BILLIONAIRE BIKERS: 3 MC Romance Books (75 page)

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“What is this all about?”

“Did you see him when you came in this morning?”

“No. I told him to clear out last night and not come back or I’d call the police on him.” With that, the dam burst, and she began to sob. “Elise, did this guy hurt you?”

She shook her head, trying to stop crying. “Take me home.”


“Just do it.”


“Because I want to see him.”

“He won’t dare come back after what I told him.”

She shook her head again. “You don’t know him. He will come back, and I want to be there when he does.”

Neil tried to calm himself. He shut off the car and tried to take her hands, but she pulled away from him.

“Elise, I was trying to protect you.”

“I understand,” she said, “but why didn’t you tell me if you suspected something.”

“I thought maybe it was just some voyeur. I didn’t want to frighten you.”

She was still trying to get the sobs under control.

He leaned over to hold her.

“Don’t!” she said.

“What the hell, Elise?”

She just shook her head, opened the car door, and got out, running back up the hill to her apartment.

When she got to the parking lot, she looked around but didn’t see Lucas. She stood for a few minutes, hoping he would see her but nothing happened. She saw Neil’s car come back into the parking lot, and she ran up the stairs, unlocked the door, ran inside, and bolted it.

She walked over to the patio door, drew back the drape, and looked out. A white pickup slowly cruised the edge of the parking lot. Neil was halfway up the stairs. Audra stepped out onto the patio and waved at the pickup.

“Please, please, please, let it be Lucas,” she said under her breath.

The pickup slowly approached a parking space near the front of the lot and stopped as if he was unsure what to do.

“Lucas!” she shouted. “Lucas!”

She would have run to meet him had Neil not been standing on the stairs. Instead, Lucas was out of the pickup and bounding toward the stairs. She could see the look on Neil’s face and saw him clench his fists. She left the patio and went back to the front door. She opened the door, and Neil flashed past her, turning to bolt the door behind him.

“Elise! I demand to know what this is all about.”

She turned back toward the door, but Neil stopped her.

“You’re not going out there until you tell me.”

Lucas started pounding on the door.

“I’m okay, Lucas. Just give me a minute,” Audra said through the door.

“Neil, all I can tell you is that I’m very, very confused and excited right now. I need time to sort some things out.”

“Time with him?”


“And where does that leave me?”

“Neil, I…he’s the reason I haven’t been intimate with you.”

Neil’s eyes flew open. “You lied to me? Why would you do that?”

“Believe me,” she said, “that was just the tip of the iceberg.”

He stood and looked at her, a thousand emotions passing across his face.

“I need you to go now. I need to see Lucas. I will get in touch with you soon.”

“Please do. This will give me time to think about some things as well.”

She walked to the door, unbolting and opening it.

Lucas stood at the top of the stairs, leaning against the railing and giving Neil adequate room to get past. He gave Lucas a scathing look and sailed down the stairs to his car.

Audra and Lucas looked at each other for a second and then rushed together. It made her think of that first time when he had opened the bathroom door on the plane and come inside, except…there was far more than lust in this.




Lucas collapsed into Audra’s easy chair, pulling her down with him. He was exhausted, yet his elation at holding her in his arms again quickened him.

“What are you doing here?” she asked. “How did you find me?”

“The chief called me yesterday morning, implying you were in danger and told me where to find you.”


“I’ve been through it a thousand times in my head. All he really told me was that someone had breached their security and viewed your file. I realize now that everything else he told me was simply implication.”

She fell on him, her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, her head on his chest.

“You can’t imagine how I’ve longed for you,” she said, sitting up and wiping the wetness from her eyes.

“I can, if the longing has been anything like mine. Yet….”


“Tell me about Neil,” Lucas said gently.

Audra blushed. How quickly she put Neil out of her mind the instant he was gone boggled her mind. She got up—now uncomfortable. She pulled up one of the café chairs near him.

“The first and most important thing I want you to know is that I’ve never been intimate with him.”

Lucas didn’t move or change his expression, waiting to see what else she had to say.
Can I trust the truth of that statement?

“I met him through my friend, Joy. He’s her brother.”

“The redhead?” he asked.

“Yes,” she responded, her eyes wide.

Lucas nodded.

“I went to her home on Christmas Eve where I met her entire family,” she said, getting up and walking to the patio door, looking out.

“He seems to fit your new lifestyle.”

“My new…?” she said turning back toward him.
Oh, yes,
she thought.
I must seem quite different to him now.

“Living in this new world has changed me,” she continued, “but not in the way you might think.” She looked out the door again, and then opened it to feel the warmer breeze and the April sun. She needed to breathe the clear air and relieve some of the tension.

“I know better who I am and what I want and don’t want out of life. Not absolutely, of course, but I’m exploring,” she said.

She returned to the chair and faced him. “Neil is handsome and kind. He’s been a good friend to me. He’s bright and a deep thinker. I know that with him, I could have a very successful suburban life with the 2.3 kids.”

Lucas looked away from her.

“But I’ve examined that over and over, and it makes me uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure that’s not what I want.”

“Pretty sure?” Lucas asked.

“Lucas,” she said, crawling back onto his lap and putting her arms lightly around his neck, “any time I ever even tried to think of making love to him, your face always replaced his. I want a chance to explore those ideas with you. Our time together has been full of fear, and the only comfort we had was each other. But in these last five months, I’ve come to realize that, on my part anyway, there is more than that. I want the opportunity to explore that.”

“You’ve realized that over the past five months, yet you were still with Neil.”

She stood, walking a few steps from him, unable to stay still.

“They separated us so abruptly, leaving so much unsaid, promises untold. I never knew whether that was the way you wanted it. Are you aware that they gave me the option of calling you at the six month point if I still wanted you? But I was so afraid…afraid to find out that what we had was not real. They said I could ‘call for you.’ What did that mean? What would that imply to you, that I could just crook my little finger and command your presence? I’ve been so unsure about everything.”

Lucas lunged from the chair, catching her in his arms and holding her head beneath his chin. “Audra…Audra, my fears have been exactly the same. The worst was when they handed me the necklace that I had given you such a short time earlier. I thought perhaps you were saying you didn’t need me.”

“I don’t know how it happened. I had it in the little pouch; I wasn’t wearing it that day, foolishly. I was beside myself when I couldn’t find it.”

She tipped her head back, and he kissed her, deeply and thoroughly. Then, he pulled back.

She grinned through tears. “I need to be sure you’re Lucas,” she teased. “Why don’t you shower and…shave?”

He grinned. “You’re not into the Grizzly Adams look?”

She disentangled herself from him, going into the bathroom and gathering a towel, bath sponge, and razor.

“I’ll need scissors, too, if you have them; otherwise it will take hours and several razors to get through all of this.”

She went to the kitchen and found the scissors.

“Do you want to shower with me?” he asked.

She shook her head, but smiled warmly and said nothing.

“I understand,” he said.

Twenty minutes later, he opened the bathroom door to let the steam clear off the mirror. He was wearing just a towel and heavy stubble.

“Why, it
you,” she said, standing in the bathroom door.

He grabbed her and kissed her. She squealed and struggled as he rubbed the stubble over her face. Trying to hold on to her caused his towel to drop, and she looked down. He was half-flaccid and half-stiff. She immediately felt her panties getting wet and her nipples standing up.

She dropped to a crouch, taking his member into her hand and guiding her lips to it. She looked up at him. “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed of this,” she said. Without further ceremony, she took him deep into her mouth and began to stroke and suck him. He held the sides of her head lightly and plunged into her mouth, and they quickly fell into a harmonious rhythm.

“Wait,” he said, opening his eyes, “I don’t want to….”

She responded to that by sucking him harder, more vigorously.

He grew in her mouth until she knew he was ready to explode. She clutched his balls, and he emitted a deep growl and strained forward as she felt him begin to spurt in her mouth. She swallowed quickly and took it all. Then, she brought her rhythm to a slow stroke—while ensuring she got the last drop.

She pulled her head back and looked up into his rapturous but confused face.

“Why did you do that?” he asked.

“Because I know it has been a long time, and I’m sure a buildup of tension at least for the last couple of days, so I wanted to help you ‘unload’ so that we can take our time.”

He pulled her up, falling on her neck and showering her with sweet kisses. He let his hands run across her breasts and felt her hard nipples beneath her shirt and bra. He squeezed and buried his face in them. Then, he pulled back, looking at her. “Let me finish shaving,” he said. “I’ll be right there.”


# # #

He was surprised when he came out of the bathroom and a bed had appeared. She saw the look on his face and laughed.

“I wondered,” he said, “if there was a bedroom that I just hadn’t noticed.”

“Nope,” she said. “This is it.”

She shut the patio door and pulled the heavy drapes. The room was darkened with just enough light coming in around them that they could see each other. She lit the fireplace.

“Are you cold? Do you want heat?” she asked.

He laughed. “No, I left Arizona a while back. I’ve been living in the mountains in Northern California since Christmas. I’m quite acclimated to colder weather. It feels balmy to me today.”

She was in a blushing pink silk teddy. He eyed her as she moved lithely around the bed, fluffing their nest.

At last, she came to him. He stood fully nude, and she ran her hands from his groin up to his chest. He bent to breathe in her scent; it was that same delectable scent from yesterday, only this time mixed with her own scent.

He ran his hands over her breasts, the teddy so deliciously displaying her dark, hard nipples beneath its translucence. He bent down, putting his teeth lightly around them through the cloth.

She backed up, sitting on the bed then moving across it. She was on her knees, looking at him hungrily. It stimulated memories of their days in the dome—the flickering firelight and how primal it all was.

He lay down on the bed, and she moved over next to him, still on her knees. She began to kiss him furiously. He reached to unsnap the crotch of the teddy, running his hand across her wetness, testing by dipping his finger inside her. She responded by dropping the straps of the teddy which exposed her breasts. She leaned over, proffering her breasts to him. 

He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked while he stroked her sex. He leaned back for a moment. “I thought I should be gentle with you this first time.”

“Please don’t,” she said. “I need ‘unloading’ too. I need you, Lucas. I need your body.”

That was all he needed to hear. He urged her on top of him. She straddled him, his still flaccid member beneath her. She pulled it up, holding it erect between her legs, pressed up against her wet sex and began to stroke him slowly with it.

He held her sides, drinking in the sight of her body like a dying man at a well. She was so wet and warm, and it took only a few strokes for him to begin to get hard again. She leaned forward and kissed him, her tongue seeking his. Laying atop him, she continued to undulate her hips against his groin, making him harder every second.

She sat back again, now in front of his penis, drawing her knees up so that he could see her glistening pussy. She had the most beautiful labia, and he longed to slake his thirst by burying his tongue in them. He pulled her buttocks forward, but pushed her torso back until she leaned back, supporting herself on her arms. He had a perfect view of her slit, and he ran his thumb up and down it, dipping inside and then over her clit, lubricating her with her own juices.

He had always enjoyed going down on women, enjoyed giving them pleasure, but now he actually ached and hungered for it in a way he never recalled.

He pulled her up, and without a word, touched her hips, indicating she should roll over. She did so. He was at the perfect angle, and he pulled her ass as close to his face as he could, snaking his tongue into her slit, and then over her nub. Her scent surrounded him, making him harder.

She cried out in pleasure, and he ran his tongue up and down her slit, and then swirled his tongue around her nub. She reached down, pulling the hood over her exposed clit so it wouldn’t be too sensitive.

He began then to lick it rhythmically, and she began to pant, issuing a sound of pleasure at the end of each. She bent and took his stiff cock into her mouth again and began to suck. He noticed that as her pleasure increased, so did the rhythm of her sucking, so he took that as a tacit signal as to how vigorously she wanted to be licked.

He felt himself building toward orgasm again, but he saw how right she had been. Now he had control whereas he might not have before. He got to a level of pleasure where he wanted to stay for a while, so he touched the back of her head, and she understood that he wanted her to go easy.

He began licking, swirling, sucking her nub until her legs stiffened and her ass began to tremble. He put two fingers inside her as he licked, and she started to come. He turned his fingers to look for her sweet spot, and she shuddered, a cry emanating from her quietly, so only he could hear. He continued to thrum her clit with his tongue, and she rocked back and forth against his mouth until she was spent.

“Don’t stop,” she said, and he shifted subtly to ease his muscles and find a comfortable spot. Her juices poured from her now, so he ran three fingers across the almond-shaped spot. The instant he touched her clit with his tongue, she came again.

He could bear it no longer, so he slipped his legs from between hers and raised her up on her knees. He got on his knees behind her. But a second before he plunged into her, he asked, “Are you protected?”

“Yes,” she said, “don’t worry about it.”

He couldn’t think beyond that. He opened her from behind and moved into her, slowly pushing forward and then backing out. He entered her again and began a slow rhythm. He pulled out again, bending to lick her before repositioning himself.

She surprised him by turning and pushing him back onto the bed. She leaned over, lighting the bedside lamp. She straddled him, lowering herself onto his dribbling shaft. She bent forward and kissed him wildly, the taste of her juices so strong on him, igniting her again. She felt her tissues engorging, and she sat straight up, throwing her head back, stroking herself as she rode him.

He held her hips. At first he watched her perfect globes gently bouncing and her erect nipples, but seeing her stroking herself was all he needed. He closed his eyes and lost himself in the rhythm. He strained up to meet her, burying himself as deeply inside her as possible. He heard her short breaths, the sounds of ecstasy with each thrust, and he opened his eyes just in time to see her bring herself to yet another orgasm. It was all he needed, and he pumped his seed into her, crying out in ecstasy.

She waited until he became flaccid before moving. She started to get up, but he pulled her back down to his side. “It’s alright,” he said. “We can shower in a little bit.”

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