Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (159 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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Totally wrapped in his dominance, it exploded out of me. My whole body spasmed in ecstasy. Waves of climatic shocks tore through every muscle fiber and my cries escaped me without restraint. I moaned loudly, my eyes shut so hard that it was painful. It was the strongest orgasm I had ever experienced. Never had one come so quickly and with so much force. Every hair stood on its end. Goosebumps spread across every inch of my flesh. I cried out his name.

The orgasm flowed out of me and I was left in its wake, Strauss still inside of me. I was silent. I could hear him breathing heavily. He must have come with me because I could feel it dripping out of me when he pulled out slowly. His hands would not release my arms until he was fully out of me. When we had separated, another small moan escaped my lips, this one decrying his departure.

“Don’t open your eyes yet. Don’t move,” he said.

Hours passed. Days passed. The sun exploded and the universe itself ended in a cataclysmic flash. He finally laid a caressing hand against my firm ass cheeks and rubbed them gently, his finger sliding in between them to touch my asshole.

“Get dressed. You may open your eyes now.”

I turned around, naked and exposed. He was fully dressed again, composed perfectly as he was before. I dressed quickly, averting my eyes from his. I had never experienced anything remotely like what had just happened. Confusion arose over the dissipating feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment. He had just totally sexually dominated me. How had that happened? And how had it felt so right?

In a daze, I rushed out of his office and the security guard was waiting with the elevator door open, as if expecting me. The secretary did not look up.

I hurried out of the building as quickly as I could without looking like I was hurrying. I didn’t return to my desk; I doubted that I would ever return to my desk. A reverberating feeling of Strauss’s touch hung on my skin, spreading in waves with every step. It was though my body hadn’t left his office, yet my mind was fleeing the scene. The thought of pinching myself struck me as almost absurd and I fought the urge to laugh.

What had just happened?

Chapter Three


I made it back to my apartment in a daze. When I opened the door, I stopped to try to remember how I had even gotten home. I sat down in my kitchen. Should I make coffee? Isn’t that what people normally do when they try to collect their thoughts after something major has occurred? I thought of showering, but somehow I didn’t want to wash off the memory of what happened, at least not yet. I settled for a glass of wine from a bottle I had opened the previous night. The sun was still out, but falling fast.

Strauss hadn’t fired me. Yet. The more that the idea of being fired by the man that I had so willingly gave myself up to sexually turned over in my head, the more I welcomed it. If he fired me, it would save me having to quit. Hopefully, he would have my boss fire me and have it be done with. The heat of the moment had worn off now and I was left with the reality of what had just happened. I had fucked the CEO of my company the very same afternoon I had met him!

I couldn’t continue to work there. It would be too humiliating.

I would go in tomorrow and collect my things. I’d go to my desk and try to hold my head up as high as possible, above my shame, as I placed my few items in a cardboard box. As much as I didn’t want to see Alexander out of embarrassment, I felt something much deeper. Even if he personally fired me to my face, I would have a chance to actually see him before me. In the flesh. This man who I had let take me, who I had stepped outside of myself and become his submissive partner, still dominated my thoughts. As much as I wanted the thought of him gone, I needed the sight of him again.

I showered. I ate a small dinner. I watched television and couldn’t pay attention. No distraction was capable of taking my mind off of what had happened in Strauss’s office. I felt like I had betrayed my own integrity. I had acted like a whore, that nasty word that only a woman could truly know its full scorn. I had let a man dominate me. And like a criminal fleeing the scene of a crime, I ran.

But it had felt good. Really good.

As I got ready for bed, I studied my naked body in the mirror. My skin radiated. The figure in the mirror that I had scrutinized every day of my life looked better than it ever had. Even my hair looked better. Wrinkles in my face seemed to lessen. The mirror showed a young woman who was alive. I laid myself down on the bed, still naked, entranced with the feeling of life.

I followed my breath slowly, feeling it rise and fall in my chest. One hand rested on my chest as the other slid between my legs.

I closed my eyes. Alexander Strauss filled my vision. His face was radiant and strong, close to mine. I slipped away from the bed and I was back in his office. The feeling of his lips on mine as my hand rubbed between my legs. My hand became his hand, and it was Strauss moving up and down on my pussy. His fingers working in slowly on the spot that made my stomach clench with delight. I imagined the feel of his hard cock in my hand. I moved up and down on him and he stared into my eyes.

I tossed in my bed and Strauss moved with me, sliding inside of me now. His hand moved in and out, slowly but forcefully. I could hear him whispering commands into my ear.

“Come for me,” Strauss said dreamily.

An orgasm rose up inside of me. I breathed in the memory of the way his skin smelled under my nose. My lips parted and I moaned in want of him to fill my mouth yet again. I begged to my empty room for him to do what he wanted with me. Please, I needed him in me again. I wanted him to hold my arms back. I wanted him to pull my hair back. I wanted him to press his thumb against my asshole, the pressure a dark hint of things to come.

“Come. Now,” the memory of Strauss said forcefully. It was a voice that would not be defied.

My eyes squeezed harder, the recreated vision of Strauss rippling as I came. I cried out and bit my pillow. Even finishing myself off just to the thought of him made me come harder than any other time I had pleasured myself. It was as though the memory of him was enough to fill me with sexual desire. I breathed in rapidly, the orgasm slowly slipping away. Sex was life. I was filled with the undying hunger for it now.

Sleep crawled over the room and everything faded away. Wrapped in my sheets, I welcomed the release of my consciousness. The world slipped down the drain and the last thing I remembered was Strauss’s blue eyes drinking me up.


The alarm on my phone screamed at me with loud rings as it vibrated against the bedside table. My eyes opened wearily to look at the clock. A moment of panic filled me when I realized I was already late for work. The memory of the previous day’s events came back to me in a flash and the panic at being late subsided. It didn’t matter anyway.

I got dressed in casual clothes. It was pointless to get into my usual work attire today. My stomach felt like it was turning over endlessly inside of me. On my way into work, I managed to drink some coffee that tasted like it had been burnt not just once but twice for good measure. With acrid coffee churning in my already upset stomach, I reached the building that I was about to enter for the last time.

I walked to my desk, the center of attention. All eyes were on me. I felt immediately self-conscious about my street clothes and tried in vain to pull down my shirt that I wished were longer for no apparent reason. Maybe it’s because my jeans were a little too tight around my waist and I felt eyes canvassing my legs. Screw it, I thought, at least I’ve got legs worth staring at. When I got to my desk, any feelings about my attire  drawing attention dissipated like a puff of smoke in a windstorm.

A note stared at me like a villain. It commanded my attention. My heart slammed in my chest. My mouth hung open. I picked up the note and read it slowly.

Come to my office as soon as you read this. We have something to discuss. - Alex

“Samantha! I’ve been trying to get ahold of you since yesterday! Your phone’s been off. What happened at your meeting with Mr. Strauss?” It was Emily’s voice coming from behind me. I didn’t even hear her come up behind me as I reread the note over and over. Her face was wrinkled with genuine worry.

“I...Um...” I said, tripping over my words before I found the right ones. “Nothing happened.” My face blushed and betrayed me again.

“Wait a second, did something happen?” Emily asked, her voice falling to a low whisper as she leaned in closer to me. A feigned look of concern covered a wry smile.

“Oh. My. God. You totally fucked him, didn’t you,” she whispered. It wasn’t a question.

Another pang of shock filled my veins and flashed across my face. How could she have known so quickly that we had sex? I looked around at my co-workers eyeing us like hungry vultures. Luckily, Emily’s voice was barely audible even to me. She was good at whispering.

“Why would you think that?” I asked reproachfully.

“Mr. Strauss actually came down to the floor and spoke with some of the employees. Samantha, he has never spoken to any of the temps before, let alone come down to the temp offices! It seems kind of weird that you get called up into his office yesterday, leave immediately afterwards without even talking to me or anybody else, and then suddenly today he’s strolling around the temp offices schmoozing with the employees? Don’t you think that’s a little odd?” she asked, lowering her voice further.

“I don’t know, Emily. There’s a first for everything, right?”

“And now you’re coming in here, late, and wearing that!” Her hands motioned towards my outfit.

Shame came upon me quickly. Emily knew that something improper had happened. Did everybody know? God, would I leave an infamous tale of a temp who fucked the boss and then got the boot? A no-named slut who would be one more notch on the CEO’s belt?

“Forget my clothes. What did he say to all of you guys?” I asked.

“I mean, he didn’t speak to every single one of us.” Emily crossed her arms as if insulted. Strauss obviously hadn’t talked to her, yet he must have remembered her from yesterday. “He basically asked everyone about their daily jobs, asked them if they were happy here. If there was anything he could do for them. He even made some comments about the pictures in people’s cubicles. Honestly, it sort of scared the shit out of everyone. People have been talking about it nonstop like he came down here to console us before he wiped us all out or eliminated the department or something.”

I recalled talking to Strauss yesterday, calling him arrogant. My words rang out in my head.
You own this company and all these people’s lives depend on you and you are too good to even grace them with your presence.
I remembered how I had put so much venom in those words. I had wanted them to break skin.

Alexander Strauss, the recluse CEO, had never talked to any of these employees. Now, he had come down to my department and had talked to them like they were real people. Through the panic of the moment, the sheer surrealism of it, was the thought that his coming down here was sweet. He had listened. Not only that, he had acted upon what I said.

I looked at the note again. There was a number on the bottom.

“Emily, look, I’ll tell you everything. Promise. But not right now, okay? I have to make a call. A private call,” I said.

“Fine, but as soon as you can, you better tell me everything.” I could tell she pushed away her annoyance at being kept in the dark. I inwardly praised her restraint as she walked away.

I dialed the number. After one ring, a husky voice picked up. “Wait at the elevator, Miss Dubois. I’ll be down in one minute.” It was the same security guard from yesterday.

A minute later, I entered the elevator door with the security guard waiting. He nodded at me as the elevator ascended. Once again, he entered a set of numbers into the keypad. I was too nervous to move. Too nervous to even sweat. The elevator doors opened to Alexander Strauss’s floor and the secretary did not look up. The doors to his office stood open.

I will have self-control, I thought, I promise. I will not have sex with Alexander Strauss again. With that thought reverberating in my head, I walked into his office.

The doors closed behind me. I looked around the office and saw him sitting on his desk. He motioned for me to sit in a chair that was in front of him. I walked over to the chair and stood before him, silent. I was not going to sit. I was going to quit. Simple words would flow from me. Strong words. I was done with this job. I would not apologize. I could feel my defiance holding me up, filling me with strength.

“Here.” He held out some papers to me before I could utter a single word. He was smiling.

“What is this?” I asked. His smile defied my anger, which was all over me like red paint. When I studied his face, I did not see any sense of triumph that he was about to fire me. It was a small, barely shadow of a smile, but friendly nonetheless.

“Your talents are wasted in your current position. I want to offer you a new job.”

I looked down at the paper. My eyes scanned the document and realized what he was saying was true. I was speechless. Then I saw the salary he was offering me. My eyes widened and my jaw hung open.

“Why?” I asked. It was all I could think to ask. None of this made sense.

“There’s something special about you. Yesterday, you were honest. Brutally so. Your ability to be truthful is a powerful asset to me. When you told me about the rumors surrounding me, that was incredibly valuable, whether you recognize that yet or not. I need someone by my side who will not bullshit me.”

“What... what am I expected to do for this position?” My mouth felt dry. The contract before me had only a vague title of “executive assistant” with precious little description of my job duties.

“You are expected to do whatever I request.”

Alexander stood up and walked over to where I sat. He circled behind me. I felt his hand slide through the back of my hair ever so slightly, barely touching it. I closed my eyes at the faintest hint of his touch.

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