Beyond Coincidence (33 page)

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Authors: Martin Plimmer

BOOK: Beyond Coincidence
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Lawless and Lynch (lawyers)

Lawrence, Arthur

Lennon, John

Lennon, Julian

Leo and Me
(Canadian sitcom)

and early-onset Parkinson's disease

LeRoy, Mervyn

Lewis, David

lighting strikes

as a jinx

odds of being struck

The Passion of Christ


Lincoln, Abraham

John F. Kennedy, similarities with

Lincoln, Mary Todd

Lindsey, Robert


doppelgängers in

Living to Tell the Tale

Loch Ness monster

Loffert, Dan

Loffert, Mark

Loffert, Ralph

Loffert, Rebecca

Loffert, Todd

Long, Michael

Lord of the Rings

Louis XIV, King of France

“Love Me Tender” (song)

Lovell, Mrs. Willard


antique plane part

bank robber

a charmed life

Empire State Building, survivor of B52 bomber crash


heart attack on transatlantic flight

lot maps


The Passion of Christ,
lightening strike during filming

rescue at sea

scholarship examination

Fred and Rosemary West, victims of

Luck Factor, The

“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” (Lennon song)

as a reference to LSD


McClashan, Alan

McCready, Bill

MacDonald, Kenny

McKay, Brendan

McMann, Douglas

McVeigh, Timothy


bombings in

Mailer, Norman

Mandel, Mike

Mann, Thomas

Mansfield, Jayne


return of a lost

Maracic, Chris

Maracic, Ila Manner

Maracic, Kari

Maria del Pozzo della Cisterno, Princess

maritime incidents

Herald of Free Enterprise

crew and passengers of

cabin boy and cannibalism


Márquez, Gabriel García




Martaux, Charles

Martens, Sharon

Martika, Martha

mathematic of probability

Mathews, Eddie

Matson, Vera

Mauna Loa volcano (Hawaii)

curse of

Melchior, Lauritz

“Memories” (song)



odds of being struck by


Mikkelson, Barbara and David

Milgram, Stanley

Miller, Arthur

Mills, Tony

Minor, Major


Moctezuma Xocoyotl

Monroe, James


Moon and Sun

symbolism of

Moore, Dudley

Moore, Roger

Morgan, Frank

Moron, A.

Morris, Nixon

Mortification: Writers' Stories of their Public Shame

Moussaoui, Zacharias

Mowforth, Arthur

Mowforth, John

Muir, Margaret

Mullen, J. D.


coincidences concerning

odds of being victim of

Murrah Building (Oklahoma City)

bombing of

“My Sweet Lord” (Harrison song)

Naipaul, V. S.

names (coincidences concerning)

Margaret Bird's accident

Frederick Chance

Thomas Crapper

Groaner Digger (undertaker)

Doctor Doctor

Preserved Fish Jr.

Reverend God

Mike Kafka

Lawless and Lynch (lawyers)

Major Minor

A. Moron

Nieves (snow) and the seven dwarfs

two Kevin O'Briens

Zoltan Ovary (gynaecologist)

two Belinda Lee Perrys

Ian Purvis's accident

Mr. Rose (gardener)

Mrs. Screech (singing teacher)

I. C. Shivers (iceman)

Shine Soon Sun (geophysicist)

Ronald Supena (lawyer)

Justin Tune (chorister)

Sallie Turpin

Susie Turpin

Mr. Vice (career criminal)

Mr. Vroom (motorcycle dealer)

Hugh Williams

Narrative of Arhur Gordon Pym of Nantucket The

natural phenomena

as harbingers of specific events

lighting strikes


New York Yankees

Newton, Isaac

Newton, Jill

Nieves (“snow”) and the seven dwarfs

9/11 terrorist attack

avoiding death at

intelligence agency attack simulation

Madrid bombings and

National Commission report

and the New York Lottery

Nostradamus and

Party Music
album cover art and

survivors of

The Two Towers

Noestmo, Evelyn

Nolbrow, Samuel

Norowzian, Mehdi


and the September 11 terrorist attack

Nothing by Chance


Bible numbers

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
and the number forty-two

ninth symphonies

Oklahoma City Bombing




See also

“O God Our Help in Ages Past” (hymn)

O'Brien, Kevin, shared name

O'Connor, Pat

O'Donnell, Lucy

Obregon, Alvaro


Oedipus Rex

“Oh What a Circus” (song)

Oklahoma City Bombing

Oliver, Betty Lou

“One Minute Silence, A” (Batt/Cage)

“Only When You're Lonely” (song)

Ono, Koichi


Orfini, Mario

Osborne, Nigel

Osborne, Stephen

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Ovary, Zoltan

Owen, Laurence

Palme, Olof

Palmer, Scott

Pan-Am flight (Lockerbie, Scotland)

avoiding death on

parallel lives

the Cheethams and the Rivers

Martin Guerre

the identical car

the Lincoln/Kennedy coincidences

patients with the same name and complaint

Ping-Pong medals


two Umbertos

two Wanda Marie Johnsons


lawsuits and

science and


Parker, Craig Hamilton

Parker, John

Parker, Keith

Parker, Nigel

Parker, Richard (cabin boy)

Parker, Richard (playwright)

Parker, Ferdi

Parrish, Anne

Party Music

cover art

Passion of Christ, The

lightening strike during filming

Pasternak, Boris

Patel, Trupti

Paul, Marilyn

Paul VI, Pope

Pauli, Wolfgang

Peng Kai

Perry, Gaylord

Perry, Belinda Lee

shared name

Persons, Chuck

Peskett, John

Peskett, Shirley

Picture of Dorian Gray, The

Pink Floyd


coincidences and

Planck, Max

plane crash

odds of dying in

Plimmer, Martin

Poe, Edgar Allan

Polybus, King of Corinth

Poulton, George R.

Powell, Anthony

Prelude in C (Bach)


presidential coincidences


July 4 deaths and births


Presley, Elvis

prophetic dreams

Pryor, Richard



Purvis, Ian

accident involving another Ian Purvis

quantum mechanics

Rabi, Tamara

Rabin, Yitzhak

Radcliffe, Amanda

Radin, Dean

Raft, The

Rail Gazette International

railroad accidents

odds of being involved in

Raine, Craig

Ramage, Howard

Rankin, Ian

Rathbone, Henry

Raymond, Mrs. Allison

Razey, Patti

Redfield, James

Reeve, Christopher

Reeves, George


Remarkable True Coincidences

Resden, S.

Richards, Christina

Richardson, Joseph

Richardson, Nellie

Riches, Kevin

Richter, Mischa

Rigby, Mrs. M.

Riley, “Boots,”

Rines, Robert

Ripley's Giant Book of Believe It or Not

Rips, Eliyahu

Rivers, Albert

Rivers, Betty

road accidents

coincidences concerning

risk of being killed in

Roberts, Jennifer

Robertson, George

Robertson, Morgan

Robertson, Peter

Robinson, Mrs. J.

Robinson, Tim

Rolling Stone

Roots of Coincidence, The

Rose, Mr.

Ruby, Jack

Ruffles, Hazel

Rusk, James, Jr. (Harrison James)

Ruth, Babe

Sagan, Carl

Said Business School

Schopenhauer, Arthur

Schubert, Franz

Schumacher, Michael


and coincidence

and the paranormal

Scott, Adriana

Scott, Christopher

Scott, Sir Peter

Scott, Robert Falcon

Screech, Mrs.

Segovia, Andrés

Seifert, George

Seinfeld, Jerry

Selfridges (junk shop in Clapham)

Sense of Being Stared, The

September 11 terrorist attack

avoiding death at

intelligence agency attack simulation

Madrid bombings and

National Commission report

and the New York Lottery

Nostradamus and the

Party Music
album cover art and

The Two Towers

survivors of

Serafino, Domenico

Seymour, Peter

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Shakespeare, William

Sharp, Derek

Sharp, Derek (uncle)

Shaw, Bernie

Sheldrake, Rupert

Sherman, C. E.

Shivers, I. C.

Shuster, Joe

Sibelius, Jean

Siegel, Jerry

Simmins, Richard

Simpson, Joyce

Sin, Cardinal

Singer, Isaac Bashevis

Sinking of the Mignonette, The

six degrees of separation


Skeptical Inquirer

Skinner, B. F.

Smith, Alfred

Smith, Donald

Smith, Roy

Soilih, Ali

“Somebody Else” (song)


Sothern, Edward H.

Sothern, Edward H., Jr.

Sothern, Sam

Spassky, Boris

Spears, Britney

Spencer, Anne

Spencer, Stuart

Spicer, Jabez

Splatt, J. W.


athletes, superstitions of

coincidences concerning

Curse of the Bambino

Sports Illustrated

curse on

Stephens, Edwin

Stewart, Dave

Stewart, Ian


Stingers, The

stock market scam

Stones of Aran

Strange Meeting

Styler, Trudie

Sullivan, Roy Cleveland

Summerford, Major

Sun, Shine Soon

Sun and Moon

symbolism of

Sunday Times

Supena, Ronald

Superman curse



of Americans

of athletes

and the fall of the Aztec Empire

“superstition in the pigeon” research

Swain, Pat



Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle

Tale of Two Cities, A

Talented Mr. Ripley, The

Tamara, Adolfo Gomez

Tanner, Roscoe

Tant, Julia

Technical Asset Management (TAM)


Tenzing, Sherpa


Thompson, Ron

family of

Thomson, D. C.

Thornton, Abraham

Thornton, Michael



predictions and

The Wreck of the Titan or, Futility

Tolkien, J. R. R.

tombs of the pharaohs

curse on

Trent, Howard

Trial, The


Tucker, Bev

Tudor, David

Tune, Justin

Turner, J. D.

Turpin, Sallie

Turpin, Susie


Twelfth Night


Two Towers, The

Two Towers Protest Organization

Umberto (restaurant owner)

Umberto I, King of Italy


Albert Einstein'S view of

as a hologram

hyperstring theory

quantum mechanics


van der Post, Laurens

Vandergrift, Ladona

Vaughan, Alan

Vaughan Williams, Ralph

Vernoni, Andrea

Vernoni, Cristina

Vernoni, Vittorio

Vice, Mr.

Villeneuve, Jacques

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