Better than Gold

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Authors: Theresa Tomlinson

BOOK: Better than Gold
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my lovely grandchildren.

With thanks to Jenni Butterworth, Programme Coordinator of the Staffordshire Hoard

published 2014 by A & C Black,

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Copyright © 2014 A & C Black

Text copyright © 2014 Theresa Tomlinson

The right of Theresa Tomlinson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

eISBN 978-1-4729-0787-3

A CIP catalogue for this book is available from the British Library.

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1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

let the ground keep that precious treasure,
Gold under gravel, gone to earth,
Useless to men now as it ever was.

(From the Anglo-Saxon poem

The following story is inspired by real people, places and events. However, some names, locations and dates have been changed, as have certain descriptive details. Some events and characters are completely fictional.


1 Faint-heart's Brat!

2 Sacrifice to Woden

3 The Lucky One

4 The Pagan Queen

5 Queen's Court

6 Queen's Boon

7 Another Familiar Face

8 The World Turned Upside Down

9 Peace

10 A Battle of Words

11 A Coward's Act

12 War

13 King's Gold

14 Blood-month

15 Woden's Man


Faint-heart's Brat!

rother Chad strode into the chamber, waving the knife that usually swung at his belt. It dripped with blood. Egfrid leapt to his feet, shocked to see his young book-master's habit bloodied and torn.

‘What has happened?' he cried.

Annis, his nurse, looked up startled and put down the bowl of oatmeal she prepared. ‘Are you hurt, Brother Chad?' she cried.

blood,' he said. ‘We must get the boy out of here! Mercians have got in through the outer gate.'

‘No,' she cried. ‘That cannot happen!'

‘But it
happened. This is Mercian blood on my blade and the gate-warden is dead. The guards were
while they slept and the gate stands open. They'll be here in no time.'

The way they spoke over his head, taking no notice of him, made Egfrid angry. He snatched up the light practice sword that hung from a hook on the wall and waved it. ‘I'll go out and do battle,' he cried.

‘Have you a skirt that might fit him?' the monk asked, continuing to ignore the boy.

Annis began to pull old gowns from a chest. ‘These were his sister's, when she was young, but…'

‘Too rich,' Chad shook his head. ‘We need plain stuff—the cook's daughter perhaps?'

‘No time!' Annis cried, throwing up her hands in despair. ‘No time, you said!'

They were silent for a moment, but then she snatched up the gown on the top of the chest and began to rip at the tablet-weave braid that edged the sleeves and neckline. ‘You wanted plain,' she muttered.

Without another word the monk wrenched the sword from Egfrid and dragged the boy's burnished leather tunic up and over his head. ‘I'm sorry, my prince, no time for gentleness!' he said.

Egfrid was shocked by this rough treatment, from those who were usually kind to him. They
him into his sister's old gown, now ragged at the edges.

‘Cover his head!' said Chad.

‘No,' Egfrid protested. ‘I'm ten years old! I'm no girl and will not dress like one.'

But Annis ripped another piece of cloth and Brother Chad held him firmly, while she fastened a makeshift kerchief tightly about his head.

‘No, no, no!' he cried, twisting and turning in their grip.

Screams and shouts came from the courtyard below, followed by the thunder of booted feet on the stairs. The monk and nurse exchanged a terror-filled glance. Brother Chad made the Christian sign,
, and then the door crashed open and two warriors burst in on them, swords drawn and bloody.

The monk stepped in front of Egfrid, meat knife at the ready, but a red-faced giant of a man stumped into the chamber. He raised his fist, and sent knife and monk skittering helplessly across the floor. The giant was old with white hair and beard, and dragged his leg a little when he walked, but he was broadly-built and fearless. ‘Who is this maid that you defend so bravely, holy man?' he growled.

tore the kerchief from his head and snatched up the monk's discarded knife. ‘I'm no maid.' He drew himself straight with a pride that matched the old warrior's. ‘I am Egfrid, son of King Oswy Iding, and my father will kill you for attacking my book-master.'

The Mercians laughed. Egfrid lunged at the giant, but the man's great fist came down fast again. The boy fell, knocked to the floor by the blow. He gasped, but still managed to cry out in anger. ‘You will be cursed by the Christ-God for this.'

‘Blessed Woden!' the giant said, and a slow smile spread across his face. ‘We have Oswy's brat and they've dressed him in women's weeds! Shall we call him Lady Faint-heart?' He threw back his head and roared with laughter.

Egfrid's courage fled as he saw that he'd given himself away.

‘Do you know who I am, boy?' the giant bellowed. ‘I am Penda, king of the Mercians—your father's greatest enemy. I am the nightmare of your dreams! Bind him hand and foot and take him down to Thunderer! Burn this place! Oswy Iding will never dare leave home again!'

One of the men grabbed Egfrid. He roped the boy's hands behind his back and tied his feet. Then he picked
up and threw him over his shoulder as though he were a trussed deer. The Mercians shouted to each other as Egfrid was jolted down the stairs.

‘Treasure?' one asked.

‘Treasure of sorts,' was the reply. ‘We've got the Faint-heart's brat! Better than gold, he is!'

This was greeted by wild laughter and shield beating.

The Mercians had sneaked in from the south while Egfrid's father was away gathering tribute from the Pictish king and his mother visiting a holy woman, two days' ride to the north. It was no new thing for the Mercians to come raiding, but the fortress of Bamburgh, built high on its great rock above the sea, was believed to be impregnable.

Egfrid was carried down into the outer court. He tried not to look at the piles of bodies strewn there, and the rumpled, bloodstained clothing of the cook and her daughter.

Penda's men hacked at the stalls and livestock pens that filled the space. They dragged wood towards the great hall and, scattering fowls and frightened sheep, they built a pyre about his home. Dogs howled. Where was Woodruff, his favourite hound? Egfrid opened his mouth to call him, but closed it just in
understanding that he'd call the loyal creature to his death.

Firebrands were carried from the kitchens and the stacks set ablaze. Screams and moans rose around him. Surely this could not be happening. It must be some frightful dream.

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