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Then she thought about their
“But who’s going to take care of
Bonita if you go too?
I know she has a
nanny, but we can’t leave our daughter with a nanny only.”

Charles had already thought of that too.
“I’m going to call Tony after I hang up with Mary,” he said.
“He’ll take care of her.”

It always amazed her how he knew
exactly which one of his sons was best for a particular job.
Because Tony would have been her first choice
But it was more than just
The idea that Charles would drop
everything and go to Richmond with her warmed her heart.
She really loved that man!
Then she looked at him as he continued to
massage his dick in that sometimes absentminded way he often did.
She thought about how great it felt inside of
her last night, and how wonderfully it took all of her cares away, even if only
for that brief period.
She moved over to
the bed, knelt down, and took his penis out of his hand, and put it into hers.

felt a surge of joy throughout his entire body when her tongue began to lick
She didn’t have to pleasure him,
and they both knew she didn’t have to, but for her to do it anyway pleased him
And the way she did him.
Nobody could do him better.
He began to get hard almost immediately.
The way she licked the hard ridges of his
rod, and faux bit the sensitive underside of his balls, and the way she took him
halfway, and then all the way down her throat.
It was an unbelievably satisfying way to face the day.
He was so enthralled with the way she did
him that when Mary finally came onto the phone, he could barely speak.
“Cancel my appointments,” he grunted out.

of them, sir?” Mary asked.

of them,” he grunted in response, and then tossed his phone onto the bed as his
muscles strained with electricity.
was in love and in lust both at the same time, and that kind of combination was
Just the thought of it made him
want to cum.

he held on.
He was loving the feeling
too much.
And Jenay, who never
disappointed him, took her wifely duties to an entirely different level.

my sweetie,” Charles couldn’t stop saying, as she went down on him hard.




on her way,” Arianna Sinatra said to Quince as she flipped-closed her Motorola
cell phone.
“Ed is following her every
She just left the airport in a
rental car, and is on her way.”
were in the living room of a three-bedroom home Quince was renting.
“It’s now or never time,” she added.

he’s certain Charles Sinatra is the man that’s with her?” Quince asked.

course he’s certain!” Arianna snapped.
“He’s a professional.
He knows
what he’s doing.
You just worry about
your daughters.
They had better not mess
this up.”

won’t,” Quince assured her.
“They know
I’ll beat the crap out of them if they so much as lift an eyebrow suspiciously
when they’re around Jenay.
She left them
high and dry before.
They know she can
just as easily do it again.
They can’t
depend on her.
They know I’m all they’ve
But they also know they’ve got to
put on a show today.
They’re ready.”

better be,” Arianna warned.
“Because if
they show any animosity toward her this could go wrong really quickly.”

“Nothing’s going wrong.
I have total control over my daughters, don’t
you worry about that.
The girls are
going to beg Jenay to come back to us, and I’m going to play the perfect
So don’t you worry.
I’m a professional too.
But . . .”


just don’t understand how any of this is going to work with Sinatra by her

“Don’t concern yourself with
He’ll give Jenay room with those
He’ll be too busy trying to
figure you out.”

you knew he was coming all along?” Quince asked.

I didn’t know,” Arianna snapped.
would I know?
But it doesn’t matter is
what I’m saying.
If you play your cards
right, and get Jenay so interested in helping those girls that she gets
distracted by that interest, then I’ll go to Jericho and get Charles’s
When he sees me again, when
he remembers how much he used to care for me, then she’ll be nothing to him I
assure you.”

Quince was shaking his head.
“I don’t
see it,” he said.
“I don’t see Jenay
ever becoming irrelevant in that man’s eyes.
I saw how he was looking at her and treating her yesterday.
That man is in love with Jenay.”

rubbish!” Arianna shot back.
loves himself and he loves his boys, but that’s it.
He doesn’t give a damn about that new wife of
his, and he doesn’t give a damn about that new baby.
It’s him and his boys and nobody else.
It has always been that way.
And since I’m the mother of his boys, he will
always care for me.”

for you?” Quince asked.
“So he doesn’t
love you either?”

Arianna admitted.
“But he will.
Once I get back in, he’ll learn to love me
But I’ve got to get back in.”

don’t see how,” Quince said, “with Charles showing up too.
Jenay’s vulnerable.
She has a major soft spot for my girls, I
could see it when I first mentioned their names.
But she changed yesterday when he came
It was as if his powerful
personality overtook hers and they were one in the same.
And he was in charge of both of them.
I would have given my right arm once upon a
time to have her under my thumb like that.
But I could never bend her to my will that completely.
Charles Sinatra already has.”

you’ll have to work harder to bend her back,” Arianna said.
“Because if you blow this, what happened to
the mother of your daughters may very well happen to you.”

Quince still couldn’t believe it.
She said she’d handle it, and she did.
She had that Ed flunky of hers kidnap the
mother of his children, put her behind the wheel of her car, and then let it
sail over a ravine, killing her instantly.
The cops quickly ruled it an accident and moved on. It worked

he didn’t like her coming at him that way.
“You’re threatening me?” he asked her.

telling you,” Arianna said, “that I did not go through all of this trouble for
my good health.
You and I have a
And that secret is that car
accident involving the mother of your children that we both know wasn’t an
accident at all.
We are intricately
bound by that truth.
We will take that
secret to our graves because if you attempt to rat me out, you should have
enough good sense to know that I have better lawyers than you will ever
Which means you, barely getting by
lawyer that you are, will be the one accused of her murder.
Not me.
Not respectable me.
So don’t
confuse who has the power here.
You had
better produce results today.
You had
better have those girls put on the performance of their lives today.
Jenay has to be willing to leave Charles for
That’s how gut-wrenching their
reunion has got to be.”

it’s going to take time, Arianna,” Quince pointed out.
“That’s what I’m saying.
Jenay is not going to leave that man that

didn’t say it was going to be easy.
I’m saying
you are going to have to do your part.
This is the most important day of our entire scheme.
You must play to Jenay’s sensibilities and
make her feel as if she’s the worse human being alive if she walks out on those
girls again.
They have to make her feel
that way.
And just in case Charles’s
money is one good reason that she will not want to leave him, you mention the
fact that he did not sign a prenuptial agreement.
If she’s stupid, explain what that
Explain that she’s a rich bitch
and don’t even know it.
She can get a
major child support check for the rest of her life and, with a good attorney, a
nice, fat spousal-support check to boot.
You have got to be convincing.”

“I will be.
The girls will be.
I told them my happiness was at stake.
They understand.”

once she divorces Charles, then I will pay you handsomely.
But I’ll pay you half when she leaves
Because the Charles I know will
never take back a woman who leaves him.
Once she leaves, divorce or no divorce, it’ll be over for all intents
and purposes.
And I’ll be right there to
pick up the pieces, and to reestablish my family and my life.”

ran his hand across his close-cropped hair.
He wasn’t nearly as convinced as Arianna that this could work on any
But he had no choice.
If this woman pulled her support, and her
money, he’d be living from hand-to-mouth again.
His ex-wife Vernita had money, but she also had a pre-nup.
Before they married, he didn’t care.
He figured he wouldn’t need her money, but
her connections.
He figured she’d get
him connected to the big wigs in corporate law, and he’d make his own

that was before his downfall.
That was
before he was caught embezzling corporate funds and they quietly eased him out
the door.
They didn’t want the publicity
of an arrest, but word got around.
corporation would hire him now.
He now
had to chase ambulances and find clients on his own.
That was why he was struggling.

saw a Toyota turn onto the driveway.
“They’re arriving now,” he said.

Arianna said, gathering up her purse and gloves.
“Ed will double back and pick me up.
I’ll leave out through the garage once they
enter the house.
You get the girls.”

Arianna disappeared through the adjacent garage door, Quince headed for the
patio out back.
He walked through the
kitchen, opened the French door, and told his daughters, Ashley and Carly, who
were seated on the patio waiting his instructions, to come inside.

grabbed Ash, the oldest one, as they passed him through the doorway.
He was squeezing her slender arm.
“Do it exactly the way I taught you,” he
warned her.
“You hear me?”

was a lovely girl, a gorgeous girl.
she was also terrified of her father.
“Yes, sir,” she said.

doesn’t care about you, so don’t think she does.
She’ll put on an act because she can.
But you had better act as if you still care
deeply about her.
Because if you and
Carly blows this, Jenay will go right back where she came from, and nobody will
But if you convince her to stay,
then our struggling days will be over.
We’ll be sitting pretty again.
I’ll be happy again, and you and Carly will too.
But if you try to get cute and smarter than
you are, you’ll blow everything for me, Ash.
You’ll ruin my life, and yours right along with it.
I’m the only constant you and Carly have ever
Your mother all but abandoned you,
and Vernita and Jenay did too.
But I was
there for you and your sister.
always be there to take care of you.
now it’s time for you to take care of me and put on the performance of your
You hear me?”

heard him.
Her younger sister did
“Don’t worry Dad,” the more
out-spoken Carly said.
“You’ve looked
out for us our entire lives.
We’ll take
care of you.”

And his two daughters hugged
He was all they had.
He was all they had ever been able to count
on to stay with them and take care of them.
Nobody was messing that up.

threesome stopped embracing and they headed into the living room.

front, Charles walked around to the passenger door of his rental car and opened
it for Jenay.
He still had misgivings
about coming here at all, especially if those girls rejected Jenay’s outreach
and broke her heart, but he knew she was not going to be deterred.

placed his hand around her waist and held her closely against him as they made
their way to Quince’s front door.
was dressed in a blue dress so simple that it made her look regal.
He was dressed in a black Versace suit that
Jenay had said made him look elegant, but this trip had him too edgy to
appreciate any compliment.
He didn’t
trust Quince, and he didn’t want him to try any bullshit with his wife.

looked at her as they walked.
He could
feel her small body trembling.
“We can
always turn around,” he said.

she responded, “but I’ve got to do this.”
She looked at him, more for encouragement than acceptance.
“You understand, don’t you?”

nodded reassuringly.
“Yes,” he
“I fully understand.”

felt better as they made it to the front door, and Charles rang the bell.

looked at the house in front of them.
was certainly nothing remarkable as houses go, especially considering that she
now called Charles’s mansion home.
compared to that tiny apartment she, Quince, and the girls used to share, this
place was a definite step-up.
They both
had come a long way from their days in California on Baxter Street.

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