Beyond Charybdis (26 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #bruce mclachlan, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

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Rache moved back a little more, offering herself to Mina's senses. Her arm was burning from the effort she was placing in trying to brush a finger against the girl, the straps digging painfully in. But she needed this more than anything and was all too willing to endure to acquire it.

Another small move finally let her very tips brush the fabric, the smooth black skin running under her touch, elating her senses. Rache moved closed still, permitting Mina to actually employ her fingers in full and to ease the need to stretch so acutely. Mina's unblinking stare was locked to the sight of the glorious rump before her, tight thighs set apart a little as the girl stood to attention, her hands on her hips in a classic dominating pose, allowing her servile wretch to touch her.

Was it a reward for all her suffering, and that which was to come? If so, it was more than adequate. Mina would undergo ten times what she had already just to earn this pleasure, to be tied tightly down, mounted on a wand and allowed to run her lowly hand upon the hindquarters of her taciturn deity.

Again the girl moved back onto the fawning touch, permitting Mina to run her hand upon the pert buttocks, to trace their contours, her mouth watering with the fantasy of licking it, of being smothered by it as she had been when Poseidon ravished her. At the time she resented it, but now she was here, riding the buzzing head of the wand, she could think of nothing she would rather endure.

Her hand slid between the cleft of Rache's rear, the latex stretched tight upon, swinging from the peaks of her buttocks, slung across the valley as it dipped down between her legs. Running her palm between the girl's thighs she felt the taut flesh, rubbed the latex-bound hide, the back of her hand being tickled by the other inner thigh.

The girl gave a small shudder of response as Mina continued to stroke her, Mina's mind burning with arousal, making the wand's work all the easier as she felt a climax develop in sudden bounding waves. Her hand held tightly to the rounded stem of Rache's inner thigh, clasping the firm physique of her private tyrant as she jerked with orgasm, the sensations overwhelming.

Again she climaxed, this one merged with a growing pain, her sex growing raw, chafed by the continuing attack. The eagerness with which her sex had met the arrival of the wand quickly vanished as it grew intolerant and then hateful of the implement.

Rache moved away, Mina's finger sliding on her latex hide and then falling free as she was deserted. Rache turned about and continued to watch as Mina started to grimace and wriggle, trying to get herself off the baleful tool that was continuing its work, crafting rising discomfort instead of pleasure, as though a setting had been changed to completely alter its purpose. Rache had turned an implement of ultimate pleasure into a weapon of unprecedented frustrating angst.

Mina gurgled and wept, fighting her bonds, writhing upon the humming head, her thighs flickering with bursts of tension as she struggled to find some way in which to alleviate the ongoing havoc. Burbling pleas spilled freely from her, her spread lips leaving them distorted and virtually unintelligible, not that it mattered to the girl in her world of eternal quiet.

Mina looked to her oppressor with pleading, her eyes dripping salty trails down her cheeks, her body fighting the chair with fervour as she suffered for the pleasure of Rache's innate and cultivated sadism.

Suddenly the girl stiffened with a small twinge and reached behind her back, bringing a small dart into view. She looked aghast at the steel projectile and brushed a thumb over the bright blue feathered plume, then her eyes rolled and she collapsed, the dart chiming brightly on the floor as it fell from her grip.

Mina stared with confusion down the corridor to see two shadowy forms approach, one of them moving boldly, the other approaching with less ease. Flickering her stare down to the crumpled form of Rache, she could see the softly regulated breathing of unconsciousness, the girl merely sedated, not slain.

Stretching her physique against the bonds, Mina wondered just what the hell was going on, this event being contrary to everything that had been explained to her about her incarceration.

Chapter 17


Mina looked up and found the regal owner of all she had known and loved. Clad in his ragged robes, he slid the tranquilliser pistol back into the internal folds of his garments, slotting it into a shoulder holster.

The eternal ghost was at his side, her tubes connected to the portable mechanism that sustained her, the wheeled box following her like a metal dog. The zip down her face had been opened, allowing the two flaps to be pulled back, unveiling two plastic eyepieces, the interiors damp with condensation.

‘Charybdis?' she quizzed, her words corrupted by the belt as she raised her eyebrows, the astonishment making her forget a moment about the pain between her legs.

Stepping forward he opened the gagging belt and pulled it out of her mouth, letting Mina lick her lips and stammer her words as she continued to ride the throbbing toy.

‘Please, master, turn it off,' she sobbed, her head able to droop a little to stare at the accursed thing oscillating against her. ‘Please, it's too much pain!'

‘Of course, Mina, I don't want any outside forces impeding your judgement,' he announced, and flicked the switch. Mina sagged with a rasp of relief, her loins still scorched from their chafing experience but at least no more distress was being added to her already considerable reserve.

‘Judgement, master?' she murmured after a moments consideration, wondering what was going on. No one was supposed to be able to enter here. She was supposed to be here forever, so why had this intrusion taken place? Had Poseidon sponsored it? Or was he oblivious to the actions of Charybdis?

‘I have a very special offer for you, Mina,' he said softly, kneeling down and looking up at her as beads of sweat trickled down her brow. ‘But first I have a question... are you ready?' he smiled, his wicked leer hiding some terrible secret that he was relishing unleashing.

‘Do you recall a woman in my employ... Melissa was her name?' he began, causing Mina to peer at him curiously. He knew of the prime informant who had allowed her to delve into his affairs. How long had he known this? Had he watched her from afar, traced her progress as Jupiter had? ‘You see, someone had been hacking into my little empire, poking around and doing a very good job of concealing their tracks. The best of my elite could not find the source,' he continued, running his hand down her cheek as she sat bound and vulnerable before him.

Why was he talking of a life she had deserted long ago? It was an existence destroyed by her time in the complex, then further erased by being made into an eel before being forced further back into her mind during her stint as a pony, and even more distanced from her thoughts during the time of training and experiences as a Pegasus.

‘So I ordered all personnel with the relevant access to be watched, and I found that a spy for Turan had been using one of my people to gain access,' he elaborated. ‘The spy was a particularly nasty piece of work. She confused my employee with notions of lesbian love, exploiting her, using poor Melissa like an object. Which is ironic, because that is pretty much what she has become,' he laughed, turning to face the latex form behind him.

‘M-Mel... Melissa?' she stammered, recognising the curves she had run her hands over and kissed, the Asian woman sealed deep within her own latex tomb.

‘You got it in one,' he smiled, rising and walking behind the contorted display of wanton latex bondage that had been Mina's lover. Sudden guilt struck her, regret for having delivered the woman to this fate. ‘You always were a smart operative, Mina.'

Mina was now besotted with such deeds of extravagant bondage and control, but Melissa was an innocent, someone she had just used and abused to get what she wanted. Now the woman was doomed to an eternity of smothering confinement.

‘So, little Melissa takes the fall for industrial espionage and treason - we handle some very sensitive government information. But before the authorities came for her, I called her to my office and extended an offer to this crying emotional wreck. It was a life of imprisonment no matter what she did. Either the state provided it, or I did. I had barely said the words before she agreed. I can't blame her though, can you? After all, imagine this luscious little form locked in some state pen? She wouldn't last long, would she? And it would have been a crime in itself to let her be wasted like that.'

‘Why, Charybdis?' Mina asked with meek effort, anger and guilt choking her words. ‘Why did you do it to her?'

The man span around and jabbed an accusing finger at her, his teeth bared, his face a mask of fury. ‘Because I saved her life after you ruined it!' he spat, then calming his tones as Mina was left reeling from the stark truth, he straightened his sleeves and took a sigh of composure. Stepping behind the girl, he reached around and placed his hands on the smooth flat plain of her stomach, submerged beneath a smothering layer of stretched black.

‘I told her she would be my companion, that she would be kept bound in latex, and that she would stay with me forever,' he summarised, rubbing the tight artificial skin, savouring the feel of the nubile woman locked beneath it.

‘Why are you telling me this, Charybdis?' she asked, tears spilling down her cheeks. She had never really borne any emotion towards Melissa, because she had none within her. But now that she had been shattered by her delicious slavery, her pent-up psyche was set loose to thrust such long denied traits upon her in abundance, making up for the years they had languished forsaken and lost in the bleakest recesses of her soul. The guilt she felt was overwhelming and had her wishing for her old cold dispassionate edge.

‘Because I want another companion, another someone to rescue from one mode of incarceration to install in another, and I think you would be ideal, dear Mina,' he said, causing her to suddenly stop her breath, stare at him for a moment, and then move her glower to the latex spectre haunting his side.

‘You want me to... to become like Melissa?'

‘Exactly. An indistinguishable twin sister. Except for the height, of course.'

‘But I...' she began, trying to form a denial, to refuse out of hand, but the sight of Melissa was captivating, rousing her depraved libido, devoured alive by rubber, a prisoner in her own body, tormented and abused every moment of her life, pleasured, teased and frustrated.

‘I want no misconceptions. You will be sealed in the uniform for the rest of your life, like Melissa here. I'll torture you, I'll pleasure you, and you'll come to love them both, just as Melissa now does. She probably bitterly regrets her decision, but you, Mina, you can appreciate it in ways she cannot. I've seen you, I've seen your eyes and I know your soul. You want to be mine, to trek at my side, to be with me every second of every day as a defenceless and utterly vulnerable toy. And all the while you can know that I have a wonderful glow in my heart from seeing you bound thus, a prisoner for the rest of your days, every facet of you controlled and regulated only by me.'

Mina stared long and hard at Melissa, a curving sculpture of burnished jet, her eyes glistening within the confines of the inner hood, full of tears, for though she probably hated Mina for using her, she would not wish her doom on anyone. But Mina was unlike her former lover in that she actually craved it, that such bondage was not going to be imposed, it was going to be adored.

‘And if I refuse?' she asked.

Charybdis waved a dismissing hand as though such an eventuality did not trouble him in the slightest. ‘If you refuse then I simply leave you to the fate Poseidon prescribed for you. I switch the wand back on, lock the door, and when Rache awakens, everything will be as before.'

Mina looked down at the fallen form of the girl, realising that when she awoke she would be even more spiteful. But that was not a consideration. She had to choose what was best for her and forsake everything else. She knew now there would be no return ever to the caste of Pegasus, but with one change in plan, Charybdis's offer could give her something of equal bliss.

‘I'll do it, on one condition, and its not negotiable,' she stated firmly, brooking no defying of her wishes.

‘I am listening,' replied Charybdis, intrigued. Folding his ragged arms across his robes he regarded her from beneath an intense and studying brow.

‘Starting from this day, and every year thereafter, Melissa and I are released from the uniforms to spend one full night and one full day together in a private room with food, drink, no monitoring and whatever other luxuries are currently on offer,' she stated, staring into his eyes with purpose.

Charybdis looked back into her defiant stare and then let a smile creep through the corners of his mouth. ‘Done, sweet Mina, done. I'll have you released and brought back to my domain. Once there, you'll be sent to a room where Melissa will join you. Make the most of it, slave, your uniform awaits after your little lesbian tryst.' He turned, drawing Melissa after him, her head fighting the posture collar to try and keep a startled look to Mina.

Clapping his hands a flurry of activity emerged from deep in the corridor as six women in latex cat-suits emerged. No portion of them was visible, the black garments covering their hands, setting them on stiletto heels, their hoods fitted with acute silver eyepieces and a small respirator nozzle at their noses, their mouths stretched wide by an internal gag. They were tall and strong, their muscles pressing against the latex shell that smothered them, the stern guards like wraiths, their mirrored eyes spotted in the corridor long before they emerged from the darkness.

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