Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (45 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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Our eyes both opened simultaneously. His hands grabbed my ass and moved me up and down on him. My wetness dripped down on him and we moved together effortlessly. I ran my hands through his hair as he gripped my ass harder and then softer. He moaned as he looked at me.

The feeling of Leon Christensen inside of me was more intense than any sex that I had ever had before. I felt pleasure course through my entire body, racking my muscles with tension as I struggled to maintain control. Leon’s mouth was closed, but his teeth were showing as though he were gritting them. When we locked eyes, I could see something stirring in him. Something reached out to me and it was like a flash of lightning striking at my heart.

We both recognized the exchange. Leon’s mouth opened and his eyebrows rose suddenly. His moans grew louder and louder and I realized that he was coming inside of me. I grinded down harder against him, my hands moving through his hair. I kissed him and he kissed me back furiously, crying out with every convulsion I felt inside of me.

His grip fastened on my ass almost to the point of pain, but not quite. He thrust into me as orgasmic spasms shuddered through him. I felt his warmth filling me and I slowed down my movements, moving my hips rhythmically in circular motions.

Leon breathed heavily. His eyes opened and closed. His cock remained firm inside of me and I slid up and down on him. We stared into each other’s eyes, the echoes of the lightning shot between us still there. My heart raced. Beads of sweat formed on our skin and I pulled Leon tightly against me. He pulled back. Then he pushed himself in me as deep as he could go.

We stayed like that for a while. Our breathing synced up and Leon made no move to pull out of me. I could feel his cum slowly dripping against my inner leg and it felt wonderful. I kissed his ear and he rubbed the back of my head. His arms held me close. I felt like this had been something entirely new, but I couldn’t name it. I didn’t even want to.

After a long time, I felt Leon slowing pulling out of me. His cock was still firm, but it was nowhere near the hard stone it had once been. When it finally broke from our embrace, I let out a small cry of protest at the feeling of his absence. Leon whispered into my ear, but I couldn’t hear the word that I knew must be wonderful.

Leon rolled me over and began to caress my breasts. My stomach moved up and down as his fingers pinched my nipples gently. Still breathing into my ear, his other hand slid up around my ass and found the soaking wet space between my legs.

His hands worked furiously on me, but still with a gentle touch. I bit down on my lower lip as his fingers danced around my clit. He squeezed my ass cheek as he moved in and out of me with his finger and I moaned loudly. When Leon’s mouth parted from my ear, it was only a moment before I felt the wet embrace of his tongue against my nipple.

The orgasm rushed out of me. It was like the breaking of a dam. I cried out, my eyes closing so hard that I saw stars. As I came, Leon pulled me close to him, the warmth of his body radiating through my orgasm. My body convulsed and jumped against my will. I bit down hard enough on my lip that I tasted something metallic in my mouth.

I breathed heavily, still in the wake of my orgasm. It had been like a physical trauma, something that I was newly recovering from. I laid in a heap next to Leon, his arms still wrapped around me.

The fire popped and hissed before us. Leon reached over and grabbed the blanket that had failed to keep his nakedness from me. He draped it over us and pulled me in against him. I could feel his taut muscles relax on me as sleep sneaked up upon him. Soon, his breathing slowed and I knew he was asleep. His cock rested on my lower stomach, still half-hard and large against my skin.

I caressed his face gently and nestled in closer to him. His arms wrapped around me, I felt the grip of exhaustion on me. It had been days since I had slept well, maybe even weeks. Now, completely satisfied, I knew sleep would be deep and dark, a restorative sleep. I welcomed it.

In the moments before darkness enveloped my sight, I looked over to Leon. I felt something stir deep within me and for a moment a flare of alarm struck at my heart. I quickly stifled it and thought of him inside me. I thought of him coming, unable to stop himself against my motions on top of him.

Most of all, I thought of Leon. My eyes grew heavy and closed.

Chapter 10

My eyes opened slowly. The blanket was wrapped around my naked body. I blinked a few times, trying to acclimate myself to my surroundings. I lifted my head and inspected the room. The fire had long since died, but a few coals still burned. Leaning my head back down, I closed my eyes again.

Sleep would not return for me, but I didn’t care. I had an amazing night. My entire body felt rejuvenated, reborn. I felt warm all over and alive. The visions of Leon looking up at me filled my head. Memories of the sensation of him inside of me brought shivers down my spine.

His eyes looking up at me. Reflections of the fire swimming in them. His muscles, taut and rigid, flexed as his came inside of me. The look of pleasure on his face so intense that it bordered on pain. His whispering in my ear. What had he said? It had been like music from the heavens.

My body could still feel his embrace. I hugged myself, imagining Leon’s arms around me. With him inside me, I had felt complete. I wanted for nothing with Leon sliding in and out of me. Moving up and down on top of him while he gripped my ass, while he stared into my eyes, had been perfection. Everything about our embrace had been wonderful.

I imagined Leon’s cock in my hand. I could see his abs flex and release as I moved my hand up and down. The pleasure moved through to his face and he breathed heavily. His fingers moving around me. I was so wet. I wanted badly to reach over to Leon right now and grab him again, make him take me again. I wanted to hold him in my hands and stroke him while we stared into each other’s eyes.

It had been the best sex of my life. Hands down. It had been quick at first, and then it had slowed. In its slowness, it had been intense. And wasn’t sex supposed to get better as two people had more of it? If that was true, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what the sex was going to be like next time.

The thought stuck in my mind. The image of holding Leon’s firm cock in my hand dissipated as I began to think about whether there was even going to be a next time. There wasn’t even supposed to have been a first time.

I opened my eyes. When I studied the room earlier, my eyes half-open, I had missed a crucial detail. Where was Leon?

I sat up quickly. The blanket fell from me. I jumped up and looked around. Leon was nowhere to be found. I walked into the bathroom to look for his clothes on the drying rack that I had never brought out by the fire. His clothes were gone.

I wrapped myself in a robe and began to walk around my place, hoping to find a note. I opened my bedroom door, praying that he would be laying in my bed, forced to sleep there because the floor hurt his back too much. My bed was exactly as I had left it.

I roamed through my place. There was no note. Leon had awoke before me and simply left. There were no messages or missed-calls on my phone. For a brief moment I wondered if I had simply dreamed the entire thing. Had last night actually happened?

It would have been better if it had been only a dream. But it had been completely real. I knew my body; I had sex last night. There was proof by where we slept as well. My sleep-hangover dissipated instantly when I realized the gravity of what I had done.

I had slept with a client. I had slept with the one client who I had sworn I would not sleep with.

Why had it been so important that he had been here when I woke up? I began to pick up the blanket and towels that remained by the fire, idly lost in thought. If Leon had still been here, we could have talked. It might have made the whole thing alright.

Leon was gone. Things were far from alright.

I didn’t know what to do first, so I made coffee. I poured in the water slowly and carefully, not thinking about why. I measured out the scoops of coffee beans that I dumped into the coffee grinder. Even though I knew the sound of the coffee grinder was about to hit my ears with its shrill noise, it still startled me. In the wake of the spinning blades, silence fell over the kitchen. I poured the ground coffee into the machine and flipped it on.

I leaned against the kitchen counter and closed my eyes. I tried not to think. With a few cups of coffee in me, I would be ready to tackle the problem that faced me. Hot water poured through ground coffee beans and dripped into the carafe below loudly in the empty kitchen. I listened intently, wanting more than anything to put off the anxiety that was building up in the bottom of my stomach.

When I first woke up, I had been confused. Leon was gone with no sign that he had even been at my place. I had thought that if he had stuck around, we could have talked. I had fantasized about turning over and getting him to love me one more time.

My heart stopped at the word that I had only thought. Love. No, it wasn’t love. It had been sex, pure and simple. It had been crazy and intense, a new level for me, but it was certainly not love.

I poured myself a cup of coffee. The coffee maker continued on brewing, dripping hot coffee onto the burner that the carafe normally rested on. Spatters of burning coffee flew over the kitchen counter before I returned the carafe to catch the brewing coffee. I drank deeply and it burned my mouth. The pain felt cleansing.

I scoured my thoughts for what I had planned for the day. I knew that I had a meeting in the early afternoon, so I had at least a few hours before I needed to be in the office. That gave me plenty of time to eat, shower, and take my time in getting to work. I would not rush today.

Steam fogged up the bathroom windows from the shower. I ran it as hot as it would go before turning it back ever so slightly. The water ignited my skin with sensation when I stepped in and it was like being woken up again.

I leaned over and picked up the cup of coffee that I had put on the side of the tub. I heard once that drinking coffee in the shower was a bad habit, but the times that I didn’t do it were the exception, not the norm. I was already on cup number three and it was still early. Coffee was the one vice that I held sacred, I didn’t smoke or drink excessively, so I drank gallons of the stuff.

My heart raced. I couldn’t decipher whether it was from the caffeine that I had overloaded in my system or the panic over the previous night. I had been up for a little while, but I had not given it much thought. Every time the reality of what I had done set in, I immediately tried to push it away as fast as I could.

My skin had turned red. I turned off the shower and stood there, dripping in the steamy bathroom. A wave of emotion flooded me and I felt like crying. Tears welled up in my eyes and I fought them back. Somehow I viewed crying as giving in to some sort of despair that I refused to let take hold.

I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom. As I walked to my bedroom, I couldn’t stop myself from looking over to where the blanket still lay in a heap by the fireplace. Images of Leon looking up at me flashed in my head. I shook them off and walked into my bedroom.

I had never slept with a client before. There had been plenty of temptations. A few clients had been so appealing that I had considered referring them to another matchmaker just so I could sleep with them. But my professionalism always remained steadfast.

I remembered one temptation very clearly. Three years ago, a young writer had hired me. His first book had been a sleeper hit after a celebrity had purchased the rights for the movie. When he came to me, he was approaching thirty, but his face still maintained a boyish charm that I instantly took to. Clean-cut hair adorned his head. When he smiled, his face turned radiant.

During our first meeting, he pushed back his thick black-framed glasses every few minutes, adjusting them neurotically. It was clear that he was somewhat of an awkward one, but he was friendly and incredibly smart. His arms were wrapped with chiseled muscle; he explained that working out steadied his creative mind and provided it focus.

There had been something incredibly sexy about him. During a conversation, he really listened. Even while he listened, you could almost see the gears moving in his head. Behind his eyes lurked a darkness that I wanted to explore. I had read his books, and if he were half as deviant as his characters, I definitely wanted to explore that.

His eyes had revealed his desires. They looked me over as a man dying of thirst in the desert eyes a canteen of water. I felt myself getting turned on as he canvassed my body with those bright blue eyes hidden behind thick glasses that only added to his sex appeal. I wondered silently to myself just how much he had worked out to steady his creative mind.

The young writer had been unable to meet women on his own. Even with his new-found success and relative fame, he had struggled to meet anybody that he could connect with. He wasn’t interested in one night stands and when I heard this, I almost dared to challenge him on it. In the end though, I matched him with a painter. He sent me a copy of his third book with a personalized inscription in it. In the same package, there was a wedding invitation.

Even with the young writer and the numerous others who had turned me on, I had always kept it under control. My attraction had never even led to me fantasizing about them while I pleasured myself. With Leon, I had done just that. And now, it had become a reality.

I dressed myself mindlessly, lost in my thoughts. I adorned a simple ensemble and gave it no more thought as I dived deeper into my anxiety over Leon.

I had brought him home. That had been an even deeper violation of my own code of behavior than sleeping with a client. As unprofessional as it was to sleep with a client, I could have almost moved past it without too much of a problem if it had been an encounter in a hotel room or at his place. I had done neither of those things; I had brought him here and lied to myself that it wouldn’t lead to anything other than a furthering of our professional relationship.

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