in the sky. Throughout the entire trip, whether we were talking about the ocean or the sky or just enjoying the
of the wind around the Boxster, Nox held my hand or my knee.

The touch of his skin to mine no longer shocked me. That didn’t mean the connection was gone. It was different. Instead of the electricity I’d felt the first time we touched, now our link was more like a familiar blanket. Even though he might only be holding my hand, my entire body warmed with his presence. Still driving along the coastal highway, with the city growing larger in the distance, Nox turned toward me, and I immediately noticed something different in his expression.



“Our time is…” He inhaled. Squeezing my hand, he narrowed his light blue gaze. “Damn, I don’t know what to do with you.”

“Excuse me?”

Shaking his head, he slowed the Boxster and pulled off the road onto a scenic vista. Though sunset was still over an hour away, the sky before us was filled with colors. Purples and pinks dominated the horizon as the orange globe of the sun cast yellows and reds in all directions. The blue water shimmered. “I know you don’t really know anything about me, but I can tell you, I am rarely—no never—” he corrected, “hesitant about my demands.”

“Your demands?” My voice came out an octave higher than I planned.

“Do you remember my telling you that my tastes are unique?”

“Yes. No California wine.”

His smile returned. “Well, there is that. I wasn’t speaking of wine.”

I nodded. “Yes, Nox, I remember.”

“Have you had a nice week, so far?”

“I would say
is an understatement.”

He moved his hand higher on my thigh. “I don’t usually ask for what I want.”

My eyes widened. “You don’t. Does that mean you take it?”

He shrugged. “Yes, but when it comes to sex, I’m not saying it’s ever been against anyone’s will. I can’t remember a time it wasn’t plainly offered or at least assumed.”

“Are you asking if I’m offering?”

“I’m glad you’ve enjoyed yourself this week. I’m ready, more than ready, for you to enjoy yourself more. I’ve tried to go slow on pushing those limits. But damn, time isn’t on our side.”

I tried to swallow, but my mouth seemed suddenly dry. Chelsea’s words came back to me, telling me to have fun and also to think about
. “I promise to let you know if I’m not comfortable.”

Nox nodded. “I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.”

I held my breath.

“And I want to explore those limits tonight. I want you to do something for me. Will you?”

I looked from side to side. There were other cars parked along the highway. In front of us there was a railing and steps. The people in those other cars had probably parked and gone beyond the railing, down the hill, to watch the sunset. That didn’t mean we were alone. There were cars passing by at a regular rate.

He squeezed my thigh, bringing me mentally back to him. “Charli?”

I let out the breath.
he seriously want a blow job right here, before our dinner?

“What do you want me to do?”

“No, it doesn’t work that way. I want you to trust me. I want you to trust me with this one night. I want to spend tonight showing you a small sliver of my unique taste. Then, tomorrow night, our last night together, you can decide if we go back to nice or we explore more limits. Do you trust me?”

I nodded. His offer excited me in a way I’d never imagined. “Yes, I do.”

BOOK: Betrayal
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