Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series (17 page)

Read Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series Online

Authors: Heather D'Agostino

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond the Cherry Trees: The Cook Brothers Series
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She lifted a shoulder as she smirked, “I figured we could figure out this whole baby thing while we worked together. Daddy thinks I could learn a lot from you. Besides, I know what I’m doing. I’m second in my class.” She moved closer and when she reached the chairs on the opposite side of my desk, she slowly lowered herself into one. When she moved to cross her legs, she made sure to take extra time and draw my attention to her as much as she could. “I went to the doctor last week. They took some pictures of the baby. Would you like to see?”

“No,” I shook my head as I began shuffling through the papers again. I didn’t want to believe that this baby was mine, and I was going to keep those thoughts until she proved me wrong.

“You’re an ass,” she grumbled as she shifted in the chair.

“I’ve always been like this. You knew this when you started sleeping with me. That thing,” I pointed to her belly, “may not even be mine. I don’t want anything to do with it until you show me some proof that it’s mine.”

Her face morphed into something I hadn’t seen before as she shot up from her seat, leaned across my desk, and slapped me across the face. I cupped my cheek as I stared daggers at her.

“You fucking asshole,” she growled. “I may be easy, but you are the only man who I let stick your dick in me bare. How dare you!” She slammed her palms down on my desk. “When I prove this baby is yours, and believe me I will, you’re gonna help me. I’m not doing this alone.” She turned and, before I could argue with her, stormed out of my office.





next day before Chrissi decided to come back and work with me. I could tell that our encounter from the day before was still fresh on her mind. I wasn’t sure what to think of it. She seemed different. She wasn’t as forward as she usually was, and didn’t talk about anything other than the case.

“We need the files from the PI they hired,” I mumbled as I chewed the end of the pen I was holding. Chrissi was sitting opposite me at my desk. She had a notepad in her lap and taken notes since she came in.

“Ok,” she sighed as she jotted down a reminder. “Anything else. I was hoping to go to lunch soon.” As soon as she said the words, her stomach growled. “Sorry,” her hand flew to her stomach as embarrassment washed over her face.

“We don’t have time for lunch.” I reached in the bottom drawer of my desk and grabbed a protein bar. I kept a box in there for days like today. I tossed it at her, and then returned to the task at hand.

“I need food Ty,” she rolled her eyes as she looked at it.

“That’s food.” I pointed to it. “Eat.”

“The baby needs food.” She shook her head in annoyance. “You may not want to hear about this, but I don’t keep much of my breakfast down. I need to eat small meals throughout the day. I’m not skipping lunch for a case. The client can wait an hour while I feed this baby.” She set the pad of paper on the edge of my desk as she slowly stood. She wobbled slightly, but steadied herself before moving toward the door. “I’ll be back in like thirty minutes. You want anything?” She turned to look at me before opening the door.

“I’m fine,” I mumbled as I continued to stare at the papers in front me like they had all the answers. This was a tough case. I couldn’t believe that Henry had enough faith in me to let me essentially fly solo. The client that we’d taken on was being charged with embezzlement. He says he didn’t do it and is a victim of identity theft. My issue is I have to prove it. Everything we’ve found that could help us has led to a dead end. I spent most of the night here going over all the evidence. Chrissi has been working with me today, and we’ve met with two different witnesses that support us. After looking at the charges though, I know that I’ve got an uphill battle to win this case.





came back to the city was one of the craziest days I’ve had in a long time. I had to go into the office extra early, and I had practically spent the night there the day before. I was in no mood to put up with anyone’s BS that day, but no one seemed to get the memo on that one. Henry had been on my back all morning, and Chrissi had been in a bad mood. She wouldn’t tell me what it was, but I had a pretty good idea that she was mad at me. The glares I was getting from her said that she hated me at the moment.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I narrowed my eyes at her. I was sitting at the corner table in my office looking at several documents. She was pacing the small space, and every once in a while, she would stop and look out the window. It was evening, and we were some of the last people here.

“What do you care?” she snapped as she started to move again.

“Despite what you think, I do care.” I shook my head as I balled up the paper I’d been writing on and tossed toward the trashcan hoping to make a basket.

“You’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t care about this baby. I’ve done more than I promised to. I haven’t said a thing to Daddy, yet you ignore me. Don’t you care about me, Ty? Even a little?” She turned to face me. “I feel like crap most days. My regular clothes don’t fit me anymore. This baby is making me crazy. My hormones are off the charts. I’m horny as hell, and you haven’t stopped by one time.”

“I’m not going to either,” I mumbled as I rubbed my brow. “I need to talk to you about that.” I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in and placed one ankle on top of the other knee. “I have a girlfriend, Chrissi. I’m not sleeping with you anymore.” She started to say something, but I cut her off. “We broke up years ago, but reconnected during my visit home. I told you when this started that it was supposed to be no strings.” I watched her face turn red as she sputtered and stewed in the corner of my office. “Tell your father. I don’t care,” I muttered as I turned away from her. Nothing she said was going to make me walk away from Mia.

“Ty.” When she turned to face me, her eyes were filled with tears. “How can you just walk away?”

“I don’t love you. I’m sorry, but I told you when this started that I wasn’t looking for love. I wanted sex. You gave me that. I didn’t and don’t want more,” I shrugged. “Are you going to tell your dad?”

She sucked in a deep a breath before she slowly shook her head. “He’ll make me leave the firm. I’ll never have a chance to become one of his top lawyers. I won’t tell him.” She wiped at her eyes before she moved to stand by my door. She put her hand on the knob before murmuring, “I need to go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah. See ya tomorrow,” I nodded without looking at her. “Hey, Chrissi?” I called causing her to pause. “I’ll help with money for the baby. I know I owe you that much. I’ll pay half of whatever your expenses are.”

“I don’t want your money, Ty.” She sounded so monotone and broken. “I just wanted you, but obviously I’m not going to get that.”

I glanced up just in time to see her disappear down the hall. I hated seeing women cry, even Chrissi. I was grateful that she wasn’t going to say anything, but honestly I wouldn’t put it past her to tell her dad if she got mad enough. Chrissi had a temper, and when she got upset, she didn’t think or act logically. I needed to stay out of her crosshairs and keep my nose clean.

After rubbing my hands down my face and realizing that it was late, and there was no chance of taking Mia out to dinner like I had wanted too, I sent her a text.

TyObject: Got stuck at the office. Can’t go out tonight. So happy UR back though.

Ballerina Girl: ok.

Ballerina Girl: Wanna come over and watch a movie?

TyObject: Really tired. Maybe tomorrow.

Ballerina Girl: Doc apt tomorrow

TyObject: Late? I’ll bring dinner.

Ballerina Girl: ok

I stared at my phone as the seconds ticked by. These answers of
were driving me nuts. I wasn’t sure if she really meant that she was fine, or if she was mad at me. I couldn’t understand why she would be mad. I knew that me not taking her out after us being apart for over a week was a bummer, but I didn’t think she’d get pissed. She had to understand that I was working, and like her, I took my job seriously.

I huffed as I picked up the papers I’d been staring at for hours and placed them in a neat pile. I stood from the table, grabbed my files, and placed them on my desk. After gathering my briefcase, I locked my door, and made my way to the underground parking garage. I usually didn’t drive to work. Most of the time I took cabs, but today I’d had to meet with a client in the morning off site.

After climbing in my car, I looked at my phone again hoping that Mia would text me back with something like an
I missed you,
but no such luck. I tossed my things on the passenger seat, cranked the car, and turned the heat on full blast. The city didn’t get snow like Cherryville, but the temps were just as cold. At that moment I wished it wasn’t so late. I’d love to crawl into bed with Mia and snuggle under the warm covers. Stopping by her place now though without taking her on a date would be all kinds of wrong. No, I needed to take her out and show her how far I’d come since we were together.

I’d take her to some fancy restaurant with linens and candles. I’d get her the best dish they had, and then I’d tell her how much I cared about her. We’d come back to my place and I’d turn on the gas fireplace. I’d wrap my arms around her as I kissed her sweetly before slowly undressing us. I’d make her putty in my hands as I kissed and caressed every part of her body. We’d make love slowly and passionately right there on the couch in my living room. I’d watch as her body bent to my every whim until she finally gave into the pleasure. I’d make her beg for more as she screamed my name over and over until the stars faded and made way for the early morning rays of sun.

As the fantasy built in my head, my dick grew harder and harder telling me I needed to stop thinking about her or
was going to make my night a long one. I squeezed him through my dress slacks, trying to alleviate some of the pressure as I pulled into my parking space at my apartment. I hadn’t beat off in years. I always had women waiting in line to pleasure me, but ever since Mia had decided that she was going to give me a chance, I’d been going without. If I didn’t get some relief soon, I’d be dealing with the same embarrassing situations I used to have as a teenager. I wanted Mia, but I needed her to want me just as fiercely.

“Down boy,” I growled as I cut the engine, grabbed my things, and made my way inside. I practically ran up the steps to my apartment hoping not to see anyone or have them see me. The last thing I wanted to do was have any of my female neighbors knocking on my door offering to help me take care of my problem.




being back. I didn’t think I’d miss the city as much as I did, but when I stepped off the train this afternoon, a sense of peace washed over me. It was like this was where I was meant to be. I missed my family, don’t get me wrong, but the hustle and bustle of city life was something I craved. I’ve dreamed since I was a little girl of getting out of Cherryville. I always saw myself living in a big city, and I’ve done pretty well for myself. After leaving Ty and moving to Chicago, I was back.

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