Read Beyond Eden Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

Beyond Eden (29 page)

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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“Don’t do it,” Paul said instantly as he saw the way Eve’s eyes widened in horror. “I’ll safe word before I let you do that to her.”

“Safe words are a pain in the ass,” Danny said, sounding frustrated as he tightened his arm around Eve. “Then again, you have one, but
doesn’t. I could just send you to bed and spend the rest of the evening tormenting her to take out my frustration. You’ve gotten me in a playful mood. I could turn your game into hers.”

“What do you want?” Paul repeated. “Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.” “Make me an offer.”

Paul closed his eyes and rubbed at the back of his neck as the dark, deviant pleasure he loved so much flowed through him. He just hated that he had let it get to the point that it was hurting Eve. Danny became a Dominant because of Paul, now he was using skills he had mastered to control Eve. That was never supposed to happen. It wouldn’t have if he hadn’t given her up. Danny was as naturally a Dominant as Paul was a submissive. Paul had known when he had given his permission for them to date that eventually he would enslave her—it was part of his nature.

“You can go to the edge when you hurt me. I’ll bleed for her,” Paul said, looking up at him earnestly. “Really, you can whip the fuck out of me and I promise I won’t safe word.”

“I’m already doing that. Did you forget the little episode in the yard?” Danny asked as his eyebrows rose dubiously. “I want something else. You’re taking Evie’s punishment, which means you’ve got to play her game for her. You were the one who made the rule that she can’t be hurt, so any sort of pain idea you come up with is pointless. You better be more creative and I’m telling you now, if the next offer doesn’t impress me, I’m going to think of something and you do not want to know what I come up with.”

“Oh my God,” Paul rasped, his eyes rolling back when he realized what Danny was insinuating. It was unbelievable, the clash of desire that rolled over him from the level of Danny’s cruelty, yet even still there was a side of him that tried to hold on to sanity because he still had to look at Eve in the morning. “You’re not going to do this to me. You cannot be this big of an asshole.”

“I don’t really take kindly to slaves calling me an asshole,” Danny said in a sharp, deadly voice. “You’re about to make this game really interesting for all three of us.”

“I’ll suck your dick,” Paul whispered, looking away from Eve. “I’ll do it so she doesn’t have to.”

“You’re going to be a whore for her?”

Paul swallowed hard and nodded as he stared at the floor. He knew he had to seize this chance or Danny would come up with something much more humiliating. “Yes, I’ll be a whore for her. If you agree, I won’t only do it, I’ll do it enthusiastically.”

“I suppose that works for me. You do suck cock nicely,” Danny said, letting go of Eve, who slid weakly out of his arms and fell heavily to her knees. Her breathing was ragged, her eyes glazed as she looked up at Danny in shock. “Don’t say a word, Evie Girl. You just sit there and watch like a good pet. If even one word passes those pretty lips your camera is going to stay in your bag permanently.”

Paul frowned as he watched Eve’s eyes grow wide in alarm. Her breathing became more ragged and Paul got the distinct impression he was being left out of something. Danny was playing them against each other, he knew it for certain, he just couldn’t figure out how exactly.

“I don’t want you to look at her,” Danny said as he took long, swaggering steps over to Paul like a predator. “You’re my whore, remember? The only one I want you looking at is me.”

His breath rasped out of him when Danny stopped directly in front of him and ran his fingers slowly through his hair in a soft, sensual move that suddenly went from sweet to cruel as his fingers tightened viciously. He jerked Paul’s head back painfully so that he was staring up into dark, menacing eyes.

“Fuck,” he groaned as his stomach muscles clenched and the tingle of raw desire shimmered over his skin like fire more potently than ever.

“Oh, yeah, I’m going to push all your buttons. I’m going to make sure she sees how much being on your knees for me gets you off,” Danny said in a dark voice. “That’s the point, right? To make you a whore in front of your first love and whores love cocks. I want you to beg me for it.”

The safe word was on the tip of his tongue because he felt himself unraveling. His cock was already hard and aching, his breathing shallow as Danny’s unforgiving grip on his hair left him completely exposed. The lust shooting through him had him fighting against letting his eyes close in ecstasy. It was one thing for Eve to see him suck Danny’s cock, it was another for her to see how much Paul loved being forced to do it. But it was that very fear making him hard, it was the fact that Danny had him to the point of quitting that was making him ache.

“Please,” he whispered instead of Trisha’s name, staring up at Danny unwaveringly as his breathing gave away his desperation far more effectively than his pleading. “I need it.”

Danny seemed to consider that, his eyes dark and calculating as he stared down at Paul. The pause had him holding his breath and his body tightening. He was going to have to move out of the house tomorrow, because Eve already knew he was a whore.

Even someone with only basic observation skills would be able to tell he was desperate and aching for the high of being forced to pleasure Danny.

A small moan slipped past his lips when Danny reached down and pulled the tie undone to his leather pants. Paul couldn’t watch, his head was still forced back so that he was staring into dark, sinister eyes but the crisp sound of leather being untied and the movement of Danny’s arm as he undid his pants caused bolts of pleasure to go straight to his own cock.

Paul fell back on his haunches and let his eyes drift closed when Danny used his grip on his hair to force his mouth to him. He was already defeated, completely captive to Danny. He had been broken long ago. To Paul leather cuffs were an indulgence, not a necessity. Even still, knowing Eve was watching had him feeling nineteen again, reminding him of the first time Danny had gotten him on his knees and forced him to do something that was completely horrifying and got him hotter than he thought possible because of it. He had climaxed before Danny that first time, getting off on nothing but the dark, deviant thrill that came from being pushed past his limits of what he considered acceptable when he was forced to do something just because he was a slave. He still entertained that memory as the greatest edge game of his life, one that could have never been repeated once it was over. They could pretend, Danny was as good at a mind fuck as just about anyone, but the real pulse of complete domination that really broke him was gone. Nine years had done away with just about any real edginess between the two of them, they’d done it all, pushed all limits—until now.

Paul moaned as he took him into his mouth, the grip Danny had on his hair forcing him to take him whether he wanted to or not. Paul opened his eyes to look up at Danny whose dark gaze had grown heavy. He reached up and grasped his ass tightly, forcing him forward, swallowing all of Danny’s cock in a way only a true masochist could. Paul watched with satisfaction when he groaned loudly, his head jerking back as his entire body clenched in bliss. Danny became suddenly pliant in his hands, his fingers in Paul’s hair loosening as he immediately gave in to the rush of pleasure. Their relationship was a two-way street. Paul wasn’t the only one with buttons. He knew exactly how to get Danny off. If he was going to be this big of an asshole, that he would actually use Paul’s fetish against him while Eve watched, then Paul was going to make damn sure he came quick enough to be embarrassing.

Danny seemed to know it—that Paul was about to push him over the edge as fast as possible. His hand tightened in his hair warningly, taking dominance back easily as he controlled the hard, unrelenting stroke of his cock in and out of his mouth. Paul had to use his own willpower to hide the reaction that being forced and controlled caused. His mind went hazy around the edges as he sucked Danny off. His reaction was every bit as potent as the first time Danny had done this to him and that experience had an ending he didn’t want to repeat this time with Eve sitting there watching.

If Danny didn’t come quickly, Paul would because his cock was straining against his leather pants, his balls tightening in the desperate need for release and that would

make the issue of him having to move out of the house moot. If Eve saw him coming from sucking Danny off like a whore in front of her—he’d literally die.

Knowing Danny wasn’t going to cede dominance, Paul wilted into him, letting his hands run lovingly up Danny’s back, tracing the curve of his spine in a soft, sensual caress. For just a moment, he touched Danny like he would touch Eve, worshiping him as a lover instead of a slave.

Danny’s response was immediate, his body tensed as a low, surprised gasp slipped past his lips. He opened his eyes to stare down at Paul, his dark eyes swirling with awe and something deeper, an emotion that should never show when one man looks at another. Rather than stiffen in defensiveness, Paul forced his eyes to remain soft and open, seducing Danny with a look as well as a touch.

“Shit,” Danny moaned as his hands slipped from Paul’s hair to grip at his bare shoulders. His fingers weren’t biting. They were soft and gentle. When one hand did come back to his hair it was to run his fingers lightly over the fine hairs at the back of his neck. “Paul Guy,” he whispered in anguish, his voice choked as his eyes drifted closed. “Please.”

If Paul could have smiled, he would have. Just because he rarely topped from the bottom didn’t mean he didn’t know how. He had been playing the game longer than Danny. He knew tricks too. Paul was a true submissive, topping from the bottom was pointless for the rush he got from domination, but this was an extenuating circumstance.

He gave Danny what he wanted, what Paul knew he craved with every ounce of his being. He sucked him like a
lover instead of a straight man with a hardcore submissive fetish that had allowed him to be a slave to a man only because it created its own special form of humiliation that never went away.

Danny coming in his mouth tasted sweeter than he had ever remembered just because he had won and for once it was something he enjoyed doing. When he finally released him he looked up at Danny, who was wilted in front of him, his fingers clutching at his shoulders. He waited until Danny blinked sated, lazy eyes open. Paul licked his lips pointedly as he smiled. “Enthusiastic enough?”

Danny’s sated, love-clouded gaze darkened as he stared down at Paul, making it obvious he understood what he had done. Paul had used him and that was something no Dominant took kindly to.

“Much,” Danny said menacingly, returning Paul’s dark smile with one of his own. “You performed nicely. Now I want you to crawl over to Evie like a good slave and kiss her.”

Paul felt himself pale as he stared up at Danny in disbelief. “What?”

“Having her see that you’re my whore isn’t enough,” Danny said as his dark smile broadened. “I want her to

Paul’s eyes drifted closed as he reeled over the fresh onslaught of desire. He was going to make Eve taste him on Paul. That was so appalling, he could barely think

against the rush of something so cruel. He would have been better off just being a whore and coming from Danny’s cock in his mouth than having to kiss Eve for the first time since the day she had left with the taste of Danny on his tongue.

Danny must have sensed his hesitance, his horror that had him wanting to safe word no matter how hard the cruelty made his dick because he tilted his head, looking to where Eve was sitting. “Do you want to taste me on him?”

“Yes,” Eve whispered in a breathless rush.

“Beg me, Evie Girl. Beg for the privilege of tasting me.”

“Please, Master,” Eve said instantly, her voice low and raspy in a way that sent shivers down Paul’s spine. “Let me taste you. I’ll do anything.”

Paul frowned, forgetting his fear of Danny and leaned over to stare at Eve in shock. Her eyes were wide and glazed, her cheeks flushed as she met Paul’s eyes in wild desperation, silently begging him to agree. Her chest was heaving, causing her breasts to strain against her leather corset with each raspy breath and Paul could only gape at her in amazement.

“Please,” she whispered again, her gaze still trained on Paul as they stared at each other across his bedroom from their positions on their knees making it obvious she was speaking to him instead of Danny. “I feel like I’m dying.”

Danny snorted. “Then you crawl to him if you need it that badly.”

Paul watched in stunned astonishment as Eve crawled over to him, doing it in a way that caused his whole body to tighten in anticipation. Eve could crawl across the floor in a way that made it obvious she would never be a real submissive. She did it like a greedy seductress instead of a broken slave trained to obey. She may follow the rules, but only if they suited her. Eve was made to top from the bottom, so much so that Paul got the feeling even Danny had no way of handling her.

Paul was hot and aching before she got to him, feeling like he was dying with her. His own breathing became harsh and labored as Eve stopped in front of him and then leaned forward, tangling her slim fingers into Paul’s hair and pulling him to her. His lips parted in a silent sigh of surprise as his cock jerked in reaction to her seduction.

He was lost even before their lips met with a breathy moan that he had no way of knowing was his or hers because they suddenly became one person after so many years apart. Eve’s full lips conquered his, her tongue sliding sensually into his mouth, sweeping in hungrily. The way she melted into him, her arms wrapping around his neck, her chest arching into his as she forced him to swallow her strangled moan of desire told him she wasn’t just accepting of Danny’s taste on him, she loved it in a way that someone with truly dark desires would recognize instantly.

“You’re a voyeur,” he gasped against her lips as he fought against the lust that had him wanting to do much more than kiss her. “You like to watch men…
, are you kidding me?”

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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