Read Bound Angel Bound Demon Online

Authors: Claire Spoors

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Holidays, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

Bound Angel Bound Demon

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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Claire Spoors



First published separately as Bound Angel and Bound Demon in 2013

Bound together for the first time in
this edition 2013.




Not So Noble Books



This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



Claire Spoors





Part I: Alex’s story

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Part II: Initiated

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Part III: Initiator

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Thirty Three

Part IV: Bound

Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty One

Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three

Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six

Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Forty Nine

Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Fifty Two

Chapter Fifty Three



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Thirty


Part I: Alex’s story

Chapter One

Sterling was your normal quiet young woman with a nine to five job. She was married to her high school sweetheart Gary. At school he had been the boy that all the girls loved and who all the boys wanted to be friends with. She was the quiet one who just blended in, and who none of the popular girls wanted to know; neither did most
of the boys, come to think of it. But Gary would always speak to her, he didn’t stick to type and he was nice to everyone. They went out a few times in school, it was nothing serious, just as friends more than anything, but their studies split them up. They wanted different things out of life. Alex went on to university to study IT to become a programmer, and Gary, well, he went travelling the world, undecided on what he wanted to do.

met up with Gary again about a year and a half ago. They bumped into each other at the office where she worked as a programmer designing state of the art security for large firms. It was a bit random why Gary was there, but anyway they got to talking and arranged to meet up again. First it was just catching up on what had happened since they’d last seen each other, but it soon grew more passionate. However their conversations always seemed one sided, he would just sit and listen, which, she had to admit, was one of his plus points. He always took her to posh restaurants, impressing her with his knowledge of food and wine. They continued to meet up until it got to the point that they were never apart. Six months later they were married and they were still all loved up a year down the line.


* * *


Like many women, Alex got hooked on the ‘Fifty Shades’ series. She began thinking about adding a bit of spice into their sex life.

started off by giving him little hints from the books, nothing too painful or scary, things which sounded exciting to try out in a bit of role play. At first Gary just laughed it off, making fun of the conversation, probably thinking that she was too quiet and not adventurous enough to think outside the box. Well, that made her more determined than ever to prove him wrong, especially since she always liked to be right.

Then when
they were on holiday for a few days they went round one of those joke shops (the ones that sell a stick of rock and plastic boobs and masks). Well her other half, her better half, Gary, saw some fluffy handcuffs. She gave him a smile, and he laughed and shook his head, but he bought them anyway. She thought at the time that he was just doing this to please her and maybe prove a point that she wasn’t up for it.

been flirting all day with each other, maybe it was the sea air, but by the time the sun had started to set they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They had a great sex life, but the thought of trying something new was thrilling.

was tingling with excitement, after her shower she put on her sexiest underwear and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.
If I say so myself, I look good, those Zumba classes are clearly paying off,
she thought
She ran her finger softly down from her breasts to the top of her panties, she was extremely turned-on. She was getting warm between her legs.

Alex went into
the bedroom. Gary had softened the lights, the room was lovely, one of those old four posters dominated the space. He was sitting at the end of the bed in his worn jeans that hung at his hip in that sexy way. He had on a black cotton shirt; the buttons were open, showing his chest, so smooth and muscled that she just wanted to run her mouth and hands all over it. She wanted him right there and then.

He held out his hand
, not saying anything. She walked over, without taking her eyes off his. She stood in front of him waiting for what would come next. He turned her around so her back was facing him, and scooped her long blonde flowing hair up to reveal her neck, he kissed softly in that place that turns all women weak at the knees. He carried on kissing and sucking her neck and across the top of her shoulders, biting at her bra straps, she gave out a little moan, she could feel his hand twisting her hair into a ponytail, and then he tied it up with a band.
He must have been listening when she’d been talking about those books!
His hands moved slowly down to her breasts and found their way into her bra, cupping her breasts and freeing them. He moved to the front of her and looked in her eyes, then kissed her breasts, one at a time. He squeezed her nipples which rose to his touch. As he nibbled and teased them with his tongue she ran her hands through his dark curly hair. She looked down, watching his every move, she could feel herself getting wet.

pulled gently back on his hair; he looked up at her with his sea grey-blue eyes. She leant down and kissed him on the lips, feeling his tongue enter her mouth and twisting around hers.

He reached up and unfastened
her bra. She slipped it off and threw it to the floor. She pushed her hands inside his shirt and over his broad shoulders, moving her hands down his strong arms until his shirt fell to the floor. Gary then began to pull at her panties and slide them down her legs; she stepped out of them and was completely naked. He stood back and smiled at her while she felt her chest rising in anticipation.

lay down so her legs were hanging off the edge of the bed. His hand moved down her lower stomach, and brushed across her sex. She took a quick breath, she so wanted him now.

“You look lovely Alex,
I want to taste you and feel you.” He slid his fingers into her pussy and gently massaged her nub, she could feel it swell.

Go up to the top of the bed for me,” he said in a commanding voice. She did as she was told, she couldn’t speak: the excitement was too much.

“Lift up your arms
so I can secure you to the bed,” he ordered.

Alex wondered
how he would do this given he had only bought one set of cuffs, but he attached one arm to a bedpost leaving her other arm free. She reached across and touched him again to bring his face to hers. She kissed him to show she was pleased and felt safe with him. Then while they were kissing he took her other arm and cuffed it to the other post.

“You bought two pairs!” she said.

Gary kissed her neck again and he reached under the pillows beneath her head and pulled out a silk blindfold, “That wasn’t all I bought today, Alex,” he said and tied the blindfold across her eyes. Her breathing accelerated and she felt Gary move off the bed.

This was more than
she’d anticipated, but she was enjoying it and felt he was doing what

felt silk again but this time around her ankles, he was tying her legs to the other bedposts. She pulled on her restraints and found she was tied securely.

lay there listening for what Gary was going to do next. She felt the lower part of the bed move, Gary was working his way up the inside of her legs, she felt good and strangely not vulnerable, although she was lying there open for him.

He kissed
her sex and his tongue found his way inside her. As he gently bit and sucked, she let out a moan of pleasure.

pulled against her fetters, wanting to grab his hair and push down on his head and hold him in place, but she twisted against them in vain until Gary stopped, and she heard his zip come down and him take his jeans off. As he lay next to her she could feel he was totally naked and his sex was hard against her.

God this
is a tease,
she thought. He moved his leg over her so that his groin was up by her face, his dick touched her mouth, she licked him, she heard him sigh. She pulled again on her ties. He pushed his cock into her mouth, she began to suck and lick. Gary started to pump slowly, she could feel him building up, getting more excited as she sucked harder, then he stopped and again she felt the bed move and then his mouth was on her sex while his cock was still in her mouth. She felt like she was going to explode.

Gary moaned
, she knew he was going to come soon, she sucked harder, until they both came explosively. Gary moved his hands to her legs and slowly untied them, then her hands. She pulled off the blindfold and leant over to kiss him, she needed more. It was Gary’s turn; she tied him up and blindfolded him. She began to kiss him and lick him all over, making him quiver with excitement.

went down on him and sucked him again until he was rock hard. She climbed on top of his cock and let it slide into her. It went in deep. She was so open to him. She began to move slowly, building the tension all the time. Just as he was about to peak, she lifted herself up and slowed right down.

lex you’re tormenting me,” he groaned.

She leant
down and kissed him on the lips, she could still taste herself. She pulled off the blindfold, she wanted him to see her, see her tasting him and biting him all over, and not be able to touch her.

He lifted his head and moaned as
she began to slowly kiss and lick her way down from his chest to his ankles.

undid his ankles so he could move his legs, she again climbed on top and placed his throbbing erection inside her and began to ride him. He lifted his legs up so she went forward. She untied his arms and then he was holding her, their rhythm got stronger and stronger, their breathing heavier, he pumped and pumped until they reached their climax. She fell forward onto his chest, and lay there feeling its rapid rise and fall.

Gary kissed
her head and held her tight. “Thank you Alex, you were a star.”

She looked at him and smiled, “R
ight back at you,” she said.

“We should have done things like this
before,” he continued as he held her in his arms.

“Well we
’ve entered a new chapter in our sex life and I think we’ve a lot more to explore,” she replied.

looked again into his beautiful eyes; she could stare into those eyes forever. She smiled up at him.

Gary kissed
her gently. “I think we’ve done enough for tonight, you’ll sleep very well and wake up refreshed, tomorrow is the start of a new adventure.”

couldn’t argue, she did feel really sleepy and she closed her eyes. . .

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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