Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (14 page)

Read Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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“Come, Sadie,” he whispered fiercely then. “Come for me.”

I broke.

The black wave of pleasure crashed into me, bowling me over, sweeping me under. I became lost inside it as it filled me up. I shrieked, terrified, transformed, just a blaze of light and heat on the floor of his private jet. The staff may have heard me. I couldn't say. Everything melted away and I writhed and thrashed, my body jumping and leaping on the carpet as though I had been struck by lightning.

It felt as though I had.

The sensation drew out, longer and longer as he pounded his fingers inside me, holding me down by my hips until at last I began to cry from the intensity, the incredible, wonderful, mind-altering force of it.

At last he stopped plumbing me, and I sank down to the carpet, my body slick with sweat. I gasped staring at the ceiling of the plane while the hum of the engines filled my head.

Malcolm let his fingers slip from my tight passage and moved up, covering my body with his own. Hiking my legs around his waist, he cradled me against him as I panted, exhausted and fulfilled. His lips brushed over my ear.

“'I have gone out,'” he said, voice low and rough with arousal, “'a possessed witch, haunting the black air, braver at night. Dreaming evil, I have donned my hitch over the plain houses, light by light: lonely thing, twelve-fingered, out of mind...'”

Pulling back, his eyes drifted up to my own, and he held me with his gaze. “'A woman like that is not a woman, quite,'” he murmured. “'I have been her kind.'”

I bit my lip and tried to catch my breath. “What... what was that?”

“Anne Sexton,” he said. He watched me, his eyes burning with desire. “After I bought you at the auction, I thought I might become a poet as well.” He smiled as though this were a far sillier notion than becoming a tortured artist. “I was very drunk at the time. Poets are notoriously drunk, you see, and I thought it would be perfect. I have never written poetry before, though, so I went looking for a poem or two to describe you. I found that one.”

Releasing the hold of his hand on my shoulder, he moved it down again, between our bodies and then ran his fingers over my slit, sending another shudder of bone-shattering pleasure rocking through me.

“A twelve-fingered witch?” I said, grasping at rationality.

“A singular woman, unbound by society,” he corrected me. “You exist outside of all things.”

For some reason, tears stung my eyes. I felt that way sometimes. Often. I felt that way
How did he know?

“Or perhaps,” he said, his smile growing, “I just felt as though you had laid a spell on me.”

I rolled my eyes and he laughed. The bulge of his cock, covered in rough denim, rocked against my slick entrance as he did so, and I realized that perhaps he understood me better than I'd ever thought. He'd struck at the heart of me with his poem, revealed sides of me I hadn't known existed with his art. Cradled against him, I felt strangely small and vulnerable.

Lowering his head, he captured my lips in a slow, sensuous kiss, his tongue reminding me that it loved to give me pleasure as well. I returned the kiss, hard and insistent, as though I wanted to fight him, and it made him laugh. One hand tangled in my hair as he slipped his other arm beneath me and scooped me up, rocking back onto his heels and holding me around him. Too spent by the orgasm he had given me, I collapsed against him, my arms moving around his shoulders, limp and weak.

For a long while, he kissed me, and I let him, too tired to do anything but let him. He could have done anything he wanted with me—dressed me up in a clown wig and a tutu for all I cared—and I couldn't have put up a fight. In my brain, the realization that I had put myself completely at his mercy without ever feeling the bite of a rope against my skin was, intellectually, a bit jarring, but I felt no emotions about it at all. So what? If he did crazy things like
to me, I really had no objection.

After a bit he pulled away. “You seem tired,” he said, smiling. “Perhaps you would like to take a nap before we get to Croatia?”

“Oh,” I said, “I hate sleeping on planes. It's always so uncomfortable.” Well, except for that one time to Barbados with Felicia. First class. My god. The
I'd been a class traitor and I hadn't been able to care, what with the champagne and the seats that sort of became beds. It had been crazy. Also? Fucking steak for dinner. That had been a good time.

But Malcolm was smiling, his dark brown eyes crinkling at the edges. “Oh?” he said. “But you have never slept on
plane before.” Gently he set me down and stood up, helping me to my shaking feet. His clothes were streaked with paint and charcoal, and so was I.

We're rubbing off on each other,
I thought, and giggled.

Placing a warm arm around my shoulders, he guided me to the back of the plane, where a wood paneled wall stood. An unobtrusive door was set into it, and he opened it to reveal...

...a bedroom.


“This is
I said.

“Not even the best part,” he told me. “See that?” He pointed to a door set into the back of the bedroom. “Through there is a shower. Hot water. Massage head. Would you like to try it?”

I looked down at myself, covered in paint and charcoal. “Don't you want to take a picture of your masterpiece?” I asked.

I felt the surprise radiate from him. “This?” he said. “This isn't my masterpiece. A thumbnail sketch, at best.”

I thought. The masterpiece might very well give me a heart attack if this had been a thumbnail sketch. I took a deep breath and moved away from him. He let his hand fall from my shoulder. “Yeah,” I said. “Then a shower would be great.”

“Wonderful,” he said. “I'll leave you to it, if you don't mind. You have given me some lovely ideas and I'd like to write them down before we land.”

I nodded, and he reached out, capturing my hand. Pressing a kiss to the back, he bowed to me before backing out of the bedroom, a smile on his face.

As soon as the door clicked closed I wanted to collapse, but I was afraid of getting his jet any more dirty than I'd already made it, even though he clearly didn't care about its interior. Stumbling to the door in the back, I let myself into the bathroom.

And it
a bathroom. Utterly decadent. I felt like a jerk just standing in it, but I wasn't about to let a good hot shower go to waste. I turned the water on and stepped inside.

For a long while I stood in the hot spray, watching the water run black and brilliant as the pigments on my skin washed down the drain, until finally it ran clear. Only then did I use the luxurious soap and wash myself. By the time I was done the water was running cold, and I shivered as I stepped out and wrapped myself in a large, fluffy towel that had been sitting on a heated towel rack. I took the opportunity to relieve myself before stepping into the bedroom.

Someone—Malcolm perhaps, but probably a private and discreet in-flight steward—had drawn the shades down on the windows, making it lovely and dim inside the bedroom. The bed stood against one side of the plane, up against the windows, and for a weird moment the thought of sleeping next to a line of windows thirty thousand feet in the air gave me a little thrill of fear, and I realized that if I slept here, I wouldn't have my gun with me.

It'd been years since I'd slept without my gun by my bedside. I always had it. I never stayed over at men's houses. I had to have my gun.

I hadn't thought this through very well...

On the other hand, I didn't think Malcolm was the sort to assault me while I was asleep, seeing as how I was quite willing while I was awake. And it wasn't like someone could just break into a plane, thanks to the aforementioned thirty thousand feet of air between me and the ground. I should be safe.

I didn't really expect to sleep, though. I felt naked. Far more naked than actually being naked felt, which I didn't care about.

I bit my lip, then decided that since I had no idea what was in store for me, I'd better at least try to get some shut eye. Shedding the towel to the floor, because I'm classy like that, I slid under the soft white down comforter and thousand thread-count sheets. The bed was surprisingly warm, and I wrapped myself up in it.

I must have been more tired than I thought, because the moment my head hit the pillow, I passed out.

It was the best sleep I'd ever had.

* * * *

had been more tired than I'd thought, because I slept until we landed in Croatia early in the morning the next day. I'd forgotten that we were passing into a whole new time zone. When I opened my eyes, I was reaching for my bedside table as I always did before I realized it was Tuesday, and I was nowhere near New York City.

The thought shocked me and I sat up.

“Oh, you're awake.”

I turned my head to see Malcolm sitting in a buttery leather chair at the other side of the plane, drawing in a sketchbook. Had he been drawing me while I slept? The thought should have creeped me out a bit, but instead I just felt a burning curiosity to see his sketch. I kept my tongue, though. I hated it when people asked to see my rough work. Or loved it. I could never tell. But I didn't want to know if he was good or bad at it. It would ruin the illusion he had built up around himself, a brilliant man capable of anything.

I wanted to believe in that. I'd been disappointed in too many men before. I wanted to live the fantasy just a few days longer.

While I'd slept, Malcolm had changed into a beautiful pair of slacks, another incredible sweater, and a jacket that was far too fashionable for a man of his age. But he made it look good. He worked it. I realized I was still naked. Behind him, one of the window shades had been pulled up, presumably to give him some light to work by, and I saw the runway outside. Mountains hulked beyond it.

“I need to get dressed,” I said.

“Your clothes will be here soon,” he replied. “I will be very upset if they are not.” He continued sketching in his book. He looked like he actually knew what he was doing. For a moment I watched him, the light from outside illuminating his beautiful face, all planes and angles and hidden strength. The sun on his hair gleamed golden, and I longed to run my fingers through it, but before I could gather up the energy to act on the impulse, the door opened and a young woman entered, carrying an armful of clothes.

Immediately I felt shabby. Impeccably dressed and with long, golden hair curled up on her head in an elaborate coiffure, she was gorgeous. Wide blue eyes took me in, assessing, and then laid her burden down on the chair. “Thank you for your patronage,” she told Malcolm, her beautiful accent rounded, with sharp ends bracketing each word. Smiling at me, she exited.

“Please,” Malcolm said, “get dressed.” He closed his sketchbook and leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers in front of his mouth and fixing his eyes on me. It took me a moment to realize he wasn't going to leave. Instead, he was going to watch me.

I swallowed and stood up, letting the comforter and the warmth of the bed fall away. I shivered a bit in the cooler ambient air, but I threw my shoulders back and padded over to the chair where the pile of clothes threatened to tip over. Reaching out, I began to flip through them.

Every single one was beautiful. Lovely, well-made. And
not fussy.
Thank god. I just hate fussy clothes. Pulling out a dark shirt and holding it up, I realized it was warm cashmere. For a long moment I ran my fingers over it, enjoying the fine texture.

“There's under things in the bag,” Malcolm said, his voice startling me. Looking down, I found a discreet bag, colored silver, at my feet, full of tissue paper. Bending over, I peeled back the paper and found a small collection of lacy bras and flimsy panties in bright, startling colors.

Urgh. Colors. I selected the least offensive—a dark indigo-purple—and pulled the panties on before sliding my arms through the straps of the bra and hooking it in back. I tried not to think about Malcolm and his intense eyes watching me get dressed, though I felt a heat light up my cheeks anyway.

But the bra made my tits look amazing. And the indigo complemented my skin, dammit.

I slid the sweater on, then pulled out a white wool skirt from the pile, slipping that on as well. My boots, low-heeled and black, had survived the paintpocalypse, and I slipped those on as well before selecting a gray scarf from the pile and then shrugging into a soft black leather coat covered in pockets. I'm not a fashion girl, but I have to say: I looked

Malcolm stood, a smile on his face. Without a word, he led me out of the bedroom and to the front of the plane, where he donned his own coat, and then we exited, walking down a stairwell to the runway, like the rich and famous do. I knew Malcolm was technically rich and famous, but it seemed weird to see him surrounded by wealth. His sparse room at the top of his mansion suited him far better than sumptuousness.

We entered a private car, and I watched out the window as we drove from the airport to Dubrovnik.




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