Beyond the Edge (13 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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Finally, after such a long, exhausting period of teasing, James took his hands right off me, asking, “Do you want to come?”

I groaned so loudly. I would have screamed “Yes!” if I didn't have a phallus gag in my mouth so I groaned again, my eyes wide and desperate, waiting for him to give me permission.

He grinned but got up and walked over to Sebastian. I struggled again, so close to my release but waiting, waiting…

“What do you think? Should I help him come?” He stroked two fingers along the bottom of Sebastian’s cock and over the tip, once, twice. Sebastian made a desperate noise, nodding furiously, trying vainly to twist away from James’ touch.

James grinned and sighed. “Yes, I guess it’s only fair…”

Oh yes yes yes yes yes please let him be serious please let me come…

He sat down beside me again, taking my cock in his hand and looking me in the eyes. “Can you come on command, do you think? I won’t make you wait long.”

I nodded frantically.

“Okay, here we go, lovely boy…”

His hand started moving up and down my aching shaft, agonizingly slowly, back and forth, back and forth, until I thought I might die from the pleasure of it. My orgasm, held off for so long, gathered deep and strong in my testicles as I closed my eyes, waiting for his command. He let it build. He kept stroking me at a steady pace, until he knew I was there, then let me suffer for a few moments, struggling to hold back as the pleasure built and built. Finally, I heard the soft words, “Come now.”

As the orgasm exploded from my cock I felt it everywhere. I yelled and yelled again as my dick contracted and released, my limbs spasming against the restraints. James kept stroking me through the most incredible climax I’d ever had, until I became a whimpering, moaning pile of jelly on the sweat-covered bench.

I lay there for a long time, drifting in the Heaven of release until, finally, I stopped making noises. James had gone from me, but I heard harsh breathing and moaning going on somewhere and I finally came back to earth, remembering Sebastian. I opened my eyes and looked over.

James stood very close to him, whispering in his ear and kissing him gently, as his hand stroked lightly along the length of the blond man’s erection. Sebastian groaned and nodded, looking over at me with a desperate expression.

James stepped back, releasing him, and strode over to me.

“Excellent work today, Tate.” He praised me as he undid my wrist and ankle shackles. “You behaved impeccably. I’m very, very pleased.” He helped me sit up, unbuckling the gag and gently removing it from my mouth. He tossed it aside and took my chin in his hands. “Very pleased.” He kissed me soundly on my sore and stretched lips and I couldn’t help smiling. “Don’t try to stand,” he warned me. “But I want you to crawl over to Sebastian and do what you can for him. Use your mouth and tongue to get him off. Shouldn’t take long.”

I nodded, tired, but eager to fulfill my duties and give to Sebastian what James’ had just given me. Plus, his cock stood there, waiting for my touch.

My whole body ached as I made my way over to him, but I felt relaxed and sated in a way that didn’t occur often. My eyes connected with Sebastian’s as I licked my lips. He moaned and struggled in his imprisonment, his eyes drifting to my mouth.

When I got to him I put my hands on his thighs to get a purchase and slid my tongue up the underside of his balls and along the shaft of his cock with leisurely enjoyment. He made a desperate sound, holding his breath as I did it over and over. I felt the tension in his cock and saw it in his entire body. He rocked unconsciously on the phallus as he waited for my next move.

I glanced at James.

He nodded. “Sebastian, you come when you want to.”

I turned my head, squeezing Sebastian’s thighs as I took half his cock in my mouth, sucking and pulling up and down, up and down, with speed and force.

His whole body convulsed but he made no sound except a gurgled gasp as he shot white hot come down my eager throat. I kept sucking him and moving on him as he spurted, making garbled noises of pleasure, until finally, his body relaxed. I had a chance to swallow what he had given me. Although some dribbled out and down my chin, I kept most of it. I slid off him and onto my haunches, suddenly exhausted.

Sebastian’s body gave a couple of involuntary shudders, aftershocks of pleasure, as his sated cock slowly softened.

I heard a throat clear behind me, and turned.

James had opened his pants and now held his own massive cock, hard as a rock once more, in his large hand. “Take him down, Tate. And then I want those beautiful mouths taking turns on me.”

I obeyed, releasing Sebastian from his bonds and helping him off the phallus. It was tricky, but I was almost as strong as James, so I managed. I helped him over to where James stood with his pants around his thighs, stroking his erection.

We took turns sucking our Master’s cock until he told us to stop. Then he stroked himself until he came on our faces, his hot, thick come landing on my nose and Sebastian’s forehead. We took it like good little sluts and cleaned his cock up afterwards.

“Have a shower, get dressed, and meet me downstairs in an hour. I have a little proposition for you boys before you go.”

§ § §

In the shower, Sebastian and I cleaned each other carefully, wordlessly respectful of what each of us had been through, and feeling closer than ever after our weekend together in James’ loft.

Afterward, we toweled off and dressed. When I glanced at Sebastian I caught him watching me, looking sad all of a sudden.

“So, this is it, then.”

I stared at him. “What do you mean?”

“I may never see you again.”

I raised my eyebrows because, really, he was being ridiculous, but it was pretty sweet. “Sebastian, you have my email address and my phone number. Call me whenever you want. I’d love to see you outside of this place.”

His eyes completely lit up, as if he hadn’t thought we could have any kind of connection in the real world. Hell, James didn’t own us. He’d had us for a weekend, that’s all, and now we were our own masters. Or soon would be.

“You really surprised me, y’know,” I said to him as he finished dressing.

“I did?”

“Yeah. I didn't think there was the least bit of dominance in you. But you flogged my ass like a pro yesterday. It pissed me right off at first but you had me by the end. I fucking loved it.”


I nodded. “And it's so refreshing when people surprise me. Keeps life interesting.”

§ § §

Downstairs we found the coffee on and two mugs, so helped ourselves, chatting quietly until James came downstairs.

He wore a pair of faded jeans and a sweater, with bare feet. Greeting us with a friendly smile, he acted as though he hadn’t just had his nasty way with us both for the entire weekend.

“It’s a Hawaiian roast, and very good.” We nodded as he poured himself a cup. “Here, come into the living room, please.”

We followed him into the living room and sat down on the sofa while he sat in the armchair. “Listen, we're done here, so please speak freely. I have something I want to ask you.”

“Okay,” I said.

“Sure,” Sebastian muttered, cradling his coffee cup in his hands like he needed to warm them.

“I'm a very experienced and popular Dom here in Ottawa, as you know.” We nodded. “I really have my pick of play-partners and a lengthy waiting list for my services.”

I met Sebastian's gaze, wondering what this was all about.

“But, honestly, this weekend surpassed all of my expectations. From the moment you boys arrived on Friday it's been a pleasure, an absolute delight, to have you here.”

We both grinned and blushed at this acknowledgement.

“Thank you,” I said. “It's been wonderful. Perfect.”

“Yeah,” Sebastian echoed. “Perfect.”

James looked at me, folding his hands in front of him. “Tate, I know you have quite a bit of experience, and except for that little slip up on Friday night you have performed in an exemplary manner.”

“Thank you.”

“And Sebastian, for someone who is so very new to this sort of thing, may I just say that you have adapted to whatever I've thrown your way and given me so much enjoyment.” He smiled.

“Thanks,” Sebastian muttered, blushing.

“So, on that note, I'd like to ask you both a question. Would you be interested in coming back here in three weeks?”

Holy hell. What?

“But…the waiting list…” I stammered.

“Fuck the waiting list.”

“I—I guess…” I really didn’t know what to say.

“I want to,” Sebastian said, placing his mug on the coffee table and regarding us both intently. “I want to come back.”

I stared at him for a moment, then turned to James. They waited for me to say something. And, really, who the fuck was I kidding?

“Of course.”


Breaking the Ice

I offered Sebastian a drive home since he’d planned to take the bus, so we threw our backpacks in the trunk of my car and headed out.

“So where am I going?” I asked him as we drove down the road.

“I live in an apartment on Elgin Street with a couple of other guys. It’s across from the Museum of Nature.”

“Roommates?” I asked, clearing my throat. I wondered what kind of relationship he had with these “other guys.”

“Huh?” He seemed confused.

Okay, I was gonna hafta lay it out. “No boyfriend?”

“Oh! No. I don't have a boyfriend.” He looked at me shyly. “Do you?”

I shook my head.

“So, Sebastian, are you a student or do you work?”

“I work in a pet food and supply store,” he said.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah. It's not the most glamorous job in the world. But I like it. How about you?”

“I'm an executive assistant at a Management Consulting firm.”

“Oh. I'm not sure what that is.”

I laughed. “I answer phones and make appointments and type up reports. Used to be called a Secretary.”


“It's not very glamorous either. In fact, it's excruciatingly boring. Maybe that's why I get involved in such exciting extracurricular activities on my own time.”

I winked at him. He smiled.

§ § §

When we got to his apartment I parked on the street and walked him to his building. So much had happened this weekend, I didn’t feel right about just dropping him off.

When we got to the door of his building he turned to me, looking nervous and unsure of himself suddenly.

“Do you want to come in?” he asked hesitantly.

I shook my head. “I can’t, I’ve got some things to do at home.” I didn’t really, but I needed to step back from everything and process what had happened over the last few days. I’m sure that Sebastian did too.

He shuffled his feet and held out his hand to me. It was kind of adorable. After everything we’d been through this weekend, he felt too shy to give me a hug?

I took his hand, pulling him toward me, and hugged him tightly. When I let go, he looked so happy I couldn’t help myself, so I took his handsome, boyish face in my hands and kissed him on the lips.

I meant to give him a nice, chaste goodbye kiss. It seemed appropriate, considering the levels of intimacy we’d experienced at James’ place. But that spark of electricity I’d already felt between us reared up and he opened his lips eagerly to me. I kissed him deeply, my tongue pressing between those plump, perfect lips and into the heat of his mouth, while images of what I had seen this weekend crowded my mind. My exhausted cock twitched to life and I felt it harden between us as we kissed. I finally had to break away because it was too much.

He stared at me with his mouth open, his breaths coming fast. His blue eyes conveyed his own eagerness and astonishment as we stared at each other. Then I stepped away.

“Call me,” I said, before turning and heading back to my car.

When I pulled away from the curb, I glanced back. He stood there, staring after me.

§ § §

When I got home, after I’d grabbed something to eat and looked at my email, I checked my phone. There were a few missed calls and a text message from Budgie. I clicked on it.

So??? How was your weekend??? I want details!!!

I shook my head. Budgie had no patience. I texted him back.

My weekend was fine. What do you want to know?

I hit send because I knew that would drive him crazy. Sure enough, in a few minutes, my phone rang.

“Hi Budgie.”

“Tate Mackenzie, you stop teasing me! What do you think I want to know? I want to know what naughty things you and that blond-haired angel did with James this weekend!”

I laughed. “Oh, Budgie, it’d be too much for you.”

“Bullshit,” he said quickly.

“Well, I don’t kiss and tell.” I put my feet up on the coffee table and grabbed the remote.

“Also bullshit. And I know we’re talking about a lot more than kissing.”

“If I give you something will you leave me alone?” I said, turning on the TV.

“Maybe,” he conceded.

“You were right.” I flicked through the channels until I got to HGTV.

“I was?”

“Yep. About Sebastian. I blew my wad. Before I was supposed to.”

He snorted. “Told you. Did you get in trouble?”

“Definitely. But nothing I couldn't handle,” I said, thinking about sucking James' gorgeous dick and then getting fucked with the dildo. My cock started twitching again. “It's all part of the game, right?”

“I guess so. Were you happy with how James handled everything?” he asked, curious.

“Very.” House Hunters International was on and some rich dipshit was looking to buy a beach house in Costa Rica. Where did people get that kind of money? Seriously?

“I've heard he's awfully strict and professional.” There was excitement and envy in Budgie’s voice. I imagine he’d pay a lot of money for a weekend with James. Unfortunately, he wasn’t really the kind of guy James liked.


“You seem pretty pleased about it.”

“I'm going back in three weeks,” I told him.

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