Beyond Broken (27 page)

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Authors: Kristin Vayden

BOOK: Beyond Broken
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Greyson’s grip was strong and warm. When I met his gaze, my heart thumped an uneven cadence at the emotion, the power within the gray pool of his eyes.




The wedding was short and the guests few, but that’s exactly how we wanted it. Soon it was over and we were saying goodbye to our guests after the reception. Before we left the beach house, I said goodbye to my parents, knowing I’d see them in just a few days. My mother cried tears of joy and my father hugged Greyson tightly, whispering his love to his new son. Greyson’s eyes closed tightly at hearing those words. My own heart knew just how much that meant to him.

Greyson had arranged the rest of the evening so I had no idea where we were headed next… only that I was anticipating it.

“No blindfolds this time?” I teased as we left in a limo.

“Maybe later.” Greyson said wickedly then pulled me into a searing kiss that only ignited my own desire.

“Where are we going?” I asked between lingering kisses, hoping to get information out of him, but knowing it was probably useless.

“Somewhere you’ll love… somewhere very…” He kissed me deeply. “Very.” He kissed me once more, this time his tongue swept inside my mouth and teased my own with unabashed desire. “Private.”

“I love it already,” I murmured against his lips.

All too soon we arrived, and I glanced up at a beautiful hotel, lit up against the dark sky. It was a pearl white but the lights gave it an iridescent glow against the dark palms that surrounded it.

“This way.” Greyson tugged on my hand and I followed him. Rather than going through the main entrance, he walked around the building to a gate. There, a guard waited for our approach, opening the gate without a word. A quiet pool stretched in front of us lit from within, but no one was around. We walked past the pool and through another arched hall until we arrived at an elevator. Another man waited there, and he pressed the button with his white-gloved hand. When the elevator arrived, we entered, alone, and started to ascend.

Only one button was available, and it was already selected.
Regent’s Suite
. I was about to ask a question when the elevator stopped, opening its gold-tinted doors and giving me the most beautiful view of the crashing ocean just beyond a white stone balcony. There must have been lights on the beach to illuminate the cresting waves, but I couldn’t see them, only the beauty beyond. Without a word I stepped out of the elevator but was pulled back.

“Nope. I’m doing this right.” Greyson swung me up into his arms and carried me into the beautiful room. He didn’t set me down, but passed the balcony, the opulent living room, and furnished kitchen. With a curious glance I furrowed my brows until I saw a door at the end of the hall, leading to a large pristine white bed.

“Impatient?” I whispered, nipping at his earlobe.

“I was impatient when I first met you… I’m way past that now.” Greyson leaned forward and captured my lips, devouring them with his kiss and branding me with his flavor as I heard him kick the door closed. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him in closer but was immediately set down the bed, the seal of our kiss broken.

“If I don’t slow down…” Greyson took a deep breath in through his nose then knelt in front of me. “I want to savor everything,” he whispered as he took off my shoes, tracing his hand up my leg to my thigh and tracing the curve of my knee as he caressed back down.

I shivered, but not from cold, from a desire I had never experienced so powerfully. Biting my lip, I closed my eyes and gave into the delectable torture of his caress. When his touch ended I opened my eyes to find him taking off his own shoes and socks.

“I guess that’s only fair.” My body was burning with anticipation.

Greyson shot me a wicked smile and reached out. I took his hand, and he pulled me up, twisting me around so that my back was facing him. Slowly, his hands traveled up the front of my dress, taking in every curve of my shape, causing my breath to hitch and my heart to pound. He chuckled at my reaction and leaned forward, trailing kisses down the side of my neck to my bare shoulder while he began to unlace my dress. His lips were hot, searing their mark onto my skin and soon the dress pooled at my feet.

With boldness I found surprising, I stepped out of his embrace. Turning to glance over my shoulder, I raked his form with my eyes. “Let’s be fair.” There was no hesitation in my heart, no second thought.

With far more speed than I was anticipating Greyson removed every shred of his clothing. He stepped forward, pressing his hot chest against my bare back and quickly eliminating the rest of my underclothes as well.

The heat from his body warmed me to a fever, and as his kisses trailed from my neck, to my shoulders and to my back I reached the edge of my control. Turning in his arms, I pulled him in close and captured his lips, sealing my love, my passion, my heart, and branding him as my own. Greyson needed no further encouragement and took control. Within a moment I was on the soft bed, pressed in by his weight.

A million sensations of bliss flowed through me, all striving for attention as I lost myself in the awareness of what it was like to be made his. His touch seared me, bringing me to the edge of something wonderful. I kissed him deeply, surrendering everything in my heart to him and gasping as he completed me in a way I had never imagined.

Later, as I lay in his arms, caressed by his gentle touch in the dark hours of the early morning, I whispered a thankful prayer. We all were in need of love, in need of grace. When we finally find that place of peace in God, then we find that everything else in life falls into place. That was true of Greyson, of me. I knew that there would be times when we’d falter; we’d find ourselves broken again. But never would we be beyond the point where we could be fixed. Lying in the security of my husband’s arms, I was thankful that we were never truly beyond broken.



My greatest thanks goes to my Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ who have blessed me far beyond anything I deserve or imagine.

Harry, you have no idea how much I love you. I'm grateful to wake up next to you each morning and whisper 'I love you' each night. There's not a better husband or father created and I'm thankful you're mine. All mine!

Rachel, needless to say, you rock. I don't know what I'd do without you. Your encouragement, wisdom, and humor make me smile each day and I'm thankful you're my sister.

Blue Tulip Publishing, you are amazing. Thank you for taking a chance on me and this manuscript.

My editors, cover art designers, and beta readers, none of this book would be possible without you. Thank you for your eagle eyes, your dedication to excellence, and the patience of many saints. I appreciate you tremendously.

Humbly, I thank you all.

Other books by
Kristin Vayden:

To Refuse a Rake


Coming Soon:

Whispered Lies

The Viking: An Epic Romance


Soon to be Re-released:

Redeeming the Deception of Grace

Living London


Surviving Scotland

About the Author


Kristin Vayden
is a stay at home mom of five children. Her inspiration for the romance she writes comes from her tall, dark and handsome husband with killer blue eyes. When she's not writing, she loves to make soap, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, and gluten free muffins. Life is full of blessings and she praises God for the blessed and abundant life He's given her.

Also by Kristin Vayden

To Refuse a Rake





“I don’t think you quite understand…” Emma tilted her head forward and proceeded to speak slowly. “I know that you will inherit your father’s title. You could be King George for all I care. I’m not kissing you.” She narrowed her eyes and placed her dainty gloved hands on her hips, waiting for Hudson to fully understand her refusal.

His muddy brown eyes studied her intently, as if trying to discern if there was any weakness in her adamant statement. Slowly, he leaned back and glanced to the ground.

“T’was all in good fun.” He mumbled the words as he dug at the dirt with the toe of his boot.

“So, had I said yes, you would have simply laughed at me? Now—”

“No! I wouldn’t have ever laughed at you… kissed you perhaps…” He glanced back up for a moment and gave her a grin that made his eyes twinkle with mischief. Emma felt the strangest stirring in her belly. His gaze no longer reminded her of mud, but seemed to take on the color of chocolate, the kind that was deliciously drizzled over shortcake. She shook her head to dispel the strange sensation.

“My answer is still no. You mustn’t go about asking ladies to kiss you!” She pointed her finger at him and shook it — much like her own mother did to her when she was being properly scolded.

Hudson rolled his eyes and blew out an exasperated breath.

“T’was a mistake to ask you for a kiss. I’m man enough to admit that.” He puffed out his scrawny chest and nodded.

Emma’s eyebrow rose as she questioned whether to challenge his statement. Shaking her head, she decided that she would keep her peace. Just this once.

“But just so you know, Emma Kingsly, one day you will beg for me to kiss you. You’ll watch me from across the room at some party, or at Almack’s, and you’ll remember this day. And you’ll wish you had said yes.” He had the arrogant smirk of a thirteen-year-old boy.

She narrowed her eyes and shot back. “Or perhaps I’ll watch you from across the room and be thankful I said no.”
How dare he!
She would grow up into a beautiful lady, like her sister. She would be the talk of the ton and it would be Hudson who would beg for dances!

“Perhaps… but the difference is… the next time we have this conversation you will be asking me. You will be holding your breath for my answer, and you know exactly what I’ll say.” With a wicked gleam in his eye and a devious twist of his lips, he backed away. His large feet almost tripping him up on the soft grass of her family’s country estate. After a few paces, he turned around and loped back to the large house.

Emma waited, sniffing indignantly at his strange speech. Her own sister had turned down a suit from Hudson’s brother. Surely she would do the same. Indeed, in a way, she already had! The thought lifted her rounded cheeks in a mocking grin. Kiss him! Ha! As if any nine-year-old girl would want to kiss a boy!

“Emma, dear!” Her mother’s voice called to her. Emma ran toward the house and as the door shut behind her, she forgot all about Hudson and his ridiculous ideas.


Chapter One


“It’s so good to have you home, son!” Hudson’s mother wiped another tear away from her soft cheek with the delicate handkerchief. It had been almost ten years since he’d been home to stay for more than a few days. Adventure had called his name from a young age — after all, adventure never rejected a man. Though, as Hudson considered it, he had faced little rejection since reaching his majority. Indeed, he had far surpassed his brother’s prowess regarding the fairer sex, but thankfully it wasn’t where the ton could gossip about it.

When it was apparent that his presence wasn’t needed at home, he had taken to traveling to exotic lands. But death had a way of changing plans. He had still been in India when he’d received word of his older brother’s demise. His father’s explicit missive that he remain in India had been puzzling. But a year later, when his mother had notified him of his father’s sudden death, he was left no choice but to return home. Hudson inherited the title of Earl of Daventry and the responsibility of caring for his family estate.

Guilt from missing his own father’s funeral plagued him, yet travel from India wasn’t done overnight. He had arrived as soon as possible but it just wasn’t soon enough. His mother was surviving well, yet it was clear that half of her heart had been buried with his father. Hudson had always admired the relationship between them. Love in London was rare among the ton, but his parents boasted a true love match. Hudson knew it was possible to find such a match, and he sincerely yet doubted he’d ever be a recipient. No. He’d set his sights young, perhaps too young. And love unrequited often turned a man to other seeking a return from other women — a great many other women.

Hudson glanced back to his mother and studied her. She placed her handkerchief on the side table and straightened her shoulders. After regarding him for a few moments, her expression changed dramatically. A foreboding premonition began to tickle his spine. That twinkle in his mother’s eye could lead to no good.

“As the new earl you must now consider more… permanent ideas, my son.” She gave him an encouraging nod. “Of course you know that this means we must find you a wife!” His mother began to clap her hands, as if thrilled to have something to divert her attention. “The season has just begun and there’s quite the pick of lovely ladies. I’ll be sure to—”

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