Beyond Charybdis (16 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #bruce mclachlan, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

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Still unsated Oceanus continued, making Mina squeal as she was pushed further into ecstasy, her thoughts being scrambled by it until she felt him swell within her and then break into the chaotic fits of final release. She felt a distinct influx within her that spread and dissipated as more was added with his final quivering drives, stealing all the pleasure he could before slowing to a halt. Propped against her hips he paused a moment, capturing his breath, his hands clenching to her, relishing the feel of her nubile flesh still impaled upon him. Drawing free, Mina shuddered and croaked with the return of potent sensation, her body sagging as though his length were a vampiric force that had siphoned away her very essence.

Settling back onto the thighs of Tethys, Mina closed her eyes, breathing softly, her body flickering with an occasional spark of animation.

‘There, good girl,' said Tethys, stroking her stubble, the backs of her nails running along the dark fuzz as Mina lay inert upon her.

She felt her hindquarters being manipulated and she groaned as the dildos were threaded back into her wetness, the buckles of the crotch strap being tightened.

‘Are we all packed?' asked Tethys, as her husband massaged the leather bond, rocking the intruding weapons within their fleshy scabbards.

‘Yes, mistress,' answered the maid, her voice soft but strained from having witnessed such an erotic exchange while remaining starved of her own relief by the belt and the smothering folds of her latex attire.

‘Shall we be off, my sweet?' asked Tethys, turning to her husband as he sprawled on the blanket, stretching into the sun like a contented predator mulling over the full belly wrought by its latest kill.

‘Whenever you're ready,' he answered with little attention, his mind wandering through its stupor.

‘Re-harness our mounts, slave,' commanded Tethys, reaching over and stroking the braided tendrils of her spouse as he lay with eyes closed, his hands behind his head, resting on them as he breathed softly.

‘Yes, mistress,' certified the woman, taking up both sets of leads, pulling the two ponies from their positions and drawing them back to the vehicle. She worked with indifference, and fastening them back into place returned for the hamper, which she again placed on the rear of the phaeton.

Opening the door for the couple, the human footrest scampered into position and Tethys and Oceanus climbed back into the plush interior, making the conveyance rock with the new burdens.

The maid retook her seat and furnished herself with the whip and the reins of her steeds before whipping them back into activity. Mina was still in the heady afterglow of their coitus, and each sting of the whip was a further excitement to her sense of jubilation.

The carriage turned around and they drew it back along the dirt trail, pounding their hooves steadily to the earthen floor before riding back onto the paved road.

Once more upon the main route, Mina spied another vehicle heading their way, travelling closer with each galloping step of its paired mounts.

‘Whoa!' demanded the maid as the passenger of the other vehicle waved to them, beckoning them to stop. The reins drew back more forcefully than ever before, making Mina sigh with licentious longing as her head was craned back, the bit digging in as the whip gave her a stinging bite of encouragement. Their hooves skidded a little on the stone as they fought the velocity of the carriage, stopping the vehicle.

‘Who is it?' asked Oceanus.

‘I believe it is Lord Poseidon himself, master,' answered the maid, familiar with the subtle nuances that would betray the identity of the imperious ruler of the island.

‘I wonder what he wants,' pondered Tethys.

The fragile looking gig bore a soft seat, almost like a padded armchair, in which reclined the form of Poseidon. The man was clad in leather trousers and tall boots with spurs shaped like rows of tiny tridents. A close-fitting vest bore the same emblem of his heraldry, and studded bracers covered his forearms, his bared hands clutching the reins and a lunge whip.

The gig was led by two centaurs, the two arms of the gig extending forward and parting into a pair of forks that ran each side of the paired beasts, holding to them with leather straps.

‘Good afternoon, Tethys, Oceanus,' began the Noble, drawing his steeds to a halt before Mina and Trisha, letting them study up close the intricacies of the centaurs. The women were panting from their run, their eyes full of tears from Poseidon's liberal use of the whip to make them sprint.

‘Good afternoon, Poseidon. What's up? Why the rush?'

‘I'm just taking these two out for a spin, get them more used to their lot,' he answered lightly, giving a slight pull to the convergence of reins in his hand. The centaurs mewled as the delicate tips of their breasts were pulled.

‘New recruits?' asked Oceanus.

‘No, they're experienced ponies, but its their first week as centaurs,' he replied.

‘Exquisite,' murmured Tethys, with a libidinous tone as she beheld the anxiety of the doomed slaves. ‘They look wonderful, all distressed and confused.'

‘They'll come to love it soon enough, they all do with the right encouragement,' stated Poseidon.

‘You're such a wicked slave owner, Poseidon,' remarked Oceanus, chuckling.

‘It's for their own good, really,' added the ruler of the island with a grin. ‘They're both very submissive, I'm just throwing them in the deep end, that's all.'

Mina watched tears roll down the cheeks of the women, both of them clearly knowing it would be true, that they would indeed come to enjoy their lot, but only after hardship and grief, dreading the time of adjustment.

‘Mmmm, a wise decision,' commented Tethys.

‘So how is the little filly I rescued for you?' he asked, indicating Mina as she stood to attention, suddenly turning her eyes to him as she realised she'd been noticed. ‘That's her, isn't it?'

‘She's been fine, exceeding every expectation... as usual,' answered Tethys.

‘I saw her the other day, running wild and free with her partner there,' said Poseidon with an ominous purr in his voice, his eyes rolling over Mina's form as he revealed that he had spied her on their recreational excursion. ‘And quite a sight it was...'

‘Why the sudden interest, Poseidon?' quizzed Tethys, seeing where he was going with his line of conversation, that he wasn't just exercising some novice steeds, but after something concerning Mina.

‘I've a favour to ask... a somewhat big one,' he began, his words considered, placed delicately, tact being of prime importance in his mind.

‘We are in debt to you already for rescuing her, what do you wish of us?' replied Oceanus, careful not to rashly promise anything.

‘As you know, I'm trying to organise my Pegasus project for the party. Hephaestus has forged the outfit, and it works fine, but I'm having extreme problems finding someone who can fill it,' he explained, his tones even, hiding his exasperation.

‘No one?' said Oceanus. ‘I thought you had been preparing possible candidates for months.'

‘Indeed, but they're not shaping up, they just can't handle the demands of the costume. If half of what they whisper about Mina is true, she could well prove to be the salvation of my dignity.'

‘How so?'

‘Word has spread about the unveiling,' he revealed. ‘Admittedly some of this is due to me circulating hesitant rumours to build interest, and its going to backfire terribly if I don't come through with it.'

‘I see,' said Tethys.

‘I don't follow, you never made any definite proclamations,' interjected Oceanus, puzzled by Poseidon's concerns.

‘People will be flocking here to see this event, and if he doesn't provide it his standing could be gravely affected,' explained Tethys. ‘I mean, all those weeks of decompression to come to a party just to see this Pegasus, and it's not here? No one will give credence to Poseidon's accomplishments again for years.'

‘Precisely, so I'm in considerable jeopardy and I'd love to try Mina for the Pegasus project, if I may,' stated Poseidon. ‘I'll return her straight after, I swear.'

‘Hmmm, what do you think, dearest?' asked Oceanus.

‘We'll consider it on the way home and let you know there, if that's okay,' replied Tethys.

‘That'd be fine, I wouldn't want to harass you into a decision before you'd thought it through,' replied Poseidon, offering them every courtesy and refusing to tug at the favour they owed him, even though lending them Mina would not only erase it, but place the Titan deeply in their debt.

‘In that case, we'll see you back at the stable courtyard,' announced Tethys. ‘Driver,' she added, causing the maid to snap the reins and apply her whip to Mina and Trisha, hauling aside to turn them onto the side of the road and around Poseidon's vehicle. A series of sharp applications of the scourge brought them to a trot, where the clatter of their hooves hid the softly muttered conversation as her owners deliberated Mina's fate.

Could she handle the rigours of the proposal? It was a tantalising notion, that someone had basically laid down a gauntlet, challenging her to be able to master the straits of the costume. She could prove herself better than any other slave and earn the right to announce such to all as she soared forth over a party that would comprise the assembled powers of the global conspiracy of perversity that was Cabal.

Chapter 11


‘We agree,' said Oceanus, handing Mina's reins to Poseidon.

‘Only until the party is over, then we will of course want her back,' added Tethys, ensuring that there was no misunderstanding between them.

‘Of course, of course, thank you, I will let you know how her progress goes,' beamed the man, pulling on the reins and bringing Mina in his wake. Blinkered as she was, she was unable to even look to her owners or Trisha as she was led down the grassy path between stable and main building. Her angst was a small distraction, for she knew she would be handed back after the party, so she was not going to be lost from her owners forever, just a short break to try something new and spectacular. Plus, it would make them even more envied once people realised that it was their slave who had provided Poseidon with the raw material necessary for his prototype's test flight.

The man led her to the large set of double doors providing entry into the main complex. The interior was climate controlled, the sudden change bringing riots of goose flesh across her form, causing Mina to quiver as the air-conditioned breeze stripped the tropical heat and the fires of her run from her body.

She found herself in a large entrance hall, the architecture formed of an older style, capturing the opulent extravagance of old English mansions. The white stone walls were inlaid with emerging pillars, the baroque floral designs that were carved into them marked with intertwined naked forms, following Poseidon's interest in iniquitous vice.

A set of wooden double doors stood on either side, with another directly before her. Two majestic staircases rolled up the sides of the hall and curled round on a steady curve to create a balcony, the stone banister smooth and supported by squat columns shaped like curled naked females, their faces blank as though hidden by hoods.

A corridor ran beyond the wall atop the balcony, a row of four vaulted openings allowing passage through, each one incorporating Poseidon's symbol in the carved stone crest above them.

From the lip of the balcony hung draped banners that repeated the motif, gathering the impression that this could be the home of some military leader who brandished the symbol of his might everywhere he could, instead of portraits or works of art.

Her hooves clattered upon the marble flagstones and then were silenced as they moved onto the elaborately patterned rug covering much of the floor. Escorted beneath the right stairwell, a plain metal door was presented to her, the surface like a faded mirror, reflecting a hazy image of her in the pony costume to which she had become so used. The image of her in black leather and white skin, bound and controlled, seemed almost detached from her true self, the outlandish nature of her appearance catching her by surprise. It was still a shock because she so rarely saw it; she had enough trouble seeing what was around her, let alone her own reflection.

Placing his hand to the side of the portal, their was a click and a light poured through the masked surface of the wall, running a vertical beam down his hand, assessing the ridges and whorls of his prints. With a series of muted clicks the door slid back, revealing an elevator, the interior a solid construction of polished steel akin to the front door. Drawn in, the door closed behind them and they began a steady descent into the bowels of the island, leaving Mina to staring blankly into the distorted image of herself in the interior door.

There were no buttons, no controls, no indications as to floor; this conveyance went to one place and one place alone - Poseidon's secret den.

They slowed to a halt and the door slid back, revealing a small hall, the walls, floor and ceiling covered in polished black marble slabs of shattered paving, the jigsaw-patterned decor roughly placed together with white mortar to hold them in place and contrast them.

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