Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (14 page)

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Authors: AJ Downey

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“You don’t want to use the bed?” He slipped my bra off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. His gaze immediately dropped to my bared breasts.

“The bed? What for? You afraid to fuck standing up, Scotty?”

“Oh. Uh?”

I suspected most of his blood had fled his brain. Grabbing his belt loops, I rose to my tiptoes and bit his lower lip. The bulge in his pants pressed against me, and I swished my hips back and forth to tease him. For good measure, I let go of his pants and scraped my short fingernails across his back.

He took the hint and kissed me, mouth hungry. His hands slid around my back then dove into my jeans to grab my ass. One hand quested further and I had no idea what he did with the other until he tugged on my hair. As I leaned back for him, he trailed a line of aggressive kisses down my jaw and neck. My new toy had enough muscle to hold me up bent over backward while he found my breast and sucked the tight peak into his mouth.

The manhandling took me by surprise, and I loved every moment of it. I’d been intimidating guys since forever. To have one take control flipped all my switches at once. I held on and moaned while his tongue swirled and swiped. Heat spread between my legs as I imagined him doing the same there. Somehow, he also eased my jeans and panties over my hips without my noticing until they hit the floor.

He lifted my thigh and snaked his hand underneath to brush my wetness with his fingertips. Just when he found the right spot, he stopped and came up for air. “Get that robe down.” His voice rumbled with the order and I jumped to do it, unwilling to snap him out of whatever mood he’d fallen into.

I tossed my robe aside and caught him staring at my ass while he dropped his pants and boxers. He only let me stand by myself for a moment before closing in from behind and pushing my hair aside to nibble at my neck. His cock pressed against my ass, the blazing heat almost too much to bear.

Though he couldn’t have had any experience at this, he reached around me without hesitation and took the tie, then wrapped it around my wrists. Watching him bind my hands made me shiver. I’d ridden pillion on a motorcycle a thousand times, putting my life in the hands of the driver, but I’d never let anyone tie me up naked before. A rush of something like fear flooded me as I realized I barely knew Prescott. He could’ve been playing me all this time to get me into this position.

When he pushed, I shuffled forward so he could reach the hook. My nipples brushed against the cheap wood door, sending tiny sparks shooting to my fingers and toes. “You got a plan, Scotty?” My voice wavered and cracked.

“Uh. Maybe?” He pulled the fresh knot tight and backed away while I stood there, not sure what to make of his answer. “Wow.” I heard him let out a shaky breath. “Seeing you like really...” He cleared his throat. “I like this. A lot.”

“What’re you gonna do about that?”

Instead of answering, he closed in again and set his hands on my hips. He turned and bent me over until my hair spilled around my face and my breasts pointed straight down. I drew in one ragged breath after another, heart thumping in my chest with the terrifying thrill of riding unknown roads without a map. He ran his hand over my ass, rubbing in circles until he sent his fingers over the edge to slide between my legs.

His first swipe made me gasp. When he found my clit and swirled his finger over it, I moaned. He stuck his knee between my legs, forcing them apart. His fingers pressed harder and harder, and I whimpered at the tension building in my core. The crest of a tidal wave felt close enough to reach out and grab when he suddenly stopped.

Surprised and disappointed, I let out a sharp sound. Then he wriggled between my legs and sat on his knees beneath me. He gave me an uncertain smile and brushed his lips over mine. Without a word, he shifted and nibbled on my nipple, his hand finding my wetness again. The moment he touched my clit and pressed his thumb into it, I felt that wave returning. His tongue flicked over my hard bud while his fingers slipped inside me.

Had I been lying on my back in bed, none of this would have affected me half so much. Standing at his mercy, everything felt new and different and strange. I looked down at his face and saw his eyes closed in ecstasy, his mouth working my breast and his arm pumping my core. Heat flooded my body as I came. I sagged against the tie with a groan.

“Scotty,” I croaked. “Fuck me, Scotty.”

He opened his eyes to gaze up at me and let go of my breast to smile with a sparkle of delighted mischief in his eyes. “Not yet.”

I had no idea what he meant to do as he crawled between my legs again. “Please.”

Then he lifted his face and clamped his mouth over my sex. I tried and failed to made a sound while he swiped his tongue back and forth. The tight grip he had on my thighs barely registered while he suckled. I looked down the line of my body and watched his jaw work. Seeing his thick cock standing at attention made me want it.

“Scotty, please.”

He sucked harder and his tongue ravaged my clit. When he swiped it back and forth again, I thanked God I’d brought him up here. He let go to nibble on my most sensitive parts, eliciting tiny squeals and gasps from me. I wanted him to keep going forever. I wanted him to stop and let me breathe. Just when I thought I’d start crying from overload, he stopped. I sighed with relief, but also throbbed with need, willing to do nearly anything to come again.

He grabbed my hips and gave no warning before pushing his cock inside me in a smooth, slow stroke that went on forever. My moan echoed his and I whimpered while he pulled out. Another slow, lazy stroke in and out made me tremble, and I couldn’t have stayed on my feet without the tie. He pushed in again and shifted my hips until he somehow found a spot I’d never known I had until now. Sparks of pure pleasure shot through me.

“Yes, there,” I said in a hoarse whisper. “More.”

He grunted and sped his pace, thrusting over that spot again and again. Each jolt came before the last one faded, building until I wanted to scream. More than that, I wanted to come. Like before, the sweet release danced close yet remained out of reach.

“More,” I wailed. “Scotty, please!”

His next thrust slammed into me, and I stumbled forward. He tightened his grip and pounded inside me again and again. My whimpers turned to tears, then he smacked my ass so hard it shocked me over the edge. The intense orgasm flooded my body in massive rippling waves, and I screamed his name. He groaned and I felt his cum surge inside me, adding another swell of euphoria.

With one last weak stroke, he eased me to the floor next to the door, where I was able to kneel, kept upright by the tie. When he wrapped his arms around me from behind, I felt his stubble scrape between my shoulder blades. His hot breath made me shiver. I sucked in a breath as his hands held up my tender breasts.

“Angelfish, you’re amazing,” he said, still panting.

I shuddered as he pulled out. When I tried to speak, I managed only a weak grunt.

“Can I stay for a while?”

My answer had to wait. “Untie me,” I whimpered.

“Oh! Sorry.” Prescott moved and within seconds, I collapsed in a trembling heap. Strong arms gathered me up, carried me to the bed, and laid me down. He grabbed a blanket and snuggled up underneath it, radiating warmth. “We’ll do something else next time. Your shoulders are probably going to be sore.”

Nodding, I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped a leg around his to get as much skin touching as possible. The shivering subsided. My arms were useless and would probably stay that way for a while. “Best fuck ever.”

“Yeah, for me too.” He held me close. “You’re delicious. And I love your breasts. Bridget hates me doing anything but a quick squeeze, and even then she complains. And forget about—”

“Ssh.” No longer tied up, I had no qualms about telling him where to go and what to do. “I don’t give a shit. No talking about that bitch in this room. She’s the past. Most important, you’re not fucking anyone else until I’m done with you.”

He smiled and brushed his lips across mine. “Does that mean I can stay?”



Emma Lee is a native Californian wanderer currently experiencing the wonder of rain in the Pacific Northwest. She loves to garden even though she’s lousy at it, and often finds herself staring blankly while her son discusses Minecraft. An avid reader and prolific writer all her life, she’s recently turned to sharing the kinky, crazy stories in her head instead of hiding them in the closet.

Riding With Fire

Amo Jones


Chapter 1


“Meagan! Come on, why are we in a damn motorcycle shop?” My best friend Lisa moans from behind me.

“Come on, Lesh, this could be fun,” I reply, walking toward an immaculate gloss white Harley Davidson Street 700. Running my hands along her smooth exterior—yes, my bike will be a girl and she will purr like a Jaguar. Flashes of me riding through the summer nights with my dark hair brushing through the wind, and the vibrations sitting under me wash over my brain, spreading a smile across my lips.

“Look,” Lisa begins. “I get it, okay? I get that you need a…” she gestures around the room, “distraction. I really get it. Sem was disgusting, bikers are fucking foul. But, Meagan! Just because you have ridden on the back of one doesn’t mean you can drive one!”

“I’ve ridden before, Lisa. My dad took me for lessons when I was eighteen,” I answer her, walking toward the cashier. His face bored like he thinks I’m not about to drop some serious cash on his counter. He probably thinks we’re tire pushers. Nope, not today. The heavy heels of her Louboutins clink across the glass tiles behind me.

“Please don’t make me run in these.” She catches up to me, just as I arrive to the counter. “Look, you’ve been through a lot in the last two weeks. I think you should step back and think for a second.”

I turn in my step, my Chuck Taylors squeaking under the soles of my feet. “I don’t want to fucking think, Lisa! I don’t want to think any more about my drop-kick ex-boyfriend, who’s been cheating on me for months, or the fact that when I go home for Thanksgiving this weekend, my dad won’t be there! And what fucks with me even more, is that the reason he is dead is because of me! So shut the fuck up and let me buy the damn bike.” I storm off to the now shocked cashier, I tell him what bike I want, and swipe my MasterCard.

Lisa’s hands touch my shoulder lightly. “I’m sorry, Meagan. I never meant to upset you. I’m just worried.”

I turn in my steps, bringing my soft brown cognac colored eyes to hers. “It’s fine, Lisa. Just please leave it. I can’t think about Sem or my dad anymore.”

She nods her head in agreement. Thank God for that, I don’t want to relive the past two weeks. After walking in on my boyfriend fucking the shit out of a club whore, I left. That may be okay for some Old Ladies but not me.
. After I left, he went bat-shit crazy and burnt our home down where my father laid. He hated my father, because he wasn’t a fan of our relationship
at all
. The police say that he was looking for me that day, but because I was working at the bar he couldn’t get his hands on me. He’s currently in custody and looking at major time. It’s been the worst two weeks of my life. So now, I want to ride. I want to know what it feels like to be in control of the bike, my life—everything.


“So when are you going back to Massa?” Lisa asks as we pull into the driveway of my tiny two-bedroom cottage.

“This weekend. I have to pick up some items for my mom and then I’ll be leaving. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?”

“I don’t know.” Lisa looked out toward the light blue sky.

“You wanna come with? I’m sure my mom would love to see you.”

“I don’t want to intrude,” Lisa adds softly.

“Don’t be silly! You can come. It’ll be great. Take my mind off things. I know my mom and dad were divorced a long time ago, but my mom really loved him, you know?” I reply, taking the keys out of the ignition and pushing the driver’s side door open.

Lisa pushes open her door, shuts it and flicks her brown hair over her shoulder. “It’s just you know, my family are nonexistent over Thanksgiving. Mom’s in Aspen and Dad’s in the Bahama’s. It’s just Billy Bob and me.” Billy Bob is Lisa’s pug. He’s cute but sort of scares me.

Once I reach the porch, I push my key into the lock and open the door wide. My house is simple. It’s a two-bedroom cottage all very classical and plain. I love it though because it’s mine. My dad was big in investing money and putting it in all the right places. He never gave me a single handout as a child. I had to do chores around the house if I so much as wanted a new top. Once I hit eighteen, he began teaching me the ins and outs of real estate. And now, because of him, I own my little cottage. It’s only two bedrooms, but I’m not planning on having kids anytime soon, if ever. I hang my keys on the wooden key holder and continue to walk into the kitchen to pour an orange juice.

“So,” Lisa starts, “when are we leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning and you can follow me there.”

“What? Why? My car is more luxurious!”

“I know, but I’m riding my new bike,” I state proudly.

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