Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (24 page)

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Authors: AJ Downey

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BOOK: Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance
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“I haven’t really sat down and watched a show. I meet up with friends to talk about other things and have a drink sometimes. Why are you asking me how things are?” I need to know what she knows.

“Well, being an owner I figured you would know.” I’m stunned. I thought I kept it quiet. I didn’t want her or Momma to know I was involved. I love working at the Pen. I don’t want to get fired or have to choose. I glance at her and see the shit-eating grin.

“So, it isn’t a problem for you? You don’t think I’m disloyal?”

“Oh no, I don’t think that at all. Neither does Momma. You can talk to her yourself. We don’t want to lose you but if you have a chance to better yourself and go out on your own then do it. You know Momma will support you. I just want free tickets.” I see the twinkle in her eyes. I can breathe again.

“And what would Nick say to you going to a male strip club? Do you think he would like it?” She outright laughs. She reminds me of Lori. Everything is funny to them.

“If I’m looking but not touching there is no problem. He gets looks and stares every time he goes out. He finds phone numbers on his bike when he parks it out front. I trust him and he trusts me. So, no problem.” I like that about them. The trust. I don’t seem to have that lately. I feel me and Jax drifting apart. Maybe if we talked more, it could work.

“I’ll get you the pass to get in. It will be good for six visits and then I can get another for you. There’s stuff I need to get done but thanks for the heads up about knowing. I was afraid of being fired. I love it here.” I gather my stuff and head back in to grab my phone. I need to call Jax and see where we are. It’s time for some talking. Meeting up with him will clear the air and get me an answer I can live with. Either he accepts me for who I am or we go our separate ways. It might hurt to say goodbye but it won’t last forever. I will not be someone’s option. I want a forever kind of man. I don’t know if he can be that.

I shoot off a text and it doesn’t take long to get a response. He can meet me at the park. It’s halfway for both of us. Changing into my leathers and grabbing my helmet I’m off to meet him. I enjoy the ride. Some people think women don’t belong on a bike unless they are riding bitch. There is a freedom that comes with riding. It brings the world right to me and it just looks fresher. There is the danger of laying it down. Most of that is caused by trash on the road or other motorists. I like to think the good outweighs the bad.

I see Jax and park beside him. His smile warms my heart and I see his mood is good. I dismount and walk around to him.

“Hey, stranger.” I watch him smirk. We both have been busy this week so I really can’t blame it all on him.

“C’mere, Sugar. I missed you.” My heart melts at those words. I smile as I walk into his embrace. I hold on a little longer and tighter than normal and he notices.

“What’s wrong? Who do I need to kill?” He pushes me off him to see my face. I see the concern there and it gives me hope that he cares.

“You don’t need to kill anyone. I just needed to feel wanted. Lately I’ve had some doubts about where we are and where we are going. I want to know but I don’t want to push you into something you’re not ready for.” I look for his reaction but he hides it well.

“I’m not sure what I want. I’m not ready for marriage yet but I don’t want to let what we have go. I love you. I’m faithful to you. I don’t know what else to tell you.”

I let his words wash over me. I smile. Knowing he’s faithful to me helps. I think all women have that doubt. Now I have to be honest also. “I don’t think I’m ready for marriage either. I enjoy my life and I enjoy my time with you. I sometimes wish we had more time but I can’t blame you when I’m just as busy.”

“Come on. Let’s go back to my place and see if we are still on the same page.”

I am so up for that. A night spent with Jax and no interruptions sounds great. We load up and race out of the park to his place.


Chapter Two


The feel of his hands as they glide down my body sets up a shiver. He reaches the hem of my shirt and lifts it slowly. I watch his eyes as he pulls it over my head and drops it on the floor. He grabs my bra and pulls it down to make my breasts pop out and stand for attention. He winks at me and moves to take a nipple into his mouth. The warmth of his tongue is heaven. He nips and bites just enough to send shocks straight to my core. I lift his shirt but he isn’t helping me to get it off him. My patience is running out. I want to feel his skin on mine. I want to be wrapped in his arms with the feeling of being wanted and cherished. I shove him gently off me and hear a pop from his mouth. I grab the button on my jeans and kick my boots off quickly. He does the same.

With our clothes gone he grabs my neck and smashes his mouth to mine. His kiss is rough. Invasive. Thrilling. Everything he is, it’s in the kiss. I feel his hands roaming my body. I hold on knowing he will pleasure me in ways only he can. Slowly I feel him bend and lift me in his strong arms. I’m not a petite girl. I have curves. Being held by him makes me feel sexy and tiny. He lays me on the bed and his weight holds me in place.

I melt into the bed and relax all my muscles. I want to just feel. Maybe it’s selfish but I lay there and enjoy the attention my body has been craving. His mouth trails kisses down my neck and chest. His hands grab onto my back and bring me closer. A fire is building in my belly and I need the release. I wiggle to get him where I want him and hear him grunt. His arm lays across my hips and pins me. He is taking his time. Drawing out the pleasure. No one can ever say Jax is a selfish lover.

My legs fall open as his mouth touches my hip bone. Little nips and bites are covering me. I’ll have marks for days. I don’t mind. Every time I see them they will remind me of what we do. Of the love we show to each other.

Jerking my hips up to meet his mouth gets me a pop on the thigh. I can’t hold back the moan as he latches on to my clit. He sucks hard and deep. His fingers probe until he finds me soaking wet and enters. Curving his fingers until he finds that sweet spot. I can’t hold back. I have no time to warn him. With one more lick I explode. He chuckles and looks me in the eye. “You want more?”

I couldn’t answer with words if I had to. I just nod. His smile sets my heart beating fast. “Turn over, ass up.” I quickly do as I’m told. I love the feel of him wrapped around me. His hands travel from my leg up into my hair. Bunching it in his hand, he pulls. My back arches and I feel his cock probing me. Without any warning he slams into me. The burn from the stretch makes me gasp. His long slow stroke turns it into a moan. He takes his time. Slow and deep to draw out our pleasure. I press back into his thrust. I feel a sharp slap on my ass. “Stay still and enjoy.”

His hand leaves my hair and presses my shoulders onto the bed. This places my ass higher. Without using my hands to hold me up I’m free to explore him. I reach down and between us, gently cupping his balls. I roll them as he grunts. He likes this. I use my thumb and press his dick at the base. I feel his balls draw up and know he will stop me. The sting of the slap excites me. I never knew having your ass slapped could be erotic. His breath is coming faster as I feel him pulling me up. Kneeling gives him access to reach and circle my clit with his finger and thumb. He pinches and sets me off so we come together. I see stars. The white spots in my eyes are floating. I feel boneless and satisfied.

He lays us down with my back to his chest. When the spots in my eyes disappear I look up at the ceiling. I see a note taped next to the fan. I smile as I read it. In block letters he shows he cares.

“Candi, I love you. Wanna move in?”

I can’t believe he didn’t just ask. I grunt as my eyes close and sleep claims me.


I wake and am alone. I feel the sheets and notice they still have a bit of warmth to them. I listen for sounds of his whereabouts and hear the shower on. I decide to say thank you in a special way. Maybe if I’m sneaky I can join him for a good morning blowjob. Slipping into the bathroom as quietly as I can, I slide in and sink to my knees. The water cascading down his body makes my hormones go wild. The curve of his ass is perfect. He turns to rinse the soap from his back and I gently suck his cock into my mouth. The jerk of his hips let me know I surprised him. I suck in as hard and deep as possible. Using my hands I cup his balls with one and hold his ass with the other. As I get comfortable with the thickness of his cock I relax my jaw. I direct his hips by pressing my nails into his skin. With the rocking of his hips and the suction of my mouth I get the moan of satisfaction I was looking for. I swallow him down and lick him clean.

He pulls me to my feet and kisses me good morning. “Thanks. Was that my answer for the question or just because you’re awesome?”

“That was because I missed your warm body next to mine when I woke up.” I get the smile I like best and another kiss. I take a turn under the water as he rubs the soap over me.

“Well, when do I get an answer to my question? I kinda want to know how you feel about living with me.” I see the little boy who was abandoned in his face. I love this man. If I want my forever with him I am going to have to take it at his pace and show him I’m here. I scrub the soap out of my eyes and look at him.

“I would love to move in with you. I can get my girls to help me pack and be in fully by tomorrow. Is that okay with you, for them to know where your house is?”

“Do you trust them? I mean with your life. You know I never let people come here. If you’re going to live here then I have to let you invite your friends also. Just please be careful.” I hear what he is saying and what he isn’t saying. His privacy means a lot to him and I need to respect that above all.

“Yeah, babe, I’ll make sure they understand that dropping in unannounced won’t be tolerated. You’ll like them. I want you to know who I spend my time with.”

The water cooling off has us getting out. Hope my hair can go without a washing today. I barely got me washed. I’ll need another after work anyhow. Knowing I need to get to work has me hurrying to get ready and out of here. That will be one drawback to living here. Can’t just walk down the hall and be at work in minutes. I need to talk to Momma and let her know about me moving here. I don’t want to let her think I’m leaving her. She’s too important for that.

With a quick brush of a kiss against Jax’s cheek I’m out the door and on my way. I make it to the Pen with three minutes to spare. I go straight to the office and get the day started. I need to hurry if I want to get everything done today. I check the time and see that Momma should be awake by now. I fix her coffee and take one for myself as I make my way to her rooms. A quick but quiet knock has my hands sweating. Here goes nothing.

Momma answers and I can tell she hasn’t been up long. I hold the coffee out and give her a smile. “Do you have a minute or do I need to wait till later?”

She nods her head as she takes the coffee and holds the door open. “Come on in, sweetie. I stayed up late and a slow morning is the result. Thank you for the coffee. How can I help you today? Please tell me it’s not a kitchen problem.”

“No, it’s not a kitchen problem. That place runs itself now. I follow Charlie’s plan and I am through in a couple hours. Which brings me to why I am here.” I take a deep breath and steady myself. I know I can talk to Momma about everything. She helped me out so much last summer with advice. “I’m moving in with Jax today and I just wanted you to know that. The kitchen is running fine and I don’t feel right trying to stay busy eight hours a day when I get it all done in less than half of that. I also need you to know I am a part owner of a club on the other side of town.”

I watch her face to see if anything I said is a surprise to her. It’s hard to read her. She didn’t blink or change her breathing so I can only wait for her to speak. She takes a drink of her coffee as she watches me. The suspense is torture. Seconds feel like minutes. When it looks like she is going to say something she takes another drink and sets her cup on the table beside her.

“Are you leaving the Pen or just moving? Am I losing you?” Her voice is quiet and sad. I need to fix this and fast.

“No, Momma, I’m just moving in with Jax. We talked and I’m ready for more. Not marriage more, but more. I still want to work here but it isn’t fair to get paid for all day when it doesn’t take all day. Does that clarify things for you?”

“Well it clarifies the kitchen. I like that you have come to me and talked about it. I can move you to salary based on your knowledge and experience then you won’t have to worry about the hours. Just do your job and when you’re done you stay on call. Will that work?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll like that better. I won’t feel guilty getting paid to read a book in the office.” I see her smile and relax. “You didn’t mention anything about the club. Is it a problem for you that I am a part owner?” There is no telling emotions on her face. I don’t want to give up any part of my life. I hope there isn’t an ultimatum.

“No, the Hot Rods is not a competition for us. You cater to the women and from what I hear your doing great over there. The town is big enough that we can all do well without any worries. I was worried that you were embarrassed about things and that was why you weren’t mentioning it.”

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