Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (10 page)

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Authors: AJ Downey

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BOOK: Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance
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He kissed me, building it slowly, taking his time with it, his hand that had been tucked beneath his head, finding the side of my neck, caressing it lightly which shot rockets off in my central nervous system and fox fire racing along my nerve endings. Oh
, he knew just how to trip my trigger.

I kissed him back, slowly, languorously, and when he drew back, I felt nearly drunk with lust.

“Not gay,” he said, voice husky with a longing of his own.

“Noted,” I answered back, breathlessly.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine again, his hand smoothing over my hip until he hit the bare skin of my thigh. He hummed into my mouth in appreciation and slid his hand under my shirt, his cool touch leaving a line of shimmering heat in its wake.

He palmed my considerable breast and kneaded it with sure fingers and I gasped into his mouth, carefully hooking one of my legs over his hip and drawing him closer. He moaned into me and the length of his cock pressed into my stomach. I returned the gift of his touch by sliding my hand over the taut planes and angles of his more muscular physique, enjoying very much learning his body by braille.

He broke his mouth from mine, wrenching a small sound of pretest from me, gasping out, “Off, these need off,” in a tone desperate with want. I obliged, sitting up and pulling the oversized tee off of me. I shimmied out of my panties and he sat up too, his cock jutting out the opening to his boxers, the tip slightly weeping with a glistening drop of pre-cum.

He shucked out of his boxers as fast as I divested myself of my clothing, and then he reached for me, laying me down on my back. His mouth attacked the side of my neck, exploring, looking for that sweet spot and he found it. My body jerked, a cry tearing from my throat as I buried my fingers in his short, silky hair, lightly scratching my nails over his scalp. He hummed, an almost purring sound into the side of my neck as his hands whispered over my skin, stroking wherever they could reach as he teased the side of my neck, bringing me up to a fever pitch.

“You’re so fucking warm and soft,” he breathed, “I felt like I was never going to be warm again.”

He kissed down my body and I gasped, back arching. The fantasy I’d held in the shower became a reality when he pressed my hips flat to the mattress and licked a long, wet line up my pussy.

“Oh god, Kyle!” I cried out and he hummed softly in appreciation. He teased me gently, slipping first one, then two fingers inside me, curling them expertly,
just so
to hit that sweet fucking spot. My hips bucked of their own volition and he put his entire forearm across my hips and pressed me back down.

“Where you going?” he asked, a playful lilt to his voice, before he teased that place inside me again and lowered that beautiful mouth to my clit, sucking it gently.

I almost hit the roof! An impassioned cry escaped my lips and bounced off the faded wallpaper back at me as he worried at my clit and G-spot in a maddening way, repeatedly stopping just shy of me reaching that pinnacle of success and waiting until he could build me up just that much higher. Finally, I thought I was going to go into full on sensory overload, my synapses frying beyond repair, when he chuckled against my pussy and sent me sailing right over the razor’s edge. I plunged into the warm, starry bath of orgasm and never wanted to come up for air.

Oh my fucking
he was good. Better than anything I had dreamed up on my own.

I lay quivering and panting and he climbed my body planting soft, feather light kisses on his way up.

“Can I fuck you?” he asked softly and I found it incredibly hot that he
ask. I nodded mutely, gasping and he kissed my lips, a chaste thing compared to all the rest.

He got a condom out of his wallet, fumbling a bit, and I watched him, fists still clutched in the sheets, as he tore it open with his teeth. His eyes never left mine as he rolled it down his thick length and the look he gave me was so intense.

“I want to thank you for stopping,” he whispered as he got between my legs and guided himself to my entrance. He leaned forward, resting on one forearm beside my head as he slipped inside of me. My eyes started to drift shut at the exquisite feel of him but his voice stopped me.

“No, Baby, no… keep those eyes on me, please. I want to see what I do to you. I want to see how everything I do makes you feel.” His voice became strained as he thrust into me to the hilt and when he touched bottom, I think I came again.

Holy god.
I came just from him sliding inside of me. That’d never happened before. He bowed his head as my body twitched and pulsated around his invading cock and he didn’t move, which I appreciated. It let me feel
and I loved that.

Somehow my hands untangled from their death grip on the sheets and made their way to the stubble along his jaw. I cupped his face gently and he dipped his head, kissing me deeply, so
, as he picked up his pace, resuming his gentle slow strokes deep into my body. It was as if he were intent on savoring every sensation just as I was; and I marveled. I’d had plenty of sex, I’d even made love, but I’d never, not once,
made love with a stranger.
I’d never had an experience like this one, where two souls met, coming together so purely, so innocently, in perfect harmony.

We lay like that forever, seemingly suspended in time. I don’t know how many more times he made me come, I lost count, but eventually it felt as if it all rolled into one long everlasting orgasm. I was floating on a river of endorphins. Warm, safe, and just
blissed out
, and I think Kyle was right there with me.

I loved the way he moaned, his gasps were like honey to my ear, and when he drove gently into my sopping pussy for that last time, crying out so sweetly, his cock pulsating inside me as he came, I was a little sad that it had to end… But all good things had to end.

He lay, draped atop me, and I felt cuddled and amazing, his cock slowly shrinking inside me. He gasped, and I gasped with him, both of us lost for breath, our hearts beating a frenzied rhythm, circling each other in an echoing race.

“Thank you,” I breathed and kissed the side of his neck, idly running my hands through his hair as I remembered that he liked that. He pressed his lips against my shoulder in a reverent kiss and pulled out of me, dragging himself up into a kneeling position. His movements were languid, almost drugged and I knew how he felt. He retrieved the condom from my pussy and threw it aside in the wastebasket. I giggled.

“Fucking reality,” I laughed and Kyle laughed with me between desperate breaths.

“Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He dragged himself to his feet and stretched, he was long, lean, and muscular. That masculine kind of beauty that forced a woman to sigh in pleasure, just from looking at it. He padded into the bathroom and ran the water in the sink, returning with a hot washcloth. I reached for it, but he pulled my hand aside with his, and tended to me himself. I moaned and writhed a little bit, my pussy still super sensitive, and his touch just seemed to stoke the fires of my desire for him some more, rather than bank them.

His eyes captured mine and he set the washcloth aside, coming back to bed. He gathered me into his arms and the kissing, it started all over again; so did the love making. I didn’t even care that we didn’t have another condom. I wanted him, I needed him as if he were suddenly the perfect drug, and I know it’s stupid, but it felt so much better the second time, so incredibly freeing, watching him move above me, skin on skin.

I just couldn’t get enough.


When I woke the next morning, I was warm, almost too warm, but I was alone. I sat up, blinking, and looked around the room. Kyle was gone. What’s more, his clothes were gone. His boots weren’t in front of the nightstand, his jeans and T-shirt missing. My tee and panties lay atop it instead, neatly folded. I groaned and sat up, feeling like I’d done something like a million crunches the night before, when all it really was, was my abs were sore from coming so much.

I was deliciously sore and it felt incredible. What did
feel incredible, was waking up alone, but his jacket still lay in the chair where he’d abandoned it the night before. It was cold outside, so I didn’t think he’d gone far without it. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. There was no sign of him in there either.

I took care of business and dragged on my clothes, finishing just as the room’s phone started to ring. I picked it up.


“Hello, this is the front desk, it’s time to check out.”

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Nine o’clock, Ma’am.”

“Thanks,” I grunted into the phone and dropped the receiver back onto the base.

“A little fuckin’ early for checkout isn’t it?” I asked the empty air. Usually it was like eleven or something. I shrugged into my riding gear and picked up Kyle’s jacket, frowning at the uneven distribution of weight. I lifted his wallet out of his inside pocket and felt a chill go down my spine
. Hadn’t his wallet been in his back pocket last night?
I mean, that’s where he’d gotten the condom from. I opened it up.

“I’ll be damned,” I uttered. He lived in town here, like only a couple of blocks away, if I remembered some of the streets we’d passed last night coming up the main drag. I pulled on my riding gear and plugged his address from his license into my phone; an uncomfortable sick feeling starting in the pit of my stomach.

I checked out, and fired up Betsy, tying my hair up under my bandana, affixing another over my face to stave off the chill. I put on my sunglasses and strapped my helmet under my chin, before heeling up the kickstand and backing her out of the space. I had Kyle’s jacket in the saddle bag with my first aid kit, and the fucking GPS was already being a demanding cunt in my ears, curtesy of my headphones.

Her directions were interrupted shortly after I pulled back onto the highway by an incoming call. I pressed the button on the headphones and shouted, “Yeah?” into the phone.

“Dreamer, where you at?”

“Beauty, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I said to my club sister.

“You failed to check in last night and Rage is pissed,”

“What else is new? I mean, duh.”

“Good point, so answer the fucking question, where you at?”

“Podunk little mountain town, lucky I have signal. Picked up a guy last night and hit a hotel. That’s the extremely short version, I promise to fill you all in later, but I need to get the fuck off the phone, you’re fucking with my directions and I don’t want to get anymore lost than I already am.”

“Right; well be careful, you miss check-in tonight, Rage is going to make us ride up there after your ass and it is too fucking cold for that shit.”


“Just because I have one, doesn’t mean I am one,” Beauty sang out and I laughed.

“Later, Girl,” I said.


She hung up and immediately the GPS started bitching at me to turn around, that I’d missed the turn. I sighed, frustrated and did what the bitch said.

A few minutes later, I was travelling in an upward trajectory, into some nice neighborhoods. The houses were made out of stone and glass and fuckin’ way classier than anything I’d ever lived in. It didn’t surprise me though; Kyle had said he was in real estate.

I pulled up in front of one of the nicest places on the block when the fucking GPS started insisting I had arrived, repeatedly, and to the point I wish she were real and I could scream at her to shut up. I didn’t take it as a good sign that a Sheriff department SUV and a Search and Rescue Range Rover were parked in the driveway. I felt my eyebrows draw down and I got off the bike, opening up the saddle bag to pull out Kyle’s jacket and wallet.

I felt a fission of fear, my chest tightening with anxiety when I looked down at my first aid kit. The jacket was gone. It’d been
right there
but now it was gone as if I’d never put it there.

“What the fuck?” I muttered to myself.

“Help you?” A deputy called out, making his way across the brown lawn in my direction.

“Uh, no. Just think I made a wrong turn is all,” I called back.

“Uh huh, well, where you headed?” he asked.

“Stayed at the Roadside Inn last night, and was trying to make my way back to the main highway, I figured I was going the wrong direction when I was heading up, not down, but I figured there might be a gas station up this way. Was just digging out my map.”

“I see. I was hoping you might have some information about Kyle.”

“Kyle?” I asked, and was surprised that the deputy didn’t catch my hollow tone.

“Yeah, Kyle Montag. He’s been missing three days now, went out for a ride and hasn’t come back. His sister called us in, we been lookin’ but we have nothin’.”

“No, sorry, never heard of him.” I lied.

What in the absolute fuck?

“Well, y’see anything, you let us know. Lots of folks worried about him. His sister’s a wreck.”

I nodded, “I’ll do that.” I vowed and looked back down the way I came.

A sense of urgency was building in me and it wouldn’t be ignored. I followed my gut and got back on my bike. I could make up time later, my family pretty much sucked anyways and I hadn’t been thrilled about making the trip to see them in the first place. There was something I wanted to,
needed to
check out. I rode back down into town and hit the highway going south, back toward Denver. I watched the side of the highway running north for any signs and nearly cried out when I saw it.

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