Beyond Broken (16 page)

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Authors: Kristin Vayden

BOOK: Beyond Broken
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“Yeah, you do that better than I do. I could watch you eat all day.” Greyson’s gaze was intense as he watched me. “Want more?” He was immediately handing me another strip.

I hesitantly reached out.

“C’mon Sophia. If I eat all this I’ll lose my cut, ripped body and we all know how much you love it.” He leaned back and stretched above his head, flexing and then lifting his shirt to show off his hard abs.

My eyes followed his movements, I was unable to glance away as my gaze greedily took in every inch, immediately remembering what it felt like to have his ‘cut, ripped’ body pressed against mine. My face heated enough to force me to glance away and clear my throat.

“Ah, so the truth comes out. She only wants me for my body.” Greyson shook his head but flexed again.

“Yeah… my secret’s out.” I smacked his hard chest, my fingers tingling afterward from the contact.

“And all I want is someone to love me for what’s inside.” He shook his head sadly, pouting.

“You’re such a dork.” I giggled at his pitiful expression.

“It’s worth it to hear your laugh.” Greyson’s eyes grew intense once more, his gray changing to more of passionate silver that stole my train of thought.

I jumped when a knock sounded on the door.

Greyson gave me an exasperated expression then stood to answer it. As he walked toward the door I watched his swagger, the way his jeans fit his lower body hugging his muscular legs.

“Hey, Doc. What’s up?” Greyson let Dr. Solomon in and followed him into the living room where I waited.

“Good morning, Greyson. And you too, Miss Holton. I have great news.” Dr. Solomon tucked his iPad under his arm and addressed Greyson. “Dr. Remington gave you the all clear. You should be on your way the day after tomorrow at the latest. He was quite impressed with your progress and felt you were ready.” Dr. Solomon nodded and reached out to shake Greyson’s hand.

“Wow, thanks.” Greyson shook Dr. Solomon’s hand and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. When he glanced over to me, his eyes were wary, slightly panic-stricken. All emotions I felt myself, for all the same reasons. How quickly things changed. Not more than a few days ago I was telling myself that I could never kiss him again. That I was a fool for having any attachment to him. And I was a fool, because I had let Greyson break down all my defenses giving him a key to my heart.

Two days. We only had two days.

“It’s been a pleasure to work with you, Greyson. We’ll finish up your counseling today, and make all the necessary arrangements for your departure.” Dr. Solomon took out his iPad once again but paused. “Have you been cooking, Greyson? Tired of the yogurt, huh?” Dr. Solomon teased.

“You have no idea.” Greyson rolled his eyes and gave me a grin.

“Bacon is always a great choice… if eaten in moderation.” Dr. Solomon turned toward me and gave me a grin, one that illuminated his blue eyes. “Kind of like ice cream, wouldn’t you agree, Miss Holton?”

“Like ice cream.” I smiled, noting that today was Holy Wednesday.

Dr. Solomon seemed thrilled that I agreed.

When I glanced back to Greyson he was watching Dr. Solomon with a curious expression.

“As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, Greyson. Miss Holton? I don’t see his vitals entered in, please make sure they are finished before you leave.” Dr. Solomon nodded then left, the door clicking into place behind him.

“Ice cream?” Greyson turned toward me.

“Yeah, Dr. Solomon understands your obsession with bacon because he has the same obsession with ice cream. I called it Holy Wednesday because he only allows himself to eat it once a week. Thus the whole moderation speech.” I shrugged.

“Huh…” Greyson chewed on the side of his lip then shifted his feet. “Well… two days.” He glanced down then up at me.

“Yes, and that’s quite a compliment that Dr. Remington felt you were ready to be discharged early. You should be quite proud of yourself.” My words were brave in contrast with the emotional turmoil boiling within.

“Either that or Dr. Solomon is trying to get rid of me,” Greyson said quietly and sank into the leather couch.

“What? Why would you say that?”

“Never mind. Just…when I’m gone, don’t… don’t lie to yourself and somehow believe that I don’t care, that I’m not missing you. Okay, Sophia? I know how you think… at least part of it… the other part… whew.” He made an explosion motion with his hands and grinned. “It’s not like I’m never going to see you again. If you think about it, this is a good thing. I mean, it’s not exactly ethical for me to be hitting on my nurse.” His eyes twinkled.

“True.” I bit my lip.

“When I’m no longer your patient…” He raised his eyebrows, as if reminding me of my earlier words about the patient part being more important at the time. “Then I can see you whenever I want, kiss you in the middle of the street and hold your hand wherever we walk. Plus, you won’t be constantly worrying about getting caught making out with me.” His eyes darkened with mischief and desire.

“Thanks,” I remarked sarcastically.

“Just messing with you… but seriously. I know you’ll tell yourself all this shit about me not needing you, finding someone else, blah blah blah.” He made a disgusted expression. “But promise me you’ll remember what I’m telling you now. Okay?”

“Okay.” My heart increased its cadence as Greyson stood and walked over to me, setting his warm hands on my shoulders and piercing me with his alluring and overwhelming gaze. “I’m not going to leave and get over you, over this. It’s not a fling, you’re not just convenient or an easy target.” He shook his head as if the words disgusted him to even say. “You’re… you’re you. I know that doesn’t make sense, but it does to me because there’s nothing I could say that could capture what I feel, what I think when I look at you. I don’t. There aren’t words that describe what you are to me, because it’s too deep, too overpowering, and too wide for me to explain. But it’s here.” He reached down for my hand and pulled it up to his heart. “It’s here, and it’s not leaving. You’ve branded me.” He shrugged. “It’s your name my heart whispers each time it beats and who it’s beating for. That’s not ever going to change. Do you understand, Sophia? I know this is fast, but when you know, you know. I don’t have an reservations about you.” His other hand reached around from my shoulder and tenderly embraced my neck, teasing the flesh beneath my ear and sending shivers that were only heightened by his loving gaze.

“I think so.”

“Not good enough.” He leaned forward and kissed me softly. “I need you to understand so that when you start to think, you’ll remember this instead.” He kissed me deeper, searchingly as he pulled me in closer. The rise and fall of his chest as he took a breath pushed against me, warming me.

“Remember me, Sophia. Because I’m not forgetting you,” he whispered the words against my lips, sealing the kiss with his vow.

“I’ll remember.”

“That’s all I ask.” Carefully he released me, stepping back but never letting his gaze break from mine.

“Greyson?” I asked softly.

“Yeah?” He paused and waited.

“Who is…” I sighed then followed through with my question. “Who is Alison?”

“So you
jealous…” Greyson grinned widely.

“I’m neither confirming nor deny—”

His chuckle interrupted me. “Whatever, it’s okay. I’m hoping you were jealous. I’d be seeing red if I saw someone walking out of your room… Hell, I’d probably beat him then and there.” Greyson’s shook his head. “That’s why I told you that it was nothing. But I understand your question. Don’t worry. Alison is my stepsister.” He grinned.

“Stepsister?” I repeated, not at all expecting that answer.

“Yeah, we’re not blood-related. Thankfully. I’d need medication just coping with that reality.” He shuddered. “My mom is her newest stepmom, and against my will, my mom uses her to keep tabs on me. It’s too much work for Mom to leave New York…” He rolled his eyes. “So she sends Alison sometimes… particularly when I don’t answer my cell phone.” He glanced at the phone guiltily.

“Ah.” I nodded, biting my lip.

“So you really have nothing to be jealous over…” Greyson rubbed his jaw. “She was just trying to get under your skin. She’s like that. Needless to say she’s not one of my favorite people.” He shook his head.

I processed all the information, smiling to myself. “Thanks.” I glanced up.

“You’re welcome. I should have explained sooner, but you were really… distracting.”


“Yeah. I wanted to tell you not to worry so I could try and kiss you again. Damn hormones.” He teased with a wide grin.

“You sure know how to flatter,” I teased while I rolled my eyes.

“That’s what they all say.”

“I’m sure. Anyway, I do need to get going but… thanks again, Greyson. I… I needed to know that.”

“Sorry I didn’t explain earlier.”

“I’m just glad to know. I’ll see you later.”




The rest of the morning went by in a blur as I kept remember Greyson’s words, and his kiss. As I entered the cafeteria, I noticed Dr. Solomon sitting by the large window overlooking the grounds. When he saw me he lifted his spoon into the air before swooping down and taking a huge portion of ice cream. He slowly put it in his mouth and closed his eyes. I laughed at his overplayed antics and shook my head. He grinned at me and motioned for me to come over. I lifted a finger, asking him to wait and got my lunch.

“Holy Wednesday,” I stated as I sat my tray down opposite of his.

“Holy Wednesday… amen.” Dr. Solomon winked then finished the last bite of his melted sundae. “My favorite day of the week.”

“Apparently.” I chuckled as I took a bite of my sandwich.

“So how was your morning?” Dr. Solomon asked as he wiped his face with a thin paper napkin.

Amazing and bittersweet.
“Good. How was yours?”

“Great, great. Hey, a few of us are getting together this weekend.” He shifted slightly in his seat, as if slightly nervous. “We’re just going to get away for the day. I have a house down on the beach about an hour away. It will be a barbeque, volleyball, just something fun to alleviate all the… stress of the job, you know? I’ve invited a few of the doctors and nurses. And you have a roommate too, right? You can bring her, if you want.”

He glanced down, his clear blue eyes hesitant, unsure.

“I’ll ask Bekah.” I shrugged, noncommittally. If Greyson were gone, then a distraction would be welcome.

“Great!” Dr. Solomon nodded then stood, taking his tray. “I’ll give you my address and phone number, just in case.” He dumped his tray in the garbage just next to where we were sitting and pulled a pad of paper and pen from his pocket. In neat handwriting, he gave me the information. My eyes were still focused on the neat writing. Didn’t doctors always have horrible handwriting? Yet somehow it fit his personality. Focused, disciplined, as evident by his Holy Wednesday ritual.

“Thanks.” I took the paper and folded it up, putting it in my scrub pocket.

“Hopefully you’ll make it.” He flashed me a grin then walked away.




After I visited a few new patients and assisted Regina with a blood draw on a heroin detox, I proceeded to Greyson’s room. At my knock, he swung open the door as if waiting for me. A grin broke out across my face as I took in his tender gaze as it roamed my face with clear adoration. He stepped back, gesturing for me to enter his room. At the doors muted thud he spun me around by my arm, pulling me into an immediately scorching kiss. His warm tongue slid across my closed lips, begging entrance. Without hesitation I opened to him, tasting his unique flavor and almost forgetting about the iPad in my hands. The corner of it poked into my ribs and I jumped slightly. Greyson must have realized I still held it because with one smooth movement he had taken it from my hands and set it on the table behind me, effectively pressing me back and farther into his embrace at the same time. As he leaned back, his arms wrapped around me, guiding me while he erased every rational thought with his passionate kiss. His lips caressed mine, tasting and devouring as his arms pulled me forward and I followed blindly.

With a gasp, I landed on something soft realizing we had made it into his bedroom. His comforter was soft as it cradled my body. Greyson was immediately on top of me, pressing me further into the plush mattress. His weight was a welcome sensation, igniting my body in a flurry of passion and desire. Over and over my hands traced the lines of his broad and muscular back, memorizing the planes. His lips left mine and traveled down my jaw to my ear, his hot breath becoming the only sound in my universe. I wanted him closer, needed more of him as I pressed into him, arching my back. With a low curse Greyson took my lips again as his hands left my waist and began traveling down to my hips, grasping them tightly and pulling them in tighter.

I trembled at the swirling sensations his touch was creating. It was foreign yet natural and completely consuming. When his hands moved upward from my hips to my stomach, my breathing hitched at his warm touch. Slowly he lifted my shirt till my stomach was exposed and his hands slid underneath the fabric. Warning sirens went off in my head but in the haze of my desire I ignored them. Only when his hands grazed higher did I break through the fire of his spell.

“Greyson.” I gasped as I felt my eyes struggle to focus. His eyes were liquid silver, swirling with emotion and smoldering with desire. He pressed into me, kissing me once more. It was almost my undoing but I pressed against his firm chest and he reluctantly released me from the captivity of his kiss.

“I have to stop, don’t I?” His voice was thick with passion as he rested his forehead against mine. Under my fingers I felt the rushing and pounding of his heartbeat.

“Yeah… but I really don’t want to,” I murmured the words quietly, the honesty of my statement rocking my convictions.

“Not the thing to tell me right now, that is, if you expect me to keep your virginity intact.” He lifted his head, a fierce fire in his eyes. “I mean, you are a virgin, right?”

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