Bigfoot Crank Stomp (11 page)

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Authors: Erik Williams

BOOK: Bigfoot Crank Stomp
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“It’s true.”

“And it passed out?”


“How far away?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t been walking long. Maybe five minutes.”

Manny nodded, calculating in his head. “It’s in the direction opposite of where you’re kneeling right now?”

“Yes. Can we go now?”

“The man who was with you, where is he now?”

“I give two shits about that guy.”

“He was heading away from it, too, though, correct?”

“Yes, damn it.”

Manny rose. His balance was shaky but he managed to keep his feet. He rested the rifle in the crook of his left arm and surveyed the wood around him one more time. Listening. No movement other than the trees swaying in the wind.

“And no one else was being pursued?”

“No. Russell said his partner was killed by it. That’s all I know.”

, Manny thought. It was injured from the shots it took from the Sheriff and his merry band of fuck-ups. It was slumbering in a meth dream world. Between the narcotic and loss of blood, maybe it would never wake up. And if it did wake up, it would start looking for another source of meth. After all, it was only chasing the one guy because of the meth stashed in the money. Manny didn’t have to worry about innocent people getting hurt because it hadn’t killed him, even though he was armed. It could have easily but it chose to disable him, not rip his arms out. If it happened to live and a few more meth pushers died as a result, what was the problem with that?

“Do you know of any other people camping down here in the valley?”

She shook her head. “Haven’t seen any.”

“Okay, then I say we head for my place. I have a cabin up on the Loop. We can shelter there until dawn. If nothing else happens, I’ll take you to your car. Sound fair?”

“Why can’t I go to my car now?”

“Your car is close to where that thing is currently passed out. Start-up that engine and you might wake it up.”

“That’s what Russell said.”

“Sorry but he was right. Now I don’t think it’ll go after someone who doesn’t have meth on them. But then again it’s not exactly a predictable animal right now. So, we ere on the side of caution and wait a few hours.”

She nibbled on her bottom lip for a moment before shrugging. “Fine. What’s your name, by the way?”

“Manny. Yours?”

“Persephone but everyone calls me Seph.”

“Nice to meet you. Follow me.”





Guy had to take a piss. Bad. He stirred in the sleeping bag and fluttered his eyes. His dick ached. He reached down and rubbed his rock hard pee boner, hoping to soothe some of the pain away. It didn’t work.

He sighed and flipped the sleeping bag flap open and sat up. His head was light and the tent was dark, creating a feeling of floating in an abyss. Guy ran his hand along the side of the floor until his fingers hit the flashlight. He clicked it and portions of the darkness retreat under the beam.

Across from him, Bunny lay on her side, ass to him. Bare. He frowned when he noticed the dried semen streaks on both cheeks. Bitch couldn’t even take the time to wipe it off while it was still wet.

Probably because she was more interested in getting high rather than cleaning up
, Guy thought.
And that’s while they’ll always be amateurs

He shrugged it off. Amateurs, yes, but still bringing him in a nice bit of cash. Soon he’d have enough to hire some real talent. Then Bunny and Kitten would find themselves back on the streets, blowing junkies for meth.

Speaking of Kitten…

Guy swept the light to the opposite side. Kitten lay in the same position he’d last seen her in. Curled up, thumb in her mouth. Twenty-years-old and still a thumb sucker. She’d gotten so high earlier she couldn’t keep the camera steady. Ended up passing out. Which pissed Guy off because he had to film the anal scene with Bunny himself. Not a bad P.O.V. but it was, for lack of a better word, a pain in the ass to fumble with the camera while trying to keep his dick in Bunny’s backdoor.

“What are you doing?”

Guy swung the light back at Bunny, hitting her with the full beam right in the eyes. She cringed and held up her hand and turned away.

“What the fuck, Guy?”

Guy laughed. “You need to wipe your ass.”

“You need to get that fucking light out of my eyes.”

Guy directed the light at the entrance of the tent. “How many times do I have to tell you to clean up after scenes? What if I wanted to film something right now? We’d have to scrape jizz of your ass for half an hour first.”

“I was fucking tired, okay?”

Guy snorted. “You took a hit and followed Kitten there to dreamland.”

“Is she still alive?”

“You think she’s dead?”

“She hit the wall pretty hard. She’s been smoking all day.”

Guy hit Kitten with the light. “Still breathing.”

“Doesn’t look like it.”

“See how her tits are moving. That means she’s breathing. Besides, you can hear her sucking that thumb clear across the valley.”

“Yeah, I guess you can.”

Guy pushed up to his knees and grabbed the zipper to the entrance. “Be right back.”

The flame from a lighter illuminated the tent. Bunny lit her pipe and inhaled and said, “Where are you going?” Smoke followed.

“To take a piss. Can’t leave it alone, can you?” Good thing I get it free from that meth head with the glasses on the Loop. Well, not for free. But not an unfair trade, either. Cheap amateur porn in exchange for hundreds of dollars of meth. Not fair at all. Guy laughed on the inside.

“Just a small hit.” Bunny inhaled again and coughed. “Why do you care?”

“I don’t.”

Guy unzipped the entrance and crawled out into the night. His Crocs were right there. He slipped them on and started to trudge toward the nearest tree when he heard rustling behind him. He turned and found Bunny crawling out behind him. Her breasts pale in the moonlight, her nipples dark and firm.

She’s not bad looking
, Guy thought. Be nice if she put on some weight. Needed a boob job but her tits weren’t bad as is. Just too damn skinny. If she were a little thicker, he might keep her on. Kitten, no way. Too much drama there. But Bunny had potential.

“Can I tag along?” Bunny said.

“You want to watch me pee?”

“No, I need to go, too.”

“Find your own tree.”

“I’m scared.”

“To pee?”

“To pee alone.”

Guy rubbed the ache in his dick again. “I don’t have time for this bullshit.”

He walked away. Bunny followed, saying, “I had a crazy nightmare.”

“Was a vampire biting you while you peed?”

“No. But I heard some kind of monster roaring. Never saw it in the dream, just heard it. And then there were these cops shooting into the woods. But they couldn’t see it either.”

Guy reached a tree. He stood and tried to coax his hard-on down enough so he could piss more than a drop at a time. “Probably all the
Animal Planet
we’ve been hearing from the Loop. Crept into your dreams is all.”

“And the guns?”

“Maybe they switched it to a cop show.” Drop, drop but no stream yet.

Bunny squatted on the other side of the tree. The sound of piss hitting dirt soon followed. Guy hoped it would help stimulate his own release but nada. Just another drop followed by an ache all the way up the shaft. Needed to get rid of the hard-on.

Bunny came around the tree trunk. “Finished?”

Guy closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. “No.”

“What’s the problem?”

“Problem is you’re breaking my concentration.”

“To pee?”

“I have a pee hard-on.”

“Those are real? I figured you were just turned on from a dream or something.”

“No, they’re real and sometimes they hurt when you have to pee.”

“So what are you going to do?”

Guy grabbed her by the arm and pulled her over and turned her around so she faced the tree. “Get rid of the hard-on.” He spit on his hands and rub it up and down his shaft.

“I’m pretty dry right now.”

Guy spit on his hand again and pushed his palm between her legs and rubbed her labia. Bunny arched her back and moaned. Guy squatted slightly and spread her lips with the same hand while pushed the head of his dick in with the other.

She was dry but that only lasted a few seconds. If Bunny was good at one thing, it was getting wet. Guy pumped away.

Bunny braced her hands against the tree trunk and pushed back into Guy. Soon, the sensation of needing to pee gave way to the pleasure receptors firing on all cylinders. It was moments like this that Guy liked the most. Doing whatever he wanted for whatever reason he wanted with his girls.

“Do you ever feel like there’s not much to life?” Bunny said.

Guy pumped faster, ignoring her. Why did she do this? Earlier, during the anal scene, she kept asking what he thought of the drug violence on the border. She didn’t seem to understand that viewers wanted to hear her moan and scream “Fuck me harder!” not her opinion on cross-border crime.

“Like this is it. This is all there is.” She braced and shot her ass back into him harder than ever, just as he plunged into her to the hilt. Guy moaned. “Like all we’re meant to be is filler while the important people get the bigger parts in the movie that’s life.”

Guy death-gripped her hips and hammered as hard as he could and said, “Will you shut the fuck up?”

She did, deciding to try and meet him slam for slam. After a few more seconds, Guy pulled out. Bunny, well trained, turned around and dropped to her knees in time to get the full blast on her face. Guy sighed as a few more hot globs hit her neck and breasts.

He backed away and looked down. Bunny was wiping goo from her left eye and cheek. Then she licked it off her fingers. Good girl.

Bunny looked up at him. “I mean it’s just sad that this may be all there is. We’re here to make these movies and make some money but that’s it. Small parts to play. Parts no one will ever really give a shit about.”

Guy rubbed his forehead and moved to the other side of the tree to finally take that piss. “Yeah, sucks being filler.”

“Sometimes I think I should have stayed in school.”

Guy pinched of the piss before the first drop came out. “Bunny, go back to the tent and grab the camera.”


“Well, we haven’t done a golden shower scene yet. Seems like the perfect opportunity. I got the piss ready to go.”

Bunny rose and started toward the tent. “And now I’m going to get peed on. Talk about useless.”

“Think of all the guys who’ll jack off to you. That doesn’t sound like filler to me.”

“No, I guess there’s that.”

“Oh, and bring your pipe and some rocks. I think I’ll have a taste. And wake Kitten up. I got something planned for her, too.”


Guy looked up at the moon. Nice night. Cold but invigorating. Perfect for having some fun with his girls.





Stupid bitch
, Russell thought as he trudged forward. He kicked a twig out of his path. Why’d she have to go off on her own? Yeah, it was sort of his fault for leading Bigfoot to her. And yeah, it was his fault for not realizing there were drugs in the bag and the hairy fucker wanted meth so badly it would knock down the forest to get to it. But still, how was he supposed to know all that until after the fact?

Fuck it. She made her choice. If it wakes up and manages to find her, then it is what it is. Just like if it comes to and gets a hold of me, then it’s my own damn fault, aint’ it? No one’s going to cry over my dismembered body.

Except maybe mom.

The thought of her brought him out of the surreal haze of the evening and back into the reality that was his life before all this craziness went down. He now had enough money on his back to finish mom’s chemo treatments. Hell, he might have enough left over to pack up his stuff and leave. In a way, he had to. The Sheriff had no doubt identified Mickey’s truck by now. Body, too. That fucker Stanger was always harassing Mickey and him. Pulling them over. Trying to find any excuse he could to search their cars. Never worked, though.

So he’s had to have told the Sheriff Russell was the partner. They’d want to pick him up. Bring him in. Maybe they’d pin the murders on him. He was an accessory at the very least. And they had his shotgun with his prints…

Yeah, they’d pin it on him. No doubt now. His luck, life in prison.

Well, you’re truly fucked, aren’t you
, Russell thought. So pay mom’s freight and bug out town while they’re still distracted with Bigfoot and all.

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