Betrayals of the Heart (20 page)

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Authors: Melissa Ohnoutka

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayals of the Heart
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A two for one.

A woman to warm his bed and a son to warm his heart. Strange how he suddenly believed that possible. This new twist gave him great pleasure. His luck had already turned around.

He tried to contain the excitement swirling in his chest. Screaming a victory chant might hinder his chances of winning the boy over. And he planned to make this new challenge his last hurrah, his final contribution to society. When he finished, the boy would be so much more than he’d ever been, more than his poor pathetic father could ever have hoped to be.


Chapter Nineteen

Nicholas’ tiny voice broke the silence.

“Where we going?” The boy was so quiet Steven almost forgot he was in the back seat with him. He’d been so absorbed in watching his beautiful Makayla. She was here. Finally within his reach again and he smiled each time she squirmed, trying to free herself.

“A giant castle,” Steven replied. Twisting at the waist, he gave the boy his full attention. Then chuckled under his breath as Makayla whimpered and turned to stare back out the side window. Good. He wanted her rattled.

“Have you ever seen a castle, Nicholas?” Not that his business partner really lived in a castle. But it did resemble one with the tall turrets, balconies and twenty-foot stone security wall surrounding the estate.

“No,” Nicholas said, looking back out the window. After a few seconds, he turned back to Steven. “How long’s it take to get there? You said we were going home.”

Steven couldn’t help himself. He reached over and ruffled the boy’s dark blond hair. So castles weren’t on the boys top ten list. He’d make note of that. “Oh, it’s about six more hours. I need to take care of a little business first. Then I’ll take you home.”

“That’s long.” Nicholas’ face turned into a pout. He huffed under his breath, crossed his tiny arms over his chest and worked his mouth from side to side. “I don’t feel so good,” he said, squeezing his stomach tight with his arms.

Alarms sounded. Lots of them. “You feel sick?” A horrifying picture flew through Steven’s mind. If this boy started up chucking in the limo, he too would be feeling sick. And that just wouldn’t do.

“You-you hold it, you hear me?” Steven called Ricky on the intercom. “How far to the next town?”

“About five minutes, sir.”

“Make it two.”

“Sir, you want me to speed?”

“I’d have you fly if you could. Just get there, fast.”

Steven scooted to the far side of the seat by the door. “Son, wait a few more minutes. We’ll stop. Get you some water.”

“I think I can.” Nicholas hunched over further with a moan, and Steven felt the bile rising in his stomach.

“Good. Good boy. You do that.” Steve swallowed hard. He stared at the side of Makayla’s shadowed profile. He might have to untie her so she could tend to the boy. No way was he or Ricky getting within five feet of an erupting child. He needed Ricky to be in tiptop shape if he intended him to drive through the night. The smell alone would do Steven in. The last time he got sick it was a week of hell locked in the bathroom.

What rotten timing
. Their stops needed to be brief and few. They couldn’t risk being spotted at a local gas station or fast food restaurant before they reached the ranch where he planned to hide out for a few days and collect his money for the last shipment. Then, if everything went as planned, it was on to California, to his new and improved life with his new and improved family.

Steven pulled his cell phone from his pocket and eyed it anxiously. They needed to reach their destination by 6:00 the next morning. The locked doors were scheduled to open for only a brief window. His contact was expecting his call from the private estate phone. Miss the rendezvous time, or use any other number, and it was all over. His contact would assume the plan had gone awry and bring the entire arsenal within a ten-mile radius to take them down. If that happened, they’d revert to plan B—go out in a blaze of glory.



Makayla couldn’t bring herself to watch anymore. Nicholas talking so easily to Steven tore through her like a devastating tornado. What on earth was wrong with her son? He knew better. He’d even run away from Steven the first time. Did he understand that Steven was behind his kidnapping? She thought about that for a moment.

Sure, he did. The mention of the nonexistent candy the girl accomplice had promised proved that. So what was going on in his head?

As Nicholas’ head fell between his knees, she couldn’t for the life of her figure out his actions.

Steven buzzed the driver about that time, but Ricky used his ear buds to keep her from hearing Steven’s side of the conversation. Ricky’s answer gave her a tiny clue.

“Yes, boss. Next stop.” They would be making an unplanned pit stop and by the expression on Ricky’s face it needed to be fast. She looked back through the dark glass at her son. His feet playfully pounded the seat as they dangled in midair. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom? But he’d never acted this way before. Nicholas wasn’t one to be patient. If he needed or wanted something, the entire car would be impatiently waiting right along with him.

Her son was up to something and the thought sent an entire new cluster of worries rushing over her. Steven didn’t like nonsense. Wouldn’t stand for it. And if he figured out Nicholas’ childish game before she could tell him to stop there would be serious consequences.

Maybe she was wrong. Maybe being with strangers was causing Nicholas to act peculiar.

“The boy’ll be fine.” She felt Ricky’s eyes on her before he spoke and she lifted a defiant chin. The last thing she wanted was to give her suspicions away.

“As long as he doesn’t throw up right on the boss, that is.” A snicker escaped his lips, but she barely heard it.

Makayla’s heart lurched. Sick? Not a chance. She swallowed hard.

Nicholas’ actions proved her worst fears. Her son was no more sick than she was. He was playing a very dangerous game. One he wouldn’t win. Steven and vomit didn’t mix. Never had. Most pregnant women dreaded morning sickness. Yet, during her pregnancy with Michael, it had been a welcome deterrent. Her gags sent Steven over the edge and running in the opposite direction every morning.

Lord, help her son, if Steven realized he was joking around.




The car door flew open before the vehicle came to a complete stop and Steven bolted out, his hand over his mouth. The mere thought of the boy getting sick all over the back seat and him must have sent his stomach swirling dangerously close to losing his own undigested food.

“Yet another reason I never wanted kids.” Makayla heard him mumble under his breath and then gag. “But this one’s different. This one has potential.”

Steven moved to the back of the car and kept chanting these words over and over as he paced back and forth.

“Makayla! Get the hell out of the car and tend to your son.” Steven gagged once again then pounded the trunk, making a knowing nod at Ricky before hurrying off to find the restroom.

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of them.” Ricky watched over his shoulder as the boy opened his door slowly and then slid from the seat until his feet touched the pavement.

“You feeling better, youngster?” he asked, looking over at Makayla to figure out why she hadn’t moved from her seat.

“Nicholas, stay right there.” Makayla worried he might try to run away again. Almost hoped that was what he was planning all along with this little sick charade.

“Makayla, you best get out of the car. You heard Steven. He’ll be back shortly.”

“I can’t open my door with my hands tied.” This guy really was a piece of work.

“Right,” he said. Heavy steps followed as he made his way around the car to open her door.

“Nicholas, come here, sweetie.” She couldn’t get her legs to move. The fear of what Steven would do after he found out Nicholas had been goofing around paralyzed every inch of her. She closed her eyes, listening to the shuffle of tiny feet. Nicholas clearly understood she was on to him by the way he walked. He was dragging out every agonizing second.

“Come on. I just want to see if you’re all right.” She softened her voice, pushing back the panic and urge to tell him to run. Steven was walking around the corner of the convenience store, his hand still at his mouth, a look that could kill blazing in his eyes.

Ricky gave her a once over and then moved to see if he could help his boss.

A smirk eased over her lips at Steven’s weakness. Some things never changed. She almost felt sorry for him. Now that was a haunting thought.

She looked Nicholas straight in the eyes. “What are you up to, young man?” She kept her voice low.

“I don’t feel well,” Nicholas repeated. And then he rubbed his tummy for good measure.

“Too much candy?” She’d humor him. See if she could get the real reason out of him.

He nodded his head in an eager response. Too eager. The candy idea never crossed his mind she felt certain, but he liked it and planned to use the excuse she’d provided for him.

“Do you need water? Or do we need to hurry to the bathroom?”

Nicholas bowed his head. She could almost see his little brain working hard to figure out what the next play should be.

“Nicholas, honey. This is not a game. You understand what Mommy is saying?”

He nodded again. And his eyes watered.

For the first time, Makayla saw the fear on her son’s face and she had to choke back a sob. She didn’t understand. If he knew they were in danger, why would he risk upsetting Steven?

She wanted to hold him, to assure him everything would be okay. But Ricky hadn’t untied her. Throw in the fact she had no idea what to do next and frustration tore through her like a runaway locomotive.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” She leaned forward kissing the top of his head and then rested her head against his. “Daddy will find us.”

Nicholas’ head snapped up, a wide smile stretching across his chubby cheeks. “I know,” he whispered back.

Makayla stared at her son perplexed. The mere mention of his father lifted his spirits. The remnants of tears still glistened in the corners of his eyes, but they were fading fast. Her son was hiding a special secret. A secret she desperately needed to know, and fast.


Steven’s intense steps stirred the dirt behind them, and she tried to shield Nicholas with her body from the tiny dust particles now floating in the air.

“How’s the boy?” Steven said, his dry tone grating her nerves as he pushed her aside.

“The boy has a name.” She lifted her gaze in a challenge.

“His name doesn’t suit him. But I plan to change that.” She fought to keep her mouth from falling open. What did he mean? Why would he need to change Nicholas’ name?

“But I don’t want a new—”

“Shhh…” She quickly stopped Nicholas from finishing. “No.” The one word slipped breathlessly from her lips and she shook her head. Leaning closer to Nicholas, she said. “Be good. Do as he says.”

Steven watched her, but said nothing. Then he bent down keeping one hand hidden behind his back. “How’s my little buddy doing? Do you feel any better?”

The uneasiness she’d sensed from her son only minutes before vanished. It was as if he were playing some kind of role. He held his head high, looking Steven eye to eye.

“Yes. Better now.” Nicholas nodded his head for clarification.

“Good.” Steven straightened, bringing a soft drink around and placing it into Nicholas’ little hands. “Just in case you’re thirsty.”

“Wow. Thanks!” Her son’s face beamed liked he’d just received the best gift ever. Soft drinks were not on his daily menu for a reason. They made him even more excitable and zipped through his tiny body to his bladder like lightning. Boy, were they in for a fun car ride.

“That’s my boy.” Steven’s chest swelled with what resembled pride and Makayla cringed. Just hearing Steven use the words “my boy” in reference to Nicholas sent her heart racing.

Nicholas didn’t like it either. As quickly as his excitement surfaced, it disappeared. He started bouncing from one foot to the other holding the front of his pants.

“Oh! I gotta go!”

“Now? You need to go now?” Makayla watched as steam seemed to rise from Steven’s brow. He didn’t like this erratic behavior. Or the fact that Nicholas had waited till he returned to make his needs known. They were clearly working on some kind of timetable. But oddly, after a very long deep breath, Steven held his temper.

“Ricky, take our little man to the restroom.” Ricky stuck his head inside the car to retrieve his phone and Steven added, “Quickly!”

“Yes, boss.” Ricky hurried around the car and shuffled Nicholas off in front of him. “Come on, boy. You better learn your place fast. Boss isn’t gonna put up with this crap.”

“I live at 20723 East Park Lane,” Nicholas said smiling up at him.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, right. That’s your address.” Ricky shook his head. “Don’t know what kinda plans the boss has for ya, but I sure hope it ain’t nothing long term. He clearly doesn’t know what he’s getting into.”

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