Beyond the Edge (11 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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I whimpered against the phallus gag, begging him to let me come. It killed me to hold back at this point but I didn't want to end our weekend on a shameful note.
Please please please let me come soon or I’m not gonna make it
I silently pleaded with him.

“Do you want to come, my sweet boy?”

I groaned, nodding frantically.

“On my command.”

I almost cried with relief and nodded again.
Thank you thank you thank you when when when when?

His warm, strong hand came around and circled my cock. He stroked it firmly as he rocked the plug in my ass.

I made a desperate noise that was a question and a plea all at once—
now please now please now please say it say it say it…


And I came, loudly, messily, spastically, all over the clean white sheets of the mattress, James’ hand, and myself, keening out my intense pleasure with shameless abandon.
Oh fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes!!! Fuck! Yes! Hallefuckinglujah!

I lay, trembling, as the pleasure subsided. James undid my cuffs and took out my gag. “You are beautiful, you know that, Tate?” he said as he ran his hands over me, stroking my sated and softening cock and playing with the drying jizz on my belly. “I'm so glad you and Sebastian are here with me.”

“Thank you, Sir,” I murmured, both in thanks for his words and for the incredible experience he'd already given me, us, this weekend. And it wasn’t over, not by a long shot.

He raised his jizz-slicked fingers to my lips and I swiped at them obediently with my tongue as a remnant tingle went to my happy cock.

“Good boy. Now go have a shower. Do you like Indian?”


“Indian food.”

“Oh. Yes, Sir.”

“Okay, when you're clean come on downstairs. I'll order some in for you both.”



When we got downstairs we found a couple of bags of recently arrived Indian take-out in the kitchen with paper plates and cups. We were only allowed to drink water so we filled our cups, loaded our plates, and headed into the living room.

Sebastian proved himself again by offering me first pick of the contents.

“No, you go ahead,” I said.

He blushed, taking some naan and some biryani. “I guess it's a good thing we have those enema kits for tomorrow.”

I laughed, spooning some butter chicken and lamb vindaloo onto my plate. “Yeah, I guess so.”

We ate quietly, both of us starving and needing to replenish our energy resources, and maybe wondering how to conduct a conversation after what we had experienced together. After I'd satisfied my belly enough to slow down a bit, I cut right to the chase. I really didn't want to avoid the topic like two embarrassed schoolgirls.

“So, how did you enjoy that?”

He coughed on his penoor and took a drink of water. “Sorry, I—”

“I'm sorry.”

He wiped his mouth and grinned. “I didn’t expect you to—you’re very forthright.”

I shrugged

“Um, I enjoyed it a lot. You?”

“Well, as a punishment, it was pretty sublime. Except that I…wanted you to drop a load in me.”

He laughed. “Believe me, I wanted to.” His baby blue eyes demonstrated the truth of his statement and we stared at each other for a long moment. Then he laughed, embarrassed, and looked away. “So you're okay? He let you come?”

I nodded. “Yes, finally.” I laughed. What a weird conversation. “I thought it was…” I looked down, then back up at him. “…amazingly enjoyable. And that's a bit of an understatement.”

He nodded. “Goddamn it, we're freaks, aren't we?” He said it jokingly and I knew he didn't really think so. Or he did think so, but didn’t give a damn.

“Happy, incredibly satisfied freaks.”


§ § §

James had instructed us to sleep in the spare room bed together, with strict instructions. We were allowed to touch, but climaxing was forbidden. Basically, he didn’t care what we did together as long as we didn’t come. If we wanted to work each other up into a frenzy of frustration, that would only suit his ends.

Of course the exhaustion from our intense afternoon prevented me from trying anything, but when we climbed into bed I couldn’t help putting my arm over him and pulling him in for a cuddle.

“Do you mind?” I murmured, inhaling the clean, manly smell of him and caressing the soft skin of his belly.

He shook his head. “I like it.”

He felt good in my arms. It felt natural to hold him this way, but I didn’t spend any time wondering what that meant, and we both fell asleep in moments.

§ § §

I woke up to a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking down on me.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” Sebastian said with a smirk.

“Hey,” I croaked. “What time is it? I'm sure I look amazing first thing in the morning.”

“It's seven thirty. I have to get ready for church.”

I squinted in the morning light. Maybe I was dreaming, or having a nightmare? “Huh?”

“I sing in the choir at Rideau Falls United Church.”

Okay, I’m awake but I’m in the Twilight Zone.
“You’re shitting me.”

He shook his head, smiling. “No.”

“You sing in a church choir.” I had to say it, in order for it to sink in.


“That’s…unusual. Or, unexpected.”

“Why?” He looked sincerely confused.

“Because…” I couldn’t finish, since I didn’t want to offend him. I shook off my dismay and turned to practicalities. “Well…how’re you getting there?”

“A friend’s gonna drive me. I’ll be back by eleven. I already cleared it with James.”

I rubbed my eyes, my still half-asleep brain trying to catch up. “Okay.”

“You can go back to sleep if you want…”

“Why? Do I look like an ass?”

Sebastian laughed. “No, Tate, you look damn sexy all rumpled and sleepy.”

“That’s only ‘cause you’re in a sexually heightened state this weekend.”

We looked down at his dick, hard and pressing against my belly. My own cock twitched.

He looked back up at me, blushing. “I don’t think that’s affecting my judgment, but I can’t deny it.”

He backed off and stood up, stretching in the sunlight from the window. His blond hair caught the rays of light, making him look like a naked angel.

“Goddammit,” I muttered.


“Do you know what I would do to you right now if we weren't under strict orders not to come?”

He stared at me, his blue eyes glinting with curiosity and arousal. “What?”

I grinned and shook my head. “I'd better not say. Only the list of what I wouldn't do is very, very short.”

“I can't anyway. I have to go to church, remember?”

“So go. Get your beautiful ass out of my sight.” I threw the pillow at him. He laughed again and went to shower.

I grabbed the other pillow and pulled it over my head. I was so fucked. This kid just kept getting more and more interesting.

§ § §

I slept a bit more, then got up and went downstairs. A note from James lay on the kitchen counter instructing me to make myself a small breakfast. He wanted both of us in the loft, cleaned and prepped, by one pm again.

Sebastian, true to his word, returned at eleven.

We went through the same cleansing ritual as yesterday, finding it less embarrassing and easier this time, and more arousing. I couldn’t help but get more excited the longer I spent in Sebastian’s presence, especially when we were both naked and, let’s face it, preparing to submit to the whims of our handsome tormentor once again.

When James came upon us obediently waiting inside his attic room at one o’clock sharp, we were ready to go again.

I heard the doorknob twist, and James’ boots and the bottom of his leather pants come into view as he stepped into the room. He closed the door behind him and stood there. And stood there.

It was so very tempting to glance up at him, to see what he was doing, the expression on his face, anything that would allow me to predict his behavior this afternoon. But I managed to keep my eyes downcast. Since Sebastian didn’t have the same experience that I did, James had to say, “Eyes on the floor, Sebastian.”

He walked slowly around us. I felt his hand on my back, caressing, then it was gone. I heard Sebastian emit a low moan, and wondered where James had touched him. It didn’t really matter, because at this point, we were so aroused that a touch anywhere went right to our cocks.

“Both of you, stand up.”

He stood in front of us again as we obeyed, and quickly and efficiently attached cock rings on us both. Then he backed up, looking us over.

“Very nice…” he murmured. He reached out, touching my cock very gently, rubbing a finger over the tip to collect the moisture, and chuckled as it twitched under his touch. “Someone is dying to come already, isn’t that right, Tate?”


“Yes, Sir.”

“Even though I let you come yesterday?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m…young…Sir.”

“I know exactly how young you are, Tate. I like my boys young and virile. Believe me. But you’d better get a hold of yourself. We haven’t even started.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He walked around us again, touching and caressing us wherever he wanted, like a couple of prize stallions standing at auction. I trembled beneath his touch and I knew he felt it.

When he stood before us again, I felt his fingers thread gently into my hair. He grabbed a handful, forcing my head up so that I had to look at him. Smiling at me, he winked and said, “I need you to help me with something.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said, my eyes immediately going to his crotch, expecting him to unzip and force me to my knees. He laughed.

“Not yet, Tate.” He pulled me by my hair until I stood next to him, then turned me to face Sebastian. “Look at that, will you?” He gestured toward Sebastian with his head and, anyway, I couldn't help but look.

Sebastian stood there, utterly naked and vulnerable, his eyes cast down, his dick hard as a rock and pointing upward, his mop of blond hair falling forward. His hands were clasped behind him in the appropriate manner, so that he looked like a Greek god held by invisible shackles.

“Have you ever seen anything so…sublime?”

“No, Sir.” A completely honest answer. I hadn't.

“Neither have I,” he said. “But we're about to. What do you think would make for a good introduction to this room, Tate? Sebastian's so new to all this. What do you think he'll like?”

I thought about it. Thought about what I wanted, what James might want, and what Sebastian wanted. Sebastian had told me he wanted all of it, so maybe I should put that statement to the test.

“The cross,” I said, with conviction.

“Hmmm. Perhaps.” James mulled over my suggestion. “He
look astounding on the cross. On a dildo?”

Oh fuck yeah.

“Yes, Sir,” I murmured. Sebastian's eyes flew involuntarily to mine for a brief moment, but I couldn't tell if it was fear or excitement that made them so very, very blue.

James chuckled. “I agree. It will be a good lesson in control. Let's get him set up and then he can watch you and I play for a bit.”

I nodded, the excitement coiling in my stomach.

James took the large dildo from the top of the cabinet and handed it to me, along with a bottle of lube. “Attach this to the cross, please, and prepare it.”

I took the items from him and walked over to the St. Andrew's Cross. I attached the dildo to its spot carefully, trying not to think about how fucking hot Sebastian would look in a few minutes. Then I opened the lube, coating the large phallus in preparation for its penetration of Sebastian's tight hole. Even rubbing my hands along the dildo got me worked up and I almost wished
was going on the cross. Almost.

“Come with me, Sebastian,” I heard James say. Stepping away from the cross, I saw Sebastian, now with ankle and wrist cuffs attached, follow James over to where I stood.

“Turn around.”

Sebastian obeyed, our eyes meeting briefly. He breathed quickly, obviously in quite a state of excitement.

James secured his wrists to the top of the X. The wet phallus pressed against his lower back.

“I’m going to lift him up, Tate. You get that thing positioned properly.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He stood between Sebastian’s knees, lifting him, his hands under his thighs so that his ass was slightly above the dildo. Sebastian let out a whimper as he felt my hands pull his cheeks apart. I positioned his hole on the dildo’s head.

“Ready, Sir,” I said.

James lowered Sebastian as I pressed the lubed head of the dildo against that puckered pink hole. I watched it open, ever so slightly. “More, Sir.” James let Sebastian drop down a bit more and, after a moment, in went the tip of the dildo, slowly, accompanied by a grunt from Sebastian. “Head's in, Sir,” I said.

“Good boy, Sebastian,” James murmured. “I'm going to lower you slowly until it's all the way in, and then you'll be able to put your feet on the floor.”

I watched, fascinated and aroused, as James slowly and surely let Sebastian's own weight impale him on the dildo. Sebastian whimpered and moaned once or twice, hissing as the thing finally disappeared inside him.

“Good boy.” James praised. “Put your feet on the floor, please.” He let go of Sebastian's left leg then his right as the young man stood. “Wider.” He kicked at Sebastian's ankles. Sebastian widened his stance, no doubt feeling the press of the dildo in his ass as he did so. “Fasten him, Tate.”

I attached Sebastian's ankle restraints to the cross and stood up. Both James and I looked him over silently, satisfied with our work. He was a vision. His slim but defined arms raised and held together in shackles, his chest rising and falling with excited breaths, his body a captured miracle of beauty before us. His blond hair hung down from his lowered forehead.

“Okay, Sebastian. I want your eyes forward,” James said.

I felt a throb in my cock as Sebastian's sky-blue eyes came up, locking onto James'. Hazy, filled with desire and excitement, they conveyed a startling openness and honesty that took my breath away.

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