Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3) (15 page)

BOOK: Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3)
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y entire body is abuzz, and I’m ninety-nine percent sure my brain is melting. I knew there was chemistry between us, knew it would be electric—but I didn’t know it would be

This is so much more than whatever I’ve been anticipating. The look on his face as he stares down at me is pure animalistic lust. I lift my hips toward him in offering, desperate for him to do something.

Setting his hands against my ass, he lifts me up before burying his face against my core. His eyes meet mine as he nuzzles against me, and I let out a little gasp as he groans low in his throat.

“Your scent,” he murmurs. “I fucking need you all over me—gonna make you come with my tongue, so many fucking times,” he promises.

I think I nod, but I’m not positive. I watch as he opens his mouth and bites down on my mound through my underwear, causing me to shudder and let out a wordless plea. His answer is the swirl of his tongue against my center but the lace of my underwear keeps him from making direct contact. I whimper low in my throat as he does it again, and then again.

When he stops and lifts his head, I make a sound of annoyance. It trails off as he grabs either side of my lace underwear. Lifting my hips, I watch as he peels them down and off before tossing them over his shoulder.

“I’ve been dying for you, for this,” he murmurs.

His name is a sigh on my lips as he swipes his tongue against my now naked sex. The sensation of his beard rubbing against my softest skin causes goosebumps to break out all over my body. Overwhelmed, my left hand travels down to his head, sinking into his hair to grab hold as he kisses me intimately. A full body spasm sweeps through me as he starts tracing figure eights on my clit. I cry out something incoherent as I thrust my hips against his tongue, boldly showing him that I want more. He delivers more, fast and slow and every speed in between, his mouth devouring me like he can’t get enough. He slides a finger inside of me and lets out a groan when I tighten against it.

“You’re so wet for me,” he breathes. “I love the way you move, so greedy and ready to come. I know you’re going to be a good girl and come hard for me, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I whimper. “Yes, yes!”

He pulls his finger out, then thrusts two back inside. I shriek as I adjust to the delicious feeling of fullness. It feels so good—but even now in my red haze of lust, I know it will feel even better when his cock is inside of me. Closing my eyes, I imagine him lying on top of me as he fucks me.

“Sweet Devon,” he murmurs. “You’re so fucking hot against my fingers.”

My hips rock faster as a steady stream of moans and pleas for more escape from my mouth. His alternating of short fast swirls and long slow licks leaves me breathless. I cry out as he lifts me higher with his shoulders, which gives him the opportunity to work a different angle inside me with his fingers. The way I’m positioned gives me an amazing X-Rated view of the way he’s devouring me.

I’m so right there—but I want his eyes. Using the hand I’ve got gripped in his hair, I pull up a bit to give him the hint. His tongue and fingers continue working as his gaze meets mine. The look in his eyes takes me the rest of the way and I scream his name as my orgasm hits. He wrings every possible ounce of pleasure from my body before removing his fingers. He then kisses the top of my mound, twice, before pulling back to drop soft kisses on my inner thighs. I shiver when he rises up over me and gently licks my lips.

“You’re my favorite dessert,” he murmurs. “Love the taste of that pussy. Going to want it all the time.”

I’m on him in a flash. Grabbing his shoulders, I use the surprise of the moment to my advantage and flip us so he’s underneath me. He lets out a surprised, “fuck,” as I pull my dress up and over my head, leaving me completely naked.

“You aren’t the only one getting dessert here,” I inform him.

He groans low in his throat as I pull his T-shirt up, exposing his chest. Following my lead, he grabs the hem and pulls the shirt off entirely. I smile my approval as I zero in on the button and zipper of his jeans. The instant I get those suckers open—not as easy as it sounds since his erection was in my way—I reach into his boxer briefs and set him free. My mouth starts to water and my eyes light up as I take in the full magnificent view of his cock. It’s beautiful, thick and veiny, and the glistening drop of pre-come at the tip is like a red flag in front of a bull. I want it. Badly. Fisting his shaft, I lean in to take him in my mouth. I grin when I feel his hands fist in my hair. Someone’s ready to be sucked.

“You don’t have to do that,” he says huskily. “Just jerk it.”

I have never—and I do mean never—had a man turn down a blowjob. I’ve also never heard of such a thing happening to anyone, ever. Getting head is like the Holy Grail for men. I start to think it through and I’m about to ask him why when it dawns on me that I just don’t care. I’m doing it—and if he wants to stop me, that’s on him. Shaking my head, I let out a laugh.

“I don’t have to,” I agree. “But I want to, so I’m going to.”

Without waiting for a response I open wide and pull him in, swirling my tongue around as I go down. His tightening grip on my hair gives me pause for half a second, until I realize he’s pulling me closer, not pushing me away. Taking his cue for what it is, I set to sucking him.

His warm salty flavor explodes across my tongue, and I moan as I work my way up and down. Gripping the base of his cock with my fist, I jerk the lower portion I can’t reach with my mouth. If he were an inch or two shorter in length, I’d attempt a deep throat, but there’s just no way. Going by his enthusiastic sounds, I’m doing just fine.

I don’t so much give him head as I worship his cock. Some women don’t like giving blowjobs—I do. Right now I don’t just like it; I love it. I use my free hand and reach into his boxer briefs to massage his balls.

I’m empowered by the way he chants my name like it’s a prayer. Over and over again, I pop off and lick the spot just under the head of his cock. This is not a quiet blowjob. The room is filled with sound—a mixture of my sucking and slurping and the sounds Cole makes when I hit an especially sensitive area. I scrape my teeth ever so gently against the underside of his dick every few seconds, and the sound he makes when I do that is a guttural cry, telling me he loves it.

“Sweet fuck, Devon!”

He’s gone aggressive now, with a firm grip in my hair as he thrusts up into my mouth. I didn’t have any reason to worry about whether he likes blowjobs—the frantic way he’s fucking my mouth tells its own story.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chants. “I’m going to fucking come!”

Looking up, I meet his eyes. Without saying a word, I let him know I want him to come in my mouth. Throwing his head back, he lets out yell.

“Jesus! Shit!”

Knowing he’s ready to come, I pop off again and lick the spot below the head before scraping it with my teeth. He lets out a loud wail and seizes up as I take him back in.

“Devon! Devon!”

I’m rewarded with his release as it pools onto my tongue, hot and salty. I make sure not to miss a drop, licking and sucking him through his entire release. When he’s finished, I lap at him softly before tucking him back into his briefs and laying my head down on his jean-covered thigh.

His fingers stay tangled in my hair as he recovers. His breath is coming in ragged bursts, which makes me smile drowsily. This was a good night.

“Unfuckingbelievable,” he mumbles huskily. “I think I heard angels singing.”

Lifting my head, I look at him questioningly. He looks completely done in.

“You heard what now?”

“Angels. Singing. Never came that hard from a blowjob in my life,” he admits.

I open my mouth to respond, but he continues.

“Scratch that. Never came that hard period. I feel like I need electrolytes and therapy.”


His answer is a tired sounding chuckle. Adjusting my position, I set my head on his shoulder. Wrapping his arm around me, he pulls me in close and buries his face in my hair.

“You good?” he asks.

“I’m better than good,” I assure him.

“Yeah,” he says huskily. “You really fucking are.”

I smile at the compliment as I trace a finger over his rock hard abs. Seconds later, he lets out a soft snore. I bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud.

After a few minutes of relaxing, I extract myself from his arms to head for the bathroom. He grumbles my name and reaches out for me as I do, so I grab one of the accent pillows and tuck it next to him. Wrapping his arm around it, he settles in with a sigh.

Once I’m finished in the bathroom, I head into his massive closet. Since I’ve got no other clothes with me, I need to wear one of his shirts. I doubt he’ll care, and considering I just used his toothbrush, I think the shirt is the least of my concerns. It doesn’t take me long to find a huge section devoted to tour shirts. Grabbing one from the top, I put it on and then let out a laugh when I look at myself in the wall of mirrors. It comes down to just above my knees, so I look like I’m playing dress-up. I yawn at my reflection as I shrug. It is what it is.

Back in Cole’s room, I pull the comforter from his bed and take it to the sofa. After removing the pillow he’s cuddling with, I cover us up and settle against him. The steady beat of his heart soothes me to sleep in no time at all.


wake up feeling great, like I’ve had the best night’s sleep of my life. I’m normally a great sleeper, but this is a whole other level. As I crack my eyes open to face the day, the reason I slept so damn good hits me like a pie to the face. Devon is snuggled against me, clearly still deep in sleep.

My wheels start turning and memories of last night fill my head. Goddamn, I’ve never had a night like it, ever. The way I came was so not the norm for me. I’ve had blowjobs from men and women the world around. As a rule, I haven’t ever really been impressed with a blowjob from a chick. It’s because I’ve always been aware it wasn’t happening because women want to do it. In fact, I’ve never met a woman who would say they actually enjoy sucking dick.

It’s the reason I gave in to my tutor so many years ago when he wanted to show me how good a blowjob from a guy could be. It took him a few tries to get me to do it, but eventually, I’d figured what the fuck and had done it on a lark. Turned out, he was right. That’s when I found out dudes just knew how to suck dick better. I’ve always assumed it’s because we’ve each got cocks of our own, so we know how to handle them.

The whole
guys blow better
thing went down in flames last night. Hands down, no comparison, Devon sucked my dick better than anyone ever has. Full stop. There isn’t even a ‘best of’ reel I could pull from to say someone else came close. They haven’t. She used her fucking teeth and she swallowed. I came so fucking hard I think I blacked out for a few seconds. Thinking about it now is freaking me out a little.

My memories of last night’s life-altering blowjob are interrupted by the sound of knocking at my bedroom door. After carefully maneuvering my way out from under Devon and pulling up the zipper on my jeans, I make my way to the door and open it, assuming it’s my assistant. It’s not—it’s Ian.

Fuck. I was so wrapped up in thinking about Devon, I completely forgot about the first part of last night. Leaning against the door jam, I look him over in an attempt to assess his current mood. I’m hoping it’s a good sign he’s not looking at me like he wants to kill me.

“Hey,” he says nervously. “I’d like to talk to you both.”

Clearly, he knows she’s in my room. Interesting.

“Devon’s still asleep—”

“No, I’m not,” she calls out in a sleepy voice.

Turning, I find her standing next to the couch and rubbing her eyes.

“Give me a few minutes,” she says as she heads for my bathroom.

“I guess give me a few minutes, too,” I tell Ian. “Meet us down in the kitchen. There’s a ton of frozen breakfast shit in the freezer, and I’m sure my assistant put coffee on. Help yourself to anything that appeals.”

“Cool. See you down there.”

I assume he’s nervous because of the way he acted last night. Honestly, I’m too fucking keyed up right now to give too much thought to Ian. After closing the bedroom door, I lean my head against it and close my eyes. One night. One fucking night with Devon is how long it took for me to forget the goddamn rules. They’re in place for a reason, and I need to remember that at all times.

BOOK: Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3)
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