Bite Me if You Can (34 page)

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Authors: Lynsay Sands

Tags: #Argeneau 6

BOOK: Bite Me if You Can
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“You did?” she asked with surprise.

Lucian chuckled and nodded. “I’m not surprised you didn’t realize it. The first time is overwhelming. You’ll be able to tell next time.”

“So there will be a next time?” she asked shyly.

“I certainly hope so,” he said solemnly, brushing one finger lightly down her cheek and drawing her face up. “Right now if you like. I want to make love to you as the sun rises and burns away the night.”

Leigh gave a little shiver, then slid her arms around his neck and pressed up to rub her breasts across his chest.

“I’d like that,” she whispered against his mouth, then Lucian kissed her.

She was heat and life in his arms, her body soft to his hard, delicate against his strength. Growling into her mouth, Lucian eased her back on the rug in front of the couch, and lay on his side next to her as he kissed and caressed her. Her skin felt like warm velvet under his fingertips, but it was alive, muscles and flesh rippling as his palm slid over her stomach. He closed his hand over one breast and kneaded it gently as he thrust his tongue into her.

Leigh gasped into his kiss, her body arching upward as her own hands began to move up his arms, then down his chest, and then she opened for him, her mind merging with his, and he knew her desire to caress him and kiss every inch of him, and he smiled around their kiss. She felt perfect, tasted perfect, smelled perfect, was perfect for him.

Lucian rolled forward and slid one leg between hers, urging them apart as his thigh rubbed against her. He felt one of her small hands drift down his stomach, and his abdomen rippled in anticipation, then stilled on an indrawn breath as she closed her fingers around his hardness.

Leigh murmured her pleasure into his mouth and tightened her clasp on him, then drew her fingers down his length. Lucian bucked under the caress and felt her own hips buck in response as she experienced his pleasure.

Unable to concentrate on their kiss anymore, he tore his mouth away and shifted to suck mindlessly at any flesh he could find; her neck, her shoulder, her breast. His fingers were kneading the flesh of her breast with mindless excitement as he suckled her, his hips continuing to move under her caress. It was too much, it had been too long, and the earlier round had barely taken the edge off. If they continued like this, he knew he would spill himself in her hand and would not get to make love to her properly, their bodies merging like their minds and becoming one.

“Yes,” Leigh gasped, now as aware of his needs as he was of hers. She shifted her legs farther apart and tugged at his erection, urging him to enter her, but Lucian resisted. Instead, he slid a hand down between her legs and brushed his fingers lightly over the folds there. She was wet and ready for him, but still he resisted, taking the time to torture them both just a little bit more as his fingers slid between the folds and caressed the hard nub at the center of her desire.

Leigh cried out, her hand tightening around him and her hips bucking, and Lucian was hard-pressed not to bite down into the flesh of her breast as his own body was washed with waves of need, both hers and his own. Giving up any attempt to draw it out, he shifted abruptly, settling between her legs as her hand dropped away and moved to clutch at his shoulders.

Lucian paused there, above her, and peered down into her face. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, her eyes spilling golden fire, and her mouth was open as she gasped with desire. He suddenly wished he was a painter and could paint her just like this, then he bent to cover her mouth with his own and drove into her.

Leigh was tight and hot, her body gloving him and squeezing around his flesh as if to keep him there as she thrust her own hips up to meet him and they both groaned at the shared feeling. Then he slowly withdrew, only to thrust back in again, this time shifting forward as he did, so he rubbed against her sensitive nub. The result was electrifying for them both, and Leigh clutched at his shoulders, urging him on.

Laughing breathlessly into her mouth, Lucian withdrew once more, and did it again and again, the excitement becoming more unbearable with each movement. Leigh’s nails scored his skin and she tore her mouth from his, pressing it to his shoulder instead as her legs wrapped around him, changing the angle again, then he drove into her once more and stiffened, his head rearing back and a roar slipping out to match the scream ripped from her throat as the pleasure snapped, consuming them.

When it finally rippled away, Lucian’s body went limp and he rolled to his side, taking her with him so that she lay splayed across his chest, her head on his heart. His last sight as his eyes closed was Leigh’s face framed in the sunlight spilling through the window.


Something wet and rough slid along her cheek.

Leigh scowled and opened one eye to discover she was lying on the rug on the living room floor, an afghan tucked around her and Julius standing over her, giving her wet doggy kisses.

“Ewww, Julius. You have doggy breath,” she muttered, and pushed his head away. Unoffended by her comment, he gave her face one more lick, then turned and trotted out of sight around the couch. Leigh lay still for a minute, frowning as she woke up enough to realize she was alone there on the floor. Lucian was gone. Then she became aware of the sound of spattering grease and someone humming.

She sat up and glanced toward the kitchen, eyebrows rising at the sight of Lucian in an apron and nothing else as he puttered around by the stove. She could smell food.

Leaning forward, Leigh snagged his shirt from the end of the couch, where it landed when he’d discarded it last night, and shrugged into it as she got to her feet. She only did up two buttons, since it was large enough to drape over her without needing more done up, and followed her nose into the kitchen area on silent feet.

Despite her silence, Lucian heard her and turned to glance over his shoulder as she crossed to his side.

“Good morning.” His voice was a growl as he slid his eyes over her, then his left arm snaked around her waist and pulled her close for a kiss. When it ended, he eased his hold and peered down at her. “You look much better in my shirt than I do.”

“You think so?” She slipped her arm around his back and leaned into him as he slid a hand through the undone front and ran his fingers lightly over her belly.

“Are you hungry?”

Leigh grinned cheekily, her hand slipping down over his bottom, but then she made herself behave. He was talking food. It was obvious he’d been cooking. Besides, now that he mentioned it, she was hungry. Turning, she peered into the frying pan and blinked.

“What—” She snapped her mouth closed on asking exactly what he was cooking as she stared at the blackened mess in the pan. Clearing her throat, she said instead, “I’m surprised there was food here. Surely they don’t keep food here all the time in case someone comes around?”

Lucian shook his head and turned back to scrape some of the charred mess off the bottom of the pan and move it around. “It was delivered about half an hour, forty-five minutes ago.”

“Delivered?” She glanced at him with surprise. “I didn’t hear anyone.”

“You were dead to the world,” he said with a grin, then added wryly, “Actually, I was, too. I think he must have been knocking awhile before it roused me and I answered... naked.”

When Leigh’s eyebrows rose, he smiled and shrugged. “I guess I wasn’t that awake yet. Gave the delivery guy quite a start.”

Leigh smiled, but asked, “Did you order the groceries when we arrived last night?”

Lucian shook his head. “Bastien. He’s the plan man. Etienne called him last night after we left and let him know what was going on. He apparently called and ordered both food and blood to be delivered.”

“Ah.” Leigh nodded and ran her hand up and down his back, but her gaze slid back to the pan. Lucian sighed beside her.

“I was hoping to make you breakfast, but it appears I’m a failure as a cook,” he admitted, his expression unhappy as he contemplated the mess. Then he frowned with frustration and said, “I don’t know what I did wrong. I kept turning it and turning it and still it burned.”

“Ah... well... ” Leigh reached to the stove and lowered the heat from high to medium. “This is the temperature best for cooking. Or lower.”

“Halfway?” he asked with doubt. “Wouldn’t that make it cook more slowly?”

“Yes. But it also doesn’t burn.”

“Oh.” He frowned.

“It’s all right,” she said with a shrug as she reached out and turned off the burner. “We can make some more. I’ll cook.”

“There is no more.”

Leigh peered down at the pan. She thought it might be two charred eggs and three strips of bacon curled up in their black death. There was something else, but she didn’t recognize it at all, except to know it wasn’t bacon.

“They delivered only three strips of bacon?” she asked with disbelief.

“Well... no,” Lucian admitted with a frown. “This is the fourth batch I’ve tried to cook. They all kept burning up, though, so I threw them out and tried again, and again... ” He gave her an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

Leigh smiled, a slow, soft smile, and leaned up to kiss him softly on the lips. “You’re so sweet.”

Lucian blinked in surprise, then slid his arms around her and kissed her properly.

“Mmm,” she sighed as they broke the kiss. “I’m starved. Let’s go out for breakfast. I’ll buy.”

“I’ll buy,” Lucian growled, scooping her up into his arms and starting across the floor.

“We’ll flip for it,” Leigh countered as she slid her arms around his neck.

“Hmm,” was all he said, and she kissed the corner of his mouth again, chasing his scowl away.

“Did I tell you what Etienne told me about the bed in the loft?” Lucian asked as he started upstairs with her in his arms.

Her eyebrows rose. “No.”

“He said there are straps on it.”

“Straps?” Leigh asked with confusion.

“Hmmm. The satin sheets are slippery and there’s no headboard to brace yourself against, so Thomas had straps put on the bed to hold onto... or to tie someone down with.” Lucian grinned wickedly as her eyes widened. “How hungry are you?”

Leigh considered, a slow smile drawing her lips wide. “Well, I am hungry, but I think I can wait a bit. What did you have in mind?”

“Dessert first.”

“And what are we having for dessert?” she teased as they reached the top of the stairs and he carried her toward the bed.

“Well, I don’t know what you’re having, but I’m having a little Leigh.” He then dropped her on the bed and came down on top of her.


Lucian opened his eyes when Leigh shifted sleepily against him. He’d blacked out again, but just for a heartbeat this time, he was sure. Leigh, however, was still under. He didn’t mind. It meant he got the chance just to lay here, holding her and planning their future. The years stretched away in his mind, full of happiness and laughter.

Leigh liked his house, which was good. There’d be little to do to accommodate her there, though he thought they should get a bed like this big round one of Thomas’s. A smile crept over his face as he recalled all that they’d done, and all that they could still do on a bed like this.

Of course, he realized, they couldn’t stay at his house all the time. She had a business in Kansas City she’d want to oversee, but perhaps he could persuade her to hire more help and spend less time there. He’d have to see. He wanted her happy.

Lucian toyed with a strand of her hair and wondered what her own house was like. He was imagining it small and cozy, full of overstuffed furniture and comfy pillows. He supposed he’d find out soon enough. They’d head down there once Morgan and Donny were caught and out of the way.

Leigh murmured sleepily again, rubbing her head on his chest like a cat, and Lucian smiled. Releasing her hair, he let his hand run down her warm skin, caressing her back, his smile widening as she murmured and cuddled against him while arching into the touch. He loved touching her. He loved how she responded. He loved her.

The thought didn’t surprise him. Their minds had merged while they’d made love, and he’d caught glimpses into her. Leigh had a quick, intelligent brain, a kind and loving heart, and she cared for others before herself. She was also as alone and lonely as he was. A kindred spirit.

Unfortunately, she also had a passel of fears bundled up inside her. He had only touched on them, but knew there were some things to get past before their future could be pursued. But for the most part, he felt sure everything was fine.

“Hello. How long did I sleep?”

Lucian glanced down and smiled at the sexy, sleepy look on Leigh’s face.

“Not long. Are you ready for a shower and breakfast?” he asked, though it was going to be more like a late lunch. It had been past lunchtime when he’d tried to cook. Now the clock on the dresser said it was close to three in the afternoon.

“Oh yes,” Leigh moaned, then gasped with surprise as Lucian suddenly shifted and swung her up in his arms as he slid off the bed.

“Mmm,” she purred, slipping her arms around his neck. “You’d better watch it, Argeneau. What with you feeding me, then carting me about... you’ll spoil me with all this care, and I’ll come to expect it.”

“And so you should. A smart man treats his life mate as the jewel she is,” Lucian said softly, and Leigh’s smile faded, a flicker of concern drifting through her eyes.

“What is it?” he asked, but she glanced away, then cleared her throat as she saw he’d carried her into the bathroom.

“Ooh, this is nice,” she murmured, peering around the huge room with its sunken sauna and stand-up shower that could fit four, maybe five people. “Thomas certainly has luxurious taste.”

“He can afford it,” Lucian said with a shrug, setting her on her feet as she began to wiggle. He felt her absence as she moved to the shower and opened the door.

“Are we sharing?” Leigh asked, tossing him a smile over her shoulder.

“Water conservation is always a good idea,” he said with feigned solemnity.

Leigh chuckled as she stepped into the shower and moved to adjust the water taps. “Yes, well, that’s all well and good, but you behave yourself. I am hungry, and if you start something, we’ll never get out to breakfast.”

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