Big Girls Do It Married (15 page)

BOOK: Big Girls Do It Married
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A few short steps through, and then the door latched closed behind me. Jeff released my hand and kept walking, settling on the edge of the bed and leaning his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

I pressed my back to the door, watching him. He remained there, breathing, upset. I smiled, but he didn't see it. I plucked open a button of my shirt, and then another, and then the shirt was open and I dropped it on the floor at my feet. He didn't hear the rustle of fabric or the soft
of cotton hitting the floor. I slid my feet out of my flats, unrolled my knee-high purple stockings, slowly unzipped the side of my skirt. He heard the zipper then. His eyes narrowed in confusion, and he straightened on the bed.

My bra joined the pile of clothing on the floor, followed by my panties, and then I was naked, too-cold hotel room air pebbling my skin and making my nipples harden. I swayed toward Jeff, and he crawled backward on to the bed. He sat up to take me in his hands, but I pushed him down with a hand on his chest. I peeled his shirt over his head, straddling his khaki-clad hips, leaning forward to draw the T-shirt off, my breasts swaying over his face. He nipped a breast with sharp, gentle teeth, but I refused to gasp. I slid down his body, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled them off.

His cock was rigid, lying flat against his belly, rising and falling with his short, panting breaths. I teased him with my fingers, touching his purple-veined length with my fingertips, tracing the groove beneath the head with my tongue. I wrapped both palms around his cock and took his tight sack in my mouth, gently sucking it between my lips, one side and then the other. He gasped, arched his back, groaned my name as I caressed his shaft and suckled his balls.

I waited until he was moments from coming into my hands, and then I released him and crawled up his body, rising up on my knees above him, palms braced flat on the wall, my slit poised above his mouth.

"Make me come, Jeff," I said, my voice hoarse, low and rough.

"Yes, my love."

He suited action to words and slid his palms up my thighs to the cleft of my pussy, slipping a single long middle finger into my wet folds, using his other hand to pull me down to his mouth. His tongue found my clit and swiped slow circles around it, each touch of his tongue a line of fire, burning pleasure into my heat-slick blossom.

I forced myself to stay still as his finger moved within me and his tongue speared against my clit. I arched my back and allowed myself a single soft whimper as waves of ecstasy rose through me. A hand cupped my breast, testing its weight, and then pinched my nipple at the same time as his tongue punched against my aching, sensitive nub.

He pulled his finger out, added his index finger, and slipped them back in, but this time his pinky finger was extended, and it bumped gently and insistently against the rosebud knot of muscle.

He paused, asking silent permission.

"Do it," I said.

His smallest finger kneaded the muscle, relaxing it, and then his fingers were gone briefly, replaced by wet warmth slicking the tighter entrance. He slipped his pinky into me at the same time that his tongue found my clit and his first and middle fingers found my pussy, and then I was writhing helplessly above him, explosions rocking through me, drilling sensation to the wildest heights of furious orgasm, wringing me into a gasping, begging puddle on top of him, his fingers gone, my ass on his chest, my body curled over and sliding downward, downward, pierced slowly and subtly by his thick, hot shaft. No chance of recovery for me, only pleasure so potent it became pain, too much to bear, but instead of begging him to stop, I heard my voice whispering ragged pleas in his ear:

"Jeff, my love, please don't stop, don't stop..." even though I couldn't take any more of him, couldn't come any harder without ripping in half, without bursting into helpless sobs.

He didn't relent, but drove into me with his characteristic slow, powerful strokes, pushing deeper and deeper.

I rolled off him without warning, as he was about to come. I heard his teeth grinding as he struggled to hold it back, and then he lifted up on an elbow and watched me settle on my knees and forearms, presenting myself to him, my face turned to the side, a seductive smile on my lips inviting him wordlessly.

Like a lion he prowled on his hands and knees behind me, his cock slipping between the globes of my ass. His nails raked painfully, sweetly down my back, gripped my hips, and then, with a single tilt of his pelvis, he was inside my pussy and driving, god, so deep. I bit the blanket to stifle a scream, climaxing a third time on the instant of penetration.

It didn't take him long to find his release. He thrust, thrust, thrust, and then a deep, rumbling growl announced his climax. He drove into me, hard, bowling me forward, his hands pulling me back, and then again, a primal plunge of his cock, fingers digging into my hipbones and clawing me back into him.

Even blanket-muffled, my scream of delight was loud in the still, cold air. His roar of release was louder.

We lay side by side, and I nuzzled my head onto his shoulder.

"I love
, Jeff. Only you. Forever." I tangled my fingers with his, my left hand in his right, dim light glinting dully off the facets of my engagement ring.

"Damn right, only me forever," he said, a smile in his voice.

"Cocky bastard," I laughed.

"It's why you love me."

"One of the many reasons."

He tilted my chin up with an index finger and kissed me, long and slow and drowning with passion. "I love you, Anna Devine," he said when our lips parted.

"After tomorrow I'll be Anna Cartwright," I pointed out.

"I like the sound of that."

"Me too." We drowsed in the dreaming dark, until a thought struck me. "You know, we never wrote our vows."

"Huh. You're right," Jeff mused. After a moment, he said, "Well, I've got an idea for mine. Just write yours from the heart. Doesn't have to be complicated. Tell me you'll love me forever and always, no matter what."

"I can do that."

"I know you can." He pulled me closer. "Now go to sleep. We've got a busy day tomorrow."


I woke to my nose being tickled. I swatted at the offending sensation, encountering small, soft hands. I forced my eyes open to see Jamie sitting next to me on the bed, cross-legged, dressed in a tiny skirt and tight T-shirt. She had a tendril of her copper hair in her fingers and was brushing my nose with it.

"Wake up, sleepy-head," she said in a sing-song voice.

"Unh-uh. Go away." I slapped at her half-heartedly.

I knew her better than to think she'd leave me alone. She scrambled off the bed and pulled the covers off me. I curled in a ball, moaning in protest as the cold air hit my naked body.

"God, woman, you stink of sex. Get up and take a shower."

I rolled up to a sitting position and rubbed my eyes. "Where's Jeff?"

She waved her hand. "Oh, off with Darren. Picking up his tux and getting ready. Whatever guys do before weddings."

"What are we doing?" I caught the robe Jamie handed me and wrapped it around me.

"First, coffee. Second, a shower. Third, breakfast." She brought me a cup of Caribou coffee, because she knows I hate Starbucks’ over-roasted coffee, even though I love their espresso drinks.

I sipped slowly as I stood up and went to the window to peer out the curtain. It was another glorious Las Vegas day.

I'm getting married today
. It didn't seem real. Was it really going to happen? An actual wedding? Jeff had sprung this whole thing on me, and I had no idea what was going on. Panic hit me, and I focused on breathing through the hammering of my heart, sipping my coffee.

Jamie slid her arm around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. "Hey, it's going to be great, you know. I can feel you panicking. Don't."

"Easy for you to say. I have no idea what's going on. Did he actually plan this thing, or is he just winging it?"

Jamie laughed. "He has this thing planned down to every little detail. You'll be shocked. I'm, like, mega-impressed. If I believed in romance, or weddings, I'd say this was the most romantic wedding ever." She sighed. "I believe in
wedding. I'm not going to ruin any of the surprises, but you should relax, because he's got it all covered. He loves you."

"I know he does. I should know better than to think Jeff would leave this to the last minute, because he never leaves
to the last minute.'s a Vegas wedding. I'm worried it's going to be something from a bad romantic comedy. Like, the minister will be this fat old Elvis impersonator, and we'll be driven away in a pink Cadillac with tin cans hanging off the back and it'll be the most embarrassing day of my life."

"You're ridiculous. Do you really think Jeff is that stupid or tasteless?"

I shook my head. "No, but that's what my fears are telling me will happen."

Jamie rolled her eyes. "Well, that's not what's happening, so quit freaking yourself out. I told you, he's

I finished my coffee, and Jamie followed me into the bathroom, sitting on the closed toilet while I showered.

"You know, when I first heard your wedding was in Vegas, I kinda had similar expectations," Jamie said. "Some tiny little chapel way off the Strip, bad piano music, and yes, an Elvis impersonator for the minister. But Jeff showed me some of what he had planned, and I'm telling you, it's going to be amazing. You'll love it."

"What happens after breakfast? Which is what, bagels and cream cheese?"

"Breakfast is whatever you want. Order in, go out, whatever. We have some time. After that, we have part one of wedding day surprises. So get your ass moving."

"I thought you said we had time."

"Yeah, but not all day. 'Sides, I'm hungry."

Breakfast was omelets and toast at a nearby diner, and then Jamie hailed a cab and gave the driver a slip of paper with our destination written on it. We ended up at a spa a few minutes’ drive away from the main downtown area.

"Come on, " Jamie said, climbing out. "This is part one. The full treatment at a day spa."


Jamie grinned. "You and me, baby. Get ready for some serious pampering."

My throat closed up, and my eyes burned. I blinked away tears and followed Jamie inside. Jeff really had planned everything out, and the fact that he'd included Jamie in the day spa treatment made me choke up even worse.

I made it through the manicure before the question that had been tickling the back of my mind popped out. "So, Jay. What happened after I left the concert?"

Her long hesitation piqued my curiosity, and my worry.

"Um. Nothing?"


"Fine. I went backstage and hung out with the band. We partied. Darren showed up at some point, and things got crazy." She pretended not to notice my suspicious glare.

I picked up a cotton ball from the counter nearby and threw it at her. "Jamie. Talk. You're not telling me something."

"Ugh. Why does it matter?"

"Because you'd tell me if it didn't matter," I said.

"Hooker," she muttered. "Fine. Like I said, we partied. There were lots of people, girls were all over the guys from the band. Chase was all angsty and broody. Darren and I sort of hit it off, stuck together since we knew each other better than anyone else that was there. It was all groupies except for Darren and me."

"Darren is totally your type. Jeff says he's single."

"Yeah, but remember that promise you made me make?"

I lifted an eyebrow at her. "Break it already?"

"No." When my eyebrow lifted even higher, she protested loudly, "I didn't! I promise."

"Then what?"

"Nothing happened. I just...that song Chase sang to you? That whole thing was
. I know he was hurt and you were hurt and it was all hurty. But...god, I can see why you were hung up on him. He's—"

"Fucking amazing. I know. Please don't remind me. I'm getting married today, remember? To Jeff. Chase is old news. History. He means nothing to me anymore."

I watched Jamie as she fidgeted in her seat.

"I know. I just feel bad for him, is all. He's stuck on you."

"This is a weird conversation," I said. "By way of changing the you and Darren?"

She shook her head slowly. "No, I don't think so. The vow of celibacy thing has its merits, I have to admit. Once upon a time, I would have fucked that boy silly. I still want to. But our conversation about empty sex keeps running through my head, and I just can't...I don't know. Darren is nice. He's hot, he's totally my type, you're right about that. But I can't see anything working with him long term. I don't know why. It just wouldn't work. I think he's...what is it? He's dark. I've done the dark and angry guy long enough. If I'm going to break this vow of celibacy, I want it to be with someone...different from what I usually go for. Someone better. Someone who could give me what you have with Jeff." She paused for a long moment. "I'm jealous, you know. Of you and Jeff. I've never told you that, but I'm finally able to admit it. I'm green with envy. You're so happy, and he's doing all this for you..."

"You'll find it, Jay. You will."

She was silent then, and I could sense there was something else she wasn't saying, but the prickles were out, and I didn't push it.

After the pedicures and facials and waxing, Jamie seemed to have pushed away whatever was eating at her. During the massage, Jamie blurted a question that floored me.

"Are you and Jeff going to have kids?"

"What?" I saw double for a second. "Kids? God, Jamie. I haven't even gotten married yet. I don't know. It's never come up."

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