Read Beyond Eden Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

Beyond Eden (23 page)

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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He got off on tying her down as much as she got off on having him do it.

Danny pulled her legs as far apart as her arms and with every tug of her leashes that secured her down, gasps of pleasure burst out of her. It was without a doubt the most erotic thing she had ever experienced in her life. She was a wild, untamed mess of nerves when Danny finally had her spread-eagle on the bed, her bindings pulled so tight she could barely struggle against them. She was completely vulnerable and immobile and she loved it with a vigor that was all encompassing. She wanted to be tied down forever, to be his slave for all time. He could be her sugar daddy if it meant she didn’t have to do anything in life except be a naughty puppy that deserved to be tied down for disobedience. If he thought this little punishment was going to make her subservient, he was mistaken. She would have been impertinent a lot sooner if this was the reward.

Barking like a dog was not her kink but being bound with pretty fleece-lined leather cuffs and long leashes with silver buckles most certainly was.

Danny joined her on the bed, crawling over her with graceful, predatory movement that left him on his hands and knees above her. His hands rested beneath her spread arms, his legs straddled her so she felt the brush of his leather pants against her thighs. She writhed beneath him, arching her hips up as much as her bound body would allow as she stared up into his eyes, seeing the lust she felt mirrored in them as they ran over her body as if admiring his handiwork.

“Do you love your Master?” Danny asked as his eyes continued to lazily run over her body.

“Yes,” Eve panted, still arching and writhing beneath him. “I love you more than anything, Master.”

He cocked his head, a smirk tugging at his lips as she fought against her bindings, yet moved very little because she was secured so tightly to his bed. “Do you want to beg for my cock?”

“Yes,” she gasped out desperately. “Let me beg for your cock, Master. Please!” “No,” he said, his smile growing broader. “You don’t deserve it.”

She moaned, her head falling heavily back against the bed. She squeezed her eyes shut as feral, desperate desire caused her pussy to pulsate and clench over and over again as if reaching out for a cock it couldn’t have.

“Look at me, Evie.”

Eve blinked her eyes open, Danny’s face swimming in her clouded vision.

“I am going to play with your body now because it amuses me,” he said in a smooth voice that sent a wildfire of desire surging through her veins. “But I’m not going to let you come.”

Eve gasped out loud, her eyes growing wide as horror surged through her. She had never been so desperate in her life. She needed a climax like she needed air. She would die if she didn’t come immediately.

“For one full hour, I’m going to toy with you and keep you writhing and straining against those leather bindings you love so much,” he whispered, his voice rolling over her in liquid waves, torturing her with the smooth cadence of it. “And after that hour, if you are completely obedient, I will give you the most mind-blowing orgasm of your life. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she sobbed, closing her eyes against the pain of being forced to suppress her body when she was so completely desperate.

“You just got another fifteen minutes added to your sentence. Now you have to wait for an hour and fifteen minutes for your release because you forgot to respect your Master.”

Eve’s eyes shot open, her mouth falling open in horror. He was not going to punish and torment her with that. “What?” she gasped. “You’re holding my orgasm for ransom!”

Danny’s eyes grew wide above her. “An hour and a half now. You spoke without permission. Do you need me to explain the rules again?”

Eve was panting beneath him in panic and she shook her head in denial that he could be this cruel.

“You lost your right to speak without permission, Evie,” Danny growled at her in an unforgiving voice of a Master who expected absolute obedience. “You can’t beg. You

can’t cry out with words as I torment you. You can only lie there and gasp and moan like the naughty puppy you are. If you speak, you will be punished.”

Eve’s gaze moved over his face frantically, looking for some sign he was joking but all she saw was absolute sincerity. He was going to leave her tied and desperate for an hour and a half while he toyed with her body that was so sensitive even the brush of air from the air conditioner left her reeling.

“No,” she sobbed, closing her eyes in misery and feeling genuine tears stinging behind her eyelids.

“It’s an hour and forty-five minutes now,” Danny said, his eyes wide in disbelief. “You keep this up and you’re going to be tied down and squirming until Paul gets home. Do you want him to find you tied up as my slave, sobbing and crying out for pleasure you don’t deserve?”

She shook her head, her eyes still squeezed shut. “N-no, Master.”

“You’re nowhere near disciplined enough to stay silent for almost two hours,” Danny said, his voice strangely soft all of a sudden. “Do you want to beg your Master to gag you so you don’t make any more mistakes? Tied down, with a gag stuffed in that pretty mouth of yours, you can’t disobey me anymore. You can just lie there and accept your punishment. Are you that weak? Do you need me to gag you?”

Eve opened her eyes, her vision foggy once more as she stared up at Danny and seeing with dreadful certainty that he really was going to torment her for an hour and forty-five minutes. There was no way she could keep silent that long. She was already desperate to beg for relief and he hadn’t even started. “Yes,” she whispered, closing her eyes as embarrassment burned hotly on her cheeks. “Let me beg for a gag, Master. I need it desperately.”

“Beg me for it,” Danny relented, his voice a soft caress as if he were granting her the world. “But do it well. I am only giving you this chance once. If you’re too weak to keep silent on your own, I need to know you’re learning humility.”

“Please,” Eve said in a desperate whisper as she looked up at him with absolute pleading in her eyes. “Let me have a gag, Master. I know I’m weak. Let me have it. Please, please let me have it. I will die if I have to wait any longer than I have to. Please have mercy on me.”

Danny stared down at her and then nodded.

When he rolled off the bed, Eve moaned from the loss of him. She needed him over her. It felt as if she were dying a slow death by being away from him. She followed him with her eyes, turning her head to watch him walk toward his closet and pull the doors open. She stared at him, having the off thought that Danny’s closet had to be the cleanest in the whole world.

“I bought this for you,” he said, pulling a folded silk scarf out of his closet. He let it roll out of his hand, holding the edge of it up. He tilted his head to look at the scarf that was dyed in a multitude of vibrant, natural colors. “I thought it was bright and radiant like sunshine and puppies and naughty Evie.”

Eve bit her lip to choke back a laugh as she stared at Danny, who really looked impressed with the silk scarf he was holding in his hand. It was natural silk, colored with natural dyes. Eve did think it was pretty. Like Danny, she was easily distracted by shiny or colorful things. The two of them could spend all day at street markets or craft shows looking for pretty trinkets.

“I could see it tied up in your long, pretty, red hair, making you look like a little gypsy.” Danny walked back to the bed with a smile on his face. He crawled back over her and then grinned down at her. “But since you’re naughty, I suppose I’ll have to use it to keep you quiet instead.”

Eve bit her lip harder, trying to choke back a laugh. She did not, for one minute, believe he bought that scarf for her hair. If she weren’t being forced to be quiet, she would have called him a lying pervert. She was sure her face said it all as she looked up at him, biting her lip to hide her laughter.

“Say sorry to your Master for making him use this beautiful scarf to keep you quiet when he wanted to use it to dress you up as a pretty little gypsy instead,” Danny said with a smirk, his eyes running over her face.

“Um—” Eve started, trying to hold back her laughter. “I’m sorry I buzzkilled your gypsy fetish by being naughty, Master. That’s a bummer.”

“That was impertinent,” Danny said, trying and failing to frown at her. He was choking back his own laughter, ruining his big, bad Master act horribly. “Really, say sorry, Evie. You’re pissing me off. I’m mad at you.”

“S-sorry, Master,” Eve choked, staring up at Danny and laughing hilariously. “It does suck, ‘cause it’s very pretty. You should’ve bought two.”

He smiled smugly. “I did.”

Eve cracked up, her head falling sideways as her body shook with laughter because she knew he had every intention of having her tie the other scarf in her hair as a gypsy later.

Danny nudged her side as he choked back his own laughter. “Okay, stop it. Be sweet and open your mouth for me. Do it slow and sexy, like you’re about to eat the most delicious strawberry you have ever seen,” he said in a low voice as he stretched out his body over her, the scarf still held up in one hand. Eve moaned at the feeling of his hard chest against her bare breasts. She arched her hips instinctively from his weight on her and his long, leather-clad legs stretched out between her bare thighs. His eyes got molten as he studied her lips while she struggled to feel more of him against her bare skin. “Or my cock, that works too. Open your mouth like you’re going to suck my cock.”

Eve smiled at him and then licked her lips slowly, her tongue darting out to brush against her bottom lip as Danny stared at her mouth as if captivated. His breathing was shallow, making it obvious he really was getting off on this slave and Master game. She decided then that if he liked it that much, she didn’t mind playing with him—even if she had to wait two hours for an orgasm.

She made a show of opening her mouth, her eyes drifting closed lazily as if she really were going to suck his cock. Danny let out a soft groan as he rubbed his thumb against her bottom lip softly and then leaned down to gag her with the scarf, surprising her because he didn’t tie it too tight, it wasn’t really uncomfortable except for the fact that she couldn’t talk.

Her eyes were still closed and she arched into him, getting lost in the fantasy. She savored that wonderful, lazy feeling of making love in the light of day, with filtered beams of sparkling sunshine drifting into the room, making her feel warm and comfortable. Just like the cool sheets against her back and the fleece against her wrists and the wonderful, beautiful man draped over her in the sexiest pair of leather pants she had ever seen.

Danny’s lips moved softly down her neck first and she moaned against the silk gag because it felt heavenly. He ran a hand slowly up her side, tracing the curve of her hip up to her waist and then higher. He cupped one of her breasts, his thumb rubbing softly over the rosy nipple beaded with desire and then leaned down to suck it into his mouth. Eve gasped against the gag and her arms jerked at the bindings as she arched up into him.

Eve felt as if she had fallen into paradise. She could lie there in sunshine all day and let Danny’s lips dance over her body, his hands roaming it with slow, tender caresses, making it obvious he was perfectly fine with spending two hours touching and tormenting her.

Torture was fine if it felt like this. She had the thought that they should do this every day and twice on Sundays, just to be extra naughty. The desire was pulsing in her, making her ache desperately, but it ached so good. She was getting into suppressing the orgasm because knowing it was so far away let her enjoy all the other wonderful things about being with a man. Like feeling his weight on her and the tingling rush that came from having goose bumps spread over her skin in the wake of a long, sensual caress.

Danny kissed her everywhere except where she was aching, the need building like a furious volcano. On the outside all seemed well. She could barely struggle, her hands were tied down and her moans were muffled but beneath the surface she felt the ache build. Her body clenched the more she strained against Danny, silently begging for more. Usually she would have tangled her fingers in his hair and pushed his head impatiently lower, desperately seeking release, but being tied down meant all she could do was moan and writhe. With hooded eyes hazy with desire, she watched this magnificent man lick and worship her body, his tongue trailing softly across the inside of her arm and up the smooth line of her thigh that was open and exposed for him. She repeatedly arched her hips instinctively, needing his mouth where she was aching most, but she was never too disappointed when she didn’t get what she wanted because Danny told her she wouldn’t—not yet.

She was dazed, feeling sated and drugged, stuck in that place where time had no meaning. Her skin became extra-sensitive. She was more aware of her body than she had ever been in her entire life. Patience wasn’t nearly as overrated as she thought.

It wasn’t until Danny moved higher, shifting his body until his face was hovering over hers once more that Eve realized he had been moving fluidly with her. She had never felt the nuance of his weight over her. Eve stared up at him, knowing absolute adoration showed in her eyes. He brushed the back of his palm over her cheek, his dark eyes boring into hers, making her feel as if he were looking into her soul. His other hand ran up the inside of one of her thighs, tracing the line of it, his fingertips soft and gentle.

When his fingers breached her, two of them pushing inside her pussy that was wet and throbbing from the long period of stimulation, her entire body jerked. Her scream from the bone-shaking shock of pleasure was muffled behind the silk gag. Even with her eyes squeezed shut, she knew Danny was smiling from her response but she didn’t care as she tried to arch her hips into his hand, not realizing until just then how completely desperate her body was for release.

“Relax,” Danny said in a coaxing, hypnotic voice. “Stop fighting and just feel.”

Her breathing became labored. She fought back the urge to go insane from the feeling of his fingers fucking her as they curved upward to rub against the spot inside her that caused jolts of bliss to radiate through her body.

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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