Beyond Charybdis (29 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #bruce mclachlan, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

BOOK: Beyond Charybdis
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‘No, not yet, please!' begged Melissa, as Charybdis nodded to his anonymous entourage.

The watching women advanced quickly, stomping towards Melissa as she cowered and wept, hugging to Mina for protection.

‘I love you, Mina,' she wept, kissing her quickly on the lips as rubber-gloved hands grabbed hold of her, hauling her from the bed.

‘I love you too,' replied Mina, sitting on the bed as she watched Melissa being dragged away and out of the room, her feet dragging as the women marched swiftly, heedless of whether she co-operated or not.

‘You're not resisting?' asked Charybdis, once Melissa had vanished.

‘I agreed to this, why deny that?' she replied frankly. ‘I want this. What would fighting accomplish?'

‘Ah, so you've finally accepted your masochistic submissive streak then?'

Mina said nothing as he smiled at her.

‘Ensure she is chaste,' he ordered, and the women produced a chastity belt of the variety she had first endured. Grabbing her, she was bent over, her haunches raised and they roughly installed the device before they walked from the room.

‘We'll be back for you shortly, slave,' Charybdis announced as the door slammed shut in his wake.

Mina spent her time alone feeding her hunger. She ate her fill of the foods on offer, drank what she wished, relaxed into the opulent covers and let her mind drift, enjoying her last portion of freedom.

The door opened and four of the women entered, grabbing and hauling her from the bed by force. She did not resist, merely hung in their hands as she was led to the chamber that would change her life for the rest of the year.


The door whirred aside, revealing a small room. Lit by several strip lights, a table lay to one side, a set of clippers on it and a pile of Melissa's shorn hair next to them. The white walls of steel bore a few rings, one of which accepted the chain leash of Melissa herself, the girl now restored to her blind state, lost in her bondage once more. With her pipes locked to the appropriate wall fittings she tottered back and forth, trying to accustom her body to the rigours of the uniform as the three women who had done this to her stood aside and watched their creation's panic. The umbilicals snapped taut as she wandered too far, the thick hoses more than able to defeat her feeble struggles against them.

Faint whimpers were seeping through the costume as the rubber creaked softly with her despairing fight against it. Mina smiled, eager to follow her, to lose herself in the dark and sweaty oblivion of the uniform.

Charybdis was standing by the wall, and with a wave of his hand he indicated the latex cascade hanging beside him, a portable unit parked at its feet. ‘Slave Mina, your uniform awaits you,' he beamed, eager to see her swallowed up. ‘Take a good look, for you won't be seeing the outside of it again for another full year.'

Mina stared across the slack folds, her mouth dry as the leash was removed and hands pushed her forward, in a trance, fixated only on the sight. It would be the last thing she saw without the obscuring eyepieces of the hood, and she intended to commit every detail to memory.

Taken to the table she was roughly bent over, her body refusing to resist as they ran the clippers across her scalp, trimming away her hair. The tresses tumbled before her eyes once more, joining Melissa's, the soft groans and squeals of the girl's distress merging into the sound of the device as it toiled.

The chastity belt was opened and drawn from her, the plugs slipping free and letting her tracts finally close. She had assumed that the belt still existed on Melissa, but it seemed that a different example was to be used.

Steel bands were locked above her knees and to her ankles, set against the skin in readiness to grab the chains of the bar that would hobble her every step and prevent her ever sitting down.

The cat-suit was taken up and with a shake to straighten it, the garment showed that the dense material flowed out to a set of gloves, socks, and a basic open-faced hood. The suit opened down the back from the nape of the neck to the base of the spine, the doubled density of the area of rubber about the zip fitted with eyelets for lacing on either side.

The brawny women started to feed the tubular sheaths onto her body, encasing her in a thick layer of impermeable fabric. The cold arms of the suit stretched onto her, the thickness making their elasticity minimal, the fit of the uniform exceptionally tight.

Mina groaned as she felt them settling it into place, tugging along her extremities to drag away every wrinkle, leaving her with a fight to bend her legs because of the density across her joints.

‘Exquisite,' commented Charybdis, watching Mina with wide eyes, licking his lips as he lounged against the wall.

Her head was forced up into the hood, where she found two electronic nodules that were set into her ears, cutting off almost all external sound, leaving the voice of her master as the only thing she could hear.

Her breathing started to quicken as her breasts were forced through two tight circles, the women employing a casual indifference to their subject. The holes made them swell from the grip around their base, and as she wriggled against the hoops, the slits across her crotch and rear were straightened into place.

Again she was laid against the table, her body resting on it, her arms pinned forcefully down to ensure she did not forget that resistance was not an option. The thigh boots were drawn up onto her legs, setting her feet atop the high heels. A line of glue was added to seal them perfectly and the buckles locked them to fittings on her suit, condemning her to their eternal companionship.

Hands clamped about her ankles and brought them together as the steel bar was brought forth, the chains chiming softly as they swung and bounced against the metal. The shaft connected to the band of her replacement crotch-piece, welded into place to prevent it moving in the slightest. The half circle of steel had far more obvious armaments upon it than her last such belt. A large, drastically ridged black rubber dildo awaited entry into her sex, the dark material laced with circuitry to stimulate and chastise. Her anus, however, was destined to accept a long pliant tube.

Lubricant trailed a line across her openings as the waistband was installed over the cat-suit, and Mina tensed as she felt them threading the pipe into her, paying it in and letting the work of her internal muscles swallow it up. The little struggles she gave caused the women to lean more weight to her, keeping her under firmer reins, perhaps because of her reputation, or just because they liked to subdue slaves.

The dildo kissed her sex and slithered in, her lips tight upon the trenches and peaks of the articulated intruder. The size of it made her lift her head up and mutter soft cries of discomfort, her channel aching as it was filled. She would of course get used to it, but for now it was a strenuous burden to bear, her legs quivering with tension.

A hearty shove sent the crotch-piece slamming between her legs and to the suit, throwing its teeth into the locks and fixing it to her. The dildo jabbed against her deepest regions, making her cry out from the sudden flash of pain.

‘Easy, Mina, you're doing just fine,' commented Charybdis.

Mina went slack against the table, her spasming orifices chewing against the trespassers, her muscles trying to drive them out, only to find them immobile. She would be wearing this for a year.

A line of thin wire was laced through the long slit down her back, drawing it in, and as the women applied their full brawn to the task, Mina hissed and gasped as they crushed her torso against the corset-like body of the cat-suit. Tolerating no slack, they continued the process of tightening again and again as Mina whimpered softly from the compression. Once the two sides met, the wire was riveted to a fixture on the back of her crotch-piece.

A thick leotard was next to be added, the neck being the raised posture collar that would stop her from ever moving her head more than a few millimetres. The hips of the garment descended like shorts, the brief legs ready to meet the hem of the thigh boots. The areas for her breasts had been removed again, leaving Mina wondering when they would be covered and what the sensation would be like. For a moment it looked as though the leotard was for a male, for there was a penis sheath set at the crotch, but then she saw it was placed too low down into the crotch for male anatomy to use.

The top was pulled over her legs, the prepared hole in the crotch squeezing tightly to the hobble bar with the inch long tube of latex. Twisting her arms back, they forced them through the sleeves and dragged it up into place, adding more weight to her body and increasing the clinch to her torso.

The relentless procedure of Mina's transformation continued as they produced the tube of glue, using the substance to run a thick line under the rim of the shorts, creating a hermetic seal. They repeated the act of perpetual closure on the armholes, and then on the upper rim of the collar once they had tightened the band into place. The chains of her bar were set through the layers of rubber and clipped into place, to be swiftly drowned in the resin, as was the small tube gripping the meeting of belt and pole. With airtight seals running around the leotard Mina was rendered utterly watertight save for her breasts and her face, and she knew that this oversight would soon be corrected.

Standing upright, she found that balance was no longer something to be taken for granted. The imposition of the chain kept her legs curtailed and she had to be constantly careful of every movement else she stumble, topple and fall.

The hands of her tailors once more fell upon her, grabbing her arms, helping to steady her a little as they were twisted up her back. Mina grimaced as they were hauled well back, making her thrust her breasts forth against the hoops. Straps were set across her upper arms, the first stage of trapping her limbs and rendering them useless to her complete. When they started to bend her forearms up and around, running them parallel to each other up her spine, Mina struggled and gave whinnying protests of distress, her arms reverberating with pain as they were manhandled.

‘Ow!' she mewled. ‘Stop, please, I can't keep this position!'

‘Nonsense, Mina, once you're locked into position you'll get used to it quite quickly,' he stated, making Mina wince at the thought of just how long that might be.

Her wriggling fingers were gathered together into a small mitten, the bag possessing two internal slots and being laced tight over them, bunching the digits together before a buckled strap at the wrist sealed them away for good. Groaning, Mina lifted herself from her heels and wobbled on her toes, the women forcing the single sleeve down onto her forearms. She kicked her legs vainly against the bars as they supported her, but it was useless, the time to resist long gone. The tight sleeve was settled into place and they started buckling it shut. Tears were forming in Mina's eyes as she endured the increasing stress of the uniform, but it still felt so good, despite the havoc in her flesh. Buckles from the sleeve were dragged around and snapped to fastenings on her front, the hearty yank the women applied squeezing her arms firmly against her back.

Two rubber cups were aimed towards her breasts, the implements being brought forward with menace. Mina gave crippled struggles against the two women holding her. The stern females clapped hands to the back of her neck, forcing her into a stoop. She sobbed immediately as the pole between her legs was made to fight the belt, churning the rods in her, making them try to shift aside yet be denied.

With her breasts hanging, the cups gathered them up and were pushed firmly onto them. She could feel banks of dull rubber spines lining the interior, the short teeth pressing into her flesh. When the base of the cups were pressed to her suit, the interiors pressurised themselves instantly. The scowling hiss of air being thrust out grabbed every inch of her assets, dragging them fiercely against the spines, making them dig in more distinctly. Mina thrashed against those holding her, unable to straighten against their rigorous grips.

‘Oh, what
these things?' she wailed, her fingers fighting the bag that prevented them even moving, her arms unable to even twitch.

‘They serve a variety of purposes, all of which you'll find out soon enough,' said Charybdis.

The sealing glue was traced around the connection and as they lifted her back upright, Mina could see two sockets where her nipples were submerged.

The women equipped themselves with her two hoods, the first being the under-hood that was pulled down over the suit and quickly glued to her posture collar. Her head was now locked within a dome of latex, the only break in the polished sheet being two nostril holes and an aperture for her mouth. Her eyes peered through plastic lenses, the material fogging her vision slightly. The other hood was held back a moment as Charybdis spoke.

‘You recall the gag, don't you, Mina?' he jovially quizzed as the implement was brought forth. The plate that would seal her mouth still bore the moulded interior that would slot onto her teeth and spread her jaws painfully wide. Then the contraption spilled onward as a segmented pipe that they would compel her to swallow, but this one also extended up to the nose, the faceplate holding two long tubes that were ready to snake down her nostrils. Having faced something like this before, she nodded and watched as the disturbing thing was brought over.

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