Betting Against the Odds (2 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Morgan

BOOK: Betting Against the Odds
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     Ch. 2: Gamble (Matt’s POV)

I don’t know what I was thinking all I knew is that the girl in front of me was beautiful. How cheesy does that fuckin’ sound? I gave her a small smile well shuffling the cards before passing them out.

I don’t know what the hell this girl is doing here or why she is carrying a bucket list that she wants to complete in six months but I find her intriguing like a breath of fresh air. I looked her over once more she had long straight brown hair, a nice nose, full lips, and these killer smoky gray eyes. She was wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt but it fit her nicely clinging to her curves. She looked to be like a size 16 maybe which was nice to see.

I felt the burning in the back of my head and I knew that my older brother was glaring at me. Seamus is 26 years old and he is what I consider the golden child of the family. He is married to Nicole who works the books for the bar and my mother and father absolutely adore her. My father has not spoken to me for about 3 months because of a gambling incident that I was involved with that led to some minor problems but nothing serious. My mother wants me to settle down find a nice girl to be with instead of the “hoochies” I spend time with according to her.

I stifled a laugh thinking of my mama calling these girls “hoochies” I looked back at Penelope and smiled my mama would like her.

She looked up at me her eyes widening a little, “Why are you smiling like that? You better not be thinking of cheating”.

I started busting up laughing as she narrowed her eyes, “Love, I don’t have to cheat I could kick your ass with my eyes closed.”

She growled nice and low so I couldn’t hear her but I was having too much fun just watching her facial gestures.

I was passing out the cards when I saw my brother making his way towards us. Damn he just can’t leave me alone.

“Brother,” my back automatically straightened at the sound of his voice, “What the hell are you doing?” he glanced down at the table the cards already passed out then back at me, “Gambling…Dad told you no more that if you gamble again you will no longer be a part of this family. Cut off.”

He smiled a little while my face grew hot I was about to give him some very nice words when Penelope spoke up.

“I didn’t mean to cause any problems for Matt,” Seamus and I both looked at her as she cleared her throat staring my brother down well she continued, “But we aren’t gambling it is more of a fun game between two complete strangers who just happen to be in need of a fun game to waste some time,” Seamus glared at her but she just continued her cute little rambling, “I mean it isn’t really gambling because we are not playing for money so see there is no reason to be mad or to tell your dad.”

Seamus continued to glare at her as he spoke up nearly growling at her, “Our dad told him no gambling period it doesn’t matter what you say little girl so why don’t you mind your own business.”

Her mouth popped open for a second as I got up to confront him, “Seamus leaves her the fuck alone.”

He laughed at me, “Or what little brother?”

I was about to answer when Penelope stood up also placing her hands on my chest pushing me back a little I gave her a glare but she just shook her head no and held her head high meeting y brothers eyes with a smile, “Well then Seamus was it?” she didn’t wait for confirmation, “I will be absolutely be thrilled to explain to your dad how I coerced Matt to play a game with me. I mean I am a paying customer you would think you would be friendlier towards me but I am sure your dad wouldn’t be to put off with your attitude towards a customer let alone a young woman.”

She shrugged her shoulders as I looked at her my mouth hanging wide open. Damn this girl had major balls. I looked towards Seamus as he turned three different shades of red.

“Well then I will leave you two to play your…game,” he spit out as he made his way back to the bar.

I gave her a slow clap well grinning at her she just gave me a small smile sitting back down. She was quiet and I couldn’t stand it, “I am sorry about Seamus he has a major stick up his ass.”

She looked at me smiling, “I would be an ass too if my parents named me Seamus.”

My eyes widened as I took her in and I couldn’t help it I started laughing and she joined in too. We were both trying to catch our breaths when the bar door opened and two people came inside.

“Matt are you actually laughing,” I heard her say.

I got up hugging her, “Hey Anna you look great,” she smiled as I gave Luke a head nod, “What’s up Luke? Did Anna turn you down again?”

He smiled pulling her into his side, “Naw that’s why we came here she finally said yes it only took her three fuckin’ months.”

I gave him a laugh and looked down to Penelope who was looking at Luke in a very animalistic way which in turn made me angry. Anna must have noticed the scene because she sat down next to Penelope smiling at her.

“Hey my name is Anna and this is my fiancé Lucas. We are friends of Matt and who are you?” she asked.

Penelope blushed a little meeting Anna’s eyes, “My name is Penelope I just met Matt” she looked at me and smiled glancing back at Luke then back at Anna, “I am sorry for eye raping your fiancé I am just not used to seeing two smoking hot guys in one place unless I am dreaming or in Vegas at a strip club or something,” her face turned red but Anna just grabbed her hands.

“Oh I like you Penelope and you have no need to apologize when I first saw Matt I was about to dump Lucas and jump Matt’s bones,” she laughed as Luke glared at her sitting down in between the two women.

Luke looked over at Penelope, “I am Luke and I have to say you are way to pretty to be hanging out with this ugly fuck.”

I glared at him but he just gave me a wink well Penelope laughed, “Yea right Matt probably has lines of skinny women of all ages waiting for him.”

I paused as she said this no one denied it because well she was right I was kind of a man whore but that didn’t mean I didn’t find her attractive. I was about to say something when Anna shook her head at me slowly. Huh.

Anna laughed grabbing her hands again, “Honey you are probably right but I bet you anything Matt has been thinking about getting his hands all over you since he met you. I mean who needs a skinny woman when he can have some one full figured and curvy like us,” Penelope smiled, “I mean Lucas doesn’t complain about me not being a size 4.”

Luke gave her a big hungry smile, “No I don’t mind at all she is the best I have ever had.”

I looked over at them, “Now kids stop being embarrassing and go away we are trying to play a game here.”

Luke looked intrigued, “A game really what are we playing for?”

Penelope laughed, “Well he wins I have to talk shit to his brother and if I win he has to help me complete my bucket list in six months.”

Anna clapped, “Oh bucket list… can I see it? I had one too but it was small like 11 things I crossed everything off except for the weeding one. We will be doing that soon,” she gave Luke a wink well Penelope slid the bucket list to her.

Anna and Luke were staring down at it both smiling and laughing at certain parts, “Penelope if Matt here doesn’t want to help you I am in and so is Luke this is an awesome bucket list. Are you doing it for a certain reason?”

Penelope paused a nice flush making its way up her neck to her cheeks, “Um… no I just wanted to do something in life before I get stuck doing what my parents want me to do.”

Anna nodded solemnly well Luke agreed that he wanted to be a part of it and I found myself getting jealous for some reason. I shook my head picking up my cards. Hmm so far so good.

Penelope picked up her cards staring at them intently well biting her plump bottom lip it was so innocent but sexy that I almost groaned out loud all I know is if she wins I am going to have to screw someone before because this girl might just kill me.

I put down two cards picking up two more well she put down three picking up three. She was biting her lip harder and I was starting to feel bad for deceiving her like this. I mean I am a pro and she isn’t it really isn’t fair.

I had a full house three kings two tens so I put them down slowly watching her face take in my cards her eyes widening in what I believe to be disappointment. Watching her face made me want to comfort her and I knew that regardless of who wins I was going to help her accomplish her list. I just knew I couldn’t have her walk out of here without me.

I glanced at Anna who was staring at me with a knowing gleam in her eyes I gave her a WTF look but she just shook her head and smiled turning back to Penelope who was placing down her cards slowly.

I was so busy watching her that I almost missed the gasps that went around the table I looked down to the table where her cards were laying my mouth falling open she had a fuckin’ royal flush.

Anna jumped out of her chair pulling Penelope up with her as they both did a victory dance that consisted of bumping hips and twirling around. I would have been really annoyed if I wasn’t a little turned on by the display in front of me; Luke looked at me giving me a knowing smile the one that said one word: hot.

Anna went over to Luke kissing him senseless as Penelope walked towards me smiling. I stood up bowing to her, “I am at your service love when should we start?”

She looked down at her list then back up at me, “You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to I was just having fun but I mean you probably don’t want to be stuck with me for like six months but I mean if you do want to help me I can pay for you to go…”

She was rambling again and I was starting to feel bad so I covered her mouth with my hand, “Love I would be honored to help you and look we already have two volunteers so let’s plan this out which one to do first.”

I let her go sitting her down as we all looked at the list rearranging items by dates and where to travel too we decided to do something’s here because New Years was in like 3 weeks so we could watch the ball drop. So in the end the list looked like this:

11. Gamble

13. Eat a real Krabby Patty

2. Have a drink with celebrity

10. Race a car

1. Watch ball drop in Times Square

12. Stand under Hollywood sign

5. Get tattoo

6. Send a message in a bottle

15. Write in wet cement

22. Mardi Gras in New Orleans (his idea)

7. Pull a fire alarm in crowded place

9. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland

8. Carve name in tree

17. Train an owl like Harry potter

14. Scuba diving

20. Find P.Sherman 42 wallaby way Sydney (Nemo :) )

19. Go zip lining

18. Throw a drink at someone

21. Buy out a concert (his idea)

4. Smash a guitar

3. Go to Vegas get plastered, married, and then divorced (yay I know I watch too many movies)

16. Fall in love


Penelope and Anna both clapped their hands in glee when we made plans to meet at Penelope’s house tomorrow to arrange some stuff like where we are staying and what not plus we were going to make a Krabby Patty to eat. Penelope pulled out her phone frowning at the screen looking like she wanted to cry and I had the urge to pull her into my arms to protect her. She put her phone away sending us all a text with her address.

“Well I have to go so I will see you guys tomorrow right?” she looked at us as we all nodded, “Thanks Matt for helping me cross off something from my list and wanting to help its really awesome of you.”

Before I could say anything she hugged me I barely had time to register it before she was pulling away.

She looked over my shoulder giving me a wink, “Hey Seamus,” I glanced behind me to see my brother glare over at her when she continued, “You are an ugly asshole who really needs to get the big stick out of your ass,” Seamus jaw clenched together as he stormed to the back door slamming it .

Luke and Anna started laughing. Luke looked at Penelope with appreciation in his eyes, “I like you Pen. Do you mind if I call you Pen?” she shook her head no smiling.

She waved bye to them as I walked her to the door grabbing her hand before she opened it, “I can’t believe you told my brother that. It was awesome I will see you tomorrow love.”

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