Read Beyond Eden Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

Beyond Eden (30 page)

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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“Shut up, Paul Guy.” Eve tangled her fingers in his hair, jerking his head back in a way that had him groaning and arching into her obediently. “I want you to let me taste.”

Paul parted to her again, their moans mingling when her tongue swept into his mouth in a soft, feminine gesture he had missed so profoundly he found himself falling forward under the force of it. He cupped her face, his tongue following Eve’s until he was suddenly drowning in her. His large body draped over hers at Danny’s feet on the wooden floor and he gasped from the sensation of having Eve beneath him again. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he ground himself into her, craving her in a way he had never experienced before. Loving her and losing her had made the want between them a thousand times more intense. He wanted to fuck her right there. He was completely heedless of Danny’s ominous presence over them he burned for her that badly.

“I’m dying.” Eve moaned, her head lolling to the side on the wooden floor so that her face was hidden in rainbow-colored silk and thick red hair. “Help me.”

Paul buried his face into the soft curve of her neck as he searched for sanity, licking at smooth, pale skin and inhaling the intoxicating scent of flower shampoo and dark, forbidden perfume. He reminded himself of Danny and all it did was make him ache more, the knowledge that he and Eve were probably trapping themselves in their own web without realizing it.

Eve arched into him desperately. “Please.”

“Okay.” Paul forgot Danny as he placed a soft kiss against the base of her throat where her heartbeat was thumping erratically. He turned away from the addicting taste of Eve’s skin just long enough to suck on two of his fingers. He got them wet, then slid his hand past the waistline of her leather pants and got the first feel of what had her thrashing beneath him. “Oh, fuck, Evie,” he groaned as he crumpled into her.

He had never felt a woman this wet, never had one so needy and desperate that she was literally mindless beneath him. The fact that it was Eve had him forcing his hips firmly against hers, leaving little room for his hand to move, but he pushed two fingers into her anyway. He groaned when Eve screamed, her whole body jerking from just his hand on her. He let his fingers fuck her tight, hot pussy in a way that had his cock throbbing in jealousy, curving them upward to touch the spot inside her he wished he had known about the last time they’d done this.

Eve started gasping and moaning as she pushed her hips into his hand spastically, rutting into him as she helped him get her off. Her whole body was wound up so tightly she was literally quivering beneath him as his fingers moved inside her. Paul felt like he was feeling it with her because he knew from experience the insane high that came from mixing pleasure with a fetish that shut down your brain to the point one would do anything to trigger it.

What the hell was vanilla sex next to this?

Paul leaned down and kissed her again, his tongue sliding past her lips that had parted in a low, breathy moan. Eve reacted immediately, her whole body tensing around him. Her head jerked back, breaking the kiss with a scream as he felt her start to spasm around his fingers. Paul groaned, biting his tongue as he leaned down and hid in her hair, fighting his body that wanted to come with her. He was literally shaking over her, his body clenching to the sounds of her long, surrendering moans. If he didn’t love pain as much as he did, he would have given in and just completely lost it, because he had never been so painfully hard.

When the wave finally passed, Eve became languid, her arms slipping from around his neck to fall limply at her sides, her legs fell to the floor heavily. She was sprawled out wantonly beneath him as her body shook from little aftershocks of bliss. Paul still stroked her softly, focusing on the small moans of pleasure Eve made rather than his body that was tight with the agony of his own need for release.

“Wow,” Danny said lazily as the click of a lighter sounded above them. “You made her a much bigger whore than I would have. That was impressive, Paul Guy.”

Paul’s body actually jerked from the force of how quickly his muscles tensed in fury. “Call her a whore again and I’ll safe word you, motherfucker,” he growled at him.

“Go ahead,” Danny said carelessly over the sound of him blowing out smoke. “I just got two whores for the price of one. I’m really pleased with myself. I could go to bed happy.”

Paul’s breath became shallow in an odd combination of fury and desire as he fought a horrible battle with himself. When Eve’s hand came up to stroke the back of his neck lovingly he lifted his eyes to her, expecting to see horror at the realization that Danny had manipulated her into being exactly what Paul had tried to prevent. Instead he found her eyes glazed in adoration.

“You gave me what was
by far
the best orgasm of my life,” she said in a soft, sated voice as she gave him a lazy smile that showed dimples in both flushed cheeks. “Making me a whore was a compliment. Don’t safe word. Let him torment you some more—maybe he’ll learn something.”

Paul’s eyes grew wide as he stared down at her, a smile tugging at his lips as he admired her. “Do you know what topping from the bottom means?”

She shook her head, her smile becoming bemused. “No, what does it mean?”

“It means you’re incredible,” he said in awe as waves of desire for her washed over him. He reeled over the fact that she had not only swept away any insult from Danny that should have had her feeling completely degraded and dirty, but had done it in a way that knocked him to his knees. “I mean, really, that’s a special talent.”

“Does it turn you on?”

“Fuck, yes,” Paul moaned as he stared down at her longingly. “I have never wanted

like I want you right now.”

“Don’t even think about,” Danny growled above them, his voice razor sharp and icy in a way that meant he was not playing a role or acting. “You still owe me blood— lots of it.”

Paul groaned, finding for the first time since he had discovered the special thrill that was the BDSM world, the idea of being abused wasn’t that appealing. He wanted to stay there on the floor and make love to Eve, not bleed for Danny. If she saw what happened to him when Danny whipped him, she could easily lose the adoring, soft-eyed look of admiration she was giving him now.

Very few could handle a full-fledged masochist and Danny was truly pissed, which usually allowed him to tap his inner sadist that was hard to get to most days. If it weren’t for Eve, Paul would be positively thrilled with his good luck. Not safe wording was going to leave the two of them giving her a crash course in some of the more hardcore sides of BDSM and Paul wasn’t sure if she could handle it.

Paul closed his eyes in misery. “I should probably safe word.”

“Do it,” Danny taunted in a low, furious voice. “I won’t be surprised. Your father is right. You’re a pansy that could have never been a Marine. You just don’t have what it takes.”

Icy-hot fury rolled over Paul and he pushed up off Eve, resting all his body weight on his arms as he tilted his head to stare back at Danny in shock. He was actually stunned speechless, unable to believe he had struck that far below the belt.

“I’ve always wanted to know,” Danny started as he took a long, slow drag off his cigarette and let the smoke waft slowly past his lips, making him look wholly evil. “Did you play college ball hoping something like that knee injury would happen? Did you use football glory and books to hide your fear of having to put your life on the line for our country? You can tell me. I won’t judge you. I know we can’t all be heroes like your brothers. Safe word and neither Evie nor I will tell your father that you’re a pussy who never learned how to take the pain.”

Paul’s breath rasped out of him and even the rush of desire Danny’s cruelty caused faded to the red haze of fury that washed through him. “You know I can take the pain.”

“No, I don’t,” Danny argued, sounding completely genuine. “All I know is that you suck cock sweetly and look like a pretty submissive when you’re on your knees.”

“You win. I won’t safe word,” Paul said as he got to his feet, leaving Eve lying there gaping up at both of them in horror. “You want to be an asshole, that works for me. You whip me and I’ll take it and we’ll see which one of us Evie gets wetter for because of it.”

“I’m changing the rules,” Danny said, his eyes still narrowed at Paul challengingly. “You don’t deserve restraints. I’m making you stand on your feet without any help from those leather cuffs you love so much.”

Paul snorted. “Fine.”

“You fall and it’s game over permanently. I will never let you stick your dick in Evie and I will never let her watch us fucking,” Danny said as his breathing became low and furious, like that of a deadly animal stalking prey. “She offered to sell me her soul

to see you beneath me. That’s how much it means to her. You fall and you will be killing her voyeurism fetish faster than you can scream vanilla ice cream and I’m sure you know how addicting these fetishes can be.”

“That’s not fair!” Eve gasped, sitting up on the floor to glare up at Danny. “Why are you hurting me just because you two are playing some sort of cockfight, ‘who can make Evie wetter’ game?”

“I won’t fall,” Paul said, not taking his eyes off Danny as they stood there in a battle of wills Paul had no intention of losing. Eve had always been the one to make him break the rules and this time was no different. He could top from the bottom and get off on it just as easily as being dominated completely. “There is no way he is bringing me to my knees.”

“What if he does?” Eve whispered breathlessly. “He
keeps his promises.” “I won’t fall,” Paul repeated as he turned to stare down at Eve. He gave her a slow,

confident smile he knew would get his point across. “I promise that he can’t bring me to

my knees and there is no usually for me. When I make you a promise, I will never break it.”

Eve sucked in a quivering breath as she stared up at him with eyes that were suddenly swimming pools of green. “I believe you,” she whispered, her eyes glazed in a way that told him she was thinking back to the last time he made her a promise he had yet to break. “Always.”

Chapter Thirteen

“Why is he making you tie me up?” Eve asked as she stared up at Paul, who was on his hands and knees above her on Danny’s bed. He stared at the headboard as he tied down her arms that were attached together with fleece-lined cuffs connected with a single heart-shaped lock Danny held the key to. She noticed Paul’s hands were shaking as he secured her arms above her head in a way that would be impossible for her to break free. “Paul Guy.”

“Are you comfortable?” Paul asked rather than answer her question as he worked at arranging the pillows behind her head.

“Sure,” Eve said, completely heedless of her hands tied above her head as she glared at Paul. “I want you to answer my question.”

Paul ran a hand through his hair and looked away from her, staring over his shoulder at Danny who was standing at the foot of the bed with a long, black bullwhip draped around his neck. “Why don’t you ask him?”

“’Cause I’m asking you.”

Paul shrugged. “If you moved or got too close because you couldn’t take it, he could hit you instead of me.”

“And a single-tailed whip hurts like a motherfucker,” Danny added, looking down at her stretched out on his bed with her hands high above her. His gaze ran over her body, making it obvious he enjoyed her being tied up. “You do not
want to find out what bleeding from it feels like. Pretty pets aren’t supposed to bleed for their Masters, only worthless slaves that deserve to be beaten like animals get that.”

Eve felt all the hair on the back of her neck stand on end and she would have lashed out at him if she hadn’t seen the way Paul’s eyes rolled back as he tilted his head away from her with a shuddering breath. He was trying to hide how much it excited him, the idea of being beaten and while a side of Eve recoiled at him actually getting off on that, she kept it to herself.

“Fine,” she said tiredly as she brought one foot up, brushing it against Paul’s thigh softly as she glared at Danny, who she was certain had fallen out of character and was being a legitimate asshole rather than a mock one playing a role in a game Paul enjoyed. “Then let’s get this game over with, because mine is next. Evie games have happy endings, not pain and bloodshed.” Eve saw Paul smile at that but she turned to look at Danny challengingly. “Do you promise me that if Paul stays on his feet we’ll have a happy ending?”

Danny nodded. “I promise if he somehow manages to stay on his feet, we’ll have a happy ending, but there is quite a big ‘if’ there. Topping from the bottom doesn’t

impress me like it does Paul Guy. It actually pisses me off and both of you are going to learn that pissing your Master off is a bad plan.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Paul put in instantly. “His arm will tire out before he knocks me off my feet.”

“I’ve spent hundreds and hundreds of hours practicing with a single-tailed whip,” Danny said warningly. “It takes a
long time for my arm to tire out.”

“Why is that, Danny Boy?” Paul asked, raising his eyebrows curiously. “Anyone who spent that much time practicing, you’d almost have to wonder if they cracked a whip professionally.”

“Okay, come here,” Danny said, cocking his finger toward Paul and then gesturing to the spot in front of him. “Come stand in front of me before your mouth pisses me off any more than it already has.”

“Fine.” Paul crawled off the bed and stood at the foot of it in front of Danny. He turned to face Eve, his back proud and straight. “Go crazy.”

“You do realize you’re going to have to wait until your wedding night to do Trisha again.”

“Awesome,” Paul said with a smile that appeared genuine. “I was born to live on the edge. Break every rule, I’ll only love you for it.”

Danny shook his head as he reached into his pocket, pulling out two small locks and asked Eve offhandedly, “What do you think of your boy scout now?”

“I think he’s a stud,” Eve whispered in a dazed voice as she looked up at Paul. Her eyes grew wider as she took in two hundred and thirty pounds of pure muscle wearing only a pair of black leather pants, thick leather cuffs on his wrists and a silver spiked dog collar around his neck. Combined they put what was quite possibly the world’s finest specimen of male beauty on display. “Really, Paul Guy, you can be my slave any day of the week.”

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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