Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3) (26 page)

BOOK: Between Us (The Renegade Saints #3)
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Right now, my primary concern is making sure all of my gear gets onto the plane. From there, Cole’s assistant Harrison is in charge of making sure it gets where it needs to go every time we move from one venue to another. I was iffy about giving up that control, but Cole says once I get used to it, I’ll be thrilled. Here’s hoping he’s right.

I’m thankful for the extra few minutes I’ve got before we have to leave. Wandering into the living room, I pull out my cell and FaceTime Lana.

“You best not be calling to tell me you’re already a member of the Mile High Club,” she says as we connect.

“Gross,” I laugh. “I’d never do that with a plane full of people around, you dork.”

She wiggles her eyebrows and laughs. “I totally would,” she asserts.

“I’d argue, but I know damn well you would.”

Her face gets more serious as she leans closer to her phone. “Are you nervous?”

I nod. “Totally.”

“You’re going to be fine,” she assures me. “Better than fine, even. You’re going to be kickass.”

“Thank you. I already feel better.”

“It’s all that Vitamin D you’ve been getting,” she snorts.

“I haven’t seen any Vitamin D laying around,” Cole remarks as he comes into the room.

I glare at Lana on my screen as I shake my head.

“Vitamin D is dick,” she hollers. “Your dick, to be specific!”

Instead of getting offended, he takes it in stride and throws his head back as he barks out a laugh.

“You’re a fuckin’ lunatic,” he tells her.

“And don’t you forget it,” she says. “’Cause I’m the lunatic who will break half of your guitars before donating the other half to some shitty boy band if you ever hurt my friend.”

Cole clutches his chest and gasps. “What the hell, woman! You’d give my fuckin’ guitars to talentless hacks?”

“Hoes before bros,” she counters.

“I’ll remember that at Christmas,” he tells her.

“I hate to cut this love fest off,” I laugh, “but we have to roll out. I just wanted to call and say goodbye. I’ll text after the show tonight.”

“I’ll miss you,” she says seriously.

“I’ll miss you, too,” I assure her.

“Don’t forget to send me care packages of the hotel soaps and shampoos every week. I bet you’re going to get some real swank shit.”

Bending down, Cole looks at my phone. “Lana, if you need shampoo, we’ll just send you some big bottles. You don’t need to use samples.”

She gasps like he just told her he robbed a bank.

“You most certainly will
,” she exclaims. “Those hotel sizes are like diamonds to me. Why go with the big size when you can sample everything?”

Cole nods his understanding as I shake my head in annoyance.

“That’s great for shampoo,” I say dryly. “But you really need to stop applying that philosophy to other areas of your life. Like dating.”

She rolls her eyes. “Enough with the lectures, Grandma,” she says dryly. “Have a safe flight!”

“Talk to you later,” I yell. “Love you!”

“Love you too, skank. Take care of my main ho, Vitamin D.”

“I got her,” he laughs.

Ending the call, I stand from my chair.

“We ready?”

“Everything is present and accounted for,” he assures me. “All that’s missing now is your ass in the limo seat.”

Looping my arm through his, I let him lead me into the driveway. I let go when he steps aside to hold the car door open for me, and I quickly slide across the buttery leather and sink into the seat with a sigh of contentment. Once he’s seated and the door is closed, Cole slides over so we’re thigh to thigh and wraps his arm around me.

“You’re all keyed up,” he murmurs before dropping a kiss on my lips.

Seeing no point in denying it, I nod.

“It’s like starting a new job.”

Smiling, he traces my lower lip with his thumb.

“You’re doing great,” he assures me. “There’s nothing to be nervous about at all. You know what I bet would make you feel better?”

I look up at him and sigh. This man is so gorgeous it’s ridiculous. Every single time I’m near him, I get butterflies.

“Some Vitamin D?”

His eyes widen before he bursts out laughing.

“I was going to say we should watch some TV, but if you need your vitamins…”


“Fuck yeah,” he assures me.

Since the first night we made love, we’ve been at it every day. The morning after, I sensed he was going to reinstate the no sex rule, but I was
having it. Before he could get the words out, I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock until he was with me one hundred percent. Once he was, I climbed onto him and rode him like a madwoman. There’s been no resistance from him ever since.

Lifting my hand, I put it on his knee and start gliding it up his leg. When I get to the front of his jeans, I undo the button and the zipper before pulling him out of his boxer briefs. He lets out a guttural sound when I run my thumb over the tip of his cock, and I smile at him as he leans in for a kiss. Every one of his kisses is like a dose of euphoria to me. I hum as I lean in closer and let him dominate my mouth.

He makes a sound of annoyance when I pull away, but I’ve got what I want in my hand and I mean to have it. Sliding down the seat, I get to my knees on the floor. His fingers slide into my hair and his nostrils flare as he looks at me.

“When I said Vitamin D, I meant you could bounce on top of it like a good little girl,” he groans. “I’d fill you up with all of the D you need.”

Leaning forward, I lick the tip of his dick as I stare at him. When I pull back, I give him an innocent smile.

“I’ll be bouncing on it later,” I promise him. “But right now, I need to take my vitamins orally,” I murmur.

Sticking my tongue out, I start licking up and down his length as I revel in the sound of his heavy breathing. In the time we’ve been together, I’ve learned how much he loves eye contact when I give him head, so my eyes stay on his as I work his shaft.

“Such a good little cocksucker,” he says huskily.

I hum my appreciation of the compliment as I raise my head until only the very tip of him is in my mouth. The vibration from my hum against his most sensitive spot makes him shudder. I vary my speed, taking him deep and jerking the lower portion of his cock with my hand. Throwing his head back, he lets out a harsh sound as he thrusts his dick into my mouth. When he lifts his head up and our eyes meet again, his are wide and feral with longing.

“Teeth,” he says pleadingly. “I’m so close.”

I nod my head before gently scraping the underside of his cock with my teeth as I pull up. His hands hold my hair firmly as he bucks into my mouth with a long groan.

“Devon,” he whimpers. “So good.”

I use my upper teeth on the way down, giving him a different sensation. I know he’s there when his eyes roll back and he lets out a harsh yelp.


As always, I stay on him until I’ve swallowed every drop. When I’m finished, I pull off and lightly swirl my tongue against the tip, causing him to shiver.

“So good,” he sighs. “One of these days, I think I’m going to leave my body mid-suck.”

I giggle as I tuck him back into his briefs before pulling his zipper up and buttoning his jeans.

“I need you too much for you to go anywhere,” I say huskily. “Plus, I don’t think I could survive without your Vitamin D.”

He goes from being near boneless to pretty damn tense within seconds, and I look behind my shoulder in alarm, hoping the driver didn’t put the partition down while I had a mouth full of Cole’s dick. Seeing that it’s closed, I swivel my head back toward Cole. He’s got a far away look on his face, and I get the impression he’s not really seeing me at all.

“What is it?” I ask as I get off my knees and sit down next to him. “What’s wrong?”

He blinks a few times as his eyes re-focus on me. Lifting his hands, he runs them through his hair and shakes his head.

“Nothing,” he answers. “I’m good. Don’t worry.”

I wouldn’t worry—if he weren’t lying. He looks like he’s seconds away from jumping out of the moving limo just to get out of here, and away from me.

“No,” I insist. “You just went somewhere not good. What’s wrong?”

Turning his head away from me, he looks out the window.

“It’s nothing,” he says. “Just let it go. I’ll be fine.”


want to blame the anxiety I’ve been feeling on the tour, but that’s not it. Yeah, the circumstances aren’t ideal and yeah, I’d rather be home taking care of my grandparents and Todd, but that isn’t why I’m sketching the fuck out. We’re a few weeks into this thing and I’m ready to rip my fuckin’ hair out. I know I need to talk to someone—Flynn would be my choice—but he’s so fucked up about what’s going on, I just can’t unload on him like that. Even though he’s asked me at least ninety times what the fuck is up my ass, I just keep telling him not to project his bullshit on me. I figure I’m going to ride that wave until the threat surrounding his sisters is resolved, and then he’ll be getting in my face.

Other than my anxiety and that family stuff, everything is good. Every show thus far has been sold out and there have been no fuck-ups because we sound better than ever. The fans are eating this farewell tour up with a spoon and it feels good to give them what they want—and to be going out at our best.

Of course, I know
why I’m so fucking anxious. Ever since Devon made her offhand remark about not being able to survive, I’ve been tighter than a guitar string on the verge of snapping. She’s not fucking dumb, either. She knows there’s something up even though I am trying my hardest to act like nothing is wrong. I’m the one that was short-sighted enough to get into this thing without Ian or someone else already in place, and it’s not fair to Devon that I’m having serious issues with it. At night in bed, after she falls asleep, I just lay there and wonder if I should let her go. I’m not cut out for what we’re going to become if I don’t end this—but so far I haven’t had the balls to do it. A little voice in the back of my head likes to point out that I can’t because I’m in too deep, and I can’t say I disagree.

Devon and Flynn’s girlfriend, Tessa, have been out for hours having an afternoon of beauty in the hotel spa (completely unnecessary for either of them in my opinion) and I’m so keyed up without her here, I could scream. Picking up my cell phone, I place a call to Flynn.

“Hey, do you and Tessa want to go out to dinner with Devon and me tonight before the show?”

“Dude, I love you, but you’re fucking high. My girl’s been getting massaged and primped for hours and you think I’m going to ignore that to go eat dinner with you? I’ll be locked in my suite until show time, fucker.”

“Right,” I answer. “I should’ve known.”

“You could be getting some of your own if you weren’t such an asshole,” he chides.

I grimace guiltily, glad he can’t see me through the phone. Little does he know, I get it every fucking day, several times a day, and it’s the best I’ve ever had. I’ve done nothing to change Flynn’s opinion that Devon and I aren’t doing anything sexually because we don’t have a third. Since I’ve always adhered adamantly to that edict, it’s understandable that he believes I haven’t wavered. Tyson and Gavin know, but Flynn is so fucked in the head right now he’s not picked up on it.

“Cats got your tongue, yeah?”

I grunt a non-verbal response.

“Dude, I’ve been trying to keep it cool but seriously, it has to be said. You’re being a fucking pussy about this and it’s damn disappointing,” he says. “You really like her, so I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. She sleeps in your goddamn room and you’re attached at the hip. Stop waiting for Ian to decide he wants to join in and make what’s really there with Devon a reality already.”

“I don’t want to be in a one-on-one relationship,” I remind him tiredly. It sounds weak even to my ears.

Flynn lets out a harsh laugh. “C’mon, fucker. I’ve known you my entire life and
I know
when you’re avoiding shit. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how shady you’re being.”

“I know,” I admit. “I’m not ready to talk about all this.”

“Sucks for you,” he quips, “Cause I’m ready. For all of these years I thought that you needed both in order to be happy, but now I think you’re busting ass to avoid a one-on-one relationship because you’re afraid of what it means. It’s okay, man. You can see that I’m happier with Tessa than I’ve ever been in my life. You could have that with Devon. I really don’t get how you’ve got all these great examples of relationships around you but you act like commitment to one person is garlic water and you’re Dracula. Think about your role models. It’s all good, man.”

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