Bigfoot Crank Stomp (15 page)

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Authors: Erik Williams

BOOK: Bigfoot Crank Stomp
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Can’t have that.

“I think he’s earned the same treatment.”

They nodded again but then paused. They looked at each other a moment before turning back to him. Gabe already knew the question. Who was going to do it? There wasn’t a homeless guy who’d do anything for fifty bucks here this time. Gabe would have to take matters into his own hands.

“I know, I know. Who’s going to do the deed?” Gabe reached up and undid the top button of his shirt. “Guess I’ll take the first go.” He undid another button. “You two get to hold him down.”

Betts and Pronger look at each other again. Nervous. Fucking cunts. Was there anyone he could trust anymore?

Russell understood. All too well. Both hands were braced palms down on the hood. He was ready to fight if he had to. To kick and scream. Fuck yeah! The desperation only got Gabe that much more excited.

“We thought you would want to handle this down at the jail.” Pronger’s Adam’s apple bobbed. “We could get another bum—”

“Nah.” Gabe finished off the last button and pulled one arm free of a sleeve. “We’ll do it right here.” He switched gun hands and pulled the other arm out. “Now hold that bitch down.”

Pronger and Betts didn’t move. Instead, they only stared at Russell. Son of a bitch if they didn’t look sorry.

Enough of this shit
, Gabe thought and leveled the gun at Pronger’s head. “You fucking deaf all of the sudden?”

“No, Sheriff.”

“What about you, Betts?”


“Then hold him down already.”

Betts and Pronger walked over to Russell and grabbed each arm and spun him around. Then bent him over the hood and pinned his shoulders down. With their other hands, they mashed his face into cold metal.

Gabe saw the pack then, rising up on Russell’s back like a camel hump. “What’s in the bag?”

Pronger stammered before saying, “We forgot to search it.”

For fuck’s sake
, Gabe thought but then relented. Maybe it was a blessing. If there was meth in there, these two idiots would have added it to the Bigfoot trail. Instead, they’d failed to search their prisoner and may have brought him a bagful of heaven.

“Take it off.”

They did.

“Toss it over here.”

They did and resumed holding the little bitch down.

Gabe squatted and unzipped the bag with his free hand and peeked. He had to fight not to howl. Better than heaven. This fucking bag could buy him the week of a lifetime in Vegas. Hookers, blow, crank, and whatever else he’d fantasized about and hadn’t indulged in yet. A dwarf. Yeah, he’d wanted to try one. Maybe set up a gang-bang. The possibilities made him shiver.

“You okay, Sheriff?”

“Yeah.” He zipped the bag and pushed it to the side and rose. “Just some more meth.”

Russell groaned.

Gabe smiled. Yeah, you’re going to groan all right.

“Let’s get this nasty business settled.”




Russell wanted to die. He thought he didn’t. Though if he could survive Mickey’s assassination needs and Bigfoot’s drug-crazed rampage he was golden. Everything wine and roses and a bag full of money for mom’s treatments and his early retirement. Until these two dipshits had found him. Even then, he figured he might make it out alive. Maybe roughed up but things seemed to be working out no matter how fucked up they were. Mickey had gotten ripped to pieces, not him. Bigfoot had been chasing the meth in his bag, not him. When they saw the two murdered deputies, he knew for sure he’d make it out. No way they’d take him to the Sheriff. Hell, no way they’d go to the Sheriff ever again for anything.

Then that son of a bitch ambushed them. Now here he was, bent over the hood of a police car. The Sheriff, somewhere behind him, stroking a meth hard-on and pumping himself up to rape him.

Worst day so far
, he thought. Not laughing now. No, it was going to get far worse real quick. He wished he and Mickey could go back and switch places.

A hand tugged at his belt. He could feel hot breath on his ear. He smelled whiskey.

“Ever been gored by a rhino?” Russell winced as he felt his thighs exposed to the cool air. “Ever had your shithole turned inside out?” Now the air smacked his bare ass. He shivered against his will. The Sheriff whistled behind him. “Look at that. Pale and flat. Guess it’ll do though.”

God save my mom
, Russell thought and closed his eyes.
Please kill me

A belt buckle jingled free behind him. Pants sliding down against legs. Another whistle.

“I’d show you this, Russell, but I don’t want you anymore scared than you already are. Let’s just say I’m at attention and your ass is ready for inspection.”

Please kill me.

Feet shuffled closer. He could feel the tip of the Sheriff’s dick against his right cheek. The barrel of the Sheriff’s gun pushed against the back of his head.


“What’s the matter, Sheriff?” Betts said.

Please kill all of them, too.

“Only got the one free hand,” the Sheriff said. “And I like the idea of keeping the gun pushed into his skull while I do it…Tell you what. Each of you grab an ass cheek and spread them apart so I can get up in there.”

Don’t kill me God
, he thought.
Keep me alive and let me kill every single one of these motherfuckers.






Guy inhaled a solid lungful and smiled, taking it all in. The moon. The cool steady breeze. An owl hooting. Kittens mouth sliding up and down on his cock. Perfect.

He exhaled and passed the pipe to Kitten. She pulled his dick from her mouth, inhaled, and went right back to blowing him. Smoke escaped her mouth, the warmth causing him to shiver. His balls tightened. She sensed it and probed his asshole with a finger.

“Not too much,” he said. “I don’t want to come yet.”

She complied, massaging the outer rim instead of plunging in. Guy sighed and took another hit. Bunny shifted around on the ground, knocked the fuck out. She’d hit it pretty hard after the shower scene. The whole thing, the pissing, the moaning, seemed to have depressed her beyond her normal melancholy self. So much she would talk about it…which was definitely not in her character. It was like her and Kitten switched personalities. Bunny wanted to do nothing more than smoke and sleep. Kitten wanted nothing more than to eat his cock. It was like the piss had flipped some lustful switch in her body. Whatever it was, Guy wasn’t complaining.

He wanted it on film, of course. He made Bunny set up the tripod before she drifted off to Never Never Land. So the camera stood a foot feet away, recording Kitten in close-up and she bobbed away.

A blood-curdling scream cut the night air. Kitten let go and turned toward it, dragging her teeth a little along the way.

“Ouch,” Guy said. “Careful.”

“Did you hear that?”

“Yeah, hard to miss.”

Another scream. And another. Male by the sound of it.

“Sounds like the poor guy’s being tortured.”

“Nah,” Guy said. “You know what that sounds like?”

“What?” She was still looking off into the darkness.

“Sounds like the guy’s getting railed. Hard.”

She turned to him now. “That’s a fucked up thing to say.”

“It’s true. Know how I know that?”

Kitten didn’t say anything.

“You sounded just like that when I popped your cherry. Remember that? You screamed bloody murder.”

“You weren’t exactly gentle.”

Guy shrugged. “I am what I am.” He put his hand on top of her head and guided it back toward his dick. “Now let’s ignore that little distraction.” Kitten smirked but then opened her mouth and went back to work. “That’s good.”

A few minutes passed. The screams didn’t let up. Kitten didn’t either. Guy kind of dug it. The screams. Kitten got crazy on him. Her finger massaging his asshole. It was surreal. But cool.

“Faster,” he said. “And go ahead and push that finger in. I think I’m going to come.”

Again she complied. The finger went in. Guy arched his back and thrust his pelvis toward her face. He closed his eyes and rocked his head back and sucked in the moonlight.

And then there were muffled screams. Kitten stopped blowing him. Her finger slid out of his ass. He could still feel the inside of her mouth but she’d stopped all back and forth motion for some fucking reason.

“What the fuck?” Guy said and rocked his head forward and opened his eyes.

He saw nothing but hair. Some of it was matted with blood. Then the stench hit him. Shit, must, earth. Guy didn’t look up, though. Something told him not to. Instead, he looked down and found two giant hands, palms pressed against both sides of Kitten’s head like a vice.

It grunted. Guy understood what it meant. Look up, it said. Look at me.

He did, his eyes drifting up the torso. It looked down at him, eyes full of pain and hunger. Eyes full of fury.

It roared and Guy screamed and Kitten wailed around his cock. Then its arms flexed and Kitten’s wails stopped. Hot fluid and chunks of something splattered Guy’s stomach. He looked down to find the thing’s hands now touching, pieces of Kitten’s head and hair still pressed between them.

Guy backed away. Rather easily. Then he realized his was pissing blood. No, he wasn’t pissing. He looked down and found the blood-jutting from the stump that was now his dick.

Now the pain came, spreading out in all directions in his body from his groin. He screamed and cupped his stump and ran. He made it a few feet and tripped over the tripod and camera. He hit the ground next to Bunny. Rolled onto his back.

It stood over him. It raised its foot over Guy’s head. It roared and its foot crashed down toward him, blocking out all light. And all of Guy’s pain stopped.




They’d been sitting there in the dark for ten minutes when Seph said, “I think we can risk walking. What do you think?”

Manny started to nod when a man’s scream ripped the air. One long agonizing scream. Seph jumped next to him and he squeezed her hand to remind her he was there.

No other screams followed. Manny locked in on the direction it emanated from based on the echo and dissipation. Not far. Half a mile. Somewhere on the Loop—

The cabin
, he thought. The gunshots, the scream. All coming from the same damn place.

“I want to go home.” Her voice was low and resigned.

“Someone’s in trouble.”

“Whoever it is is probably dead.”

Manny looked at her. The moonlight had all but disappeared yet he could still see the fear creasing the skin around her eyes and mouth. He wanted to leave, too. Wanted to pretend he hadn’t heard that tortured wail. But he couldn’t. Someone was in trouble and he might be the only one who could do anything about it.

“Hey.” Manny ran his thumb across her knuckles until she focused on him. “I have to go see if I can help.”

“What about me?”

“If you stay with me, you’ll be safe but I won’t make you go.”

“What if going gets us both killed?”

“So you’d let whoever that was suffer?”

She wiped away a tear. “That’s a hell of a thing to say.”

“You understand what I mean, though. I can’t ignore it.”

She nodded. “I just don’t want to go.”

“Neither do I.”

Seph smirked. “At least we agree on that.”

Manny let go of her hand. “We’ll approach slow. With the scope I’ll be able to survey from far enough away as not to put us in an indefensible position.”

“What if you see something bad?”

“There’s a lot more I can do with this scope and rifle than just observe.” Manny hoped he could back those words up. “We won’t have to get close.”

That seemed to ease the fear a bit. “Okay.”

“All right then. Let’s go. Nice and slow and quiet.”




The screams continued the entire way. At one point, when they were fairly close, Manny swore he heard two different guys screaming, maybe even the roar of the beast but chalked it up to an echo. The screaming and the grunts and howling from the cabin was just too loud to discern anything else that might be going on around them. They all came from in front of them. He was sure of that.

Manny heard the grunts before Seph. When she did after a few more steps, she said it sounded like an animal. Manny knew better but didn’t say. When they grew a little closer, the screams faded to feeble sobs. Barely noticeable between the grunts. Neither one said anything about those.

He glassed the woods ahead but could only make out portions of the roof and backside of the cabin. At three hundred yards, he checked again and this time got the whole nasty scene in the crosshairs. Two dead deputies, single headshots at close range. One white male bent over the hood of a cruiser. Two more deputies holding him down while Sheriff Clemons raped him.

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