Betting the Moon: Cannon Pack, Book 4 (10 page)

BOOK: Betting the Moon: Cannon Pack, Book 4
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Tucker spat his words. “I’m no shitty bloodsucker.”

“Hmm.” Bascom’s eyes glittered. “Could it be that you are a warlock? Perhaps even a sorcerer?” He shook his head, then slid his gaze to Tucker’s feet and back. “No, you have no magic.”

Tucker closed the distance between them. “Let me give you a hint.” Making sure the people behind him couldn’t see, he put his face inches from the vampire’s, then shifted enough to bring out his fangs.

“A werewolf,” whispered the vampire. Bascom’s eyes grew round, and he stiffened, pressing his back against the wall to get as far from Tucker as possible. “I should have known from the stench.”

“Seriously, man? The stench? How about the stink of being one of the walking dead?”

Bascom sneered, exposing his fangs just enough for Tucker to notice, and hissed like the snake he was. Tucker doubted any of the observers were close enough to see them.

“Listen up, vamp. By the time I walk back to Mari, you’re going to have released her. Then once the game resumes, you’re going to play fair and square. None of that eye voodoo you do. Don’t take off your sunglasses again and I’ll let you keep your cold, dead heart inside your chest.” He let his fangs lengthen a little more. “If you don’t do as I say, I’ll rip it out and I won’t care who sees me do it.”

“Gentlemen, is there a problem?”

Bascom’s fangs disappeared, and his eyes returned to their silver color. His attitude brightened as his gaze drifted to the man who had come to stand behind Tucker. Tucker reversed his transformation and stepped away, plastering a smile on his face as he turned to face the tournament director.

“No. No problem.” He pretended to be surprised. “Oh this? This isn’t anything. Bascom and I are old fraternity buddies, and we roughhouse once in a while. Just harmless horsing around, you know. Isn’t that right, Basky, ole buddy?”

Instead of answering, Bascom stalked past the older gentleman to his chair at the table. Tucker shrugged. “Don’t let him bother you. He’s just a bit edgy. Playing at the final table can do that to a player who’s not on top of his game.” Tucker slapped him on the shoulder and sauntered away, hoping he had preempted any more questions.

Mari, shaken and glancing around, looked confused as he squatted next to her. Her hands shook as she frowned at the small stack of coins in front of her.

“What happened? I was about—” she paused to eye the frowning Bascom, “—to do you know what and then a horrible blackness surrounded me.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “I don’t remember anything after that.”

Tucker held a hand up, shielding his mouth from the vampire. “He beat you to the punch.”

Horror spread across her face. “Oh, no. Did he glamour me?”

“Yeah, he did. Then he took a big pot from you.”

Anger swept away her stricken look. “Damn it. Don’t tell me he took the lead?”

“I hate to say it, but yeah, he did.” Tucker brushed a loose hair behind her ear, then caught Bascom smirking at them. “But don’t worry about it. He knows he can’t glamour me.” He pivoted to speak directly to the vampire. “He also knows I’m going to wipe him out.”

Bascom blinked, his confident façade breaking. “I doubt you are any match for my skill, shif—” As though he’d just noticed the spectators returning to the room, he dropped his voice and tucked his chin. “I am a better player than you will ever be.”

Tucker took his time getting back to his chair. He settled into place, then nodded at the dealer who had just taken her seat, before turning his glare on Bascom. “Wanna bet?”



“I had no clue.” Mari hurried next to Tucker, trying to keep pace with his long legs. “I mean, sure, I knew you were good, but I didn’t think you were amazing.”

“Ow. I think my fragile ego just cracked.”

“I’m sorry. I only meant I didn’t know you’d become so skilled. After all, you’ve only been a pro for a short time and the level of play you showed today takes years of hard work and practice.”

“I guess I’m a fast learner.”

She giggled. “Bascom didn’t know you were amazing, either.”

“He does now.”

“He sure does. You took his stack away so fast he didn’t know what hit him. I swear I could feel the hate burning through those dark glasses of his.”

“Yeah, he was not a happy camper when they called the end of play.”

Heading for the elevator doors, Tucker took her hand and drew her into the elevator with him. The warmth, the security of his hand holding hers struck her, and she smiled. She looked up at him and studied his strong profile.

How had they come so far so fast? If anyone had told her she’d be third in line for the championship and already short-stacked, she would’ve told them anything could happen in a tournament. But believing she’d be tangled up with a werewolf and battling a vampire for the title? No way in hell.

His eyes softened as he took her by the arms. “I hate what he did to you.”

She shivered, the freezing blast once again sweeping over her. Would she ever feel completely warm? Or would the vampire’s cold touch remain inside her forever? “If I had my way, if I didn’t have a tournament to win—” she shot him a cocky smile she hoped would spread to the rest of her body, “—then I’d get as far away from him as I could.”

“If I had my way, he’d have already gone back to the ground as a pile of dust.”

Was he serious? Or was he playing the part of her champion? “You wouldn’t actually kill him, would you? Can you kill someone who’s already dead?”

“I might not be able to take his life since it’s already gone, but I could damn well cause him to cease to exist.”

The anger wafting off of him shook her. But her uneasiness was dispelled when she saw the hardness in his face ease. “Eh, don’t worry about him. I can handle him.”

She laid her palm against his strong chest. Was she really a damsel in distress with her own werewolf in shining armor? When did she start needing a man? Yet she had to admit—at least to herself—that the idea wasn’t half bad.

“I think we deserve a reward for what we’ve gone through today. Especially you.”

She tamped down the excitement and only let a small smile show. “Oh? What do you have in mind?”

“You’ll see.”

By the time they made it to his hotel room, she already had a few ideas of her own. He squeezed her hand, then opened the door and waved her ahead of him. Mari stepped into what had been a plain hotel room and found herself lost in an oasis of roses and fragrant scents.

“Wow,” she whispered. Beautiful crystal vases filled with dozens of roses sat on every available surface. White candles of various sizes flickered, casting shadows on the walls. Champagne chilled in a bucket on the table along with a large white plate of chocolate-covered strawberries. Two white robes waited for them on the petal-strewn bed.

Mari took everything in and found herself glamoured in an entirely different way. “Did I say
already? Because if I didn’t then let me say it now. Wow.”

He took both her hands and bent to look into her eyes. “I’m hoping that’s a good wow.”

She nodded but still couldn’t take her attention away from the beauty of the room. “Actually, it’s an incredible wow. This takes my breath away.”

He let out a sigh. “Good. I figured you should have something special after dealing with the evil bastard all day. I’m glad you like it.”

“What’s not to like? This is right out of a romance novel. How did you know I love roses? Have you seen the rose garden here? It’s like an oasis in the desert. I’m hoping to spend some time there once the tournament is over.” Her quizzical expression was mixed with joy. “But when did you have time to do all this?”

“After you left last night—which, by the way, I hope you won’t do tonight—I made a few calls. Then after today, well, I figured some TLC from little old me might turn the day around for you.”

The fluttering in her stomach increased. She placed her palms on her chest and hoped the wonderful sensation would never go away.

Does he really care about me?
She hoped so. Still, she needed to be sure. “Tell me the truth. Do you do this at every tournament?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

She bit her lip, wanting to stop herself from asking, but the words slipped out anyway. “Do you find a woman at every tournament to seduce? You know. Kind of like the old saying about sailors? A woman in every port?”

“Are you shitting me? You think I do this all the time?”

The stunned expression tore at her a moment before the anger flared across his face. But strangely, this time his anger made her happy. If he’d been bluffing she doubted he would’ve been so disturbed. Only a man falsely accused would be as upset as he was. Or at least she hoped so.

“Calm down. I had to ask.” She picked up one of the robes and rubbed the softness against her cheek. “I can’t help it. I’ve never had anyone do something this special for me.”

His anger went away as quickly as it had come. “Never? I would’ve thought you’d have had hundreds of guys trying to win you over.”

“Win me over?” She couldn’t help but bat her eyes and adopt a Southern-belle accent. “Why, sir, are you trying to seduce me?”

Or could this be love?
She inhaled, shaken by her thought.

“Well, of course, I am, darlin’.”

She struggled against the burst of joy.
Don’t lose control of yourself.
He was talking about seduction, not love.

She dropped the accent. “And you don’t have any ulterior motives?”

He made a face and snorted. “You are one suspicious woman, aren’t you?”

“Maybe. Probably because I’m always searching for a tell. Are you trying to make me love, uh, get a crush on you so I’ll let you beat me at the table?”

“First of all, I don’t have any tells. Either at the table or right now. Secondly, I don’t need you or anyone else to let me win. You said it yourself. I’m amazing.”

Damn, but she loved his cocky grin. She playfully slapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t make me regret telling you.”

“But if you’re talking about another kind of beating, then I’m in.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t forget I’m the one who had you tied up first.”

He laughed. “Oh, trust me. I haven’t. But this—” he spread his arms wide, “—is all genuine. I’m not trying to scheme you in any way. Can’t you just accept a little lovin’ in your life?”

She struggled to keep the emotions suddenly swamping her from coming to the surface and put her back to him. “Someone once told me that poker and love don’t mix.”

“Bullshit.” He whirled her around, making her drop the robe, until they were face to face. “Look, I’m not sure how I feel, but I do know you’re special. I care for you. Plus, for your information, I’ve never done this for anyone. Ever.” He stared at her as though trying to will her to believe him.

Searching for a brief flicker of deceit left her breathless. He was telling the truth.


She could only nod.

“Let’s take this one day at a time, okay? Tonight I want to forget about the game and forget about Bascom. All I want is to enjoy being with you. Can you do the same?”

“I can.” She dropped her gaze, focusing on the small patch of tanned skin peeking out the front of his shirt.

But what if she wanted more? She shoved the thought away.

Take it one day at a time.

“Then come to bed.”

Again, she nodded. She reached for the buttons of her blouse, but he grasped her hands.

“No. Let me.”

She puckered her lips, letting her breath escape in a slow exhale. He kissed her chastely on the cheek, but the slight sweep of his lips across her skin raced her pulse. The impulse to rip his clothes from him had her clenching her fists, but somehow she resisted.

“Don’t move.”

Slowly, teasingly he released the top button, then paused. She waited, her heart pounding, her mind spinning at the thought of him touching her. He undid the next one, then the next one, each time stopping for a moment to gaze at the skin he’d exposed. Her chest rose and fell a little faster as he worked his way down. Her shirt fell open, exposing her bare breasts.

“You’re beautiful.” Tucker spoke in a whisper, an awed tone in his voice.

Suddenly overwhelmed, Mari could no longer look at him and covered her breasts. But that didn’t prevent her from feeling the heat radiating off his body.

“No, don’t.” He tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “I want you to let go, to let me take care of you.” He flicked his tongue over his lips. “Can you do that?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t imagine turning him down.

“Okay, then.” Gently, he forced her arms to her sides. He let out a low groan and cupped her breasts, just holding them against his palms. They stood, neither one speaking.

He rubbed his thumbs over her pebbled nipples. Tendrils of lust spread outward from his touch, sparking small whirlwinds through every part of her. If he did nothing more than touch her, it would be enough. She closed her eyes, telling herself to relax and concentrate on the pleasurable sensations.

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