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Authors: Hailey Hogan

Betrayed by Trust (4 page)

BOOK: Betrayed by Trust
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Chapter 6


held the folder with the contract in one hand and used the other hand to open up the glass door leading to Blake’s office on the fourteenth floor. “I didn’t have an appointment with Mr. Banks, but he wanted me to hand deliver this file.”

Blake’s secretary, looked over the rim of her glasses. Caitlyn assumed she was used to women making excuses to see him. “You can leave them here with me and I’ll make sure he gets it.”

“He told me to make sure I put them in his hands and I don’t want to piss off the boss.”

Joan called Blake before giving Caitlyn a response. “He’ll be here shortly. You can wait in his office.”

“Thank you,
” Caitlyn responded.

was drawn to the book case when she entered Blake’s office. They appeared to have similar tastes when it came to books. A Chester Himes novel was a little out of place, so she assumed he must have read it recently. The back cover of the book had her entranced so when Blake entered the room, it caught her a little off guard. 

“I hope this is good news,”
Blake said.

She turned around. “Close the door and I’ll tell you.”

Caitlyn watched Blake do as she commanded and waited for him to walk near where she was standing. His walk was like a panther on a prowl and she was his prey. She retreated and took a seat across from his desk before Blake could reach her.  She sat back and crossed her legs.

took a seat across from her. Caitlyn handed him some papers. “If you can agree with these, we might have a deal.”

watched Blake read her list of demands. Blake’s facial expressions didn’t reveal if he was for or against the changes she made. Caitlyn shifted in her seat as she waited for Blake to respond.

“Some of these are reasonable like paying off your student loan; but making sure you have fresh flowers once a week; come on now.”
Blake placed the paper down in front of him.

“I’m a sucker for flowers, but you know that don’t you?”

“Actually, I didn’t. But I’ll make a mental note of it.”

“Do more than that, just make sure I get a fresh arrangement of flowers every week and we’ll be fine.”

He looked back at the list. “What’s this about no chocolate? I thought all women loved chocolate.”

“I’m not most women."
She leaned back and winked at him.

He stared at her for a few seconds before looking back at the list. He said, “I don’t like pets. They are too messy.”

“I haven’t had a dog since I lived with my parents and since we’ll be living together, you really need to reconsider.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Caitlyn knew some of the things were little nuisances. She did it on purpose. She wanted to see how serious Blake was about her becoming his wife. She admitted there was something alluring about Blake. If his uncle hadn’t been the object of her hatred for the past few years, she would have found him attractive. 

“Separate bedrooms; come on now. We’re going to be together for a year. We can at least have a little fun,”
Blake teased.

“I suggest you invest in some petroleum jelly and videos because this.” She placed her hand on her chest before continuing to say, “This is off limits.”

“You can’t blame me for trying.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

He continued to go through the items on the list. “I can’t agree with number twenty.”

“If you want me to sign
the contract, you will.”

could see the sweat forming on his forehead. She refused to back down though. She wanted to know why his uncle mentioned her in his will. She leaned forward in her chair awaiting his response.

He conceded.
“Look. Like I said when I first propositioned you, my uncle left me some money. For reasons unbeknownst to me; he insisted I marry first before getting access to it.”

“But why me? That’s what I don’t understand.”

“I told you. He knew your father. Apparently, he felt you and I would make a good couple. If I knew more than that, I would tell you.”

“Let me see the will. Let me see where he said you had to marry me specifically.”

Caitlyn waited for him to retrieve the will from his locked desk drawer. He flipped through the pages before handing it to her.

She read it until she saw her name mentioned.

While she was reading, Blake said, “Truthfully, I don’t know why Uncle Jack insisted it be you. You seem to have brains and beauty all rolled into one, but you’re not my type.”

didn’t know if she should be offended or happy. “You’re not my type either so we have something else in common.”

“I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

“No need to mince words.” She leaned back in her chair and continued to read the will. She glanced up and asked, “If I’m not your type, why don’t you forfeit the money?”

I can’t afford to.”

placed the will on the desk. “Not you.” She glanced at the plaques on the wall. “According to the Dallas Morning News, your business is booming.”

“You work in accounting. You know what we’re facing.”

“I’m not the chief financial officer, so no, Mr. Banks, I don’t.”

“Let me inform you. What I’m about to tell you should not leave this room.”

Caitlyn used her finger and crossed her heart. Blake continued to say, “Banks Telecom is on the brink of financial trouble. If we don’t get a handle on the vendors and do more in the research and development area, we could be facing layoffs and God forbid I’m forced into bankruptcy. I would have to shut the doors.”

Things were worse than
Caitlyn thought. She might not need the entire year to see Banks Telecom fail. For a moment, she felt guilty with her part in setting it all in motion.

“I’ve had my attorney look through the will and it clearly states that it has to be you.”

Karma was something. Her father lost his business when
Blake’s uncle wouldn’t approve a loan that could have saved it. Now here she sat holding an ace. Caitlyn could turn Blake down and he could lose it all, just like her dad. She contemplated on whether or not to tear up the signed contract she held.

Caitlyn thought about having financial freedom; freedom to start her own business and be her own boss. 
I should be holding out for more money. A million dollars. Hmm
. Caitlyn placed her index finger on her chin. “I don’t think your original offer is enough. Up the ante to five mill and we have a deal.”

’s eyes turned a darker shade of gray. “You’re something else.”

“No. I’m a business woman.” She removed the other contract. She took the pen from his desk and went through and changed the dollar amount to five million
dollars and initialed it and signed it. “Here’s your signed contract.”



Chapter 7


looked at the contract and back at Caitlyn. What was he getting himself into? He could tell she wasn’t going to make this easy for him. It was going to be a long year. He would do anything to save his company but this was uncalled for. He could understand Uncle Jack wanting to make amends with someone he felt he wronged, but he couldn’t understand why he set up this crazy arrangement.

His back was up against the wall. He didn’t bother to look at the other conditions on her list.
“I accept your conditions. It’s a deal.” He extended his hand across the desk.

“Looks like it’s a win-win situation for both of us,”
Caitlyn responded. 

He ignored the jolt that went through his body when their hands touched. When she smiled, her dimples appeared deeper than what he remembered.

“Caitlyn, you don’t know how much I appreciate you doing me this favor.”

“Yeah. Whatever.”

“I’m serious. Even though I think the money is more than enough, you still could have turned me down.”

“Remember that when you find yourself frustrated.”

“In the words of Rodney King, can’t we just get along?”

She stood up. “As long as you remember the rules. Like item number

“Item number
twenty-five?” Blake picked up the sheet of paper with her list on it. 

“I suggest you tell all of your women you’re no longer on the market.”

“But…” he stuttered.

“If I’m going to be your wife, I will not stand for it. Besides, if I can’t have me a man on the side; there’s no way I’m going to be the only one going without.”

“You’re a tough one.”

“I’m about equality.”

He followed her to the door. “I’ll be in touch,” he said, before opening the door.

watched her walk away.  He was hypnotized and didn’t immediately notice Joan staring at him. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would have to let her know about his upcoming nuptials. For now, he had to deal with telling the women in his life he would be unavailable for a year. He had a healthy sexual appetite and he didn’t particularly like this new part of their agreement. But he had to do whatever it took to save Banks Telecom. If it meant going without sex for a year, he would have to make the sacrifice, no matter how difficult it would be. And it would be difficult. His hormones were raging now and he blamed one woman –Caitlyn Crenshaw.

In the meantime,
Blake had a company to save. With the signed contract, he would gain access to some of his uncle’s money. He needed to get the papers to his attorney pronto and he wouldn’t depend on a courier. He decided to deliver them himself.

Two hours later
Blake found himself sitting across the dinner table with Heidi. She was five ten and an ex-model who now ran her own day spa. They were not only lovers they were friends or so he thought until he felt the slap on his left cheek and the glass of wine splashed on his face and ultimately in his lap.

“I’ve wasted two years of my life trying to get you to commit and you tell me you’re marrying some other woman. The hell with you,” she stormed out of the restaurant, leaving him to the embarrassing stares of the other patrons.

The waiter rushed over to his table. “Sir, let me get that for you.”

“No, I got it.”
Blake wiped up as much of the wine as he could. He paid the waiter and rushed out of the restaurant. He was embarrassed as people passed by and glanced at the wet spot on his shirt and pants as he waited on the valet to pull his car around. 

called Trent as soon as he got in the car about Heidi’s actions. “Man, for someone so smart, you’re stupid,” Trent said, from the other end.

“I thought
telling her in a public place would make it easier.”

“Well I hate to hear what happens when you tell Samantha. Now that one there
; she might slash your tires.”

“Don’t remind me. I’ll be doing the rest through phone calls because frankly, I don’t believe in laying hands on a woman, but I’m not going to stand for another one to put their hands on me.”

“Pretty boy, get over it. You deserved the slap.”

“Whose side are you on?”

“Man, you know I always have your back.”

“I c
an’t tell.”

Samantha was waiting for him in his driveway when he pulled up. “It’s about time you showed up,” she said, as she exited her car, wearing nothing but a trench coat.

Blake’s mind wondered on whether or not she was fully exposed or if she was wearing some sexy lingerie. He would break it off with her, but not until afterwards. He needed to get this one last escapade out of the way and sexy Samantha was the perfect one to oblige him. Blake would deal with telling Samantha about his upcoming nuptials later. The window rolled down. “I admit. I forgot.”

“I should just go home and make you suffer,”
Samantha teased.

“I would hate for you to have made a wasted trip.”

They were barely in the house before their lips locked. Blake’s lower body member wouldn’t respond. What was wrong with him? He decided it had to be stress.

“Why don’t you meet me in the living room,”
Blake said.

“Don’t keep me waiting too long,”
Samantha purred.

watched her walk away. Samantha’s well toned thighs were revealed as the coat swung open as she twisted out of the room. All he could do was shake his head. He was thankful the lights were dim so she didn’t notice the stain on his clothes. He went upstairs and changed clothes.

Samantha’s back was turned to him when he entered the living room. She turned around and let the coat drop showcasing her nude body.  They met each other mid-way and had a groping session.
Blake wanted Samantha, but his body betrayed him. After a few more minutes of kissing, he pushed Samantha away and led her to the coach.

“There’s something I
need to tell you.” Blake reneged on what he told Trent earlier. He decided to face Samantha head on.

Samantha sat naked facing him with a strange expression on her face. “We can talk later.”

He got up and retrieved her coat. “Put this on first.”

“I know how to get your
Johnson working,” she responded. She threw the coat to the side. She reached over to touch him, but he blocked her hand.

Sam talk. We need to talk”

Blake. I didn’t come over here for talking. If I wanted talking, I would have called up my boyfriend. I want you and I want you now.”

“That’s just it. My body isn’t cooperating and there’s a reason for it. I don’t know how else to say this.”

“Just say it,” she blurted.

rubbed his two hands together preparing himself for the inevitable. He was prepared to block any hand movements.

“What we’re doing has to stop. I’m getting married.”

Samantha laughed. “Is that all? Is that why you can’t get it up? You’re feeling guilty. Dear, I never wanted a commitment from you. I just want you.”

felt relieved. “Cool. Then there’s no problem. Put your coat on and I’ll walk you to the door.”

“No. It’s all good. I wish you luck.”

Samantha put her coat on and walked out of his house. She was calm. Too calm. But he wasn’t going to complain. That ended without any drama unlike earlier tonight. After making sure Samantha had left, he opted to just avoid the other women he had dated. He would let them know if they called; otherwise, he was going to avoid them as long as he could.



BOOK: Betrayed by Trust
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