Beyond Charybdis (7 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #bruce mclachlan, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

BOOK: Beyond Charybdis
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‘Anything you'd care to reveal?' Oceanus grinned.

‘Sorry.' He shook his head. ‘I love my surprises. You'll just have to wait.' His eyes shone with a teasing mirth.

‘Damn!' Oceanus indulged his host with an exaggerated exclamation of disappointment.

‘Intrigue and curiosity will keep you on the island, won't they? After all, I'd hate to lose your company.' He kissed Tethys's hand as she held it up to him.

‘As if we would leave so soon anyway, my dear Poseidon,' she said sultrily.

‘See you at the beach tonight?' Oceanus asked.

‘Count on it.' The two men clasped hands and then the Titan wandered back towards the house, occasionally pausing to speak to some of his guests.

‘He seems a bit better,' Tethys observed, releasing Mina's tail and letting her settle back down, aroused and starved for more sensations.

‘Those projects are getting him down, I think,' Oceanus mused out loud. ‘Perhaps they haven't been going as smoothly as he'd like to make out.'

‘He's a bit of a perfectionist. I reckon he just wants everything to be wonderful for his party.' Tethys took up Mina's reins and drew her closer, turning her around so she might lay her head upon her lap.

Nuzzling her face against the tight white trousers, Mina caressed them with her cheek as Tethys's nails drifted along her bare upper arms and onto her nylon cat-suit. On a whim, Mina turned her face towards the other slave and found the girl's eyes on her. She looked away instantly, and her furtive embarrassment at being discovered staring at her made Mina smile.

‘No matter what, it'll be some event, that's for certain,' Oceanus declared. ‘How could you do anything here and not have it be spectacular?' He indicated the fields with a sweep of his nearly empty glass.

‘That's true enough,' his wife agreed. ‘Well, shall we finish up and head back to continue the training of our sweet pony?' She offered the last bite of a sandwich to Mina's lips, and she devoured the food as best she could, the loss of her thirst having been replaced by an intense hunger.

‘Lay on your belly in front of the pony, slave,' Oceanus commanded the serving slave, and the girl promptly stretched herself out before Mina. Oceanus dropped bits of sandwich meat along the girl's back, following her spine down to the gentle slopes of her lovely bottom. ‘There you go, pony-girl, a trough for you to feast from.' He chuckled and leaned back in his chair, a sparkle in his eyes as he watched Mina intently.

Draping herself forward, she started feeding off the girl, her lips brushing the soft skin making her sigh and shiver with sensual pleasure. She devoured all she could, sucking the bits of meat in with a motion of her constrained tongue and then swallowing against the demands of the bit. Once she had cleared her living plate she ran her tongue along the girl's silky skin, gathering up any residual flavour, evoking soft moans from the prostrate slave's throat as she delighted in her lot, aching for relief as her sexual frustrations were magnified by Mina's oral caresses.

‘There, isn't that better?' Tethys asked rhetorically; she did not really expect a reply from Mina.

‘To the pens?' Oceanus rose with a slightly disgruntled growl, having grown comfortable in his chair, but equally enthused to see Mina being trained again.

‘Come on, pony-girl,' Tethys ordered, pulling on the reins as she stood up. The leather straps tugged at Mina's face, moving her away from her sentient dining table and forcing her back onto her hooves. Her belly was comfortably full, and she had just adored the sweet flesh of another slave girl. The lunch break had put her in considerably high spirits.

She was taken back to the pen and set at the end of Tethys's grip, while Oceanus hovered around her and applied his whip to her forcibly as she trotted around the pen. The sun soon slipped behind the cathedral of stone towering over the island, spreading a cool and welcome blanket of shade across the perspiring pony-girls. But the heat remained aggravated by Mina's exertions as she exercised and pushed herself to her physical limits for the pleasure of her owners.

On and on she trotted, the dildos shifting slightly with every step she took, her exhaustion fighting a constant, rising arousal as the tiniest movement began lifting her towards a lethargic climax. The strap was too tight to actually let her gain relief, but it teased her relentlessly, making her relish her status of slave all the more fervently as she enjoyed being whipped around the pen at the reins of her owners. Many times she slacked her pace somewhat to relish the mordant caress of the implements plugging her and to gasp with perverse joy beneath the searing kiss of the whip.

Finally, shadows began gathering around the pen as a wild and angry series of red and orange stripes decorated the western horizon like welts inflicted by a divine whip, the fierce glow of colour visible through the trees as the sun battled for every last second of dominance before submitting to the softly falling darkness.

‘Whoa, girl!' Tethys said at last, yanking on the reins and slapping her whip across Mina's breasts, stinging them painfully to make her skid to a halt. She gasped for breath after the long run, her body aching and soaked with perspiration again. Her throat was painfully dry and her loins chafed from riding the dildos for hours on end. ‘I think we can call it a day,' Tethys sighed, running her bare forearm over her brow and brushing back some loose strands of her short hair.

‘Let's get her cleaned and in her stall, then find a slave to freshen us up and help us get changed for tonight's beach party,' Oceanus said briskly, leaning against the fence as a centaur on the other side caught his eye.

The woman who formed the front of the latex-sheathed beast was watching Mina's training, as the other woman's face remained hidden where it was pressed between the cheeks of her partner's bottom. Clomping together in unison without their owner, the head of the practiced pair had been watching Mina on and off all day. It seemed the slender dominatrix who had been training them to trot more effectively was a fickle tutor who was easily distracted by other pleasures and spent much of her time elsewhere.

Staring over the moulded characterisation of a pony's snout, the woman yelped as Oceanus's whip swept out and caught her assets, causing her arms to thrash against the sleeves folding them up her spine. She turned to try and escape the whip as it sang through the air again and struck the fronts of her shapely thighs, the cutting weapon easily sending its effects through the dense layer of rubber. The added swipe made the pony's head turn more rapidly than the rear, exposing it to the chastising device as it continued assaulting the interlocked couple. The plug in the centaur's tail shook its plume of hair as her rubber-cocooned buttocks were abused, her legs tensing and rippling the rubber shell encasing them as she kicked into the dirt.

The muffled wails of the hidden woman emerged from the buttocks of the leader as her legs fought to push her partner on and get her out of the whip's range. Finally gaining unity, the beast swiftly galloped to the other side of the pen and moved in irate circles, pawing the ground with its hooves as it endured the lingering throb of the whip.

Still panting from her own exertions, Mina studied the delicious vision of the centaur, mentally projecting herself into such a transformed state with her face pressed between another girl's buttocks, nuzzling the sphincter as she was locked in darkness to serve as the hindquarters of a beast...

A yank to the reins distracted her from her titillating fantasy as Tethys walked out of the pen and took Mina with her. She was led back into the stalls and to one of the anonymous doors on the right. Oceanus threw it open and revealed a shower room, the white tiled interior equipped a drain in the centre where a telescopic metal pole waited with open metal fetters at its base. The tip of the device was a two-pronged pair of rounded nozzles, each with a series of small holes flecking them. A shower nozzle hung directly over this device, with several poles fixed to the wall, the heads armed with a variety of sponges and brushes near a shelf lined with bottles of coloured liquid soaps. Next to the cleansing poles were three faucets, each with a temperature dial set above it.

‘Come on, girl, nothing to be afraid of.' Tethys urged Mina in, her hooves clattering loudly across the shower room's polished tiles. Oceanus closed the door and helped Tethys unfasten Mina's crotch-piece, snapping open the buckles and drawing it free.

The flight of the ribbed shafts literally made Mina shake in her boots and gasp from the delicious sensation of their rampant retreat from her tracts. Sagging slightly from their loss, she was led closer over the pole. Her ankles were locked in place, the metal gripping her feet to prevent escape, and as they touched the base of the instrument the hydraulic spear began rising beneath her.

‘Just relax and let them in, pony-girl,' Oceanus murmured, taking hold of her hips to help steer her onto the rising shafts.

Her eyes widened with shock as she felt the cold tips touch and begin gathering more force against her. She mewled and wriggled in protest as the steel devices demanded entry into her body.

‘Easy, girl,' Tethys said soothingly, stroking her ponytail.

Mina's legs fought their bonds as she tried to lift them and grant herself a few more seconds' reprieve from the dreaded penetration. She responded to the entry of the cold shafts with a gurgling hiss as her orifices expanded around the unforgiving lengths, allowing them to slide up and sheathe themselves deep inside her, until the bar connecting them was pressed against her crotch.

‘There, that's better, isn't it?' Tethys asked, smiling. ‘Now we can get you clean.'

She and her husband moved over to the wall and gathered up a set of poles armed with sponges. Squeezing soap onto the honeycombed balls, they turned the temperature dials to their required settings and turned on the taps. The showerhead above Mina churned with sound, and released a warm sparkling deluge over her, the myriad small jets directing streams of water all over her. She arched her back above the shafts impaling her and turned her face up to accept the gloriously refreshing rain on her flushed features.

The warm water trickled down her body, making her skin shiver with delight as the sponges closed in and began rubbing themselves across her form, the long poles to which they were attached permitting her owners to remain outside the shower's steaming flow. Shuddering and groaning deep in her throat, Mina swayed as she was treated like a beast and scrubbed clean by her owners, the two of them working together to ensure she was purified of the day's accumulated dirt and perspiration.

Stepping back, husband and wife replaced the sponges and left Mina under the shower's cleansing waterfall as they manned a series of other taps.

Watching them with a sense of apprehension, Mina stiffened and cried out against her bit, sinking her teeth into it as water suddenly emerged from the rods imbedded in her pussy and anus. The tight jets pummelled her membranes, sending a swell of churning fluid through her. Her arms battled their restraints and her ankles struggled against their fetters, the sensations were so incredibly potent as small whirlpools and eddies beat against her insides. Gurgling and whinnying, she shook and struggled against the deep and powerful enema as her owners manipulated the faucets, changing the pressure and sometimes making her wail with mingled stress and ecstasy as the streams of water penetrated her with vicious force.

By the time they finished washing her insides, Mina felt weak and light-headed. The couple turned off all the taps and approached her, and she held herself perfectly still as they retracted the internal nozzles and lowered the pole as the fetters around her ankles clicked open.

Her legs quaking beneath her, Mina was only half conscious as they led her back out into the corridor and past several stalls before one opening one and ushering her into it.

‘Sleep well, pony-girl,' Tethys said. ‘We'll see you tomorrow for more training.' She locked Mina's reins to a wall ring as Oceanus hung her crotch strap on a hook, ready for the morning.

‘Sweet dreams,' he added, and without even bothering to take in her surroundings, Mina slumped to the soft hay and fell asleep instantly.

Chapter 5


The sound of movement nearby and a pressure against her body made Mina's eyes flit open. It took her a moment to focus, and realise that a woman was resting her head on her thigh.

Mina discovered herself lying on her side in the hay, the hand she had fallen asleep on completely numb. Her legs were spread open and the other pony-girl was using one of her thighs as a pillow. The woman was nestled adoringly against her, her uniform identical to hers.

Looking up, Mina saw another crotch band hanging beside hers, and she followed the woman's reins to the other side of the room where they were locked opposite her own tethers.

Had she been so exhausted that she had remained utterly oblivious as another pony was brought in and stationed with her? It was still dark out, the chirp of nocturnal insects filling the air and merging with the tune of dozens of pony-girls slumbering soundly in their stalls.

She calmed her racing pulse and laid her head back down on the straw. If the girl was as worn out as she had been, then she was not going to disturb her. Besides, it felt pleasant to have a companion, and she wondered if the newcomer was one of Tethys and Oceanus's slaves as well, or if she belonged to someone else.

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