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Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #Romance

Betrayed by Love (3 page)

BOOK: Betrayed by Love
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“Get rid of that nasty jealousy and don’t even think about trying to turn his handsome head.”

I grimaced. Dream on, girl. As if you have a hope in hell of attracting him when he clearly only has eyes for Jen. Go back to bed and in a few days you’ll have to find an excuse to take your selfish, greedy ass back to L.A.

I woke tired and frustrated the next morning. After a long, warm shower, I was tempted to dress in one of the silk pantsuits that clung to my ample curves and highlighted all my assets—as I did when I was on the hunt.

But you’re not on the hunt, I reminded my rebellious reflection. And you’re not going to be on the hunt while you’re here.

I turned away from the vanity and chose my outfit for the day—with friendship in mind. I dressed in a pair of baggy pink and black sweats and a pair of pink running shoes.

Then, drawn by the heavenly aroma filling the air, I made my way down to the kitchen. Jen had taken after her mother who’d had the rep of the best cook in our entire neighborhood.

My stomach growled in appreciation as I neared the kitchen.

“Girl, whatever you’re cooking is making my mouth water.” I stepped into the kitchen and froze.

Jarrod, wearing only a pair of hip–hugging jeans and with his incredible shoulders bare and on display, stood at the range. The only physical flaw I noted was his rather flat ass. His other attributes were more than sufficient to carry the day.

I clenched my hands at my sides as I imagined unbuttoning his jeans. It would be heavenly to slide down his zipper and then slowly push the pants down over his taut ass and lean hips. Then I’d kneel before him and greedily take his dangling cock between my lips and suck it until he erupted in my mouth.

Then I’d rise, swirl him around, grab his hips and as he fondled my breasts and told me how he’d known he had to fuck me the moment he saw me, I’d impale myself on his hard cock. I’d do it slowly so that by the time he was balls deep in me, my juices would coat every inch of him.

Then, while we fucked like sex–starved rabbits, we’d fill the air with lustful moans of pleasure. Once he’d made me come, he’d wrestle me down to the floor and fuck my flooded tunnel like a man savoring the best pussy he’d ever had.

When his orgasm came, he’d clutch me tight, call out my name, and pump jets of cum directly into my unprotected pussy. Only after we’d fucked like that a few times and I’d allowed him to plunder my ass as well, would he understand the true meaning of the term brown sugar.

I was brought out of my reverie when he turned from the range. “Lin! Ah…good morning.”

I felt my face burning with embarrassment. As a chill of shame engulfed me, I forced myself to look in his eyes instead of allowing my gaze to feast on his bare chest with the sprinkling of hair that must tickle Jen’s nose when they…I bit my lip and gave him what I hoped was a casual smile that concealed my forbidden interest. “Good morning, Jarrod. Sorry. I thought Jen was cooking.”

“It’s all right. She was tired so I told her to stay in bed while I prepared breakfast.” He glanced over his shoulder at the range. “We’re watching our weight and cholesterol so it’s an egg whites only omelet with turkey bacon bits, green and red peppers, and crushed garlic bread. Does that sound appealing? If not, I can whip up something else for you.”

I stared at him in silence, imagining his mouth descending onto my lips whipping up my desire. And then of course satisfying it.

“Lin? Do you fancy something else? Jen and the kids love my pancakes and I make some mean home fries, if I do say so myself.”

I’d never been less interested in food in my life. “What you’re cooking smells delicious.”

“Good.” He flashed me a warm smile and gestured toward the island behind him. “Come in and have a seat.”

Even though I knew it wasn’t a good idea, I sat at one of the stools pulled up to the island.

He turned back to the range.

I stared at his shoulders. I thought I saw a hint of nail marks trailing down his back and disappearing into the waistband of his jeans. I had a sudden, erotic image of him lying naked on top of a nude Jen, fucking her as she moaned in passion and raked her nails down his back to his ass. Lucky Jen to have him lying between her legs with his cock buried to the hilt in her pussy. My pussy ached in jealous protest.

Stop it, Lin. Stop it now! Frightened by the depths of my licentious thoughts, I forced myself to look away. Realizing that wasn’t enough, I rose, my heart racing. I had to get away from him immediately.

He turned to look at me. “Is something wrong, Lin?”

Something was very wrong. An ugly inner part of me was warring with the Lin who had hurt with and suffered through so much with Jen through her years of emotional and sexual frustration. How could I feel such a deep, totally encompassing level of sexual attraction for the man who had finally made my best friend so happy?

“I forgot something in my room. I’ll be right back.”

He nodded. “Don’t be long. The omelet’s almost done.”


Turning and fleeing from the kitchen, I hurried up the steps to the guestroom. Inside with the bedroom door close, I stood shaking. Tears filled my eyes and I slid down the door to the carpet. I wrapped my arms around myself and closed my eyes. Get a grip, Lin. You have to get a grip. You can’t be jealous of her. You have to be happy for her. You have to. You cannot lust for him this way. You can’t. It’s just not right.

I sucked in a deep breath, wiped my eyes, and stood up. I washed my face and reapplied my makeup before I returned to an empty kitchen. A round, covered plate lay on a warming tray on top of the island. Beside it was a cup of coffee, a glass of orange juice, and a scrawled note.

I hope you don’t mind but Jen and I are having breakfast together. I’ll come along to clean up after you later. Jarrod.

I’d never been so relieved to eat alone in my life. The omelet was delicious, as was the fresh–squeezed juice. Still I only ate half of the omelet.

I drank the orange juice and coffee before I scraped the remnants of my plate in the garbage disposal, placed my cutlery in the dishpan, and went to stretch out on one of the lounge chairs encircling the in–ground pool in their huge backyard.

I must have dozed off. Because the next thing I knew when I stirred, I found Jen lying on the lounger beside me. She wore a halter–top that showcased her cleavage and a pair of shorts, and two–inch heels that highlighted her long, slender legs.

I stretched and smothered a yawn. “You look great, Jen” I told her.

She smiled. “You mean even after having twins?”

I shook my head. “No. You just look good.”

“Thanks, Lin. You’ve always been one of my biggest cheerleaders.” She tilted her head. “What’s with the overdressing? Slip on a bikini and we’ll go for a swim.”

“I’m full–figured,” I reminded her.

She shrugged. “So?”

“So, I don’t do bikinis.” I brushed a hand over my breasts and thighs. “There’s too much of me for a bikini to contain.”

She laughed. “Ain’t it the truth? But, as you very well know, Lin, discerning men like women with lots of curves.”

I bit back the urge to ask her if Jarrod was one of them. Thankfully, I’d never suffered from a lack of sufficient male interest. I smiled. “Well, there certainly is a lot of me to like.”

She nodded. “So why not showcase your body?”

I stared at her. “To who? There doesn’t seem to be anyone but the two of us here.”

“I asked Jarrod to let us spend the rest of the day alone.”

Normally that would sound perfectly reasonable, but I found my guilt coloring everything.

“I thought you’d be more comfortable.”

I swallowed quickly. “Really?” I should have left it there, but I couldn’t. “Why should I be more comfortable without him around?”

She was silent for several moments before she looked directly into my eyes.

As I met her gaze, a wave of shame engulfed me. Why? She clearly knew of my lust for Jarrod. We were, after all, best friends. I wanted to look away from her, but I couldn’t. During our long relationship, we’d had few secrets or areas off limits for discussion.

I sighed. “I don’t know what to say, Jen.”

“So, it’s true? I haven’t misread your interest in Jarrod?”









Chapter Two


How the hell was I supposed to answer that without allowing her to see just how shallow and self–centered I’d discovered I was? “Jen…I…oh, Jen…”

Jen leaned over and touched my arm. “It’s okay, Lin. Believe me, I know the kind of effect Jarrod has on the opposite sex. On the surface, he seems ordinary, but he has an animal like magnetism that reaches out and sweeps you off your feet, and leaves you lost in a fog of lust and need when you least expect it.”

I shook my head and stared down at my hands. “Jen…”

“Anyway, he’s gone for the day. So if you want to go put that bikini on, we can swim or just sit out here and sunbathe.”

And just that quickly, without forcing me to vocalize my lust, she let me know she understood and didn’t seem to think any less of me. I had to blink back tears at her graciousness.

“I didn’t bring a bikini, but I did bring a few bathing suits. “ I rose and started to walk away. Then I turned back to face her. “I’m sorry,” I told her. “I don’t understand what’s happening, but I’m sorry.”

She shook her head. “You don’t have to apologize, Lin. I know I can trust you with him.”

Unfortunately I wasn’t so sure of that. “You didn’t tell him…he doesn’t know…does he?”

She shook her head. “He has no conceit and has no idea of the effect he has on women.”

That was a relief. I turned and went up to my room to change into a one–piece bathing suit.

We spent the afternoon swimming and sunbathing. Between dozing and swimming, she asked about my love life. “Are you content with your situation?”

“My situation? My job?”

“No. Your personal life.”

I shrugged. “Well, I was.” Until I’d met Jarrod.

There was silence for a few moments.

I turned to meet her gaze and just as we’d done other countless times, we burst into spontaneous, shared laughter.

When we’d sobered enough to wipe the tears from our cheeks, I sighed. “I have to leave, Jen.”

She nodded. “I know, but not for a few days. Stay at least a week, Lin.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to endanger our friendship. I need to go ASAP, Jen.”

“Are you planning to make a play for Jarrod?”

“No! Of course not.”

She shrugged. “Then I can’t see why our relationship would be endangered. I understand that being around him will be unpleasant, but I’ll get him to spend as much time away from home as possible while you’re here.”

BOOK: Betrayed by Love
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