Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males (63 page)

Read Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males Online

Authors: Kelly Favor,Locklyn Marx

BOOK: Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Alpha Males
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“So let her go,” a deep voice said from
the shadows.
The man glanced over
at the voice that came from the darkness beneath a nearby awning.

“Who the fuck are you?” the little man

Red stepped out of the shadows.
He was wearing dark pants and a dark
shirt rolled up to the elbows.
looked more casual, though still rich and stylish and perfect.
But his face was a mask of anger.
And he was a big man.
“I’m the person telling you to let the
lady go.”

The man released his grip on her.
“I was just playing.”

“Sure you were.”

“She come to this neighborhood dressed
like that, she’s asking to have a pimp shoot some game.
You know that.”

“Shut up.”
Red walked close and took her gently by
the arm.

She turned and together they walked a
pace or two.

“Sorry about that, man,” the little
Hispanic guy said.

Red paused, then spun and walked back to
Suddenly the man was on the
sidewalk, laid out.
His face was a
mask of blood.
Red had hit him,
quickly and with tremendous force, hit him square in the nose.
It had been so fast that Nicole could
barely even process it.

The man was dazed.
His eyes were glazed and unfocused and
he was trying to speak but it came out garbled.
One of the hookers from down the block
came running over, shouting something in Spanish.

Red had already come back to Nicole’s
side and guided her to the door beneath the awning.
He unlocked the door and led her inside.

The door clicked shut behind them and now
they were in a dim, grim hallway.
He continued to lead her, this time up one flight of stairs to a door
marked 25.
He unlocked it and
escorted her inside.

The apartment was surprisingly large and
Not nearly as
ostentatious as his office, the living room was decorated with dark, modern furniture
and modern art hung on the walls.
Strangely, there was no television.
The kitchen seemed bare and unused.
There was a door that presumably led to the bedroom, but it was closed.

Red glanced at her body
“You dressed exactly
as I asked,” he said.

Nicole was still in shock from what she’d
experienced outside.
“I don’t
appreciate being put in danger.

He nodded and walked to the kitchen.
I’m afraid it’s all we have here.”

“Fine, sir.”

He smiled but she could see he was
growing annoyed with her insolent attitude.
Still, she was too upset and frightened
to want to please him.
She didn’t
mind playing his twisted games, but not if she was going to be raped and
murdered because of it.

“Let’s relax for a moment,” he said, filling
the glass and bringing it to her.
His eyes met hers and she felt her willpower drain under his gaze.

She was tremendously happy, wasn’t
Despite the danger, she
reminded herself that she’d wanted nothing but this moment—had been
aching for it badly.
Don’t spoil it
now, she told herself.

“I’m sorry for being upset, sir,” she
said, after drinking some cold water.

“Have a seat,” he told her, and she
The dress was short and
revealing of her creamy white thighs.

Red took the view in as she crossed her
legs, then he moved behind her as she sat on the couch.
He reached down and began slowly
massaging her tight shoulders.
feeling as he did so was like nothing she could recall.
It was as if he was melting her, melting
her with nothing but the subtlety of his touch.

His hands knew her inside and out.

“Oh…sir…that feels so amazing,” she
whispered as his hands slid over her shoulders, slowly pulling the straps of
her dress down so that he could access all of her bare skin.
The slack created enough of a gap in the
top of her dress that most of her breasts were now revealed as well.

She could hear his breathing, deep and
excited as he continued to work the muscles in her shoulders.

Her slick mound was swollen, ready for
his touch.
The fabric of her dress
was rubbing against her bare pussy, so close to the surface—all it would
take was one quick tug and her dress could be hiked up to her hips.

She could cum right now if she wanted to,
but she didn’t want to seem so cheap and easy.
Red wouldn’t respect her if she lost
control with such little effort on his part.

And so she ground her teeth together and
kept herself from releasing the energy building in her lower anatomy.

But she was so, so wet.
Dripping wet.

“Your skin is like alabaster,” he
“I’ve never felt anything
like it.”
And then he stopped.
His hands withdrew from her body,
leaving her cold and lonely.

“Thank you sir,” she whispered,
desperately wanting to ask him for more.

we go lay together in your bed—just for a little while?

Nicole knew better than to ask.

“Feeling better now?” he said, smiling at
her, as if he knew the effect he’d had on her.

“Yes, much better, sir.”

“And the essay?” He held out his hand for

“It’s not very good, sir.”

He swatted her negative response away,
irritated, and waited with his hand outstretched for her essay.

Nervously she dug in her purse, finding
the folded pieces of paper, withdrew them and handed them over.
They looked silly now, like a teenager’s
classroom homework.
He’d surely
wanted it printed out from a computer, hadn’t he?
Why had she decided to do the essay

She wanted to bury her face in her hands
and scream.

Red took her pages and walked to the
chair opposite the couch, sat down and began reading.
His face was expressionless but
It took him a long time,
what seemed like forever to finish, and Nicole had to sit there and be still
while she waited for his judgment.

Her stomach was in knots.

Finally he was done.
He took one last glance at her essay and
then folded it in half and set it on the glass coffee table.
His expression was unreadable.

“I know it was a mess,” she said.
“But I wasn’t sure what you wanted,

“Stand up,” he commanded.
His whole demeanor had changed.

She immediately stood, her blood pressure
rising instantly.
He looked her up
and down, boldly taking in ever detail with his eyes.
Her nipples stiffened and she could feel
them poke through her sheer dress.

“You have a beautiful body,” he

“Thank you, sir.”

“I can see so much of it without your bra
and panties on.
Do you like that?”

“Yes, sir, I do.”
A tremble ran through her legs.

“Turn around so I can look at your ass.”

She did.
She could feel his eyes on her.

“You have a nice tight ass,” he
“I like the way it curves,
the slope of it.
Would you enjoy
being spanked?”

“I think so, sir.”

“Never been?”

“Spanked?” she asked.

He waited without speaking for her

“I’ve never been spanked, sir,” she

She heard him rise from the chair and
then the squeak of his shoes against the floor.
He was slowly approaching.
Soon she could feel his body heat behind
her, he was very close now.
essay was good, Nicole.”

“Thank you sir,” she said, gratified and
surprised that he liked it.

“But that was just something you wrote.”

“I meant every word, sir.”

“Tonight, you came in here with a bad

“I was frightened sir, I apologize.”

“That’s no excuse for being
disrespectful, Nicole.
Now bend
over and grasp the couch with your hands.”

She knew what was coming and her entire
body trembled with anticipation—both fear and longing.
She leaned forward and her hands grabbed
the top of the couch.
The hem of
her dress pulled up to the very top of her thighs.

“Spread your legs further apart now.”

She stood with her legs further apart,
and her dress moved upwards again.
She could feel the air on her butt now.
Red Jameson was seeing her ass.

He maneuvered himself so that he was
slightly at an angle to her, and one of his strong hands gripped her
“Your insolence requires
punishment,” he said tightly.

She felt a sting as his other hand came
down and slapped her buttocks.
ass cheeks bounced with the force of it.
“I’m sorry, sir, I’ll do better.”

“Yes, you will.”

Another hard slap.
The sound echoed in the apartment.
Her pussy vibrated from the
She was getting

“I think your bottom needs to be fully

He slowly, ever so slowly, pulled her
dress up over the curve of her ass.
Now her butt was totally in his view.
She could hear his excited breathing,
but other than that he was silent.

Next, there was another crack of his hand
against her naked butt.

She cried out, mostly in pleasure.
This seemed to goad him to spank her
more fervently.
Soon he was
paddling her butt with his hand.

The slaps were firm and strong, but the
pain wasn’t very intense.
was enjoying it much more than she would have imagined.
It was intimate, she felt completely connected
to Red, and trusting that he wouldn’t do anything to truly hurt her.
She moaned as he beat her buttocks.

Finally, he seemed to relent.

“Pull your dress down, cover yourself,”
he whispered huskily, moving away.

She did as he said.
Her cunt was dripping down her legs and
she wanted nothing more than his hand on her bare mound.
If he so much as grazed it, she’d have
gone off like a fire alarm.

But he wasn’t touching her anymore.

She glanced back at him and saw that he
was studying her.
His eyes were so
hungry, she knew that he wanted her badly, perhaps as much as she wanted

why doesn’t he just take me?

She didn’t know the answer—she only
knew that this was part of his seduction.
He was a man, a patient and deliberate man, not some overeager boy who
wanted to fumble around in the backseat of a car and then cum all over her hand
after some petting and groping.

“Come with me,” he said firmly.
He walked toward the bedroom door.

She followed him.
The door was actually locked from the
outside, which sent a chill up her spine.
She reminded herself that she trusted him totally.

do I trust him?
I don’t even really
know him.

“What are you doing to me?” she said,
before he could unlock the door.

He turned to her, surprised.
“If you don’t know, then perhaps you
should leave.”
He was displeased.

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