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another establishment,” Charles said.

“You can’t tell me where I can
lay my head.”

looked at him.
“You aren’t laying it
Not in my hotel.
Find another place.”

“So you own this?”
He began nodding.
“Now I see why Jenay’s with your sorry
Brother’s got himself some
Well that explains it now.”

nor Jenay saw his play at humor funny.
“Get lost,” Charles said.

looked at Jenay.
“The girls really need
you, that’s all I know.
They don’t need
any phone call from you. They don’t need any video chat.
They need to see you.
They need to see that somebody other than me
still cares about them.”

A frown
appeared on his face.
worried, concerned frown.
Then he reached into his pocket, pulled out a
pad and then leaned down and wrote a phone number on a napkin.
“My flight leaves at ten tomorrow morning,”
he said as he wrote.
“If you want to do the
right thing, and come and see about them, give me a call.”
He slid the number over to Jenay.
Then he looked at Charles.
“And don’t worry Sugar Daddy, or whatever
they call you around here.
You don’t want the
I understand.
But I’m not doing this for me, I’m doing this
for my daughters.”
Then Quince smiled,
and then left.

leaned back, let out a deep exhale, and covered her face.
Then she removed her hands.
Charles could see the anguish in her big,
expressive eyes.

on,” he said, standing up and reaching for her hand.
“Let’s go home.”

took Charles’s hand and slid out of the booth, but she also took the napkin
with her.


sat in the tub inside their master bathroom and sipped wine.
Jenay was seated on Charles’s lap, with her
back against his stomach.
His penis lay
snugly outside of her vagina, although neither one of them expected it to
remain there for long.
Especially since
Charles sat his glass of wine on the tub’s wine tray, and was now caressing her
It was the end of another long
Their daughter was sound asleep,
their daughter’s nanny was on the job, and Quince Franklin was on both their

couldn’t believe it was him,” Jenay said.

kissed her on her shoulder as he fondled her breasts.
“Don’t worry about him,” he said.
“He wants you back.
That’s all his little fat chance visit is all

sure that’s not it, Charlie.
Why would
he suddenly want me back after all these years?
He’s the one who threw me away.”

it was the biggest mistake of his life.
And he knows it now.
I saw that
pathetic look in his eyes when he looked at you.
He’s fallen for you almost as bad as I have.”

“I’m sure that’s not it,” she
said again.

whatever it is,” Charles said, rubbing his nose against her neck, and loving
the sweet smell of her, “it’s his problem.
And he will not make his problem our problem.

leaned into his rub, and the feeling of his big, powerful hands squeezing and
fondling her breasts.
And his ribbed abs
and hard chest against her back.
And his
dick expanding and throbbing and beginning to rub against the outer reaches of
her vagina.
She was forgetting about
Quince with the quickness, and was now in the mood.
“Understood,” she said.

leaned her head back onto his shoulder, and Charles began kissing her with a
desperation he didn’t think he would have at this point in his marriage.
But when he saw his wife with that great
looking guy, and he realized the guy was that man she once loved with all of
her heart, it did something to him.
Before this day, he had never felt threatened by any man regarding
He only had eyes for her, and he
believed in his heart of hearts that she only had eyes for him.
But today, he felt that threat.
He felt it as plainly as he felt the nose on
his face.
And that was why he was
kissing her so desperately.
Nobody was
taking her away from him.
Especially not
blast from the past
egotist like
Quince Franklin who almost destroyed her in the first place.

moved his hands from her breasts to her vagina and began massaging and
fingering her as they kissed.
placed the bottom of her feet on the top of his knees and opened her legs wider
as he massaged her and kissed her and made her wet and sticky and ready to
receive him.

when he put his hard, thick penis inside of her, and he pushed it in with one
long, slow thrust, she felt as if she was being filled to capacity with a
member as alive as the breath in her body.
And when he started fucking her, and his thickness caused him to have to
struggle to gain an inch of movement, she arched her back as he kept moving
deeper in.
She placed both of her hands
around his neck, and enjoyed the ride.
He was grunting because of the heightened feelings of the tightness and
the struggle to stroke, and she was groaning as she felt the hot sensation of
his dick engulf her pussy as if it was igniting it.

made love.
He found his rhythm and for
nearly half an hour he stroked her and squeezed her breasts and kissed her
The water was splashing
uncontrollably as his strokes increased, and any thoughts of Quince Franklin
faded into oblivion.
All she could think
about was Charles, and his penis, and how totally consuming his sex was.
He knew how to do her.
He left no room for anybody else.


he woke up early that next morning to find Jenay fully dressed and tossing
clothes into a suitcase.
He was still
groggy and sleepy, but he still could see how flawless she looked in her powder
blue pantsuit, and how her thick hair was pulled up into an elegant, tasteful
Such a hairstyle exposed the sleek
bone structure of her beautiful brown face, and highlighted her beautiful gray
But then he looked back down, at
the suitcase.

found himself yawning as he began to speak.
“What’s that about?” he asked her.

going to see the girls,” she said.

when did you decide this?”

hesitated. “Earlier.”

waited for her to say more, but nothing more came.
She seemed to think about saying more in her
hesitation, but she didn’t.
continued to pack.

closed his eyes again, as he was not a morning person by any stretch of the
imagination and could barely shake his sleepiness, but then he thought about
Jenay going to Richmond like that, and he woke back up.
He removed the covers from off of his naked
body, slung his feet out of bed, and sat up on the edge of the bed.
He ran his hands through his wavy black hair,
and then looked at his wife.
“I thought
I told you that you weren’t having anything to do with that.”

know what you told me.”

despite what I said you’re going to go and catch a flight with that guy

not catching any flight with Quince.
told him I’d fly down and see the girls later this afternoon.
I’m going to catch the one o’clock flight and
should get into Richmond around four or five.
But I have to take care of things at the Inn before I leave.
And make sure Nita’s going to be okay.”

couldn’t believe how simple she was making it out to be.
“So just like that you’ve made up your mind?”


no matter what you’re going?”

have to go, Charles.”

don’t have to do shit!” Charles shot back with a frown on his face.
He was usually in a foul mood early mornings
anyway, that was why he avoided contact with people this early, but Jenay left
him no choice.
“Don’t tell me what you
have to do,” he added.
“That man didn’t
give a damn about you or those girls or anybody else but himself when he
requested that court order.
He didn’t
want you around those children, although you were probably the best thing that
ever happened to those children, because of some woman he wanted to marry.
What kind of father would do that to his own
A selfish sonafabitch, that’s what

you’re right,” Jenay said.
Although it
sounded as if she was conceding the point, Charles also knew that such a
concession wasn’t going to change her mind.
“Everything you’re saying is right.
He was more concerned for himself than his children when he initiated
that court order.
He treated me like a
dog who didn’t matter and I will always hold that against him.
But I can’t hold it against those girls.
He’s allowing me to see them now, to reestablish
contact with them after all these years, and I’m not going to lose this

fuck how I feel,” Charles said.
“Is that
what you’re saying?”

is bigger than how you feel,” Jenay responded, “or how I feel, or how Quince
This is about the girls.
I’ve got to make sure they’re okay.
Their mother just died.
He divorced their stepmother.
I’ve got to eyeball those girls and make sure
they’re okay. I have to see them for myself.”

if their father filled their heads with lies about you and they don’t want to
have anything to do with you?”

pray that’s not the case, but if it is then fine.
I can’t do anything about how they feel.
But I’ve got to try.”

stared at her.
“You really care about
those children, don’t you?
Even though
they aren’t your flesh and blood.”

care,” Jenay admitted.
“Their mother
just died and Quince says they need me right now.
I have to see for myself if that’s true.”

if it is true?” Charles asked.
“What are
you going to do about it?”

didn’t hesitate.
“Everything within my
power to help them.”

means you’ll do anything to help them.
Even though they aren’t your flesh and blood.”

do the same thing for your sons if something were to happen to you.
I’d make sure each and every one of them were
okay, and they knew that I was there for them.”

Donald?” Charles asked.

Donald,” Jenay responded.
“Because I
know you would want it that way.
would be concerned about your other sons, but you wouldn’t be able to rest in
peace until you knew your baby boy was okay.”

heart swelled with emotion as he looked at Jenay.
And he knew she spoke the truth.
Donald was an asshole when it came to the way
he treated Jenay, but she’d stand behind him because he was Charles’s
He was Charles’s son.

reached over and grabbed his cell phone from the nightstand.

are you calling?” she asked him.

he said.
Then he laid on his back, and
began almost absently rubbing his dick.
“Looks like my sleepy ass is going to Virginia.”

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