Beyond Broken (25 page)

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Authors: Kristin Vayden

BOOK: Beyond Broken
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It was blissful. The texture was perfectly crisp yet tender, while the first bite of the salty, smoky flavor also carried a caramel-like taste. I closed my eyes and savored.

“Yeah… bacon can be romantic,” Bekah mumbled and I opened my eyes to see her chewing slowly.

“Greyson did good,” I said with my mouth full.

“Greyson needs to have a brother,” Bekah teased as she took another bite.

“Greyson is all mine.” I winked and finished the rest of my food.




Greyson had Gregory deliver a package every few days. Once it was purple roses, another day it was a Superman figurine. Every day Greyson and I talked over the phone. He’d ask about my day, my opinion on something to do with his continuing therapy, and we’d talk late into the night.

It was amazing what could be learned about a person over the phone. I thought I knew Greyson well, but each time we talked, a new layer was revealed, and I understood him better and gained an insight into the man he had become. And each night I found myself falling deeper in love.

“So tomorrow is my last gift,” Greyson said quietly as I lay on my bed in the dark, drifting peacefully into the relaxed bliss before sleep.

“Oh?” I woke up slightly at his words, a pang of sadness hitting me.

“Yeah, but this one I’ll hand deliver.” His tender words carried an underlying anticipation.

“You will?” I sat up, now fully awake.

His soft chuckle filled my ear. “Yeah… so you better not have plans.”

“Nope. Just work during the day.”

“Perfect. I’ll be there about seven.”

“I can’t wait.” As if on cue, butterflies tickled my insides, causing a delicious shiver of anticipation to prickle my skin.

“I can’t either.”




The next day went by quickly, and I started to get ready at about five. Of course, that meant that at six o clock I was ready and full of nervous energy that didn’t dissipate, but only increased as the minutes ticked by until seven.

At a quarter ‘til, I heard the much-anticipated knock at the door. Bekah chuckled behind me as I leapt from the couch and walked to the door, straightening my dress and tucking my hair behind my ears.

Greyson was dressed in a dark blue suit that made the olive tint of his skin glow along with the intensity in his eyes. I took a deep breath, expelling it shakily as I took him in with my greedy gaze. Insatiable, I studied his face, the curve of his lips, and the line of his jaw down to the broad stretch of his shoulders. He’d gained back the weight he had lost, and the haggard appearance that had clung to him when I saw him last was completely gone. Gray eyes searched mine, then roamed my features before traveling down my body to my feet. When he glanced up a rakish grin tipped the corner of his lips and lit a fire in his eyes that had my stomach swirling.

“Hi,” I said.

“I swear I’ve never seen anything so beautiful, Sophia.” He reached out and grasped my hand, squeezing it and then releasing it.

“You clean up well too, you know.” I said shyly.

“So I’ve been told.” He winked.

“You want to come in?”

“Sure.” He walked by me, pausing just as he was passing, and leaned over, brushing his lips across my cheek. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against my skin.

“I’ve missed you too,” I murmured in return.

I watched him walk into my apartment and smiled as I took in the familiar strut of confidence that had been absent earlier.

“Hello. You must be Bekah. I’m Greyson.” He reached out to shake Bekah’s hand. My roommate had stood but seemed to be having a hard time forming words.

“H-hi.” An expression of wonder overtook her beautiful face. Greyson turned and Bekah locked eyes with me, fanning herself.

I laughed.

Greyson shot me a confused expression and I shrugged.

“Thanks for the bacon,” Bekah said after a moment.

“Ah, yeah, I heard about that. And no. I’m sorry but I don’t have any brothers.” He winked at Bekah.

“That’s too bad.”

“And I’m afraid I’m taken.” Greyson walked over to me. Standing behind me he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Clearly.” Bekah drawled. “It’s a good thing you feel that way… there’s no way she’s letting you go either.” Bekah raised her eyebrows. “You two have fun. It was nice to finally meet you, Greyson.”

“You as well.”

Greyson led me outside and to his car. I was expecting a Mercedes, Lexus, something like that… but instead he guided me to a truck. The confusion must have registered on my face.

“You’ll see. Plus, I’m all about going fast, but sometimes… guys just like trucks.” He shrugged.

After we were both seated, Greyson immediately grasped my hand and began rubbing my wrist with his thumb as he drove. He teased and we talked the whole way down the highway until I began to see ocean.

“Are we going to the beach?”

“Maybe.” He raised an eyebrow.

We pulled off to the side next to a long stretch of white sand.

“Wait.” Greyson held up his hands until I nodded. He went around the car and opened my door, helping me get out of the truck. “Okay, one more thing. You need to close your eyes.”

Nerves got the best of me and a giggle slipped out. “Okay.”

“And I’m going to blindfold you.”

“Then why do I need to close my eyes?” I opened my eyes and gave him my best mock glare.


I rolled my eyes playfully and made a show of closing them.

“Don’t kick me.” Greyson warned in a sultry tone in my ear just before he swung me up and carried me.

I squeaked at the sudden movement and fumbled until my hands locked around his neck.

“Need to breathe, Sophia,” he sang out.

“Sorry!” I loosened my hold.

“Are your eyes closed?”


“Remember God will know if you’re lying,” Greyson murmured.

I waited. He carried me for a few minutes before setting me down on hard ground. I don’t know why, but I was expecting sand.

“Okay. You still can’t open your eyes, but I’m going to leave you now. Count to thirty in your head and then you can take off the blindfold. But count slowly. Okay?”

“Okay… but where are you—?”

“Not far. Don’t worry.” He placed a quick kiss to my lips, and I leaned in for more, but he chuckled and the sound of his footsteps signaled that he was walking away. “Count now.”

I counted in my head, hearing footsteps and the rustling of something or another. When I reached thirty I announced it and began to take off the blindfold.

Gasping, I blinked to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. My mom and dad both were grinning wildly at me, tears shimmering in their eyes as they held out their hands for me. With a cry of joy I rushed them, inhaling the familiar scent of my father’s aftershave and my mom’s perfume. I didn’t get to see them often, and this was the most perfect gift ever. Greyson had brought my parents to me.

“You are so beautiful! Look at your dress,
My mother hugged me again tighter. My heart clenched in joy at hearing her Filipino word for sweetheart.

“So beautiful,” my father echoed, giving me a long and tender stare.

“How— when did—”

“Your Greyson… he is a fine man. Bekah gave him our e-mail, and he and your father have been speaking for the past few weeks.” My mother explained as she touched my cheek, my shoulder, my hair. Her touch was soft, soothing, and I leaned into her palm, closing my eyes and memorizing the sensation. It had been far too long since I’d seen my parents. Tickets from the Philippines weren’t cheap and any extra money they had went toward their mission; aiding and educating the Filipino poverty-stricken. E-mail wasn’t enough, and it wasn’t until I saw them that I realized just how much I’d missed them. How had Greyson known?

“Bekah? Bekah gave him your e-mail? When—”

“Your friend Bekah is a true friend. She has been quite worried about you.” In his typical fashion, my father said softly, a light accent coating his words. Though he wasn’t born in the Philippines, his extended stay with them had colored his speech over the years. I hadn’t noticed it before, it was more apparent now. The familiar tone of his voice was comforting like a warm blanket on a chilly day.

I shook my head in bewilderment. I’d have to talk with Bekah later and assure her that I was fine. But my heart warmed to know I had a friend like her.

“Anyway, Greyson started to e-mail us. And your father, he was very skeptical. He did one of those Internet searches on him, you know.” My mother patted my father’s shoulder.

“I was not sure he should be pursuing our daughter. You are special, unique. Your heart is not to be toyed with,” my father explained.

“And you thought Greyson was toying with me?”

“I didn’t know… so I told him he was not to see you until I knew him better.” My father’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Really? Is that why he has been only calling me? Why didn’t he tell—”

“We asked him not to. We wanted to get to know him without… interruption.” My mother’s lips twitched as if holding back a smile. “We know you well,
. You would have had an opinion on our choice.”

I glanced down. They were right.

“It was for the best. Greyson himself said so,” my father explained. “In not seeing you, he was able to speak with you without distraction. You are quite beautiful. You take after your mother. Any man would have difficulty focusing on what you say.” My father chuckled as my mother shook her head.

“Thanks… but I can’t believe you guys are here. Who’s taking over for you while you’re gone? How long are you here?”

“Jose Geraldo is standing in for us for two weeks. He’s proven his heart and ability to lead. It is good for him to practice having his own center for learning and aid. We hope to have him start a sister program by next year.” My father beamed with pride and joy.

“I’m glad, but even more thrilled about the two weeks. You can stay with Bekah and me—”

, Greyson has allowed us to stay here.” My mom gestured to the room and I glanced around for the first time, taking in my surroundings. We were standing in a beautiful living room that faced the white sand beach. Nautical furniture dotted the light hardwood floors and model sailing ships were mounted over a large fireplace. The room was light, airy, and absolutely perfect.

“Wow…” I breathed.

“I get that a lot,” said Greyson with a laugh in his voice as he walked into the room. He went to my father and shook his hand, then he was pulled into a tight hug by my mom. Tears welled in my eyes over seeing their acceptance of the man I had come to love more than breath.

“I’m so thankful you could make it.” Greyson’s words held deep respect.

“We are thrilled as well. Now, about your plans…” My father raised his eyebrows and glanced to me. My curiosity perked and I glanced to Greyson.

“Ahh, yes. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten.”

“Forgotten about what?” I questioned, stepping forward.

“Come with me.” Greyson held out his hand and I walked forward, placing my hand in his and savoring the warmth of his grip.

“We’ll be back in a little while,” Greyson called over his shoulder and led me out through a beautiful kitchen and onto a wide deck. We went down the stairs but at the bottom stair he paused.

“Sit?” he asked.

I pulled my skirt beneath me and sat down on the second to last step. With lithe movements Greyson kneeled in front of me and started to unbuckle my sandal. His fingers brushed my foot and sent goose bumps up my leg and to my arms, my whole body aware of how close he was, yet yearning to have him closer.

“Perfect.” Greyson gave me a rakish grin as he stood. “Naked feet are so much better.” He winked and reached down to help me up.

I giggled at his comment and followed him toward the ocean. The sand was warm and soft beneath my feet.

“Gotta love a guy with naked feet,” I teased and nudged him.

“Baby, anything naked on me is good.” He winked and I blushed furiously. “You walked into that one.”

“Sure did.” I shook my head.

I watched the ocean’s ebb and flow, listening to the sound of its crashing waves as they continued to beat the sand.

After a moment, I glanced at him, memorizing the profile of his face. “Thank you.”

“For?” Greyson questioned, his eyes searching mine.

“My gift… my parents. I don’t know how… or why, but thanks. I didn’t realize how much I missed them…” I trailed off.

“Bekah said you hadn’t talked to them as much as you wanted.

“No, with the time change and work, I just… it’s not an excuse, but I just didn’t… you know. I should have. But didn’t.” I shrugged.

“And then there was my drama.” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah.” I glanced down for a moment then back to his welcoming gaze.

“You’re lucky to have parents like that, Sophia. Seriously. Your dad… that’s what I used to dream my dad was like. The kind that listens but is honest with you, levels with you, you know? No deceiving, no ulterior motives.” His gaze traveled to the setting sun.

“My dad is pretty awesome.” The truth of his words filled me with warmth.

“And forgiving,” Greyson added.

“Yes. That too… but how do you mean?” I asked, turning so that I was facing him.

“So, you know I’ve been speaking with your parents, but what you don’t know is what we’ve been talking about.”

“I’m assuming me?”

“Yes and no. It started out that way, but your dad, he was brutally honest. I don’t think I’ve ever been laid out like that before… except for by you.” Greyson grinned slightly but sobered, his eyebrows drawing together in the center. “I told him that I loved you and you know what he said?”


“‘No. You don’t.’”

I laughed then sobered at seeing Greyson raise an eyebrow. “Sorry.” I bit my lip.

He shook his head ruefully. “So I asked why. Obvious question, you know. And he said that I didn’t know what love was. Now, granted I had leveled with your dad telling him my past and everything so he knew a bit about me before he made such a harsh declaration.”

“Hmm… continue.”

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